About the Authors

Alex Davies is a student reading economics at Durham University in the United Kingdom. He has worked as a freelance systems administrator specializing in clustering since 2000, and he is a member of the exclusive MySQL Guilds for “exceptional MySQL Community members.”

Alex is a regular participant on the MySQL Cluster mailing lists and forums and has helped hundreds of people with their clusters.

When not in front of a computer, Alex enjoys sports, including cross-country running and adventure training, particularly walking, climbing, and skiing.

Harrison Fisk is employed as a consultant and trainer by MySQL AB. He teaches many MySQL Cluster and general MySQL courses throughout the United States and Canada. In addition, he occasionally gives talks at conferences and meetings dealing with MySQL Cluster and MySQL in general. You can regularly find him interacting with the MySQL community through IRC, forums, and mailing lists.

Harrison lives with his fiancée and soulmate, Erin, and their two cats, Neko and Forrest. When not working, he enjoys video games, going to the movies, and playing role-playing games.

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