Chapter 7


1. ‘This book’ [author’s stress] refers to The Mask of Sanity (1941) by Harvey Cleckley, professor of clinical psychiatry at the Medical College of Georgia. In this book Dr Cleckley talks of psychopathic personalities, that is, humans who are without conscience. Kurt Vonnegut (2005), ‘Custodians of Chaos’, in Kurt Vonnegut (ed) A Man Without a Country: A Memoir of Life in George W. Bush’s America, London: Bloomsbury Publishing plc.

2. Brice Smith and Arjun Makhijani, ‘Emerging Picture of Uranium’s Health Risks’, Science for Democratic Action, Institute for Energy.& Environmental Research, 13 (2), June 2006, pp. 5–6.

3. Patricia Horan and Asaf Durakovic, ‘The Search for Depleted Uranium in Biological and Environmental Samples’, 31 May 2001, abstract; the abstract can be accessed at (last accessed on 24 December 2009).

4. Doug Westerman, ‘Depleted Uranium Dust: Public Health Disaster for the People of Iraq and Afghanistan’, Global Research, 3 May 2006.

5. Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, Former Chief of the Naval Staff, India, ‘Silent WMDs—Effects of Depleted Uranium’, at IIPNW Conference, Dialogues with Decision Makers, 29 Feb 2004.

6. Leuren Moret, ‘The Queen’s Death Star—Depleted Uranium Measured in British Atmosphere from Battlefields in the Middle East’, 26 February 2006; Nucs/2006/DU-Europe-Moret26feb06.htm (last accessed on 24 December 2009).

7. (last accessed on 27 December2009).

8. Afghanistan Opium Survey, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, October 2002.

9. (last accessed on 27 December 2009).

10. (last accessed on 27 December 2009).

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. Desert News, Salt Lake City, Utah, 5 October 2003.

14. (last accessed on 27 December 2009).

15. ‘Environmental Crisis’; (last accessed on 27 December 2009)

16. Michael C. Ruppert, 2004, Crossing the Rubicon, Gabriola Island, British Columbia: New Society Publishers, pp. 50–75. See Chapter 3 ‘The CIA Is Wall Street, and Drug Money Is King’ and Chapter 4 ‘Connecting Drugs and Oil’. Evidences from various documents are given in these two chapters.

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