Chapter 1. About Node.js

Node.js is an exciting new platform for developing web applications, application servers, any sort of network server or client, and general purpose programming. It is designed for extreme scalability in networked applications through an ingenious combination of server-side JavaScript, asynchronous I/O, asynchronous programming, built around JavaScript anonymous functions, and a single execution thread event-driven architecture.

While only a few years old, Node.js has quickly grown in prominence to where it's playing a significant role. Companies, small and large, are using it for large-scale and small-scale projects. PayPal, for example, has converted many services from Java to Node.js.

The Node.js model is very different from common application server platforms using threads. The claim is that with the single-thread event-driven architecture, memory footprint is low, throughput is high, the latency profile under load is better, and the programming model is simpler. The Node.js platform is in a phase of rapid growth, and many are seeing it as a compelling alternative to the traditional Java, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, and so on, approach to building web applications.

At its heart, it is a standalone JavaScript engine with extensions making it suitable for general purpose programming and with a clear focus on application server development. Even though we're comparing Node.js to application server platforms, it is not an application server. Instead, Node.js is a programming runtime akin to Python, Go, or Java SE. There are web application frameworks and application servers written in Node.js, however. In the few years that Node.js has been available, it's quickly gained a significant role, fulfilling the prediction that it could potentially supplant other web application stacks.

It is implemented around a non-blocking I/O event loop and a layer of file and network I/O libraries, all built on top of the V8 JavaScript engine (from the Chrome web browser). At the time of writing this, Microsoft had just proposed a patch to allow Node.js to utilize the ChakraCore JavaScript engine (from the Edge web browser). The theoretical possibility of hosting the Node.js API on top of a different JavaScript engine may come true, in the due course of time. Visit to take a look at the project.

The I/O library is general enough to implement any sort of server implementing any TCP or UDP protocol, whether it's DNS, HTTP, IRC, or FTP. While it supports developing servers or clients for any network protocol, its biggest use case is in regular websites in place of technology such as an Apache/PHP or Rails stack or to complement existing websites. For example, adding real-time chat or monitoring existing websites can be easily done with the Socket.IO library for Node.js.

A particularly intriguing combination is deploying small services using Docker into cloud hosting infrastructure. A large application can be divided into what's now called microservices and easily deployed at scale using Docker. The result fits agile project management methods since each microservice can be easily managed by a small team which collaborates at the boundary of their individual API.

This book will give you an introduction to Node.js. We presume the following:

  • You already know how to write software
  • You are familiar with JavaScript
  • You know something about developing web applications in other languages

We will cover the following topics in this chapter:

  • An introduction to Node.js
  • Why you should use Node.js
  • The architecture of Node.js
  • Performance, utilization, and scalability with Node.js
  • Node.js, microservice architecture, and testing
  • Implementing the Twelve-Factor App model with Node.js

We will dive right into developing working applications and recognize that often the best way to learn is by rummaging around in working code.

The capabilities of Node.js

Node.js is a platform for writing JavaScript applications outside web browsers. This is not the JavaScript we are familiar with in web browsers! For example, there is no DOM built into Node.js, nor any other browser capability.

Beyond its native ability to execute JavaScript, the bundled modules provide capabilities of this sort:

  • Command-line tools (in shell script style)
  • An interactive-TTY style of program (REPL which stands for Read-Eval-Print Loop)
  • Excellent process control functions to oversee child processes
  • A buffer object to deal with binary data
  • TCP or UDP sockets with comprehensive event-driven callbacks
  • DNS lookup
  • An HTTP and HTTPS client/server layered on top of the TCP library filesystem access
  • Built-in rudimentary unit testing support through assertions

The network layer of Node.js is low level while being simple to use. For example, the HTTP modules allow you to write an HTTP server (or client) using a few lines of code. This is powerful, but it puts you, the programmer, very close to the protocol requests and makes you implement precisely those HTTP headers that you should return in request responses.

In other words, it's very easy to write an HTTP server in Node.js, but the typical web application developer doesn't need to work at that level of detail. For example, PHP coders assume that Apache is already there, and that they don't have to implement the HTTP server portion of the stack. The Node.js community has developed a wide range of web application frameworks such as Express, allowing developers to quickly configure an HTTP server that provides all of the basics we've come to expect—sessions, cookies, serving static files, logging, and so on—thus letting developers focus on their business logic.

Server-side JavaScript

Quit scratching your head already. Of course you're doing it, scratching your head and mumbling to yourself, "What's a browser language doing on the server?". In truth, JavaScript has a long and largely unknown history outside the browser. JavaScript is a programming language, just like any other language, and the better question to ask is "Why should JavaScript remain trapped inside browsers?".

Back in the dawn of the web age, the tools for writing web applications were at a fledgling stage. Some were experimenting with Perl or TCL to write CGI scripts, and the PHP and Java languages had just been developed. Even then, JavaScript saw use on the server side. One early web application server was Netscape's LiveWire server, which used JavaScript. Some versions of Microsoft's ASP used JScript, their version of JavaScript. A more recent server-side JavaScript project is the RingoJS application framework in the Java universe In other words, JavaScript outside the browser is not a new thing, even if it is uncommon.

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