
Before we get into databases, we have to address one of the attributes of a high-quality software system—managing logged information, including normal system activity, system errors, and debugging information. Logs are supposed to give us visibility into the behavior of the system. How much traffic is it getting? If it's a website, which pages are people hitting the most? How many errors occur and of what kind? Do attacks occur? Are malformed requests being sent?

Log management is also an issue. Log rotation means moving the log file out of the way every day, or so, to start with a fresh one. You should process logged data to produce reports. A high priority on screening for security vulnerabilities is a must.

The Twelve-Factor application model suggests simply sending logging information to the console, and then some other software system captures that output and directs it to a logging service. Following their advice can reduce system complexity by having fewer things that can break. In a later chapter, we'll use PM2 for that purpose.

Let's first complete a tour of information logging as it stands right now in Notes.

When we used the Express Generator to initially create the Notes app, it configured an activity logging system using Morgan:

var logger = require('morgan');

This is what prints the requests on the terminal window. Visit https://github.com/expressjs/morgan for more information.

Internally, Express uses the Debug package for debugging traces. You can turn these on using the DEBUG environment variable. We should try to use this package in our application code. For more information, visit https://www.npmjs.com/package/debug.

There may be random instances where we print stuff to stdout or stderr. This should be done using the Debug package, but third-party modules might do this and we should capture their output somehow.

Finally, the application might generate uncaught exceptions. The uncaughtException error needs to be captured, logged, and dealt with appropriately.

Request logging with Morgan

The Morgan package has two general areas for configuration:

  • Log format
  • Log location

As it stands, the code uses the dev format, which is described as a concise status output meant for developers. This can be used to log web requests as a way to measure website activity and popularity. The Apache log format already has a large ecosystem of reporting tools, and sure enough Morgan can produce log files in this format. It also has a nice method to generate a custom log format, if you prefer.

To change the format, simply change this line in app.js:

app.use(logger(process.env.REQUEST_LOG_FORMAT || 'dev'));

Then run Notes as follows:

$ REQUEST_LOG_FORMAT=common npm start

> [email protected] start /Users/david/chap07/notes
> node ./bin/www
::1 - - [12/Feb/2016:05:51:21 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 -
::1 - - [12/Feb/2016:05:51:21 +0000] "GET /vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css HTTP/1.1" 304 -
::1 - - [12/Feb/2016:05:51:21 +0000] "GET /stylesheets/style.css HTTP/1.1" 304 -
::1 - - [12/Feb/2016:05:51:21 +0000] "GET /vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js HTTP/1.1" 304 -

To revert to the previous logging output, simply do not set this environment variable.

According to the Morgan documentation, we can even pass a format string this way. If we need a custom log format, it's easy to define one.

We can declare victory on request logging and move on to debugging messages. However, let's look at logging this to a file directly. While it's possible to capture stdout through a separate process, Morgan is already installed in Notes and it does provide the capability to direct its output to a file.

The Morgan documentation suggests this:

// create a write stream (in append mode)
var accessLogStream = fs.createWriteStream(
            __dirname + '/access.log', {flags: 'a'})

// setup the logger
app.use(morgan('combined', {stream: accessLogStream}));

But this has a problem; it's impossible to perform log rotation without killing and restarting the server. Instead, we'll use their file-stream-rotator package.

First, install the package:

$ npm install file-stream-rotator --save

Then we add this code to app.js:

var FileStreamRotator = require('file-stream-rotator');
var accessLogStream;
if (process.env.REQUEST_LOG_FILE) {
    var logDirectory = path.dirname(process.env.REQUEST_LOG_FILE);
    fs.existsSync(logDirectory) || fs.mkdirSync(logDirectory);
    accessLogStream = FileStreamRotator.getStream({
      filename: process.env.REQUEST_LOG_FILE,
      frequency: 'daily',
      verbose: false
app.use(logger(process.env.REQUEST_LOG_FORMAT || 'dev', {
    stream: accessLogStream ? accessLogStream : process.stdout

Here, we're using an environment variable, REQUEST_LOG_FILE, to control whether to send the log to stdout or to a file. The log can go into a directory, and the code will automatically create that directory if it doesn't exist. By using the file-stream-rotator (https://www.npmjs.com/package/file-stream-rotator), we're guaranteed to have log file rotation with no extra systems required.

Debugging messages

You can generate quite a detailed trace of what Express does by running Notes this way:

$ DEBUG=express:* npm start

This is a pretty useful thing if you want to debug Express. But, we can use this in our own code as well. This is like debugging with the console.log statements, but without having to remember to comment out the debugging code.

It is very simple to enable debugging in a module:

var debug = require('debug')('module-name');
debug('some message');
debug('got file %s', fileName);

Capturing stdout and stderr

Important messages can be printed to process.stdout or process.stderr, which can be lost if you don't capture that output. The Twelve Factor model suggests using a system facility to capture these output streams. With Notes, we'll use PM2 for that purpose, which we'll cover in Chapter 10, Deploying Node.js Applications.

The logbook module (https://github.com/jpillora/node-logbook) offers some useful capabilities to not only capture process.stdout and process.stderr, but to send that output to useful places.

Uncaught exceptions

Uncaught exceptions is another area where important information can be lost. This is easy to fix in the Notes application:

var error = require('debug')('notes:error');

process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
  error("I've crashed!!! - "+ (err.stack || err));
if (app.get('env') === 'development') {
  app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
    // util.log(err.message);
    res.status(err.status || 500);
    error((err.status || 500) +' '+ error.message);
    res.render('error', {
      message: err.message,
      error: err
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  // util.log(err.message);
  res.status(err.status || 500);
  error((err.status || 500) +' '+ error.message);
  res.render('error', {
    message: err.message,
    error: {}

The Debug package has a convention we're following. For an application with several modules, all debugger objects should use the naming pattern app-name:module-name. In this case, we used notes:error that will be used for all error messages. We could also use notes:memory-model or notes:mysql-model for debugging different models.

While we were setting up the handler for uncaught exceptions, it is also a good idea to add error logging in the error handlers.

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