Time for action – sorting complex numbers

We will create an array of complex numbers and sort it:

  1. Generate five random numbers for the real part of the complex numbers and five numbers for the imaginary part. Seed the random generator to 42:
    complex_numbers = np.random.random(5) + 1j * 
    print("Complex numbers
    ", complex_numbers)
  2. Call the sort_complex() function to sort the complex numbers we generated in the previous step:
    ", np.sort_complex(complex_numbers))

    The sorted numbers would be:

    [ 0.39342751+0.34955771j  0.40597665+0.77477433j  0.41516850+0.26221878j
      0.86631422+0.74612422j  0.92293095+0.81335691j]

What just happened?

We generated random complex numbers and sorted them using the sort_complex() function (see sortcomplex.py):

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np

complex_numbers = np.random.random(5) + 1j * np.random.random(5)
print("Complex numbers
", complex_numbers)

", np.sort_complex(complex_numbers))

Pop quiz – generating random numbers

Q1. Which NumPy module deals with random numbers?

  1. Randnum
  2. random
  3. randomutil
  4. rand
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