Time for action – decorating tests

We will apply the @setastest decorator directly to test functions. Then we will apply the same decorator to a method to disable it. Also, we will skip one of the tests and fail another. First, install nose in case you don't have it yet.

  1. Install nose with setuptools:
    $ [sudo] easy_install nose

    Or pip:

    $ [sudo] pip install nose
  2. Apply one function as being a test and another as not being a test:
    def test_false():
    def test_true():
  3. Skip tests with the @skipif decorator. Let's use a condition that always leads to a test being skipped:
    def test_skip():
  4. Add a test function that always passes. Then, decorate it with the @knownfailureif decorator so that the test always fails:
    def test_alwaysfail():
  5. Define some test classes with methods that normally should be executed by nose:
    class TestClass():
       def test_true2(self):
    class TestClass2():
       def test_false2(self):
  6. Let's disable the second test method from the previous step:
    decorate_methods(TestClass2, setastest(False), 'test_false2')
  7. Run the tests with the following command:
    $ nosetests -v decorator_setastest.py
    decorator_setastest.TestClass.test_true2 ... ok
    decorator_setastest.test_true ... ok
    decorator_test.test_skip ... SKIP: Skipping test: test_skipTest skipped due to test condition
    decorator_test.test_alwaysfail ... ERROR
    ERROR: decorator_test.test_alwaysfail
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "…/nose/case.py", line 197, in runTest
      File …/numpy/testing/decorators.py", line 213, in knownfailer
        raise KnownFailureTest(msg)
    KnownFailureTest: Test skipped due to known failure
    Ran 4 tests in 0.001s
    FAILED (SKIP=1, errors=1)

What just happened?

We decorated some functions and methods as not being tests so that they were ignored by nose. We skipped one test and failed another too. We did this by applying decorators directly and with the decorate_methods() function (see decorator_test.py):

from numpy.testing.decorators import setastest
from numpy.testing.decorators import skipif
from numpy.testing.decorators import knownfailureif
from numpy.testing import decorate_methods

def test_false():

def test_true():

def test_skip():

def test_alwaysfail():

class TestClass():
   def test_true2(self):

class TestClass2():
   def test_false2(self):

decorate_methods(TestClass2, setastest(False), 'test_false2')
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