Large Pool

An optional area in the SGA (System Global Area) used for specific database operations such as backup, recovery, or the UGA (User Global Area), when using the Oracle Shared Server configuration. See also System Global Area (SGA); User Global Area (UGA).

least recently used (LRU) algorithm

The mechanism that the Oracle kernel uses to manage the Shared Pool and database buffer caches, whereby the SQL or buffers that have been least recently accessed are those that are overwritten to make room for new SQL or buffers when these requests are made by user Server Processes.


See log writer.


A server-side process that is responsible for listening and establishing connections to an Oracle server in response to a client connection request.


The configuration file for the Oracle listener located on the Oracle server.

load balancing

The ability of the Oracle listener to balance the number of connections between a group of dispatcher processes in an Oracle Shared Server environment.

localnaming method

A names resolution method that relies on resolving an Oracle Net service name via the tnsnames.ora file.


The recording of the DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements, creation of new objects, and other changes in the redo logs. The process also records significant events, such as starting and stopping the listener, along with certain kinds of network errors. See also Data Manipulation Language (DML).

log sequence number

An identifier unique to the database that is incremented and recorded when an online redo log file is switched.

log writer (LGWR)

The background process that writes redo log entries from the Redo Log Buffer to the online redo logs. See also Redo Log Buffer.

long query warning alert

An alert generated when a query issues an ORA-01555: snapshot too old error message. This error usually occurs either when there is not enough space in the undo tablespace to hold the previous values of changed data or when the undo retention period for the database is set too low.

lsnrctl stop

The command to stop the default Oracle listener.

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