4.3. An Overview of Oracle Net Features

Oracle Net is the glue that bonds the Oracle network together. It is responsible for handling client-to-server and server-to-server communications, and it can be configured on the client, the middle-tier application, web servers, and the Oracle server.

Oracle Net manages the flow of information in the Oracle network infrastructure. First, it establishes the initial connection to the Oracle server, and then it acts as the messenger, passing requests from the client back to the server or passing them between two Oracle servers. Oracle Net handles all negotiations between the client and server during the client connection.

In addition to functioning as an information manager, Oracle Net supports the use of middleware products such as Oracle Application Server and Oracle Connection Manager. These products allow n -tier architectures to be used in the enterprise, which increases the flexibility and performance of application designs.

Figure 4.3. Connection requests in n-tier architecture

To provide a further understanding of the features of Oracle Net, the following sections discuss in detail the five categories of networking solutions that Oracle Net addresses:

  • Connectivity

  • Manageability

  • Scalability

  • Security

  • Accessibility

4.3.1. Connectivity

There are many ways in which a client can interact with an Oracle database. A client may be running a PC-based application or a dumb terminal application, or perhaps the client is connecting to the database via the Internet. Let's take a look at how Oracle supports connectivity to the database through these and other interfaces. Multi-Protocol Support

Oracle Net supports a wide range of industry-standard protocols such as TCP/IP and named pipes. This support is handled transparently and allows Oracle Net to connect to a wide range of computers and a wide range of operating environments. Multiple Operating Systems

Oracle Net can run on many operating system platforms, from Windows XP, to all variants of Unix, to large mainframe-based operating systems. This range allows users to bridge existing systems to other Unix or PC-based systems, which increases the data access flexibility of the organization without making wholesale changes to the existing systems. Java and JDBC

Applications written in Java can take advantage of the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers provided with Oracle to connect to an Oracle server. The two basic types of JDBC drivers are JDBC Oracle Call Interface (OCI) and JDBC thin.

The JDBC Oracle Call Interface driver is a client-side installed driver that is used if the Java application is resident on a client computer. This driver is also called a type II driver because the driver software is installed on the computer that is using the application. It uses OCI to interact with the Oracle Net infrastructure. Figure 4.4 shows how a client and server communicate when using a JDBC OCI connection.

In this example, the Java application installed on the client uses the JDBC OCI driver and Oracle database server. When an application makes a database request, it uses the JDBC OCI driver to translate the JDBC calls and send them to Oracle Net. Oracle Net is used on both the client and server to broker all communications between the two endpoints.

The JDBC thin driver is written entirely in Java and, as such, is platform independent. It does not have to be installed on a client computer (hence, the term thin driver). The driver interfaces directly with a layer of the Oracle Net infrastructure called the Two-Task Common Layer.

Figure 4.4. Oracle JDBC OCI connection

4.3.2. Manageability

Oracle Net provides a variety of features that allow you to manage the components of an Oracle network. Let's review the key manageability features of Oracle Net. Web Applications

Oracle Net supports a variety of connectivity solutions from a web browser interface. Connections can be made through a middle-tier web or application server or directly from a web browser to an Oracle service.

When a middle-tier solution is used, the web browser uses HTTP to contact a database service and request information. Typically, an application or web server receives this request and hands it off to Oracle Net, which manages the connection between the web server and the database server. Once the database server receives the connection request, the request is processed and passed back to the web server. The web server then sends the response back to the client's web browser. This type of request fulfillment requires that the middle-tier application server be loaded with the Oracle Net software, but the client does not require any additional software.

Oracle also supports web connectivity directly from a web client. For example, a Java applet running within a web browser can use a JDBC driver to connect directly to an Oracle server without the need for an application or web server. Location Transparency

Oracle Net provides the infrastructure to manage the database location. This is important especially in large organizations that support many databases and clients. Each database in the organization is represented as one or more services. Database services are defined by one or more service names. The actual definition of the service names is managed within Oracle Net. The definition holds information about the type and location of the service on the network. This layer of abstraction provides location transparency to the client and centralizes the management of connection information within Oracle Net, which simplifies the job of managing the network. Directory Naming

Directory Naming allows service names to be resolved through a centralized naming repository. The central repository takes the form of a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)–compliant server. LDAP is a protocol and language that defines a standard method for storing, identifying, and retrieving services. It provides a simplified way to manage directories of information, whether this information is about users in an organization or Oracle services connected to a network. The LDAP server allows for a standard form of managing and resolving names in an Oracle environment. The quality of these services excels because LDAP provides a single, industry-standard interface to a directory service such as Oracle Internet Directory (OID). By using OID, you ensure security and reliability of the directory information because information is stored in the Oracle database.


As of Oracle 10g, Directory Naming is the preferred method of centralized naming within an Oracle environment, replacing the Oracle Names Server, which is no longer supported for centralized naming.

4.3.3. Scalability

Many enterprise systems are growing rapidly, supporting larger and larger databases and user communities. Your network capabilities need to be able support this growth. Oracle Net provides features that allow you to expand your network reach and maximize your system resources to meet these demands. Oracle Shared Server

Oracle Shared Server is an optional configuration of the Oracle server that allows support for a large number of concurrent connections without increasing physical resource requirements. This is accomplished by sharing resources among groups of users.

Directory Services: Oracle Internet Directory

The OID is an LDAP 3–compliant directory service that provides the repository and infrastructure needed to enable a centralized naming solution using Directory Naming. OID is compatible with older releases of Oracle such as Oracle8i and Oracle9i. In Oracle 10g, the OID runs as an application. The OID service can run on a remote server, and it can communicate with the Oracle server using Oracle Net. The OID is a scalable architecture, and it provides mechanisms for replicating service information among other Oracle servers.

OID also provides security in a number of ways. First, it can be integrated into a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) environment to ensure user authentication. Also, an administrator can maintain policies that grant or deny access to services. These policies are defined for entities within the OID tree structure.


Oracle Shared Server is discussed in detail in Chapter 5, "Oracle Shared Server." Connection Manager

Oracle Connection Manager is a middleware solution that provides three additional scalability features:

Multiplexing Connection Manager can group many client connections and send them as a single multiplexed network connection to the Oracle server. This reduces the total number of network connections that the server has to manage.

Network access You can configure Connection Manager with rules that restrict access by IP address. You can set up this rules-based configuration to accept or reject client connection requests. Also, connections can be restricted by point of origin, destination server, or Oracle server.

Cross-protocol connectivity This feature allows clients and servers that use different network protocols to communicate. Connection Manager acts as a translator, providing two-way protocol conversion.

Oracle Connection Manager is controlled by a set of background processes that manage the communications between clients and servers. Figure 4.5 provides an overview of the Connection Manager architecture.

Figure 4.5. Connection Manager architecture

4.3.4. Security

The threat of data tampering and database security is an issue of major concern in many organizations, as network systems continue to grow in number and complexity and as users gain increasing access to systems. Sensitive business transactions are being conducted with greater frequency and, in many cases, are not protected from unauthorized tampering or message interception. Oracle Net is capable of providing organizations with a secure network environment to conduct business transactions. Advanced Security

Oracle Advanced Security, formerly known as the Advanced Security Option and the Advanced Networking Option, not only provides the tools necessary to ensure secure transmissions of sensitive information, but it also provides mechanisms to confidently identify and authenticate users in the Oracle enterprise.

When configured on the client and the Oracle server, Oracle Advanced Security supports secured data transactions by encrypting and optionally checksumming the transmission of information that is sent in a transaction. Oracle supports encryption and checksumming by taking advantage of industry-standard algorithms, such as RSA RC4, Standard DES and Triple DES, and MD5 checksumming. These security features ensure that data transmitted from the client has not been altered during transmission to the Oracle server.

Oracle Advanced Security also gives you the ability to authenticate users connecting to the Oracle servers. In fact, a number of authentication features ensure that users really are who they claim to be. These are offered in the form of token cards, which use a physical card and a useridentifying PIN number to gain access to the system; the biometrics option, which uses fingerprint technology to authenticate user connection requests; public key; and certificate-based authentication.

Another feature of Oracle Advanced Security is the ability to have a single sign-on mechanism for clients. Single sign-on is accomplished with a centralized security server that allows the user to connect to any of the Oracle services in the enterprise using a single user ID and password. Oracle leverages the industry-standard features of Kerberos to enable these capabilities. This greatly simplifies the privilege matrix that administrators must manage when they are dealing with large numbers of users and systems.


Kerberos is an authentication mechanism based on the sharing of secrets between two systems. Firewall Support

Firewalls are an important security mechanism in corporate networks. Firewalls are generally a combination of hardware and software used to control network traffic and prevent intruders from compromising corporate network security. Firewalls fall into two broad categories:

IP-Filtering Firewalls IP-filtering firewalls monitor the network packet traffic on IP networks and filter out packets that either originated or did not originate from specific groups of machines. The information contained in the IP packet header is interrogated to obtain this information. Vendors of this type of firewall include Network Associates and Axent Communications.

Proxy-Based Firewalls Proxy-based firewalls prevent information from outside the firewall from flowing directly into the corporate network. The firewall acts as a gatekeeper, inspecting packets and sending only the appropriate information through to the corporate network. This prevents any direct communication between clients outside the firewall and applications inside the firewall. Check Point Software Technologies and Cisco are examples of vendors that market proxy-based firewalls.

Oracle works closely with the vendors of both types of firewalls to ensure support of database traffic through these types of mechanism. Oracle supplies the Oracle Net Application Proxy Kit to the firewall vendors. This product can be incorporated into the firewall architecture to allow database packets to pass through the firewall and still maintain a high degree of security.

4.3.5. Accessibility

In many organizations, workers need to be able to communicate across a variety of systems and databases. They spend a lot of time bringing together data from different systems. The accessibility features of Oracle Net have capabilities that allow you to communicate with non-database data sources. This ability opens up new opportunities to provide customers with accurate and timely information.

Real World Scenario: Know Thy Firewall

It is important to understand your network infrastructure, the network routes that you are using to obtain database connections, and the type of firewall products that you are using. In more than one situation, I've seen firewalls cause connectivity issues between a client and an Oracle server.

For instance, a small patch was applied to a firewall when I was working as a DBA for one of my former employers. In this case, employees started experiencing intermittent disconnects from the Oracle database. After many days of investigation and network tracing, we pinned down the exact problem. We then contacted the firewall vendor, who sent us a new patch to apply that corrected the problem.

In another instance, I was working as a DBA for a large corporate client. The development staff started experiencing a similar connection problem. It turned out that the networking routes for the development staff had been modified to connect through a new firewall, with connections timing out after 20 minutes. This timeout was too short for this department. Increasing the timeout parameter solved the problem.

These are examples of the types of network changes that you need to be aware of to avoid unnecessary downtime and to avoid wasting staff time and resources. Heterogeneous Services

Heterogeneous Services provide the ability to communicate with non-Oracle databases and services. These services allow organizations to leverage and interact with their existing data stores without having to necessarily move the data to an Oracle server.

The suite of Heterogeneous Services comprises the Oracle Transparent Gateway and Generic Connectivity. These products allow Oracle to communicate with non-Oracle data sources in a seamless configuration. Heterogeneous Services also integrate existing systems with the Oracle environment, which allows you to leverage your investment in those systems. These services also allow for two-way communication and replication from Oracle data sources to non-Oracle data sources.

Transparent Gateway seamlessly extends the reach of Oracle to non-Oracle data stores, which allows you to treat non-Oracle data sources as if they were part of the Oracle environment. In fact, the user is not even aware that the data being accessed is coming from a non-Oracle source. This can significantly reduce the time and investment necessary to transition from existing systems to the Oracle environment. Transparent Gateway fully supports SQL and the Oracle transaction control features, and it currently supports access to more than 30 non-Oracle data sources.

Generic Connectivity provides a set of agents, which contain basic connectivity capabilities. It also provides a foundation so that you can custom-build connectivity solutions using standard OLE Database, Microsoft's interface to data access. OLE DB requires an ODBC driver to interface to the agents. You can also use ODBC as a stand-alone connection solution. For example, with the proper Oracle ODBC driver, you can access an Oracle database from programs such as Microsoft Excel. (You can obtain these drivers from Oracle or third-party vendors.) Because these drivers are generic in nature, they do not provide as robust an interface to external services as does the Transparent Gateway. External Procedures

In some development efforts, interfacing with procedures that reside outside the database may be necessary. These procedures are typically written in a third-generation language, such as C. Oracle Net provides the ability to invoke such external procedures from Oracle PL/SQL callouts. When a call is made, a process is started that acts as an interface between Oracle and the external procedure. This callout process defaults to the name extproc. The listener is then responsible for supplying information, such as a library or procedure name and any parameters, to the called procedure. These programs are then loaded and executed under the control of the extproc process.

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