
File-System Interface

For most users, the file system is the most visible aspect of an operating system. It provides the mechanism for on-line storage of and access to both data and programs of the operating system and all the users of the computer system. The file system consists of two distinct parts: a collection of files, each storing related data, and a directory structure, which organizes and provides information about all the files in the system. File systems live on devices, which we described in the preceding chapter and will continue to discuss in the following one. In this chapter, we consider the various aspects of files and the major directory structures. We also discuss the semantics of sharing files among multiple processes, users, and computers. Finally, we discuss ways to handle file protection, necessary when we have multiple users and we want to control who may access files and how files may be accessed.


  • To explain the function of file systems.
  • To describe the interfaces to file systems.
  • To discuss file-system design tradeoffs, including access methods, file sharing, file locking, and directory structures.
  • To explore file-system protection.

10.1 File Concept

Computers can store information on various storage media, such as hard disks, magnetic tapes, and optical disks. So that the computer system will be convenient to use, the operating system provides a uniform logical view of stored information. The operating system abstracts from the physical properties of its storage devices to define a logical storage unit, the file. Files are mapped by the operating system onto physical devices. These storage devices are usually nonvolatile, so the contents are persistent between system reboots.

A file is a named collection of related information that is recorded on secondary storage. From a user's perspective, a file is the smallest allotment of logical secondary storage; that is, data cannot be written to secondary storage unless they are within a file. Commonly, files represent programs (both source and object forms) and data. Data files may be numeric, alphabetic, alphanumeric, or binary. Files may be free form, such as text files, or may be formatted rigidly. In general, a file is a sequence of bits, bytes, lines, or records, the meaning of which is defined by the file's creator and user. The concept of a file is thus extremely general.

The information in a file is defined by its creator. Many different types of information may be stored in a file—source or executable programs, numeric or text data, photos, music, video, and so on. A file has a certain defined structure, which depends on its type. A text file is a sequence of characters organized into lines (and possibly pages). A source file is a sequence of functions, each of which is further organized as declarations followed by executable statements. An executable file is a series of code sections that the loader can bring into memory and execute.

10.1.1 File Attributes

A file is named, for the convenience of its human users, and is referred to by its name. A name is usually a string of characters, such as example.c. Some systems differentiate between uppercase and lowercase characters in names, whereas other systems do not. When a file is named, it becomes independent of the process, the user, and even the system that created it. For instance, one user might create the file example.c, and another user might edit that file by specifying its name. The file's owner might write the file to a USB disk, send it as an e-mail attachment, or copy it across a network, and it could still be called example.c on the destination system.

A file's attributes vary from one operating system to another but typically consist of these:

  • Name. The symbolic file name is the only information kept in human-readable form.
  • Identifier. This unique tag, usually a number, identifies the file within the file system; it is the non-human-readable name for the file.
  • Type. This information is needed for systems that support different types of files.
  • Location. This information is a pointer to a device and to the location of the file on that device.
  • Size. The current size of the file (in bytes, words, or blocks) and possibly the maximum allowed size are included in this attribute.
  • Protection. Access-control information determines who can do reading, writing, executing, and so on.
  • Time, date, and user identification. This information may be kept for creation, last modification, and last use. These data can be useful for protection, security, and usage monitoring.

Some newer file systems also support extended file attributes, including character encoding of the file and security features such as a file checksum. Figure 10.1 illustrates a file info window on Mac OS X, which displays a file's attributes.

The information about all files is kept in the directory structure, which also resides on secondary storage. Typically, a directory entry consists of the file's name and its unique identifier. The identifier in turn locates the other file attributes. It may take more than a kilobyte to record this information for each file. In a system with many files, the size of the directory itself may be megabytes. Because directories, like files, must be nonvolatile, they must bestored on the device and brought into memory piecemeal, as needed.


Figure 10.1 A file info window on Mac OS X.

(This an independent publication and it has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc.)

10.1.2 File Operations

A file is an abstract data type. To define a file properly, we need to consider the operations that can be performed on files. The operating system can provide system calls to create, write, read, reposition, delete, and truncate files. Let's examine what the operating system must do to perform each of these six basic file operations. It should then be easy to see how other similar operations, such as renaming a file, can be implemented.

  • Creating a file. Two steps are necessary to create a file. First, space in the file system must be found for the file. We discuss how to allocate space for the file in Chapter 11. Second, an entry for the new file must be made in the directory.
  • Writing a file. To write a file, we make a system call specifying both the name of the file and the information to be written to the file. Given the name of the file, the system searches the directory to find the file's location. The system must keep a write pointer to the location in the file where the next write is to take place. The write pointer must be updated whenever a write occurs.
  • Reading a file. To read from a file, we use a system call that specifies the name of the file and where (in memory) the next block of the file should be put. Again, the directory is searched for the associated entry, and the system needs to keep a read pointer to the location in the file where the next read is to take place. Once the read has taken place, the read pointer is updated. Because a process is usually either reading from or writing to a file, the current operation location can be kept as a per-process current-file-position pointer. Both the read and write operations use this same pointer, saving space and reducing system complexity.
  • Repositioning within a file. The directory is searched for the appropriate entry, and the current-file-position pointer is repositioned to a given value. Repositioning within a file need not involve any actual I/O. This file operation is also known as a file seek.
  • Deleting a file. To delete a file, we search the directory for the named file. Having found the associated directory entry, we release all file space, so that it can be reused by other files, and erase the directory entry.
  • Truncating a file. The user may want to erase the contents of a file but keep its attributes. Rather than forcing the user to delete the file and then recreate it, this function allows all attributes to remain unchanged—except for file length—but lets the file be reset to length zero and its file space released.

These six basic operations comprise the minimal set of required file operations. Other common operations include appending new information to the end of an existing file and renaming an existing file. These primitive operations can then be combined to perform other file operations. For instance, we can create a copy of a file—or copy the file to another I/O device, such as a printer or a display—by creating a new file and then reading from the old and writing to the new. We also want to have operations that allow a user to get and set the various attributes of a file. For example, we may want to have operations that allow a user to determine the status of a file, such as the file's length, and to set file attributes, such as the file's owner.

Most of the file operations mentioned involve searching the directory for the entry associated with the named file. To avoid this constant searching, many systems require that an open() system call be made before a file is first used. The operating system keeps a table, called the open-file table, containing information about all open files. When a file operation is requested, the file is specified via an index into this table, so no searching is required. When the file is no longer being actively used, it is closed by the process, and the operating system removes its entry from the open-file table. create() and delete() are system calls that work with closed rather than open files.

Some systems implicitly open a file when the first reference to it is made. The file is automatically closed when the job or program that opened the file terminates. Most systems, however, require that the programmer open a file explicitly with the open() system call before that file can be used. The open() operation takes a file name and searches the directory, copying the directory entry into the open-file table. The open() call can also accept access mode information—create, read-only, read–write, append-only, and so on. This mode is checked against the file's permissions. If the request mode is allowed, the file is opened for the process. The open() system call typically returns a pointer to the entry in the open-file table. This pointer, not the actual file name, is used in all I/O operations, avoiding any further searching and simplifying the system-call interface.

The implementation of the open() and close() operations is more complicated in an environment where several processes may open the file simultaneously. This may occur in a system where several different applications open the same file at the same time. Typically, the operating system uses two levels of internal tables: a per-process table and a system-wide table. The per-process table tracks all files that a process has open. Stored in this table is information regarding the process's use of the file. For instance, the current file pointer for each file is found here. Access rights to the file and accounting information can also be included.

Each entry in the per-process table in turn points to a system-wide open-file table. The system-wide table contains process-independent information, such as the location of the file on disk, access dates, and file size. Once a file has been opened by one process, the system-wide table includes an entry for the file. When another process executes an open() call, a new entry is simply added to the process's open-file table pointing to the appropriate entry in the system-wide table. Typically, the open-file table also has an open count associated with each file to indicate how many processes have the file open. Each close() decreases this open count, and when the open count reaches zero, the file is no longer in use, and the file's entry is removed from the open-file table.

In summary, several pieces of information are associated with an open file.

  • File pointer. On systems that do not include a file offset as part of the read() and write() system calls, the system must track the last read–write location as a current-file-position pointer. This pointer is unique to each process operating on the file and therefore must be kept separate from the on-disk file attributes.
  • File-open count. As files are closed, the operating system must reuse its open-file table entries, or it could run out of space in the table. Multiple processes may have opened a file, and the system must wait for the last file to close before removing the open-file table entry. The file-open count tracks the number of opens and closes and reaches zero on the last close. The system can then remove the entry.
  • Disk location of the file. Most file operations require the system to modify data within the file. The information needed to locate the file on disk is kept in memory so that the system does not have to read it from disk for each operation.
  • Access rights. Each process opens a file in an access mode. This information is stored on the per-process table so the operating system can allow or deny subsequent I/O requests.

Some operating systems provide facilities for locking an open file (or sections of a file). File locks allow one process to lock a file and prevent other processes from gaining access to it. File locks are useful for files that are shared by several processes—for example, a system log file that can be accessed and modified by a number of processes in the system.

File locks provide functionality similar to reader–writer locks, covered in Section 5.7.2. A shared lock is akin to a reader lock in that several processes can acquire the lock concurrently. An exclusive lock behaves like a writer lock; only one process at a time can acquire such a lock. It is important to note that not all operating systems provide both types of locks: some systems only provide exclusive file locking.


In the Java API, acquiring a lock requires first obtaining the FileChannel for the file to be locked. The lock() method of the FileChannel is used to acquire the lock. The API of the lock() method is

FileLock lock(long begin, long end, boolean shared) where begin and end are the beginning and ending positions of the region being locked. Setting shared to true is for shared locks; setting shared to false acquires the lock exclusively. The lock is released by invoking the release() of the FileLock returned by the lock() operation.

The program in Figure 10.2 illustrates file locking in Java. This program acquires two locks on the file file.txt. The first half of the file is acquired as an exclusive lock; the lock for the second half is a shared lock.


Figure 10.2 File-locking example in Java.

Furthermore, operating systems may provide either mandatory or advisory file-locking mechanisms. If a lock is mandatory, then once a process acquires an exclusive lock, the operating system will prevent any other process from accessing the locked file. For example, assume a process acquires an exclusive lock on the file system.log. If we attempt to open system.log from another process—for example, a text editor—the operating system will prevent access until the exclusive lock is released. This occurs even if the text editor is not written explicitly to acquire the lock. Alternatively, if the lock is advisory, then the operating system will not prevent the text editor from acquiring access to system.log. Rather, the text editor must be written so that it manually acquires the lock before accessing the file. In other words, if the locking scheme is mandatory, the operating system ensures locking integrity. For advisory locking, it is up to software developers to ensure that locks are appropriately acquired and released. As a general rule, Windows operating systems adopt mandatory locking, and UNIX systems employ advisory locks.

The use of file locks requires the same precautions as ordinary process synchronization. For example, programmers developing on systems with mandatory locking must be careful to hold exclusive file locks only while they are accessing the file. Otherwise, they will prevent other processes from accessing the file as well. Furthermore, some measures must be taken to ensure that two or more processes do not become involved in a deadlock while trying to acquire file locks.

10.1.3 File Types

When we design a file system—indeed, an entire operating system—we always consider whether the operating system should recognize and support file types. If an operating system recognizes the type of a file, it can then operate on the file in reasonable ways. For example, a common mistake occurs when a user tries to output the binary-object form of a program. This attempt normally produces garbage; however, the attempt can succeed if the operating system has been told that the file is a binary-object program.

A common technique for implementing file types is to include the type as part of the file name. The name is split into two parts—a name and an extension, usually separated by a period (Figure 10.3). In this way, the user and the operating system can tell from the name alone what the type of a file is. Most operating systems allow users to specify a file name as a sequence of characters followed by a period and terminated by an extension made up of additional characters. Examples include resume.docx, server.c, and ReaderThread.cpp.

The system uses the extension to indicate the type of the file and the type of operations that can be done on that file. Only a file with a .com, .exe, or .sh extension can be executed, for instance. The .com and .exe files are two forms of binary executable files, whereas the .sh file is a shell script containing, in ASCII format, commands to the operating system. Application programs also use extensions to indicate file types in which they are interested. For example, Java compilers expect source files to have a .java extension, and the Microsoft Word word processor expects its files to end with a .doc or .docx extension. These extensions are not always required, so a user may specify a file without the extension (to save typing), and the application will look for a file with the given name and the extension it expects. Because these extensions are not supported by the operating system, they can be considered “hints” to the applications that operate on them.


Figure 10.3 Common file types.

Consider, too, the Mac OS X operating system. In this system, each file has a type, such as .app (for application). Each file also has a creator attribute containing the name of the program that created it. This attribute is set by the operating system during the create() call, so its use is enforced and supported by the system. For instance, a file produced by a word processor has the word processor's name as its creator. When the user opens that file, by double-clicking the mouse on the icon representing the file, the word processor is invoked automatically and the file is loaded, ready to be edited.

The UNIX system uses a crude magic number stored at the beginning of some files to indicate roughly the type of the file—executable program, shell script, PDF file, and so on. Not all files have magic numbers, so system features cannot be based solely on this information. UNIX does not record the name of the creating program, either. UNIX does allow file-name-extension hints, but these extensions are neither enforced nor depended on by the operating system; they are meant mostly to aid users in determining what type of contents the file contains. Extensions can be used or ignored by a given application, but that is up to the application's programmer.

10.1.4 File Structure

File types also can be used to indicate the internal structure of the file. As mentioned in Section 10.1.3, source and object files have structures that match the expectations of the programs that read them. Further, certain files must conform to a required structure that is understood by the operating system. For example, the operating system requires that an executable file have a specific structure so that it can determine where in memory to load the file and what the location of the first instruction is. Some operating systems extend this idea into a set of system-supported file structures, with sets of special operations for manipulating files with those structures.

This point brings us to one of the disadvantages of having the operating system support multiple file structures: the resulting size of the operating system is cumbersome. If the operating system defines five different file structures, it needs to contain the code to support these file structures. In addition, it may be necessary to define every file as one of the file types supported by the operating system. When new applications require information structured in ways not supported by the operating system, severe problems may result.

For example, assume that a system supports two types of files: text files (composed of ASCII characters separated by a carriage return and line feed) and executable binary files. Now, if we (as users) want to define an encrypted file to protect the contents from being read by unauthorized people, we may find neither file type to be appropriate. The encrypted file is not ASCII text lines but rather is (apparently) random bits. Although it may appear to be a binary file, it is not executable. As a result, we may have to circumvent or misuse the operating system's file-type mechanism or abandon our encryption scheme.

Some operating systems impose (and support) a minimal number of file structures. This approach has been adopted in UNIX, Windows, and others. UNIX considers each file to be a sequence of 8-bit bytes; no interpretation of these bits is made by the operating system. This scheme provides maximum flexibility but little support. Each application program must include its own code to interpret an input file as to the appropriate structure. However, all operating systems must support at least one structure—that of an executable file—so that the system is able to load and run programs.

10.1.5 Internal File Structure

Internally, locating an offset within a file can be complicated for the operating system. Disk systems typically havea well-defined block size determined by the size of a sector. All disk I/O is performed in units of one block (physical record), and all blocks are the same size. It is unlikely that the physical record size will exactly match the length of the desired logical record. Logical records may even vary in length. Packing a number of logical records into physical blocks is a common solution to this problem.

For example, the UNIX operating system defines all files to be simply streams of bytes. Each byte is individually addressable by its offset from the beginning (or end) of the file. In this case, the logical record size is 1 byte. The file system automatically packs and unpacks bytes into physical disk blocks—say, 512 bytes per block—as necessary.

The logical record size, physical block size, and packing technique determine how many logical records are in each physical block. The packing can be done either by the user's application program or by the operating system. In either case, the file may be considered a sequence of blocks. All the basic I/O functions operate in terms of blocks. The conversion from logical records to physical blocks is a relatively simple software problem.


Figure 10.4 Sequential-access file.

Because disk space is always allocated in blocks, some portion of the last block of each file is generally wasted. If each block were 512 bytes, for example, then a file of 1,949 bytes would be allocated four blocks (2,048 bytes); the last 99 bytes would be wasted. The waste incurred to keep everything in units of blocks (instead of bytes) is internal fragmentation. All file systems suffer from internal fragmentation; the larger the block size, the greater the internal fragmentation.

10.2 Access Methods

Files store information. When it is used, this information must be accessed and read into computer memory. The information in the file can be accessed in several ways. Some systems provide only one access method for files. while others support many access methods, and choosing the right one for a particular application is a major design problem.

10.2.1 Sequential Access

The simplest access method is sequential access. Information in the file is processed in order, one record after the other. This mode of access is by far the most common; for example, editors and compilers usually access files in this fashion.

Reads and writes make up the bulk of the operations on a file. A read operation—read_next()—reads the next portion of the file and automatically advances a file pointer, which tracks the I/O location. Similarly, the write operation—write_next()—appends to the end of the file and advances to the end of the newly written material (the new end of file). Such a file can be reset to the beginning, and on some systems, a program may be able to skip forward or backward n records for some integer n—perhaps only for n = 1. Sequential access, which is depicted in Figure 10.4, is based on a tape model of a file and works as well on sequential-access devices as it does on random-access ones.

10.2.2 Direct Access

Another method is direct access (or relative access). Here, a file is made up of fixed-length logical records that allow programs to read and write records rapidly in no particular order. The direct-access method is based on a disk model of a file, since disks allow random access to any file block. For direct access, the file is viewed as a numbered sequence of blocks or records. Thus, we may read block 14, then read block 53, and then write block 7. There are no restrictions on the order of reading or writing for a direct-access file.

Direct-access files are of great use for immediate access to large amounts of information. Databases are often of this type. When a query concerning a particular subject arrives, we compute which block contains the answer and then read that block directly to provide the desired information.

As a simple example, on an airline-reservation system, we might store all the information about a particular flight (for example, flight 713) in the block identified by the flight number. Thus, the number of available seats for flight 713 is stored in block 713 of the reservation file. To store information about a larger set, such as people, we might compute a hash function on the people's names or search a small in-memory index to determine a block to read and search.

For the direct-access method, the file operations must be modified to include the block number as a parameter. Thus, we have read(n), where n is the block number, rather than read_next(), and write(n) rather than write_next(). An alternative approach is to retain read_next() and write_next(), as with sequential access, and to add an operation position_file(n) where n is the block number. Then, to effect a read(n), we would position_file(n) and then read_next().

The block number provided by the user to the operating system is normally a relative block number. A relative block number is an index relative to the beginning of the file. Thus, the first relative block of the file is 0, the next is 1, and so on, even though the absolute disk address may be 14703 for the first block and 3192 for the second. The use of relative block numbers allows the operating system to decide where the file should be placed (called the allocation problem, as we discuss in Chapter 11) and helps to prevent the user from accessing portions of the file system that may not be part of her file. Some systems start their relative block numbers at 0; others start at 1.

How, then, does the system satisfy a request for record N in a file? Assuming we have a logical record length L, the request for record N is turned into an I/O request for L bytes starting at location L * (N) within the file (assuming the first record is N = 0). Since logical records are of a fixed size, it is also easy to read, write, or delete a record.

Not all operating systems support both sequential and direct access for files. Some systems allow only sequential file access; others allow only direct access. Some systems require that a file be defined as sequential or direct when it is created. Such a file can be accessed only in a manner consistent with its declaration. We can easily simulate sequential access on a direct-access file by simply keeping a variable cp that defines our current position, as shown in Figure 10.5. Simulating a direct-access file on a sequential-access file, however, is extremely inefficient and clumsy.

10.2.3 Other Access Methods

Other access methods can be built on top of a direct-access method. These methods generally involve the construction of an index for the file. The index, like an index in the back of a book, contains pointers to the various blocks. To find a record in the file, we first search the index and then use the pointer to access the file directly and to find the desired record.


Figure 10.5 Simulation of sequential access on a direct-access file.

For example, a retail-price file might list the universal product codes (UPCs) for items, with the associated prices. Each record consists of a 10-digit UPC and a 6-digit price, for a 16-byte record. If our disk has 1,024 bytes per block, we can store 64 records per block. A file of 120,000 records would occupy about 2,000 blocks (2 million bytes). By keeping the file sorted by UPC, we can define an index consisting of the first UPC in each block. This index would have 2,000 entries of 10 digits each, or 20,000 bytes, and thus could be kept in memory. To find the price of a particular item, we can make a binary search of the index. From this search, we learn exactly which block contains the desired record and access that block. This structure allows us to search a large file doing little I/O.

With large files, the index file itself may become too large to be kept in memory. One solution is to create an index for the index file. The primary index file contains pointers to secondary index files, which point to the actual data items.

For example, IBM's indexed sequential-access method (ISAM) uses a small master index that points to disk blocks of a secondary index. The secondary index blocks point to the actual file blocks. The file is kept sorted on a defined key. To find a particular item, we first make a binary search of the master index, which provides the block number of the secondary index. This block is read in, and again a binary search is used to find the block containing the desired record. Finally, this block is searched sequentially. In this way, any record can be located from its key by at most two direct-access reads. Figure 10.6 shows a similar situation as implemented by VMS index and relative files.

10.3 Directory and Disk Structure

Next, we consider how to store files. Certainly, no general-purpose computer stores just one file. There are typically thousands, millions, even billions of files within a computer. Files are stored on random-access storage devices, including hard disks, optical disks, and solid-state (memory-based) disks.

A storage device can be used in its entirety for a file system. It can also be subdivided for finer-grained control. For example, a disk can be partitioned into quarters, and each quarter can hold a separate file system. Storage devices can also be collected together into RAID sets that provide protection from the failure of a single disk (as described in Section 9.7). Sometimes, disks are subdivided and also collected into RAID sets.


Figure 10.6 Example of index and relative files.

Partitioning is useful for limiting the sizes of individual file systems, putting multiple file-system types on the same device, or leaving part of the device available for other uses, such as swap space or unformatted (raw) disk space. A file system can be created on each of these parts of the disk. Any entity containing a file system is generally known as a volume. The volume may be a subset of a device, a whole device, or multiple devices linked together into a RAID set. Each volume can be thought of as a virtual disk. Volumes can also store multiple operating systems, allowing a system to boot and run more than one operating system.

Each volume that contains a file system must also contain information about the files in the system. This informationis kept in entries in a device directory or volume table of contents. The device directory (more commonly known simply as the directory) records information—such as name, location, size, and type—for all files on that volume. Figure 10.7 shows a typical file-system organization.


Figure 10.7 A typical file-system organization.


Figure 10.8 Solaris file systems.

10.3.1 Storage Structure

As we have just seen, a general-purpose computer system has multiple storage devices, and those devices can be sliced up into volumes that hold file systems. Computer systems may have zero or more file systems, and the file systems may be of varying types. For example, a typical Solaris system may have dozens of file systems of a dozen different types, as shown in the file system list in Figure 10.8.

In this book, we consider only general-purpose file systems. It is worth noting, though, that there are many special-purpose file systems. Consider the types of file systems in the Solaris example mentioned above:

  • tmpfs—a “temporary” file system that is created in volatile main memory and has its contents erased if the system reboots or crashes
  • objfs—a “virtual” file system (essentially an interface to the kernel that looks like a file system) that gives debuggers access to kernel symbols
  • ctfs—a virtual file system that maintains “contract” information to manage which processes start when the system boots and must continue to run during operation
  • lofs—a “loop back” file system that allows one file system to be accessed in place of another one
  • procfs—a virtual file system that presents information on all processes as a file system
  • ufs, zfs—general-purpose file systems

The file systems of computers, then, can be extensive. Even within a file system, it is useful to segregate files into groups and manage and act on those groups. This organization involves the use of directories. In the remainder of this section, we explore the topic of directory structure.

10.3.2 Directory Overview

The directory can be viewed as a symbol table that translates file names into their directory entries. If we take such a view, we see that the directory itself can be organized in many ways. The organization must allow us to insert entries, to delete entries, to search for a named entry, and to list all the entries in the directory. In this section, we examine several schemes for defining the logical structure of the directory system.

When considering a particular directory structure, we need to keep in mind the operations that are to be performed on a directory:

  • Search for a file. We need to be able to search a directory structure to find the entry for a particular file. Since files have symbolic names, and similar names may indicate a relationship among files, we may want to be able to find all files whose names match a particular pattern.
  • Create a file. New files need to be created and added to the directory.
  • Delete a file. When a file is no longer needed, we want to be able to remove it from the directory.
  • List a directory. We need to be able to list the files in a directory and the contents of the directory entry for each file in the list.
  • Rename a file. Because the name of a file represents its contents to its users, we must be able to change the name when the contents or use of the file changes. Renaming a file may also allow its position within the directory structure to be changed.
  • Traverse the file system. We may wish to access every directory and every file within a directory structure. For reliability, it is a good idea to save the contents and structure of the entire file system at regular intervals. Often, we do this by copying all files to magnetic tape. This technique provides a backup copy in case of system failure. In addition, if a file is no longer in use, the file can be copied to tape and the disk space of that file released for reuse by another file.

In the following sections, we describe the most common schemes for defining the logical structure of a directory.

10.3.3 Single-Level Directory

The simplest directory structure is the single-level directory. All files are contained in the same directory, which is easy to support and understand (Figure 10.9).

A single-level directory has significant limitations, however, when the number of files increases or when the system has more than one user. Since all files are in the same directory, they must have unique names. If two users call their data file test.txt, then the unique-name rule is violated. For example, in one programming class, 23 students called the program for their second assignment prog2.c; another 11 called it assign2.c. Fortunately, most file systems support file names of up to 255 characters, so it is relatively easy to select unique file names.


Figure 10.9 Single-level directory.

Even a single user on a single-level directory may find it difficult to remember the names of all the files as the number of files increases. It is not uncommon for a user to have hundreds of files on one computer system and an equal number of additional files on another system. Keeping track of so many files is a daunting task.

10.3.4 Two-Level Directory

As we have seen, a single-level directory often leads to confusion of file names among different users. The standard solution is to create a separate directory for each user.

In the two-level directory structure, each user has his own user file directory (UFD). The UFDs have similar structures, but each lists only the files of a single user. When a user job starts or a user logs in, the system's master file directory (MFD) is searched. The MFD is indexed by user name or account number, and each entry points to the UFD for that user (Figure 10.10).

When a user refers to a particular file, only his own UFD is searched. Thus, different users may have files with the same name, as long as all the file names within each UFD are unique. To create a file for a user, the operating system searches only that user's UFD to ascertain whether another file of that name exists. To delete a file, the operating system confines its search to the local UFD; thus, it cannot accidentally delete another user's file that has the same name.


Figure 10.10 Two-level directory structure.

The user directories themselves must be created and deleted as necessary. A special system program is run with the appropriate user name and account information. The program creates a new UFD and adds an entry for it to the MFD. The execution of this program might be restricted to system administrators. The allocation of disk space for user directories can be handled with the techniques discussed in Chapter 11 for files themselves.

Although the two-level directory structure solves the name-collision problem, it still has disadvantages. This structure effectively isolates one user from another. Isolation is an advantage when the users are completely independent but is a disadvantage when the users want to cooperate on some task and to access one another's files. Some systems simply do not allow local user files to be accessed by other users.

If access is to be permitted, one user must have the ability to name a file in another user's directory. To namea particular file uniquely in a two-level directory, we must give both the user name and the file name. A two-level directory can be thought of as a tree, or an inverted tree, of height 2. The root of the tree is the MFD. Its direct descendants are the UFDs. The descendants of the UFDs are the files themselves. The files are the leaves of the tree. Specifying a user name and a file name defines a path in the tree from the root (the MFD) to a leaf (the specified file). Thus, a user name and a file name define a path name. Every file in the system has a path name. To name a file uniquely, a user must know the path name of the file desired.

For example, if user A wishes to access her own test file named test.txt, she can simply refer to test.txt. To accessthe file named test.txt of user B (with directory-entry name userb), however, she might have to refer to /userb/test.txt. Every system has its own syntax for naming files in directories other than the user's own.

Additional syntax is needed to specify the volume of a file. For instance, in Windows a volume is specified by a letter followed by a colon. Thus, a file specification might be C:userb est. Some systems go even further and separate the volume, directory name, and file name parts of the specification. In VMS, for instance, the file might be specified as: u:[sst.jdeck]; 1, where u is the name of the volume, sst is the name of the directory, jdeck is the name of the subdirectory, and 1 is the version number. Other systems—such as UNIX and Linux—simply treat the volume name as part of the directory name. The first name given is that of the volume, and the rest is the directory and file. For instance, /u/pbg/test might specify volume u, directory pbg, and file test.

A special instance of this situation occurs with the system files. Programs provided as part of the system—loaders, assemblers, compilers, utility routines, libraries, and so on—are generally defined as files. When the appropriate commands are given to the operating system, these files are read by the loader and executed. Many command interpreters simply treat such a command as the name of a file to load and execute. In the directory system as we defined it above, this file name would be searched for in the current UFD. One solution would be to copy the system files into each UFD. However, copying all the system files would waste an enormous amount of space. (If the system files require 5 MB, then supporting 12 users would require 5 × 12 = 60 MB just for copies of the system files.)

The standard solution is to complicate the search procedure slightly. A special user directory is defined to contain the system files (for example, user 0). Whenever a file name is given to be loaded, the operating system first searches the local UFD. If the file is found, it is used. If it is not found, the system automatically searches the special user directory that contains the system files. The sequence of directories searched when a file is named is called the search path. The search path can be extended to contain an unlimited list of directories to search when a command name is given. This method is the one most used in UNIX and Windows. Systems can also be designed so that each user has his own search path.

10.3.5 Tree-Structured Directories

Once we have seen how to view a two-level directory as a two-level tree, the natural generalization is to extend the directory structure to a tree of arbitrary height (Figure 10.11). This generalization allows users to create their own subdirectories and to organize their files accordingly. A tree is the most common directory structure. The tree has a root directory, and every file in the system has a unique path name.

A directory (or subdirectory) contains a set of files or subdirectories. A directory is simply another file, but it is treated in a special way. All directories have the same internal format. One bit in each directory entry defines the entry as a file (0) or as a subdirectory (1). Special system calls are used to create and delete directories.

In normal use, each process has a current directory. The current directory should contain most of the files that are of current interest to the process. When reference is made to a file, the current directory is searched. If a file is needed that is not in the current directory, then the user usually must either specify a path name or change the current directory to be the directory holding that file. To change directories, a system call is provided that takes a directory name as a parameter and uses it to redefine the current directory. Thus, the user can change her current directory whenever she wants. From one change_directory() system call to the next, all open() system calls search the current directory for the specified file. Note that the search path may or may not contain a special entry that stands for “the current directory.”


Figure 10.11 Tree-structured directory structure.

The initial current directory of a user's login shell is designated when the user job starts or the user logs in. The operating system searches the accounting file (or some other predefined location) to find an entry for this user (for accounting purposes). In the accounting file is a pointer to (or the name of) the user's initial directory. This pointer is copied to a local variable for this user that specifies the user's initial current directory. From that shell, other processes can be spawned. The current directory of any subprocess is usually the current directory of the parent when it was spawned.

Path names can be of two types: absolute and relative. An absolute path name begins at the root and follows a path down to the specified file, giving the directory names on the path. A relative path name defines a path from the current directory. For example, in the tree-structured file system of Figure 10.11, if the current directory is root/spell/mail, then the relative path name prt/first refers to the same file as does the absolute path name root/spell/mail/prt/first.

Allowing a user to define her own subdirectories permits her to impose a structure on her files. This structure might result in separate directories for files associated with different topics (for example, a subdirectory was created to hold the text of this book) or different forms of information (for example, the directory programs may contain source programs; the directory bin may store all the binaries).

An interesting policy decision in a tree-structured directory concerns how to handle the deletion of a directory. If a directory is empty, its entry in the directory that contains it can simply be deleted. However, suppose the directory to be deleted is not empty but contains several files or subdirectories. One of two approaches can be taken. Some systems will not delete a directory unless it is empty. Thus, to delete a directory, the user must first delete all the files in that directory. If any subdirectories exist, this procedure must be applied recursively to them, so that they can be deleted also. This approach can result in a substantial amount of work. An alternative approach, such as that taken by the UNIX rm command, is to provide an option: when a request is made to delete a directory, all that directory's files and subdirectories are also to be deleted. Either approach is fairly easy to implement; the choice is one of policy. The latter policy is more convenient, but it is also more dangerous, because an entire directory structure can be removed with one command. If that command is issued in error, a large number of files and directories will need to be restored(assuming a backup exists).

With a tree-structured directory system, users can be allowed to access, in addition to their files, the files of other users. For example, user B can access a file of user A by specifying its path names. User B can specify either an absolute or a relative path name. Alternatively, user B can change her current directory to be user A's directory and access the file by its file names.

10.3.6 Acyclic-Graph Directories

Consider two programmers who are working on a joint project. The files associated with that project can be stored in a subdirectory, separating them from other projects and files of the two programmers. But since both programmers are equally responsible for the project, both want the subdirectory to be in their own directories. In this situation, the common subdirectory should be shared. A shared directory or file exists in the file system in two (or more) places at once.

A tree structure prohibits the sharing of files or directories. An acyclic graph—that is, a graph with no cycles—allows directories to share subdirectories and files (Figure 10.12). The same file or subdirectory may be in two different directories. The acyclic graph is a natural generalization of the tree-structured directory scheme.

It is important to note that a shared file (or directory) is not the same as two copies of the file. With two copies, each programmer can view the copy rather than the original, but if one programmer changes the file, the changes will not appear in the other's copy. With a shared file, only one actual file exists, so any changes made by one person are immediately visible to the other. Sharing is particularly important for subdirectories; a new file created by one person will automatically appear in all the shared subdirectories.

When people are working as a team, all the files they want to share can be put into one directory. The UFD of each team member will contain this directory of shared files as a subdirectory. Even in the case of a single user, the user's file organization may require that some file be placed in different subdirectories. For example, a program written for a particular project should be both in the directory of all programs and in the directory for that project.

Shared files and subdirectories can be implemented in several ways. A common way, exemplified by many of the UNIX systems, is to create a new directory entry called a link. A link is effectively a pointer to another file or subdirectory. For example, a link may be implemented as an absolute or a relative path name. When a reference to a file is made, we search the directory. If the directory entry is marked as a link, then the name of the real file is included in the link information. We resolve the link by using that path name to locate the real file. Links are easily identified by their format in the directory entry (or by having a special type on systems that support types) and are effectively indirect pointers. The operating system ignores these links when traversing directory trees to preserve the acyclic structure of the system.


Figure 10.12 Acyclic-graph directory structure.

Another common approach to implementing shared files is simply to duplicate all information about them in both sharing directories. Thus, both entries are identical and equal. Consider the difference between this approach and the creation of a link. The link is clearly different from the original directory entry; thus, the two are not equal. Duplicate directory entries, however, make the original and the copy indistinguishable. A major problem with duplicate directory entries is maintaining consistency when a file is modified.

An acyclic-graph directory structure is more flexible than a simple tree structure, but it is also more complex. Several problems must be considered carefully. A file may now have multiple absolute path names. Consequently, distinct file names may refer to the same file. This situation is similar to the aliasing problem for programming languages. If we are trying to traverse the entire file system—to find a file, to accumulate statistics on all files, or to copy all files to backup storage—this problem becomes significant, since we do not want to traverse shared structures more than once.

Another problem involves deletion. When can the space allocated to a shared file be deallocated and reused? One possibility is to remove the file whenever anyone deletes it, but this action may leave dangling pointers to the now-nonexistent file. Worse, if the remaining file pointers contain actual disk addresses, and the space is subsequently reused for other files, these dangling pointers may point into the middle of other files.

In a system where sharing is implemented by symbolic links, this situation is somewhat easier to handle. The deletion of a link need not affect the original file; only the link is removed. If the file entry itself is deleted, the space for the file is deallocated, leaving the links dangling. We can search for these links and remove them as well, but unless a list of the associated links is kept with each file, this search can be expensive. Alternatively, we can leave the links until an attempt is made to use them. At that time, we can determine that the file of the name given by the link does not exist and can fail to resolve the link name; the access is treated just as with any other illegal file name. (In this case, the system designer should consider carefully what to do when a file is deleted and another file of the same name is created, before a symbolic link to the original file is used.) In the case of UNIX, symbolic links are left when a file is deleted, and it is up to the user to realize that the original file is gone or has been replaced. Microsoft Windows uses the same approach.

Another approach to deletion is to preserve the file until all references to it are deleted. To implement this approach, we must have some mechanism for determining that the last reference to the file has been deleted. We could keep a list of all references to a file (directory entries or symbolic links). When a link or a copy of the directory entry is established, a new entry is added to the file-reference list. When a link or directory entry is deleted, we remove its entry on the list. The file is deleted when its file-reference list is empty.

The trouble with this approach is the variable and potentially large size of the file-reference list. However, we really do not need to keep the entire list—we need to keep only a count of the number of references. Adding a new link or directory entry increments the reference count. Deleting a link or entry decrements the count. When the count is 0, the file can be deleted; there are no remaining references to it. The UNIX operating system uses this approach for nonsymbolic links (or hard links), keeping a reference count in the file information block (or inode; see Section A.7.2). By effectively prohibiting multiple references to directories, we maintain an acyclic-graph structure.

To avoid problems such as the ones just discussed, some systems simply do not allow shared directories or links.

10.3.7 General Graph Directory

A serious problem with using an acyclic-graph structure is ensuring that there are no cycles. If we start with a two-level directory and allow users to create subdirectories, a tree-structured directory results. It should be fairly easy to see that simply adding new files and subdirectories to an existing tree-structured directory preserves the tree-structured nature. However, when we add links, the tree structure is destroyed, resulting in a simple graph structure (Figure 10.13).

The primary advantage of an acyclic graph is the relative simplicity of the algorithms to traverse the graph and to determine when there are no more references to a file. We want to avoid traversing shared sections of an acyclic graph twice, mainly for performance reasons. If we have just searched a major shared subdirectory for a particular file without finding it, we want to avoid searching that subdirectory again; the second search would be a waste of time.

If cycles are allowed to exist in the directory, we likewise want to avoid searching any component twice, for reasons of correctness as well as performance. A poorly designed algorithm might result in an infinite loop continually searching through the cycle and never terminating. One solution is to limit arbitrarily the number of directories that will be accessed during a search.


Figure 10.13 General graph directory.

A similar problem exists when we are trying to determine when a file can be deleted. With acyclic-graph directory structures, a value of 0 in the reference count means that there are no more references to the file or directory, and the file can be deleted. However, when cycles exist, the reference count may not be 0 even when it is no longer possible to refer to a directory or file. This anomaly results from the possibility of self-referencing (or a cycle) in the directory structure. In this case, we generally need to use a garbage collection scheme to determine when the last reference has been deleted and the disk space can be reallocated. Garbage collection involves traversing the entire file system, marking everything that can be accessed. Then, a second pass collects everything that is not marked onto a list of free space.(A similar marking procedure can be used to ensure that a traversal or search will cover everything in the file system once and only once.) Garbage collection for a disk-based file system, however, is extremely time consuming and is thus seldom attempted.

Garbage collection is necessary only because of possible cycles in the graph. Thus, an acyclic-graph structure is much easier to work with. The difficulty is to avoid cycles as new links are added to the structure. How do we know when a new link will complete a cycle? There are algorithms to detect cycles in graphs; however, they are computationally expensive, especially when the graph is on disk storage. A simpler algorithm in the special case of directories and links is to bypass links during directory traversal. Cycles are avoided, and no extra overhead is incurred.

10.4 File-System Mounting

Just as a file must be opened before it is used, a file system must be mounted before it can be available to processes on the system. More specifically, the directory structure may be built out of multiple volumes, which must be mounted to make them available within the file-system name space.

The mount procedure is straightforward. The operating system is given the name of the device and the mount point—the location within the file structure where the file system is to be attached. Some operating systems require that a file system type be provided, while others inspect the structures of the device and determine the type of file system. Typically, a mount point is an empty directory. For instance, on a UNIX system, a file system containing a user's home directories might be mounted as /home; then, to access the directory structure within that file system, we could precede the directory names with /home, as in /home/jane. Mounting that file system under /users would result in the path name /users/jane, which we could use to reach the same directory.

Next, the operating system verifies that the device contains a valid file system. It does so by asking the device driver to read the device directory and verifying that the directory has the expected format. Finally, the operating system notes in its directory structure that a file system is mounted at the specified mount point. This scheme enables the operating system to traverse its directory structure, switching among file systems, and even file systems of varying types, as appropriate.


Figure 10.14 File system. (a) Existing system. (b) Unmounted volume.

To illustrate file mounting, consider the file system depicted in Figure 10.14, where the triangles represent subtrees of directories that are of interest. Figure 10.14(a) shows an existing file system, while Figure 10.14(b) shows an unmounted volume residing on /device/dsk. At this point, only the files on the existing file system can be accessed. Figure 10.15 shows the effects of mounting the volume residing on /device/dsk over /users. If the volume is unmounted, the filesystem is restored to the situation depicted in Figure 10.14.

Systems impose semantics to clarify functionality. For example, a system may disallow a mount over a directory that contains files; or it may make the mounted file system available at that directory and obscure the directory's existing files until the file system is unmounted, terminating the use of the file system and allowing access to the original files in that directory. As another example, a system may allow the same file system to be mounted repeatedly, at different mount points; or it may only allow one mount per file system.


Figure 10.15 Mount point.

Consider the actions of the Mac OS X operating system. Whenever the system encounters a disk for the first time (either at boot time or while the system is running), the Mac OS X operating system searches for a file system on the device. If it finds one, it automatically mounts the file system under the /Volumes directory, adding a folder icon labeled with the name of the file system (as stored in the device directory). The user is then able to click on the icon and thus display the newly mounted file system.

The Microsoft Windows family of operating systems maintains an extended two-level directory structure, with devices and volumes assigned drive letters. Volumes have a general graph directory structure associated with the drive letter. The path to a specific file takes the form of drive-letter:path ofile. The more recent versions of Windows allow a file system to be mounted anywhere in the directory tree, just as UNIX does. Windows operating systems automatically discover all devices and mount all located file systems at boot time. In some systems, like UNIX, the mount commands are explicit. A system configuration file contains a list of devices and mount points for automatic mounting at boot time, but other mounts may be executed manually.

Issues concerning file system mounting are further discussed in Section 11.2.2. and in Section A.7.5.

10.5 File Sharing

In the previous sections, we explored the motivation for file sharing and some of the difficulties involved in allowing users to share files. Such file sharing is very desirable for users who want to collaborate and to reduce the effort required to achieve a computing goal. Therefore, user-oriented operating systems must accommodate the need to share files in spite of the inherent difficulties.

In this section, we examine more aspects of file sharing. We begin by discussing general issues that arise when multiple users share files. Once multiple users are allowed to share files, the challenge is to extend sharing to multiple file systems, including remote file systems; we discuss that challenge as well. Finally, we consider what to do about conflicting actions occurring on shared files. For instance, if multiple users are writing to a file, should all the writes be allowed to occur, or should the operating system protect the users' actions from one another?

10.5.1 Multiple Users

When an operating system accommodates multiple users, the issues of file sharing, file naming, and file protection become preeminent. Given a directory structure that allows files to be shared by users, the system must mediate the file sharing. The system can either allow a user to access the files of other users by default or require that a user specifically grant access to the files. These are the issues of access control and protection, which are covered in Section 10.6.

To implement sharing and protection, the system must maintain more file and directory attributes than are needed on a single-user system. Although many approaches have been taken to meet this requirement, most systems have evolved to use the concepts of file (or directory) owner (or user) and group. The owner is the user who can change attributes and grant access and who has the most control over the file. The group attribute defines a subset of users who can share access to the file. For example, the owner of a file on a UNIX system can issue all operations on a file, while members of the file's group can execute one subset of those operations, and all other users can execute another subset of operations. Exactly which operations can be executed by group members and other users is definable by the file's owner. More details on permission attributes are included in the next section.

The owner and group IDs of a given file (or directory) are stored with the other file attributes. When a user requests an operation on a file, the user ID can be compared with the owner attribute to determine if the requesting user is the owner of the file. Likewise, the group IDs can be compared. The result indicates which permissions are applicable. The system then applies those permissions to the requested operation and allows or denies it.

Many systems have multiple local file systems, including volumes of a single disk or multiple volumes on multiple attached disks. In these cases, the ID checking and permission matching are straightforward, once the file systems are mounted.

10.5.2 Remote File Systems

With the advent of networks, communication among remote computers became possible. Networking allows the sharing of resources spread across a campus or even around the world. One obvious resource to share is data in the form of files.

Through the evolution of network and file technology, remote file-sharing methods have changed. The first implemented method involves manually transferring files between machines via programs like ftp. The second major method uses a distributed file system (DFS) in which remote directories are visible from a local machine. In some ways, the third method, the World Wide Web, is a reversion to the first. A browser is needed to gain access to the remote files, and separate operations (essentially a wrapper for ftp) are used to transfer files. Increasingly, cloud computing (Section 1.11.7) is being used for file sharing as well.

ftp is used for both anonymous and authenticated access. Anonymous access allows a user to transfer files without having an account on the remote system. The World Wide Web uses anonymous file exchange almost exclusively. DFS involves a much tighter integration between the machine that is accessing the remote files and the machine providing the files. This integration adds complexity, as we describe in this section. The Client–Server Model

Remote file systems allow a computer to mount one or more file systems from one or more remote machines. In this case, the machine containing the files is the server, and the machine seeking access to the files is the client. The client–server relationship is common with networked machines. Generally, the server declares that a resource is available to clients and specifies exactly which resource (in this case, which files) and exactly which clients. A server can serve multiple clients, and a client can use multiple servers, depending on the implementation details of a given client–server facility.

The server usually specifies the available files on a volume or directory level. Client identification is more difficult. A client can be specified by a network name or other identifier, such as an IP address, but these can be spoofed, or imitated. As a result of spoofing, an unauthorized client could be allowed access to the server. More secure solutions include secure authentication of the client via encrypted keys. Unfortunately, with security come many challenges, including ensuring compatibility of the client and server (they must use the same encryption algorithms) and securityof key exchanges (intercepted keys could again allow unauthorized access). Because of the difficulty of solving these problems, unsecure authentication methods are most commonly used.

In the case of UNIX and its network file system (NFS), authentication takes place via the client networking information, by default. In this scheme, the user's IDs on the client and server must match. If they do not, the server will be unable to determine access rights to files. Consider the example of a user who has an ID of 1000 on the client and 2000 on the server. A request from the client to the server for a specific file will not be handled appropriately, as the server will determine if user 1000 has access to the file rather than basing the determination on the real user ID of 2000. Access is thus granted or denied based on incorrect authentication information. The server must trust the client to present the correct user ID. Note that the NFS protocols allow many-to-many relationships. That is, many servers can provide files to many clients. In fact, a given machine can be both a server to some NFS clients and a client of other NFS servers.

Once the remote file system is mounted, file operation requests are sent on behalf of the user across the network to the server via the DFS protocol. Typically, a file-open request is sent along with the ID of the requesting user. The server then applies the standard access checks to determine if the user has credentials to access the file in the mode requested. The request is either allowed or denied. If it is allowed, a file handle is returned to the client application, and the application then can perform read, write, and other operations on the file. The client closes the file when access is completed. The operating system may apply semantics similar to those for a local file-system mount or may use different semantics. Distributed Information Systems

To make client–server systems easier to manage, distributed information systems, also known as distributed naming services, provide unified access to the information needed for remote computing. The domain name system (DNS) provides host-name-to-network-address translations for the entire Internet. Before DNS became widespread, files containing the same information were sent via e-mail or ftp between all networked hosts. Obviously, this methodology was not scalable!

Other distributed information systems provide user name/password/user ID/group ID space for a distributed facility. UNIX systems have employed a wide variety of distributed information methods. Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle Corporation) introduced yellow pages (since renamed network information service, or NIS), and most of the industry adopted its use. It centralizes storage of user names, host names, printer information, and the like. Unfortunately, it uses unsecure authentication methods, including sending user passwords unencrypted (in clear text) and identifying hosts by IP address. Sun's NIS+ was a much more secure replacement for NIS but was much more complicated and was not widely adopted.

In the case of Microsoft's common Internet file system (CIFS), network information is used in conjunction with user authentication (user name and password) to create a network login that the server uses to decide whether to allow or deny access to a requested file system. For this authentication to be valid, the user names must match from machine to machine (as with NFS). Microsoft uses active directory as a distributed naming structure to provide a single name space for users. Once established, the distributed naming facility is used by all clients and servers to authenticate users.

The industry is moving toward use of the lightweight directory-access protocol (LDAP) as a secure distributed naming mechanism. In fact, active directory is based on LDAP. Oracle Solaris and most other major operating systems include LDAP and allow it to be employed for user authentication as well as system-wide retrieval of information, such as availability of printers. Conceivably, one distributed LDAP directory could be used by an organization to store all user and resource information for all the organization's computers. The result would be secure single sign-on for users, who would enter their authentication information once for access to all computers within the organization. It would also ease system-administration efforts by combining, in one location, information that is currently scattered in various files on each system or in different distributed information services. Failure Modes

Local file systems can fail for a variety of reasons, including failure of the disk containing the file system, corruption of the directory structure or other disk-management information (collectively called metadata), disk-controller failure, cable failure, and host-adapter failure. User or system-administrator failure can also cause files to be lost or entire directories or volumes to be deleted. Many of these failures will cause a host to crash and an error condition to be displayed, and human intervention will be required to repair the damage.

Remote file systems have even more failure modes. Because of the complexity of network systems and the required interactions between remote machines, many more problems can interfere with the proper operation of remote file systems. In the case of networks, the network can be interrupted between two hosts. Such interruptions can result from hardware failure, poor hardware configuration, or networking implementation issues. Although some networks have built-in resiliency, including multiple paths between hosts, many do not. Any single failure can thus interrupt the flow of DFS commands.

Consider a client in the midst of using a remote file system. It has files open from the remote host; among other activities, it may be performing directory lookups to open files, reading or writing data to files, and closing files. Now consider a partitioning of the network, a crash of the server, or even a scheduled shutdown of the server. Suddenly, the remote file system is no longer reachable. This scenario is rather common, so it would not be appropriate for the client system to act as it would if a local file system were lost. Rather, the system can either terminate all operations to the lost server or delay operations until the server is again reachable. These failure semantics are defined and implemented as part of the remote-file-system protocol. Termination of all operations can result in users' losing data—and patience. Thus, most DFS protocols either enforce or allow delaying of file-system operations to remote hosts, with the hope that the remote host will become available again.

To implement this kind of recovery from failure, some kind of state information may be maintained on both the client and the server. If both server and client maintain knowledge of their current activities and open files, then they can seamlessly recover from a failure. In the situation where the server crashes but must recognize that it has remotely mounted exported file systems and opened files, NFS takes a simple approach, implementing a stateless DFS. In essence, it assumes that a client request for a file read or write would not have occurred unless the file system had been remotely mounted and the file had been previously open. The NFS protocol carries all the information needed to locate the appropriate file and perform the requested operation. Similarly, it does not track which clients have the exported volumes mounted, again assuming that if a request comes in, it must be legitimate. While this stateless approach makes NFS resilient and rather easy to implement, it also makes it unsecure. For example, forged read or write requests could be allowed by an NFS server. These issues are addressed in the industry standard NFS Version 4, in which NFS is made stateful to improve its security, performance, and functionality.

10.5.3 Consistency Semantics

Consistency semantics represent an important criterion for evaluating any file system that supports file sharing. These semantics specify how multiple users of a system are to access a shared file simultaneously. In particular, they specify when modifications of data by one user will be observable by other users. These semantics are typically implemented as code with the file system.

Consistency semantics are directly related to the process synchronization algorithms of Chapter 5. However, the complex algorithms of that chapter tend not to be implemented in the case of file I/O because of the great latencies and slow transfer rates of disks and networks. For example, performing an atomic transaction to a remote disk could involve several network communications, several disk reads and writes, or both. Systems that attempt such a full set of functionalities tend to perform poorly. A successful implementation of complex sharing semantics can be found in the Andrew file system.

For the following discussion, we assume that a series of file accesses (that is, reads and writes) attempted by a user to the same file is always enclosed between the open() and close() operations. The series of accesses between the open() and close() operations makes up a file session. To illustrate the concept, we sketch several prominent examples of consistency semantics. UNIX Semantics

The UNIX file system uses the following consistency semantics:

  • Writes to an open file by a user are visible immediately to other users who have this file open.
  • One mode of sharing allows users to share the pointer of current location into the file. Thus, the advancing of the pointer by one user affects all sharing users. Here, a file has a single image that interleaves all accesses, regardless of their origin.

In the UNIX semantics, a file is associated with a single physical image that is accessed as an exclusive resource. Contention for this single image causes delays in user processes. Session Semantics

The Andrew file system (OpenAFS) uses the following consistency semantics:

  • Writes to an open file by a user are not visible immediately to other users that have the same file open.
  • Once a file is closed, the changes made to it are visible only in sessions starting later. Already open instances of the file do not reflect these changes.

According to these semantics, a file may be associated temporarily with several (possibly different) images at the same time. Consequently, multiple users are allowed to perform both read and write accesses concurrently on their images of the file, without delay. Almost no constraints are enforced on scheduling accesses. Immutable-Shared-Files Semantics

A unique approach is that of immutable shared files. Once a file is declared as shared by its creator, it cannot be modified. An immutable file has two key properties: its name may not be reused, and its contents may not be altered. Thus, the name of an immutable file signifies that the contents of the file are fixed. The implementation of these semantics in a distributed system is simple, because the sharing is disciplined (read-only).

10.6 Protection

When information is stored in a computer system, we want to keep it safe from physical damage (the issue of reliability) and improper access (the issue of protection).

Reliability is generally provided by duplicate copies of files. Many computers have systems programs that automatically (or through computer-operator intervention) copy disk files to tape at regular intervals (once per day or week or month) to maintain a copy should a file system be accidentally destroyed. File systems can be damaged by hardware problems (such as errors in reading or writing), power surges or failures, head crashes, dirt, temperature extremes, and vandalism. Files may be deleted accidentally. Bugs in the file-system software can also cause file contents to be lost. Reliability is covered in more detail in Chapter 9.

Protection can be provided in many ways. For a single-user laptop system, we might provide protection by locking the computer in a desk drawer or file cabinet. In a larger multiuser system, however, other mechanisms are needed.

10.6.1 Types of Access

The need to protect files is a direct result of the ability to access files. Systems that do not permit access to the files of other users do not need protection. Thus, we could provide complete protection by prohibiting access. Alternatively, we could provide free access with no protection. Both approaches are too extreme for general use. What is needed is controlled access.

Protection mechanisms provide controlled access by limiting the types of file access that can be made. Access is permitted or denied depending on several factors, one of which is the type of access requested. Several different types of operations may be controlled:

  • Read. Read from the file.
  • Write. Write or rewrite the file.
  • Execute. Load the file into memory and execute it.
  • Append. Write new information at the end of the file.
  • Delete. Delete the file and free its space for possible reuse.
  • List. List the name and attributes of the file.

Other operations, such as renaming, copying, and editing the file, may also be controlled. For many systems, however, these higher-level functions may be implemented by a system program that makes lower-level system calls. Protection is provided at only the lower level. For instance, copying a file may be implemented simply by a sequence of read requests. In this case, a user with read access can also cause the file to be copied, printed, and so on.

Many protection mechanisms have been proposed. Each has advantages and disadvantages and must be appropriate for its intended application. A small computer system that is used by only a few members of a research group, for example, may not need the same types of protection as a large corporate computer that is used for research, finance, and personnel operations. We discuss some approaches to protection in the following sections and present a more complete treatment in Chapter 13.

10.6.2 Access Control

The most common approach to the protection problem is to make access dependent on the identity of the user. Different users may need different types of access to a file or directory. The most general scheme to implement identity-dependent access is to associate with each file and directory an access-control list (ACL) specifying user names and the types of access allowed for each user. When a user requests access to a particular file, the operating system checks the access list associated with that file. If that user is listed for the requested access, the access is allowed. Otherwise, a protection violation occurs, and the user job is denied access to the file.

This approach has the advantage of enabling complex access methodologies. The main problem with access lists is their length. If we want to allow everyone to read a file, we must list all users with read access. This technique has two undesirable consequences:

  • Constructing such a list may be a tedious and unrewarding task, especially if we do not know in advance the list of users in the system.
  • The directory entry, previously of fixed size, now must be of variable size, resulting in more complicated space management.

These problems can be resolved by use of a condensed version of the access list.

To condense the length of the access-control list, many systems recognize three classifications of users in connection with each file:

  • Owner. The user who created the file is the owner.
  • Group. A set of users who are sharing the file and need similar access is a group, or work group.
  • Universe. All other users in the system constitute the universe.

The most common recent approach is to combine access-control lists with the more general (and easier to implement) owner, group, and universe access-control scheme just described. For example, Solaris uses the three categories of access by default but allows access-control lists to be added to specific files and directories when more fine-grained access control is desired.

To illustrate, consider a person, Sara, who is writing a new book. She has hired three graduate students (Jim, Dawn, and Jill) to help with the project. The text of the book is kept in a file named book.tex. The protection associated with this file is as follows:

  • Sara should be able to invoke all operations on the file.
  • Jim, Dawn, and Jill should be able only to read and write the file; they should not be allowed to delete the file.
  • All other users should be able to read, but not write, the file. (Sara is interested in letting as many people as possible read the text so that she can obtain feedback.)

To achieve such protection, we must create a new group—say, text—with members Jim, Dawn, and Jill. The name of the group, text, must then be associated with the file book.tex, and the access rights must be set in accordance with the policy we have outlined.

Now consider a visitor to whom Sara would like to grant temporary access to Chapter 1. The visitor cannot be added to the text group because that would give him access to all chapters. Because a file can be in only one group, Sara cannot add another group to Chapter 1. With the addition of access-control-list functionality, though, the visitor can be added to the access control list of Chapter 1.


In the UNIX system, directory protection and file protection are handled similarly. Associated with each subdirectory are three fields—owner, group, and universe—each consisting of the three bits rwx. Thus, a user can list the content of a subdirectory only if the r bit is set in the appropriate field. Similarly, a user can change his current directory to another current directory (say, foo) only if the x bit associated with the foo subdirectory is set in the appropriate field.

A sample directory listing from a UNIX environment is shown in below:


The first field describes the protection of the file or directory. A d as the first character indicates a subdirectory. Also shown are the number of links to the file, the owner's name, the group's name, the size of the file in bytes, the date of last modification, and finally the file's name (with optional extension).

For this scheme to work properly, permissions and access lists must be controlled tightly. This control can be accomplished in several ways. For example, in the UNIX system, groups can be created and modified only by the manager of the facility (or by any superuser). Thus, control is achieved through human interaction. Access lists are discussed further in Section 13.5.2.

With the more limited protection classification, only three fields are needed to define protection. Often, each field is a collection of bits, and each bit either allows or prevents the access associated with it. For example, the UNIX system defines three fields of 3 bits each—rwx, where r controls read access, w controls write access, and x controls execution. A separate field is kept for the file owner, for the file's group, and for all other users. In this scheme, 9 bits per file are needed to record protection information. Thus, for our example, the protection fields for the file book.tex are as follows: for the owner Sara, all bits are set; for the group text, the r and w bits are set; and for the universe, only the r bit is set.

One difficulty in combining approaches comes in the user interface. Users must be able to tell when the optional ACL permissions are set on a file. In the Solaris example, a “+” is appended to the regular permissions, as in:


A separate set of commands, setfacl and getfacl, is used to manage the ACLs.


Figure 10.16 Windows 7 ® access-control list management.

Windows users typically manage access-control lists via the GUI. Figure 10.16 shows a file-permission window on Windows 7 NTFS file system. In this example, user “guest” is specifically denied access to the file

Another difficulty is assigning precedence when permission and ACLs conflict. For example, if Joe is in a file'sgroup, which has read permission, but the file has an ACL granting Joe read and write permission, should a write by Joe be granted or denied? Solaris gives ACLs precedence (as they are more fine-grained and are not assigned by default). This follows the general rule that specificity should have priority.

10.6.3 Other Protection Approaches

Another approach to the protection problem is to associate a password with each file. Just as access to the computer system is often controlled by a password, access to each file can be controlled in the same way. If the passwords are chosen randomly and changed often, this scheme may be effective in limiting access to a file. The use of passwords has a few disadvantages, however. First, the number of passwords that a user needs to remember may become large, making the scheme impractical. Second, if only one password is used for all the files, then once it is discovered, all files are accessible; protection is on an all-or-none basis. Some systems allow a user to associate a password with a subdirectory, rather than with an individual file, to address this problem.

In a multilevel directory structure, we need to protect not only individual files but also collections of files in subdirectories; that is, we need to provide a mechanism for directory protection. The directory operations that must be protected are somewhat different from the file operations. We want to control the creation and deletion of files in a directory. In addition, we probably want to control whether a user can determine the existence of a file in a directory. Sometimes, knowledge of the existence and name of a file is significant in itself. Thus, listing the contents of a directory must be a protected operation. Similarly, if a path name refers to a file in a directory, the user must be allowed access to both the directory and the file. In systems where files may have numerous path names (such as acyclic and general graphs), a given user may have different access rights to a particular file, depending on the path name used.

10.7 Summary

A file is an abstract data type defined and implemented by the operating system. It is a sequence of logical records. A logical record may be a byte, a line (of fixed or variable length), or a more complex data item. The operating system may specifically support various record types or may leave that support to the application program.

The major task for the operating system is to map the logical file concept onto physical storage devices such as hard disk or tape. Since the physical record size of the device may not be the same as the logical record size, it may be necessary to order logical records into physical records. Again, this task may be supported by the operating system or left for the application program.

Each device in a file system keeps a volume table of contents or a device directory listing the location of the files on the device. In addition, it is useful to create directories to allow files to be organized. A single-level directory in a multiuser system causes naming problems, since each file must have a unique name. A two-level directory solves this problem by creating a separate directory for each user's files. The directory lists the files by name and includes the file's location on the disk, length, type, owner, time of creation, time of last use, and so on.

The natural generalization of a two-level directory is a tree-structured directory. A tree-structured directory allows a user to create subdirectories to organize files. Acyclic-graph directory structures enable users to share subdirectories and files but complicate searching and deletion. A general graph structure allows complete flexibility in the sharing of files and directories but sometimes requires garbage collection to recover unused disk space.

Disks are segmented into one or more volumes, each containing a file system or left “raw.” File systems may be mounted into the system's naming structures to make them available. The naming scheme varies by operating system. Once mounted, the files within the volume are available for use. File systems may be unmounted to disable access or for maintenance.

File sharing depends on the semantics provided by the system. Files may have multiple readers, multiple writers, or limits on sharing. Distributed file systems allow client hosts to mount volumes or directories from servers, as long as they can access each other across a network. Remote file systems present challenges in reliability, performance, and security. Distributed information systems maintain user, host, and access information so that clients and servers can share state information to manage use and access.

Since files are the main information-storage mechanism in most computer systems, file protection is needed. Access to files can be controlled separately for each type of access—read, write, execute, append, delete, list directory, and so on. File protection can be provided by access lists, passwords, or other techniques.

Review Questions

Review questions for this chapter can be accessed by visiting our website.

Practice Exercises

Answers for the Practice Exercises can be accceed by visiting our website.

10.1 Some systems automatically delete all user files when a user logs off or a job terminates, unless the user explicitly requests that they be kept. Other systems keep all files unless the user explicitly deletes them. Discuss the relative merits of each approach.
10.2 Why do some systems keep track of the type of a file, while others leave it to the user and others simply do not implement multiple file types? Which system is “better”?
10.3 Similarly, some systems support many types of structures for a file's data, while others simply support a stream of bytes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?
10.4 Could you simulate a multilevel directory structure with a single-level directory structure in which arbitrarily long names can be used? If your answer is yes, explain how you can do so, and contrast this scheme with the multilevel directory scheme. If your answer is no, explain what prevents your simulation's success. How would your answer change if file names were limited to seven characters?
10.5 Explain the purpose of the open() and close() operations.
10.6 In some systems, a subdirectory can be read and written by an authorized user, just as ordinary files can be.
  1. Describe the protection problems that could arise.
  2. Suggest a scheme for dealing with each of these protection problems.
10.7 Consider a system that supports 5,000 users. Suppose that you want to allow 4,990 of these users to be able to access one file.
  1. How would you specify this protection scheme in UNIX?
  2. Can you suggest another protection scheme that can be used more effectively for this purpose than the scheme provided by UNIX?
10.8 Researchers have suggested that, instead of having an access list associated with each file (specifying which users can access the file, and how), we should have a user control list associated with each user (specifying which files a user can access, and how). Discuss the relative merits of these two schemes.


10.9 Consider a file system in which a file can be deleted and its disk space reclaimed while links to that file still exist. What problems may occur if a new file is created in the same storage area or with the same absolute path name? How can these problems be avoided?
10.10 The open-file table is used to maintain information about files that are currently open. Should the operating system maintain a separate table for each user or maintain just one table that contains references to files that are currently being accessed by all users? If the same file is being accessed by two different programs or users, should there be separate entries in the open-file table? Explain.
10.11 What are the advantages and disadvantages of providing mandatory locks instead of advisory locks whose use is left to users' discretion?
10.12 Provide examples of applications that typically access files according to the following methods:
  • Sequential
  • Random
10.13 Some systems automatically open a file when it is referenced for the first time and close the file when the job terminates. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this scheme compared with the more traditional one, where the user has to open and close the file explicitly.
10.14 If the operating system knew that a certain application was going to access file data in a sequential manner, how could it exploit this information to improve performance?
10.15 Give an example of an application that could benefit from operating-system support for random access to indexed files.
10.16 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of supporting links to files that cross mount points (that is, the file link refers to a file that is stored in a different volume).
10.17 Some systems provide file sharing by maintaining a single copy of a file. Other systems maintain several copies, one for each of the users sharing the file. Discuss the relative merits of each approach.
10.18 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of associating with remote file systems (stored on file servers) a set of failure semantics different from that associated with local file systems.
10.19 What are the implications of supporting UNIX consistency semantics for shared access to files stored on remote file systems?

Bibliographical Notes

Database systems and their file structures are described in full in [Silberschatz et al. (2010)].

A multilevel directory structure was first implemented on the MULTICS system ([Organick (1972)]). Most operating systems now implement multilevel directory structures. These include Linux ([Love (2010)]), Mac OS X ([Singh (2007)]), Solaris ([McDougall and Mauro (2007)]), and all versions of Windows ([Russinovich and Solomon (2005)]).

The network file system (NFS), designed by Sun Microsystems, allows directory structures to be spread across networked computer systems. NFS Version 4 is described in RFC3505 ( A general discussion of Solaris file systems is found in the Sun System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems (

DNS was first proposed by [Su (1982)] and has gone through several revisions since. LDAP, also known as X.509, is a derivative subset of the X.500 distributed directory protocol. It was defined by [Yeong et al. (1955)] and has been implemented on many operating systems.


[Love (2010)] R. Love, Linux Kernel Development, Third Edition, Developer's Library (2010).

[McDougall and Mauro (2007)] R. McDougall, J. Mauro, Solaris Internals, Second Edition, Prentice Hall (2007).

[Organick (1972)] E. I. Organick, The Multics System: An Examination of Its Structure, MIT Press (1972).

[Russinovich and Solomon (2005)] M. E. Russinovich, D. A. Solomon, Microsoft Windows Internals, Fourth Edition, Microsoft Press (2005).

[Silberschatz et al. (2010)] A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, Sixth Edition McGraw-Hill (2010).

[Singh (2007)] A. Singh, Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach, Addison-Wesley (2007).

[Su (1982)] Z. Su, “A Distributed System for Internet Name Service”, Network Working Group, Request for Comments:, 830 (1982).

[Yeong et al. (1995)] W. Yeong, T. Howes, S. Kille, “Lightweight Directory Access Protocol”, Network Working Group, Request for Comments:, 1777 (1995).

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