Troubleshooting unexpected changes and resulting Streams errors

Expect the unexpected. Whether the failure occurs after the Streams environment has been up and running or occurs while you are attempting to implement the environment, your best defense is knowing the failure points in a Streamed environment, and the most likely causes for the failures. In this section, we will address this very thing, as well as present a methodical approach to troubleshooting errors. We will also discuss various COTS and custom tools that you may find helpful in monitoring and troubleshooting the environment.

Failure Points and Most Likely Causes (a.k.a. FPs and MLCs)

The following diagram shows the overall flow of DML/DDL change through the Streams processes from source to destination. Each transition constitutes a potential point of failure (notated by the circled number). We will start at the beginning and work our way through the flow describing the failure point and the most likely causes. The following section is not intended to be an "All Inclusive" list of every issue you may encounter. Rather, it provides some basic, well known issues at specific points that are intended to help you begin to associate where to look when issues are encountered.

Failure Points and Most Likely Causes (a.k.a. FPs and MLCs)

Failure Point 1: DML/DDL statement commit logging

At this FP, we want to make sure that committed changes are being recorded in the redo. If the changes are not in the redo, they cannot be captured.

Successful commit

Make sure the statement was successfully committed.

DML/DDL statements must execute and commit successfully to the redo to be eligible for capture. If the DML/DDL is not successfully executed and committed, it will not be captured. If you are using Synchronous Capture, make sure triggers are enabled and valid. Again, the DML/DDL must be successfully committed to "kick off" the Synchronous Capture triggering.


Mitigate potential use of the NOLOGGING option on the session issuing DML/DDL statements with the NOLOGGING option will keep the change from being entered into the redo log completely. To avoid this, all capture databases should be configured with FORCED LOGGING. This ensures that DML/DDL changes are logged in the redo regardless of the use of the NOLOGGING option specification.

You can either create the database or tablespaces with the FORCE LOGGING option or use the alter database or alter tablespace commands to enable FORCE LOGGING.

Archive Log mode

Make sure the database is in Archive log mode and the Archive process is started (you may see ORA-01001: Invalid Cursor ,ORA-01405:Fetched column value is NULL errors).

Failure Point 2: LogMiner

At this FP, we want to make sure that LogMiner has the configuration and resources it needs.

Supplemental logging

Make sure supplemental logging has been configured for each table replicated.

  • Check Supplemental Logging at the Database level:
select supplemental_log_data_pk pk_logging,
supplemental_log_data_ui ui_logging
from v$database;
------------ ------------

  • Check Supplemental Logging at the table level:
select lg.log_group_name, lg.table_name, lg.always, lgc.column_name, lgc.position
from dba_log_groups lg,
dba_log_group_columns lgc
where lg.log_group_name = lgc.log_group_name(+);

  • To enable Database level Supplemental Logging issue the following command:

  • To enable table level Supplemental Logging issue the following command:
 <table_name> ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GOUP <log_group_name> (col1, col2) ALWAYS;


This parameter sets the redo allocation concurrency level. If one or more Capture processes are run on the database, this parameter should be set to 1 (Note: this does not affect capture parallelism). Attempting to set the value greater than 1 could result in an ORA-01374: Log_parallelism_max greater than 1 not supported in this release.


Make sure this parameter is set as equal to, or more than, the number of Capture processes configured on the database (this could result in ORA-01353: Exisiting LogMiner Session).

Each Capture process requires its own persistent LogMiner mining session. If the number of Capture processes exceed the number of persistent sessions, then those Capture processes will not be able to start.

Failure Point 3: Capture process and rules

This FP focuses on making sure the Capture process has the resources, configuration, and proper rules in place to Capture changes. If you've confirmed the Capture process is up and running, and capturing changes, you will want to look at the rules defined for the process. On thing to keep in mind, it is possible that changes in data handling via applications can impact behavior of a Capture rule if unexpected or new values are not handled in rule conditions that use those values. If your Capture process starts "missing" changes, take a good hard look at the data values, and compare them to the rule conditions.

Memory allocation

Make sure Streams has adequate memory allocation. Either implement Automatic Memory Management (10g and higher), or increase the shared pool and streams pool by at least 10MB per Capture process. In the event you see an ORA-01341: LogMiner out-of-memory, you can increase LogMiner memory allocation by increasing the Capture process parameter _sga_size. The default for this memory allocation is 10MB. Note that if you increase the _sga_size, you will most likely want to make a corresponding increase the streams pool size as well to accommodate the additional memory allocation for the capture. The following command allocates 50 MB to LogMiner memory

exec dbms_capture_adm.set_parameter('STRMADMIN_CAPTURE','_SGA_SIZE','50'),

Capture process status

Make sure the Capture process (and queue) is enabled.

select capture_name, queue_name, status, error_number, error_ message from dba_capture;


If the Capture process has a status of DISABLED, attempt to start the process.

If the Capture process has a status of ABORTED, you should see accompanying errors. Address the errors and attempt to restart the process.

If the Capture process is ENABLED, but not capturing recent transactions, it may have fallen behind.

select to_char(enqueue_message_create_time,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') last_enqueue, to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') cur_time
from v$streams_capture;

23-AUG-09 20:09:12

Notice the lack of enqueued time. Even though our process is enabled, it is not capturing.

In this case, the next step is to check the state of the Capture capture_name, startup_time, state from v$streams_capture;

          Aug 22, 2009
                  4:01:00 PM

In this case, the Capture process is expecting to find the archive log with the noted SCN to access the Data Dictionary info in the redo log to build the LogMiner Data Dictionary. However, the archive log has been deleted. If possible, restore the archive log with the FIRST_SCN to the archive log destination folder and re-register it with the Capture process.

alter database register logfile <pathfilename> for <capture_name>;

If the required archive log is not available, you will need to recreate the Capture process.

If a Capture process appears to be "stuck" in the INITIALIZING state, it could be a result of one of the following:

  • Combined Capture and Apply is enabled and the Apply site is not available
  • Downstream capture is configured and redo is still in transit or unavailable
  • The START_SCN is significantly higher than the REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCN/FIRST_SCN and the process is still scanning the redo
  • One or more required redo logs are not available
  • Indoubt distributed transactions can keep capture checkpoints from advancing as expected

    Check for issues in the DBA_2PC_PENDING and DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS views and also, reference the Viewing Information about Distributed Transactions chapter in the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide 11g

Capture queue designation

Verify that the Capture process is assigned to the correct queue.

select capture_name, queue_name, queue_owner
from dba_capture;
--------------- --------------- -------------

Capture Rules and Rule Sets

While most expectations are to capture changes, it is quite possible to not want to capture changes. Keep in mind that if any rule in a rule set evaluates to TRUE, the whole rule set evaluates to TRUE.

  • Verify Capture Rules are configured properly for expected capture.

    The obvious verification is to make sure that the capture rule set contains rules (an empty rule set can throw an ORA-01405: Fetched column value is null). There should be at least one rule (DML) in the rule set, and an additional rule for DDL if include_DDL is set to true for the capture.

    If the rules were created with the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM, you can query the following views.

    Select * from dba_streams_<level>_rules;

    Where <level> is table, schema, or global. Add appropriate where clause to filter on the rules of interest.

    Otherwise, query dba_rules

    Select * from dba_rules;

    Add appropriate where clause to filter on the rules of interest.

  • Verify if the values for source_database, and :dml.get_source_database_name() are the same as the capture database global_name. If the global_name has been changed, the Capture process will no longer capture changes.
  • Verify the rule conditions are set as expected for the capture rules.

    Compare the rule evaluations to the values of the change that was not or was captured. Rules behave the opposite of rule sets. If one or more conditions evaluates to FALSE, the rule returns FALSE.

    Is it a negative rule set ()?— remember this is a double negative. If the negative rule evaluates to TRUE, the change is NOT captured.

    If the rules set has multiple rules, do one or more rules cancel each other out?

    If the rule set has multiple rules defined, make sure they do not cancel each other out; especially if you mix positive and negative rules in the rule set.


    See the Tricks and Tips section below for an example of altering a Streams process rule.

  • Check Tag settings

    Make sure you are, or are not including tags as expected. Verify the tag value in the rule to the tag value being set when the change is originated if possible (most of the time this is done via code, so you can do this. However, if a user manually set the tag you may or may not be able to determine the tag value used).

  • Verify any transformations for the rules.
    select r.rule_name, rac.nvn_name ac_name, rac.nvn_value.accessvarchar2() ac_value from dba_rules r, table (r.rule_action_context.actx_list) rac;

    Add the appropriate where clause to filter on the rules of interest.

    Transformations can affect the capture of an event. If a transformation exists, verify the logic and outcome of the PL/SQL code. If the transformation fails the Capture process is aborted (see chapter 6).

  • Check for Capture process errors in alert.log

    Also look for any tracefiles. Check EM for failed capture operations alerts.

Failure Point 4: Capture enqueue

This FP focuses on the ability of the Capture process to enqueue LCR's to its assigned Capture queue.

Capture user privileges

Make sure the capture user either owns the queue or has been granted enqueue privileges on the queue.

select capture_name, capture_user, queue_name, queue_owner
from dba_capture;
--------------- --------------- --------------- ------------

Failure Point 5: Propagation dequeue from Capture queue

At this FP, we want to make sure the Propagation process is able to dequeue LCRs from the Capture queue.

Propagation Status

  • Verify the Propagation process is started

    Set the date display to show time as well

alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'; select propagation_name, status, error_date, error_message from dba_propagation;
------------------ -------- ------------------ ---------------

You can also view information in the DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES view.


If you see an error date but not an error_message, check the propagation site alert log. If the destination site is down, you will see entries similar to the following:


Fatal NI connect error 12518, connecting to:



  • TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Beta
  • Windows NT TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for 32-bit Windows: Version

Time: 25-AUG-2009 17:29:49

Tracing not turned on.

Tns error struct:

ns main err code: 12564

TNS-12564: TNS:connection refused

ns secondary err code: 0

nt main err code: 0

nt secondary err code: 0

nt OS err code: 0

Propagation source configuration

  • Verify if the Propagation process is pointed to the correct capture queue
  • Verify if the propagation user either owns the capture queue or has been granted dequeue privileges on the capture queue
select propagation_name, rule_set_owner, source_queue_owner srcq_owner, source_queue_name srcq_name from dba_propagation;
------------------ -------------------- ------------ -------------

Propagation Job

Verify that the propagation job is running and does not have errors.

Select * from dba_propagation;

Failure Point 6: Propagation Rules

These are pretty much the same as for Capture Rules (See Failure Point 3 for more detail on rules). You just want to focus on the propagation rule types (via filter).

  • Verify Propagation Rules are configured properly for expected Propagation process.

    If the rules were created with the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM, you can query the following views.

    Select * from dba_streams_<level>_rules;

    Where <level> is table, schema, or global. Add appropriate where clause to filter on the rules of interest.

    Otherwise, query DBA_RULES

    Select * from dba_rules;

    Add appropriate where clause to filter on the rules of interest.

  • Verify the value for source_database, and :dml.get_source_database_name() are the same as the capture database global_name
  • Verify the rule conditions are set as expected for the propagation rules
  • Check Tag settings
  • Verify any Transformations for the rules
  • Check propagation errors in the alert.log

    Also check Propagation process trace files. Check EM for failed propagation operations alerts

Failure Point 7: Database link configuration

  • Verify the database link named for process is correct
  • Verify database link works

    The database link (dblink) name must be the same as global_name of the database to which it connects. If global_name of the destination database has been changed, the dblink will need to be dropped and recreated (You may see ORA-02082 or other associated errors indicate db global naming is not configured correctly).

    The user connection information is correct (the Propagation process will be aborted with invalid username/ password error).

    The "using" parameter is a valid sqlnet connection description: either a valid tnsalias or the full connection description string.

  • Verify that the propagation user owns the dblink used by the Propagation process

Failure Point 8: Network connectivity and stability

  • Verify tnsnames.ora configuration is correct/current and in the correct Oracle home.
  • Check environment variables:

    TNS_NAMES and PATH settings can unexpectedly redirect the OracleNet connection to use a tnsnames.ora file that does not contain the tnsalias used in the db link "using clause". If you are in an environment where these may change, consider using the full connection description string in the database link "using" parameter rather than a tnsalias.

Create database link STRM2
connect to strm_admin identified by strm_admin
(PORT = 1521)

  • Verify Host value: Has the host name or IP address changed for the host? If host name is used, is the domain needed to locate the host in a different domain (recommended for multi-domain environments)?
  • Verify Port value: Did the listener port for the destination database change?
  • Verify Invited_Nodes: If set in the destination sqlnet.ora, is the source database in the list? If host name is used, is the domain needed (recommended for multi-domain environments)?
  • Check for ORA-3113 on propagation job. ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel indicates that the network throughput was interrupted causing the propagation job to abort. Attempt to restart the Propagation process manually. In most cases the propagation should start back up. If you are on a network experiencing these types of comlink issues regularly, consider creating a scheduled job owned by the Propagation process owner that checks the propagation status on a regular basis and attempts to restart the process if it is not enabled. Example code for this can be found in the Tricks and Tips section below.
  • TNS errors (ex: ORA-12505, ORA-12514; could not resolve sid/service name) indicate issues with connecting via alias's. Troubleshoot these errors for database links just as you would for a straight SQL*PLUS connection.

Failure Point 9: Propagation enqueue to the Apply queue

We need to make sure that the Propagation process is able to enqueue the LCR's to its assigned Apply queue.

Destination availability

Verify that the destination database is open and the destination listener is started.


If a Capture process status is initializing, it could indicate that a destination database associated with the capture via a Propagation process is down. Check the source and destination database alert logs for any TNS connection refusal errors.

Propagation destination configuration

  • Verify that the db link connect user either owns the apply queue or has enqueued privileges on the queue
  • Verify that the Propagation process is pointed to the correct capture queue
select propagation_name, destination_dblink dst_dblink, username connected_user,
destination_queue_owner dstq_owner,
destination_queue_name dstrcq_name
from dba_propagation,
where destination_dblink=db_link;
------------------ --------------- --------------- ------------ -------------

Failure Point 10: Apply dequeue

Here, we want to make sure the Apply process is able to dequeue the LCRs from the Apply queue

Apply process status

  • Verify the Apply process (and queue) is up and running.

    If the status id DISABLED, attempt to restart the process

    If the status is ABORTED, check the accompanying error information, address the errors, and attempt to restart the process.

  • Verify the Apply process is configured to apply captured events

    If APPLY_CAPTURE is NO, the Apply process will only apply user enqueued events for the rule set.

select apply_name, status, apply_captured apply_capt,
error_number err_num, error_message err_msg
from dba_apply;
--------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -----------------

Apply user privileges

Make sure the Apply user either owns the Apply queue or has been granted dequeue privileges on the queue.

Failure Point 11: Apply Rules

These are pretty much the same as for Capture Rules (See Failure Point 3 for more detail on rules). You just want to focus on the Apply rule types (via filter).

  • Verify Apply Rules are configured properly for expected Apply process.

    If the rules were created with the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM, you can query the following views.

    Select * from dba_streams_<level>_rules;

    Where <level> is table, schema, or global. Add appropriate where clause to filter on the rules of interest.

    Otherwise, query DBA_RULES.

    Select * from dba_rules;

    Add appropriate where clause to filter on the rules of interest.

  • Verify the value for source_database, and :dml.get_source_database_name() are the same as the capture database global_name
  • Verify that the rule conditions are set as expected for the capture rules
  • Check Tag settings
  • Verify any Transformations for the rules
  • Check any existing Apply handlers
  • Check for Apply process errors in alert.log

    Also look for any tracefiles. Check EM for failed Apply operations alerts

Apply latency

  • Determine if the Apply process is keeping up with workload.
select hwm_message_number message_id, hwm_message_create_time create_time, hwm_time apply_time, ((hwm_time-hwm_message_create_time) * 86400) apply_lag_secs from v$streams_apply_coordinator;
MESSAGE_ID CREATE_TIME APPLY_TIME APPLY_LAG_SECS ---------- -------------- ------------- -------------- 3103329 25-AUG-09 13:01:46 25-AUG-09 13:01:56 10

  • If transactions are coming in faster than the Apply process can Apply them, try increasing the parallelism of the Apply processes. Or, consider adding an additional Apply queue and process, and splitting the inbound Propagation processes between them (this means that those Propagation processes that need to be redirected to the new queue must be recreated).
  • Check for LARGE transactions.

    The APPLY reader will keep dequeing the large transaction until it reaches the transaction end marker. During this time, the coordinator and APPLY slaves will be IDLE. To determine if there is a large transaction in progress, you can check the capture site alert log for large transaction messages and match it with the transaction id in the APPLY views.

  • Check for Apply spill to disk.

    If the number of messages in a transaction exceeds the txn_lcr_spill_threshold the Apply process will begin to spill messages to disk. This can slow down the Apply process. Use the DBA_APPLY_SPILL_TXN view to see information on spilled messages.

Failure Point 12: Conflict detection and resolution rules

Oracle's conflict detection determines if old values or data structure in the event LCR do not match the existing data in the destination table. When this happens, it checks to see if there is any conflict resolution defined for the Apply ruleset. If none is found, the LCR is placed in the Apply Error Queue (this is a persistent queue which allows us to query it at will).

If conflict resolution methods are defined for the apply rule they are used to continue processing the LCR. If the conflict is still not resolved after applying all the conflict resolution methods to the LCR, the LCR is put in the Apply Error queue.

  • Verify the conflict resolution method resolves the conflict as expected.

    Conflict resolution methods are a type of transformation and they can change the data. Make sure the resolution and data change logic are correct and yield the expected result with the values of the LCR.

  • Make sure supplemental logging has been configured for each table replicated.
  • Verify that supplemental logging is configured for conflict resolution columns at both the capture and apply sites

    Check Supplemental Logging at the Database level:

select supplemental_log_data_pk pk_logging, supplemental_log_data_ui ui_logging from v$database;
PK_LOGGING UI_LOGGING ------------ ------------ NO NO

  • Check Supplemental Logging at the table level:
select lg.log_group_name, lg.table_name, lg.always, lgc.column_name, lgc.position from dba_log_groups lg, dba_log_group_columns lgc where lg.log_group_name = lgc.log_group_name(+);

To enable Database level Supplemental Logging issue the following command:


To enable table level Supplemental Logging issue the following command:

ALTER TABLE <table_name> ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GOUP <log_group_name> (col1, col2) ALWAYS;

Failure Point 13: Apply Errors

If there are errors in the apply error queue, it means that a conflict was encountered that could not be resolved. These errors must be resolved manually. It may be helpful to extract the LCR of the event to determine the old and new values and change type for the change event. This can be done via Enterprise Manager DB Console/Grid Control Streams Apply Error drill down screens, or you can use scripts to extract the LCR like the one below in the Troubleshooting Tools section. One thing to understand at this failure point is that change transactions that reach the Apply Error queue have not been handled by the conflict resolution or transformation design and should not be "fixed and forgotten". The following tells you how to address errors quickly so that the Apply process can be fixed when these errors occur, allowing Streaming to function. However, a record of the errors and causes should be kept and reviewed with the appropriate parties so that appropriate change handling design modifications can be implemented to circumvent the cause of the errors and avoid them in the future.


It is extremely important to monitor the Apply Error queue. If an LCR fails, all subsequent LCR's with a direct or indirect dependency on that LCR will fail as well. This can quickly lead to the Apply site becoming totally out of sync with its master site(s).

When you address the events in the Apply Error queue, you will want to sort them so that you address the oldest error first.

select * from dba_apply_error order by local_transaction_id;

Address the first error. Determine what the change was and what the original values of the row were by extracting the LCR. Compare these value to the existing row in the table at the Apply site.

If may be possible that changes from another master may have been applied after the erred change you are addressing failed. This being the case you may not wish to apply the change at all. If this is the case, you can delete the change using the DBMS_APPLY_ADM.DELETE_ERROR procedure. If you wish to attempt to reapply the change, update the existing row in the table to match the old values so the Apply process can "find" the old record and it can pass conflict detection (remember, conflict detection compares the old values of the LCR to the current values in the destination table ). You can then reapply the change using the DBMS_APPLY_ADM.EXECUTE_ERROR. Verify that the change was applied as expected. Note: capitalization in text fields makes a difference.

You may wish to just manually update the existing data in the destination table to match the new values of the change. This is also acceptable.

If you choose to Apply the change to the destination table, and it has been successfully applied, you may want to run the DBMS_APPLY_ADM.EXECUTE_ALL_ERRORS('APPLY'). The reason being that what may have kept the rest of the errors from being applied, was the first error. Now that you have fixed the first error, the Apply process can now reprocess the rest of the errors without issue. This could drastically reduce the size of your error queue and the number of errors you will need to manually address.

The same method can be accomplished via the EM Streams Management GUI if you prefer that to command line. See the next section for more on troubleshooting Tools.

Troubleshooting tools

The following section addresses some useful and recommended tools that will help you monitor and troubleshoot your Streamed environment.

Enterprise Manager: Streams management

Your new best friend! The following screenshots highlight the EM DBConsole/Grid Control UI's that allow you to monitor, troubleshoot, and administer the Streams processes in each database. If nothing else worked in EM, with exception of these UI's, this tool would still be worth its weight in gold. Keep in mind however, that as a DBA, you should always know what is going on under the buttons and links. Meaning, you should understand the database level commands that the UI issues to accomplish tasks and displays. If things do not work as expected from the UI, you will want to attempt the operation from command line (a.k.a SQLPlus) to determine if the problem is with the tool or the database. As you go through the screen shots, see what you recognize in the UI's from our previous failure point section.

To get to Streams Management, go to the Database tab. Click on the Data Movement link. Click on the Management link under the Streams section. This will bring you to the Streams Overview page.

Streams Overview

This page gives a summary view of Streams Capture, Propagate, Apply, and User Messaging. Notice we have an Error in our Apply Process.

Streams Overview

By clicking on the Error link we go to a summary page showing the error.

Streams Overview

Or we can go directly to the Apply process home page by clicking on the Apply Tab.

The status of the Apply process shows ABORTED. This usually happens when the Apply process encounters an error and the DISABLE_ON_ERROR is set to Yes.

Streams Overview

You can verify the Apply process configurations by clicking on the View and Edit buttons. To see the errors, click on the Error button.

You now see the records that are in the local DBA_APPLY_ERROR queue. You can drill down into the LCR by clicking on the icon in the View Error LCRs column.

Streams Overview

The LCR information lists all messages contained in the LCR.

Streams Overview

Select a message via its radio button and click on Compare Values to extract the LCR message and display the actual change values.

Streams Overview

Return to the Apply Errors page, when you have resolved the issue that caused the LCR to fail, you can retry or delete the error by clicking on the appropriate buttons.

Streams Overview

Now let's look at the Capture Process. Notice that even though the status is ENABLED the state is n/a. This is a good indication that one or more of the Apply sites associated to the Capture process (via propagation) is not available. When the Apply returns to operations, you should see the state of the Capture process go to CAPTURING CHANGES.

Streams Overview

Our next stop is the propagation page (hey! stop, prop, one-hop prop — feeling a hit single coming on!).

Streams Overview

You can check statistics for any process by clicking on the Stastics button and view or edit process configuration by clicking on the View and Edit buttons respectively as you see on the Propagation screen.

Streams Overview

Command line packages and scripts

In the event that you do not have access to the EM console, you can still efficiently monitor your Streamed environment using a number of command line PL/SQL packages and scripts. This chapter provides a few examples that the authors have found most useful over the years. However, do not limit yourself. A number of Streams command line monitoring scripts can be found on Oracle Technical Network, Metalink, and the Internet. Play with them. Find out what works best for you. Keep in mind one rule of thumb that we've seen get even seasoned DBAs: Role level privileges and PL/SQL execution do not mix. The context user of the script (whomever the script runs as, by default is the owner of the script) must be explicitly (directly) granted privileges on certain objects and database packages, procedures, and functions to access them via PL/SQL script. Privilege assignment via a Role is not recognized by the PL/SQL execution engine by design.

If you encounter "object does not exist" errors when you know the object does exist, or "insufficient privilege" errors during PL/SQL execution, log on as a SYSDBA and grant the package owner privileges on the object directly.

Compare and Converge divergent data.

Depending on the circumstance, it may not be feasible to manually find and fix divergent data between sites. Oracle supplies a package to help us do just this. This package is the DBMS_COMPARISON package. This handy-dandy little package can be used to automate the comparison of the data between two objects (a lot faster than we can), and even converge (fix and synchronize) the data. The object itself must be table-based. Meaning, the object stores data in a record format, such as a table type, an index type, or a materialized view type.

Comparing data

You first must define what is to be compared; the schema and object, the dblink to the remote object (the object is assumed to be in the local database). You use the CREATE_COMPARISON procedure to do this. This procedure also allows you to compare objects that may be in a different schema or have a different name at the remote site, set a limit on when to stop comparing, replace null values with a specific value, just determine how many rows do not match, or show actual rows that do not match, to name a few.

Once you have created the "Comparison", use the DBMS_COMPARISON.COMPARE function to compare a shared object between two databases.

The function returns a boolean, but also has an out parameter (scan_info) that is of the COMPARISON_TYPE record type of which the SCAN_ID value can then be used to find scan results in the following views.


Each execution of the COMPARE function will generate a new SCAN_ID for the scan_info.

The COMPARISON_TYPE record has the following attributes:

  • scan_id(number): The ID of the scan
  • loc_rows_merged(number): The number of rows in the local database object that differ from matching rows in the remote database object
  • rmt_rows_merged(number): The number of rows in the remote database object that differ from matching rows in the local database object
  • loc_rows_deleted(number): The number of rows found in the remote database object not found in the local database object
  • rmt_rows_deleted(number): The number of rows found in the local database object not found in the remote database object

The function returns TRUE is no differences are found, it returns FALSE if differences are found.

Once you determine if and what row differences there are, you can use the DBMS_COMPARISON.CONVERGE procedure to either make the remote site look like the local site, or the local site look like the remote site. This is specified via the CONVERGE_OPTIONS parameter. The converge option choices are either CMP_CONVERGE_LOCAL_WINS or CMP_CONVERGE_REMOTE_WINS.


Note: The option is all inclusive. It is an all or nothing, either/or. There is no "this one from the local and that one from the remote". If you need this level of granularity for a converge, you can run the compare, and then create a procedure to loop through the records in the DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF view and handle each record separately as needed.

Once you have completed your compare and converge operations, you can recheck the compare (this only rechecks the differing rows for the identified compare scan_id), purge the scan information from the comparison views, and drop the compare definition as you wish.


For more information on using DBMS_COMPARISON please refer to the Comparing and Converging Data chapter in the Oracle Streams Replication Administrators' Guide, and the Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference.

Oracle HealthCheck

For each major release, Oracle provides a Streams HealthCheck script that you can download from Oracle Metalink. This script runs at a SQLPlus prompt, connected as a SYSDBA and queries various Streams views and tables to generate a compressive report detailing the Streams configuration in the instance and the health of the configuration. This script is exceedingly useful to Oracle Support if you require their assistance to resolve issues. To access these scripts, log on to Metalink and search on Streams Health Check Scripts.

Custom QuickCheck

If you just wish to run a quick check on your Streams processes the following script provides a basic report for all sites designated in the script. The script uses union all queries to pull information from multiple dblinked sites into the summary report. Of course the expectation here, is that you run the script from a database that has the dblinks to the sites you wish to monitor. To use the script, edit the union queries to include a select from each database link you wish to monitor (our example shows 3 sites). If you are handy with PL/SQL, you can even auto generate this script by creating a procedure that loops through the Stream Administrators database links and "builds" the union queries for each link. A quick hint if you do not already know. You can mimic a loopback database link on the site that you are running the script on by using the global_name of the local database as the dblink name. This causes the database to "connect" to itself and lets us standardize the query segment.

The script does the following:

  • Shows the status of all the Capture Processes at all the specified database link sites, including the last SCN captured
  • Shows the status of all the Apply Processes at all the specified database link sites, including the Last SCN applied, and the Last SCN dequeued
    • In most cases the last SCN applied and the last scn dequeued will be the same unless there is some lag time where the Apply process is still applying the last dequeued SCN.
    • You can compare your last applied SCN at the destination sites with the last captured SCN at the source site to quickly determine if your Streams is working and keeping up. You should see all values increment as LCR activity flows through the Streamed environment.
  • Show any/all Erred transactions in DBA_APPLY_ERROR at the destination site
  • Shows the status of all the Propagation Processes at all the specified database link sites inlcluding the last acknowledged SCN from the associated Apply process
    • Special note here: In the Oracle documentation the ACK_SCN is described as being the last "dequeued" SCN acknowledged by the Apply process. If the Apply queue is a buffered queue, then "dequeue" means both dequeued and successfully processed. This because if the buffered apply queue is flushed from memory, it needs to be reloaded from the source Capture process. To avoid potential event/LCR loss, the Apply process must not acknowledge the SCN until it has completed processing it.

We like to call this script check_rep_status.sql. It should be run as the stream admin user from SQLPlus and it goes like this:

set echo off
set serveroutput on
set pagesize 150
set linesize 100
column capture_site format a45
column apply_site format a45
column propagation_site format a45
column error_message format a45
alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS';
exec dbms_output.put_line('**********************************'),
exec dbms_output.put_line('System Capture Progress'),
exec dbms_output.put_line('**********************************'),
select c.capture_site, c.capture_queue, c.last_captured_scn
(select source_database capture_site, queue_name capture_queue, last_enqueued_scn last_captured_scn
from dba_capture@STRM1
union all
select source_database, queue_name, last_enqueued_scn
from dba_capture@STRM2
union all
select source_database, queue_name, last_enqueued_scn
from dba_capture@STRM3
) c
order by c.capture_site;
exec dbms_output.put_line('**********************************'),
exec dbms_output.put_line('System Apply Progress'),
exec dbms_output.put_line('**********************************'),
select a.apply_site, a.apply_name, a.OLDEST_SCN_NUM, a.last_apply_scn
from (
select (select global_name from global_name@STRM1) apply_site, apply_name, OLDEST_SCN_NUM ,DEQUEUED_MESSAGE_NUMBER last_apply_scn
from v$streams_apply_reader@STRM1
union all
select (select global_name from global_name@STRM2) db_name, apply_name, OLDEST_SCN_NUM, DEQUEUED_MESSAGE_NUMBER
from v$streams_apply_reader@STRM2
union all
select (select global_name from global_name@STRM3) db_name, apply_name, OLDEST_SCN_NUM, DEQUEUED_MESSAGE_NUMBER
from v$streams_apply_reader@STRM3
) a
order by a.apply_name, a.apply_site;
exec dbms_output.put_line('**********************************'),
exec dbms_output.put_line('Apply Progress Errors'),
exec dbms_output.put_line('**********************************'),
select c.apply_site, c.apply_name, c.source_commit_scn, c.message_number, c.error_number, c.error_message, c.error_creation_time
from (
select (select global_name from global_name@STRM1) apply_site, apply_name, source_commit_scn, message_number, error_number,
error_message, error_creation_time from dba_apply_error@STRM1
union all
(select global_name from global_name@STRM2) apply_site, apply_name, source_commit_scn, message_number, error_number,
error_message, error_creation_time from dba_apply_error@STRM2
union all
select (select global_name from global_name@STRM3) apply_site, apply_name, source_commit_scn, message_number, error_number,
error_message, error_creation_time from dba_apply_error@STRM3
) c
order by c.apply_site, c.apply_name;
exec dbms_output.put_line('**********************************'),
exec dbms_output.put_line('System Propagation status'),
exec dbms_output.put_line('**********************************'),
select p.propagation_site, p.propagation_name, p.aked_scn acknowledged_scn, p.status, p.error_message, p.error_date
from (select (select global_name from global_name@STRM1) propagation_site, propagation_name, acked_scn, status, error_message, error_date
from dba_propagation@STRM1
union all
select (select global_name from global_name@STRM2) db_name,propagation_name, acked_scn, status, error_message, error_date
from dba_propagation@STRM2
union all
select (select global_name from global_name@STRM3) db_name, propagation_name, acked_scn, status, error_message, error_date
from dba_propagation@STRM3
) p;

Extract LCRs.

While the UI in Enterprise Manager DB Console/Grid Control Streams Apply Error drill-down into the LCR values is the next best thing since sliced bread, there may be times when you only have command line access available to you, or you wish to extract an LCR to a spool file for analysis. Oracle supplies scripts (found in "Displaying Detailed Information about Apply Errors" section, in the Monitoring Oracle Streams Apply Processes chapter in Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration Guide 11g) to help you "unpack" an LCR associated with an erred transaction for analysis. We have provided a PL/SQL procedure below to create these scripts for you as well as added one or two enhancements (like the ability to print a specific erred transaction). You will need to make sure the schema used to build the scripts has explicit privileges on the necessary objects and procedures/functions referenced in the scripts (you'll quickly find out which ones you need the first time you execute the scripts). As you become familiar with how these scripts work, you can adjust the code to format the output and expand the functionality as you wish. As with the quick check scripts, it is recommended that you create these in the stream admin schema.

SET heading OFF
--SET feedback OFF
--SET echo OFF
--SET verify OFF
SET pagesize 0
SET linesize 10000
SET serveroutput on
set echo ON
set feedback ON
exec dbms_output.put_line('create print_any'),
-- *****************************************************************
-- Description: Print the contents of the sys.anydata payload
-- Input Parameters: Data, sys.anydata
-- Output/Returned Parameters: NONE
-- Error Conditions Raised: NONE
-- Notes: This procudure is call by:
-- print_lcr
-- SET SERVEROUTPUT ON before calling the procedure
-- *****************************************************************
create or replace PROCEDURE print_any (DATA IN SYS.ANYDATA)
tn VARCHAR2 (61);
str VARCHAR2 (4000);
chr1 CHAR (255);
dat DATE;
rw RAW (4000);
dbms_output.put_line ('NULL value'),
tn := DATA.gettypename ();
res := DATA.getvarchar2 (str);
dbms_output.put_line (str);
res := DATA.getchar (chr1);
dbms_output.put_line (chr1);
res := DATA.getvarchar (chr1);
dbms_output.put_line (chr1);
res := DATA.getnumber (num);
dbms_output.put_line (num);
res := DATA.getdate (dat);
dbms_output.put_line (dat);
res := DATA.getraw (rw);
dbms_output.put_line (RAWTOHEX (rw));
dbms_output.put_line ('typename is ' || tn);
END print_any;
show errors
exec dbms_output.put_line('create print_lcr'),
-- *****************************************************************
-- Description: Print the contents of the sys.anydata payload
-- Input Parameters: lcr payload as sys.anydata
-- Output/Returned Parameters: NONE
-- Error Conditions Raised: NONE
-- Notes: This procudure is call by:
-- print_errors
-- print_transaction
-- Set serveroutput on before running this procedure
create or replace PROCEDURE print_lcr (lcr IN SYS.ANYDATA)
typenm VARCHAR2 (61);
ddllcr SYS.lcr$_ddl_record;
proclcr SYS.lcr$_procedure_record;
rowlcr SYS.lcr$_row_record;
newlist SYS.lcr$_row_list;
oldlist SYS.lcr$_row_list;
ddl_text CLOB;
typenm := lcr.gettypename ();
dbms_output.put_line ('type name: ' || typenm);
IF (typenm = 'SYS.LCR$_DDL_RECORD')
res := lcr.getobject (ddllcr);
dbms_output.put_line ('source database: ' ||
dbms_output.put_line ('owner: ' || ddllcr.get_object_owner);
dbms_output.put_line ('object: ' || ddllcr.get_object_name);
dbms_output.put_line ('is tag null: ' || ddllcr.is_null_tag);
DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (ddl_text, TRUE);
ddllcr.get_ddl_text (ddl_text);
dbms_output.put_line ('ddl: ' || ddl_text);
DBMS_LOB.freetemporary (ddl_text);
res := lcr.getobject (rowlcr);
dbms_output.put_line ('source database: ' ||
dbms_output.put_line ('owner: ' || rowlcr.get_object_owner);
dbms_output.put_line ('object: ' || rowlcr.get_object_name);
dbms_output.put_line ('is tag null: ' || rowlcr.is_null_tag);
dbms_output.put_line ('command_type: ' ||
oldlist := rowlcr.get_values ('OLD'),
FOR i IN 1 .. oldlist.COUNT
IF oldlist (i) IS NOT NULL
dbms_output.put_line ( 'old(' || i || '): ' ||
oldlist (i).column_name);
print_any (oldlist (i).DATA);
newlist := rowlcr.get_values ('NEW'),
FOR i IN 1 .. newlist.COUNT
IF newlist (i) IS NOT NULL
dbms_output.put_line ( 'new(' || i || '): ' ||
newlist (i).column_name);
print_any (newlist (i).DATA);
dbms_output.put_line ('Non-LCR Message with type ' || typenm);
END print_lcr;
show error
exec dbms_output.put_line('create print_errors'),
-- *****************************************************************
-- Description: Print the contents of the DBA_APPLY_ERROR queue
-- Input Parameters: NONE
-- Output/Returned Parameters: NONE
-- Error Conditions Raised: NONE
-- Notes: None
-- *****************************************************************
create or replace PROCEDURE print_errors
SELECT local_transaction_id, source_database, message_count,
error_number, error_message
FROM dba_apply_error
ORDER BY source_database, source_commit_scn;
txnid VARCHAR2 (30);
sourcedb VARCHAR2 (128);
msgcnt NUMBER;
errnum NUMBER := 0;
errno NUMBER;
errmsg VARCHAR2 (500);
FOR r IN c
errnum := errnum + 1;
msgcnt := r.message_count;
txnid := r.local_transaction_id;
sourcedb := r.source_database;
errmsg := r.error_message;
errno := r.error_number;
dbms_output.put_line ('***************************************'),
dbms_output.put_line ('----- ERROR #; || errnum'),
dbms_output.put_line ('----- Local Transaction ID: ' || txnid);
dbms_output.put_line ('----- Source Database: ' || sourcedb);
dbms_output.put_line ('----Error Number: ' || errno);
dbms_output.put_line ('----Message Text: ' || errmsg);
FOR i IN 1 .. msgcnt
dbms_output.put_line ('--message: ' || i);
lcr := DBMS_APPLY_ADM.get_error_message (i, txnid);
print_lcr (lcr);
END print_errors;
show error
exec dbms_output.put_line('create print_error_id'),
-- *****************************************************************
-- Description: Print error infomation for a specific transaction id
-- Input Parameters: Ltran_id: the local transaction Id of
-- the erred transaction
-- Output/Returned Parameters: NONE
-- Error Conditions Raised: NONE
-- Notes: None
-- *****************************************************************
create or replace PROCEDURE print_error_id (ltran_id in varchar2)
SELECT local_transaction_id, source_database, message_count,
error_number, error_message
FROM dba_apply_error
WHERE local_transaction_id = ltran_id
ORDER BY source_database, source_commit_scn;
txnid VARCHAR2 (30);
sourcedb VARCHAR2 (128);
msgcnt NUMBER;
errnum NUMBER := 0;
errno NUMBER;
errmsg VARCHAR2 (500);
FOR r IN c
errnum := errnum + 1;
msgcnt := r.message_count;
txnid := r.local_transaction_id;
sourcedb := r.source_database;
errmsg := r.error_message;
errno := r.error_number;
dbms_output.put_line ('****************************************'),
dbms_output.put_line ('----- ERROR #; || errnum'),
dbms_output.put_line ('----- Local Transaction ID: ' || txnid);
dbms_output.put_line ('----- Source Database: ' || sourcedb);
dbms_output.put_line ('----Error Number: ' || errno);
dbms_output.put_line ('----Message Text: ' || errmsg);
FOR i IN 1 .. msgcnt
dbms_output.put_line ('--message: ' || i);
lcr := DBMS_APPLY_ADM.get_error_message (i, txnid);
print_lcr (lcr);
END print_error_id;
show error
exec dbms_output.put_line('create print_transaction'),
-- *****************************************************************
-- Description: Print the lcr transaction metadata for the local
-- transaction id passed in
-- Input Parameters: Ltxnid local transaction ID of the erred
-- transaction
-- Output/Returned Parameters: NONE
-- Error Conditions Raised: NONE
-- Notes: None
-- *****************************************************************
create or replace PROCEDURE print_transaction (
ltxnid IN VARCHAR2)
txnid VARCHAR2 (30);
sourcedb VARCHAR2 (128);
msgcnt NUMBER;
errno NUMBER;
errmsg VARCHAR2 (128);
SELECT local_transaction_id, source_database, message_count,
error_number, error_message
INTO txnid, sourcedb, msgcnt, errno, errmsg
FROM dba_apply_error
WHERE local_transaction_id = ltxnid;
dbms_output.put_line ('----- Local Transaction ID: ' || txnid);
dbms_output.put_line ('----- Source Database: ' || sourcedb);
dbms_output.put_line ('----Error Number: ' || errno);
dbms_output.put_line ('----Message Text: ' || errmsg);
FOR i IN 1 .. msgcnt
dbms_output.put_line ('--message: ' || i);
--gets the LCR lcr := DBMS_APPLY_ADM.get_error_message (i, txnid);
print_lcr (lcr);
END print_transaction;
show error
spool off

Tricks and tips

In this section we offer some examples of how to "get around" a couple of troublesome situations. While we have been offering advice and best practice recommendations throughout this book, this section is dedicated to out-of-the-mainstream techniques. As this publication matures, we hope to expand this section to include tricks and tips suggested by our readers. We would love to see this section grow into its own chapter!

Keep propagation going on an unstable network

If your Propagation is plagued by constant network disconnection or interruption causing the process to disable or abort throughout the day, you can automate a job to check the status of the Propagation process and attempt to restart it if it finds it stopped. The following script does this on a 15 minute interval. It also creates an audit table that the job populates when it runs, to allow you to review the down history of the Propagation and associated errors.


set serveroutput on
spool c:create_autofix_prop.txt
exec dbms_output.put_line('create table prop audit'),
create table strmadmin.propagation_audit (
exec dbms_output.put_line('create ckprop proc'),
-- *****************************************************************
-- Description: Query the status for all propagation jobs
-- scheduled in dba_propagation.
-- Insert a record of the status for each job into
-- the propagation_audit table.
-- If the job is disabled, attempt to enable it
-- If an error occurs on enable attempt it is logged
-- in the propagation_audit table.
-- Input Parameters: None
-- Output/Returned Parameters: NONE
-- Error Conditions Raised: NONE. Errors are recorded in
-- propagation_audit table.
-- Notes: This procedure is called by a scheduled
-- job that runs every 15 mins
-- Author: A. McKinnell
-- ********************************
create or replace procedure strmadmin.ckprop_enable
errnum number;
errmsg varchar2(4000);
cursor prop_status is select propagation_name, destination_dblink,
status, source_queue_name,
error_message, error_date
from dba_propagation
where status != 'ENABLED';
for rec in prop_status loop
insert into propagation_audit
values (rec.propagation_name, rec.source_queue_name,
rec.destination_queue_name, rec.destination_dblink,
rec.status, rec.error_message, rec.error_date);
dbms_aqadm.enable_propagation_schedule(rec.source_queue_name, rec.destination_dblink);
when others then
errnum := SQLCODE;
errmsg := SQLERRM;
insert into propagation_audit
values ('CKPROP_ENABLE', rec.source_queue_name,
're-enable propagation for', rec.destination_dblink,
'ERROR', errnum ||': ' ||errmsg, sysdate);
end loop;
when others then
errnum := SQLCODE;
errmsg := SQLERRM;
insert into propagation_audit
values ('CKPROP_ENABLE', 'Exception handler', null, null,
'ERROR', errnum ||': ' ||errmsg, sysdate);
end ckprop_enable;
show error
--Schedule a job to run every 15 mins to re-enable any disabled
exec dbms_output.put_line('schedule chk prop job'),
job_name => 'propagation_check', -
job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE', -
job_action => 'ckprop_enable', -
number_of_arguments => 0, -
start_date =>sysdate, -
repeat_interval => 'FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=15', -
end_date => null, -
enabled => TRUE, -
auto_drop=>FALSE, -
comments => 'This job kicks off every 15 minutes and checks dba_propagation for any disabled propagation schedules and attempts to re-enable. Audits of this job are captured in table strmadmin.propagation_audit'),
spool off

How to change a Streams process Rule

Based on what we reviewed in Chapter 6 on Rules, we can modify a rule condition directly. Use this power with caution. Changes made via this method may not be reflected in existing rule metadata. If you make a change, document it to avoid confusion down the road.

An Example: Enterprise Manager Streams Creation Wizard Created Process with INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR = TRUE, but you want it to be FALSE.

As mentioned earlier, if you use the EM Streams Setup wizard to configure your Streams, be aware that it graciously sets all process INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR to TRUE.

select streams_name, streams_type, include_tagged_lcr include_tag
from dba_streams_rules;
------------------------------        ------------                      ------------------
HR_APPLY                           APPLY                          YES
HR_APPLY                           APPLY                          YES
HR_CAPTURE                    CAPTURE                    YES
HR_CAPTURE                    CAPTURE                    YES
8 rows selected.

To change the behavior without dropping the Capture process and recreating it manually with the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ADD_SCHEMA_RULES setting INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR => FALSE, you can alter the existing Rule for the capture.

Using SQLPlus:

First determine the Rule name and condition text for the Capture Rule.

set long 4000
select streams_type, streams_name, rule_owner, rule_name, rule_condition from dba_streams_rules where streams_type = 'CAPTURE' and streams_name = 'HR_CAPTURE';
 ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------------ 
 ((((:ddl.get_object_owner() = 'HR' or :ddl.get_base_table_owner() = 'HR') and :ddl.get_source_database_name() = 'STRM1' )) and (:ddl.get_compatible() <= dbms_streams.compatible_11_1))
 ((((:dml.get_object_owner() = 'HR') and :dml.get_source_database_name() = 'STRM1 POSITIVE SCHEMA')) and (:dml.get_compatible() <= dbms_streams.compatible_11_1))

You can also find the condition in the dba_rules table, as shown:

select rule_name, rule_condition from dba_rules where rule_name = 'HR18';
((((:dml.get_object_owner() = 'HR') and :dml.get_source_database_name()
 = 'STRM1 POSITIVE SCHEMA')) and (:dml.get_compatible() <= dbms_streams.compatible_11_1))

In our case we are only going to change the DML Rule. The Rule name is HR18. We copy and edit the text to include an evaluation for a null tag (the equivalent of setting INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR = FALSE when adding Rules via DBMS_STREAMS_ADM).

((((:dml.get_object_owner() = 'HR') and :dml.is_null_tag() = 'Y' and :dml.get_source_database_name()
 = 'STRM1 POSITIVE SCHEMA')) and (:dml.get_compatible() < dbms_streams.compatible_11_1))

Next, alter the Rule to use the new condition (make sure to escape the single quotes in the condition string).

The syntax is dbms_rule_adm.alter_rule('<rulename>','<condition>');

'((((:dml.get_object_owner() = ''HR'') ' ||
'and :dml.is_null_tag() = ''Y'' ' ||
'and :dml.get_source_database_name() = ''STRM1 POSITIVE SCHEMA'')) ' ||
'and (:dml.get_compatible() <= dbms_streams.compatible_11_1))'),
select streams_name, rule_name, rule_condition from dba_streams_rules where rule_name = 'HR18';
STREAMS_NAME RULE_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ RULE_CONDITION -------------------------------------------------------------------- HR_CAPTURE HR18 ((((:dml.get_object_owner() = 'HR') and :dml.is_null_tag() = 'Y' and :dml.get_source_database_name() = 'STRM1 POSITIVE SCHEMA')) and (:dml.get_compatible() <= dbms_streams.compatible_11_1))

One thing to be aware of when using this method is that changing the Rule condition itself to exclude tagged LCR's does not change the INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR value. That is ok, it is the rule_condition that is used for the actual evaluation, not the INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR value. You will also notice the columns original_rule_condition and same_rule_condition. These show the original Rule condition for the Streams name and whether it is the same as the current Rule condition (YES/NO) respectively. If the change does not work as expected you can use the original_rule value to quickly fall back to the original condition. In our example we see the original condition that we started with and NO that indicates the Rule condition for the capture has been changed.

select streams_name, rule_name,include_tagged_lcr, original_rule_condition, same_rule_condition from dba_streams_rules where rule_name = 'HR18';
STREAMS_NAME RULE_NAME INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR -------------------- ----------- -------------------- ORIGINAL_RULE_CONDITION --------------------------------------------------- SAME_RULE_CONDITION ----------------------------- HR_CAPTURE HR18 YES ((((:dml.get_object_owner() = 'HR') and :dml.get_source_database_name() = 'STRM1' )) and (:dml.get_compatible() <= dbms_streams.compatible_11_1)) NO

While the above method is directed at changing the Rule condition to not capture tagged LCRs, the same method can be used to add, change, or delete any condition in the Rule.

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