Creating a new, group-based authorization policy

In this recipe, we will create a policy that will only allow access to a service if the requestor has been authenticated as the member of a particular group. Note, that all the screens say that it is a role, but actually the mapping is to a group.

Getting ready

Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

How to do it...

  1. Copy an existing policy.

    In Fusion Middleware Control, expand the Farm and WebLogic Domain, and then right-click on the domain name to bring up the menu. Select Web Services | Policies:

    How to do it...

    On the Web Services Policies screen, select the policy oracle/binding_authorization_permitall_policy and click on the Create Like button to make a copy of the policy:

    How to do it...
  2. Modify the policy. Change the Name of the policy. Accept all the default settings. In the Assertions section, select the J2EE services Authorization line, and then on the Settings tab change Roles Authorization Setting to Selected Roles. Click on the plus (How to do it...) sign to Add a role.
    How to do it...
  3. Authorize a role.

    Choose the group, or groups, you wish to authorize from the Roles Available list, and click on the Move arrow to move them to the Roles Selected to Add list. Then click on OK.

    How to do it...

    The policy may now be saved by clicking on Save.

    How to do it...
  4. Synchronize the policy with JDeveloper.

    In order to use our new policy in JDeveloper, we must make sure that JDeveloper is retrieving the list of policies from the policy store in the WebLogic domain. To do this in JDeveloper, go to the Tools menu and select Preferences....

    How to do it...
  5. Choose to synchronize with App Server.
    How to do it...

    Choose the WS-Policy Store section and select the App Server Connection radio button, and choose a connection from the Connections drop-down list to the domain where you just created the new security policy. Then click on OK.

How it works...

Rather than creating a new policy from scratch, we always copy an existing policy and modify it to suit our needs. Changing a policy will automatically modify the behavior of all the endpoints that are using the policy.

The authentication policy we created restricts access based on the group that a user is a member of. We created this policy in the policy store of the SOA Suite runtime environment. To make this available to JDeveloper, we could have exported the policy from the SOA Suite runtime and then imported it into JDeveloper. Instead we chose to point JDeveloper to the SOA Suite run time policy store. This has the advantage that when we add any additional policies in the future, they will automatically be available in our JDeveloper environment.

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