Chapter 12. Configuring OSB to Use Foreign JMS Queues

In this chapter we will cover:

  • Creating an OSB proxy service to consume JMS messages from OC4J
  • Creating an OSB business service to publish JMS messages to OC4J
  • Using WebLogic JMS Store-and-Forward for inter-domain messaging
  • Configuring OSB to consume JMS messages from JBoss Application Server 5.1


Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) enables applications distributed over heterogeneous platforms that span multiple operating systems and network protocols, to exchange information asynchronously with each other in the form of messages.

MOM enables this through the provision of a distributed communications layer that insulates the application developer from the details of the various operating systems and network interfaces. MOM is not a new concept, with IBM MQSeries being one of the better known MOMs launched by IBM in 1992.

Java Message Service (JMS) is a standard-based Java API defined as part of the Java Enterprise Edition specification. It enables applications that use the JMS API to send or receive messages using any MOM that supports the JMS API (for example, Oracle WebLogic JMS, IBM MQ, and JBoss JMS).

Many legacy integrations into today's IT infrastructure are built on top of a variety of JMS providers; as a result, it is a common requirement to integrate Oracle Service Bus with a variety of JMS providers. In this chapter of the cookbook, we will look at how to integrate OSB with some of the more common JMS providers found within the application infrastructure.

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