Rob Aley


Create Command Line Interface Scripts with PHP

Rob Aley

Oxford, UK

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ISBN 978-1-4842-2237-9

e-ISBN 978-1-4842-2238-6

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2238-6

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016951308

© Robert Aley 2016

PHP CLI: Create Command Line Interface Scripts with PHP

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Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” This book builds on, and I hope adds to, the work of many others, the most notable of whom I would like to acknowledge here.

  • The authors of, and contributors to, the official PHP manual : An invaluable reference for PHP functions and syntax, to which I referred frequently during writing this book, both for fact checking and as an aide-memoir. Thanks!

  • The collective PHP wisdom of the Internet : For more than 12 years I’ve used you for learning, research, play, and profit. Too many sites and too many people to list here; if you’ve written about PHP on the Web, then you may well be one of them. Thanks!

  • My family : For allowing me a modicum of time to write this book and supporting me unconditionally in everything I do. Usually. If I ask first. And there’s not something more important going on. And usually with conditions. Thanks!


  1. Chapter 1:​ Introduction
    1. “Use PHP?​ We’re Not Building a Website, You Know!”
    2. Are You New to PHP?​
    3. Reader Prerequisites
    4. An Important Note About Operating Systems
    5. About the Sample Code
    6. External Resources
    7. PHP 7
  2. Chapter 2:​ An Overview of CLI Programming in PHP
    1. Getting Away from the Web
    2. PHP Without a Web Server
    3. PHP Versions:​ What’s Yours?​
    4. A Few Good Reasons Not to Do It in PHP
      1. High-Performance Requirements
      2. Don’t (Necessarily) Re-invent the Wheel
      3. Keeping the Source Closed
    5. Thinking About Security
    6. CLI-Specific Code Frameworks
  3. Chapter 3:​ Understanding and Using the CLI SAPI
    1. What’s Different About the CLI SAPI?​
    2. CLI SAPI Installation
    3. PHP Command-Line Options
    4. Command-Line Arguments for Your Script
    5. The Many Ways to Call PHP Scripts
      1. From a File
      2. From a String
      3. From STDIN
      4. As a Self-executing Script:​ Unix/​Linux
      5. As a Self-executing Script:​ Windows
      6. Windows php-win.​exe
    6. Quitting Your Script
    7. PHP REPLs
  4. Chapter 4:​ User-Facing Software
    1. Command-Line Interface Basics
    2. Advanced Command-Line Input
    3. Using STDIN, STOUT, and STDERR
    4. CLI Helper Libraries
  5. Chapter 5:​ PHP CLI Scripts and Your System
    1. Starting External Processes from PHP, or “Shelling Out”
    2. File Status and Realpath Caches
    3. APC and Other Code Caches
  6. Chapter 6:​ Where to Now?​ (Or, Thanks and Feedback)
    1. Giving Feedback and Getting Help and Support
  7. Appendix A: Compiling and Installing PHP, Extensions, and Libs
  8. Compiling and Installing PHP
  9. Windows
  10. OS X
  11. Linux/Unix
  12. Compiling and Installing (Extra) Core Extensions
  13. Installing Multiple Versions of PHP
  14. PEAR and PECL
  15. Composer
  16. Symfony2 Bundles
  17. Appendix B: Sources of Help
  18. The PHP Manual
  19. Official Mailing Lists
  20. Stack Overflow
  21. Other Books
  22. Newsgroups
  23. PHP Subredit
  24. PHP on GitHub
  25. PHP News Sites
  26. Index

Contents at a Glance

About the Author and About the Technical Reviewer

About the Author


Rob Aley I’ve been programming in PHP since late 2000. Initially it wasn’t by choice because my preferred languages at the time were Perl and Delphi (also known as Object Pascal). Things began to change after I graduated from the University of Leeds with a degree in computer science in 1999 and started out in a career as a freelance web developer. After only a couple of months I was offered the opportunity to take over a (relatively speaking) substantial government website contract from a friend who was exiting the freelance world for the safer and saner world of full-time employment. The only catch was that several thousand lines of code had already been written, and they were written in a relatively new language called PHP. Oh, and the only other catch was that I had about a week to learn it before taking over the site. So, as was the way at the time, I popped down to the local Waterstones bookshop. (For the younger among you that’s where we used to get books. And we had to go out and get them. Or order online and wait days for them to be delivered.) With my paper copy of The Generic Beginner’s Complete Guide to PHP and MySQL for Dummies Compendium in hand (I may not have recalled the title completely correctly), I settled down with a pint of ale (I’m in Yorkshire at this point, remember) and set about reading it. A few days later I was coding like a pro (well, stuff was working), and 12 years later I haven’t looked back. After a varied career as a freelancer and starting up a couple of, er, startups (IT related and not) with varying (usually dismal) success, I spent the past ten years as a full-time programmer at the University of Oxford. My day job involved performing medium-scale data acquisition and management, doing statistical analysis, and providing user interfaces for researchers and the public. The majority of my development work was done in PHP, either developing new projects or gluing together other people’s software, systems, and databases. I’ve recently left the university to concentrate on writing books like this and providing consulting and training (in PHP, information governance, and related areas). But I’m still programming in PHP!

Throughout my career I’ve always used PHP for web development, but for desktop GUI work I initially used Delphi (and then Free-Pascal/Lazarus), complemented with bash shell scripting for other tasks. This was mainly because I learned them while at university. However, as PHP has matured, I’ve increasingly used it beyond the Web, and now I rarely use anything else for any programming or scripting task I encounter. Having been immersed in other languages such as C++, JavaScript, Fortran, and Lisp (and probably others that my brain has chosen deliberately not to remember) by necessity during university and in some of my freelance jobs, I can honestly say that PHP is now my language of choice, rather than of necessity.

When I’m not tied to a computer, I would like to say I have lots of varied and interesting hobbies. I used to have. I could write a whole book (which wouldn’t sell well) about where I’ve been and what I’ve done, and I’d like to think it’s made me a well-rounded person. But these days I don’t have any. In large part this is because of the demands of my three gorgeous young daughters, Ellie, Izzy, and Indy; my gorgeous wife, Parv; and my even more gorgeous cat, Mia. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. That’s what I tell myself, anyway.

About the Technical Reviewer

Tri Phan is the founder of the Programming Learning Channel on YouTube. He has almost a decade of experience in the software industry. Specifically, he has worked for many outsourcing companies and has written applications in a variety of programming languages such as PHP, Java, and C#. In addition, he has more than six years of experience in teaching at international and technological centers such as Aptech, NIIT, and Kent College.

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