APPENDIX A: Compiling and Installing PHP, Extensions, and Libs

There are a dozen different ways to get PHP, including downloading and compiling it yourself, downloading precompiled binaries, using package managers and software repositories, and finding it pre-installed by a forward-thinking administrator. On most Linux distributions, PHP can be installed with a one-line command such as sudo apt-get install php5 or through graphical package managers such as the Synaptic Package Manager or the Ubuntu Software Center . Many common PHP extensions and add-ons are likewise available as prebuilt packages or alternatively through the PECL and PEAR systems.

However, sometimes it becomes necessary to do a little more work to install PHP, such as the following:

  • When your project has requirements for a specific version of PHP that is different from the one shipped with your OS

  • Where you need extensions not available as packages

  • When you want to compile a customized version of PHP specific to your needs

Like anything involved in computers and software development, compiling PHP can take you down a rabbit hole of options, customizations, compatibility issues, libraries, and dependencies. A whole book could be written about the different possibilities (and possible headaches) involved. Luckily for us, in most use cases, the basics of compiling a standard version are quite straightforward. And like most things in life, it gets easier once you have done it once. The following section will go over the steps necessary for getting, compiling, and installing PHP and its core extensions. PHP is written in C, and because you might not be familiar with the process of compiling C programs, I have tried to explain each step to give you an idea of what is happening. This makes the process seem a little more verbose, but in reality it is quite straightforward. Go ahead and try it if you don’t believe me! The next sections are also worth a read; they cover installing extras such as libraries and extensions from the PECL, PEAR, and Packagist repositories.

Compiling and Installing PHP

The process for compiling and installing PHP itself varies depending on the operating system you are deploying to. The following sections deal with the main OSes that PHP is available on.


The steps outlined in the following sections are for Linux/Unix systems and use free compiler tools almost always included with the OS. For Windows , the proprietary Visual Studio compiler is required, and the steps are somewhat different (and more complicated) and thus beyond the scope of this book. You can find Windows source code, prebuilt binaries, and instructions for compiling at , with older versions in the archive at .


One of the easiest ways to get different versions of PHP on your Mac is by using the Macports software repository. There are currently more than 700 PHP “portfiles” covering various versions of PHP, extensions, applications, and related tools.



An easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading open source software on OS X

Main website

Installation information and documentation

Directory of software available (click “php” for relevant software)

PHP also comes installed by default with recent OS X versions, although it’s not always up-to-date.

If you need to compile from scratch, you can follow these steps for Linux/Unix systems. There are some issues you may run into depending on the version of OS X you are using and the version of PHP you are trying to compile. The following are the two main issues that may trip you up:

  • File/dependency locations : These are sometimes different on OS X and may vary between versions. Where possible, always try to explicitly specify the full location path for dependencies and installation.

  • Dependency versions: The default versions of libraries that come with OS X that core PHP and various extensions require aren’t always in step with those that various versions of PHP require. Check any error messages produced during compilation (usually the first error message) for any hints as to version requirements, or check the documentation for PHP or the extension in question. Then check the documentation for the dependency to see whether it can be safely upgraded/downgraded or whether you need to install another version in parallel.


Many *nix-based operating systems have package repositories containing not just the current version of PHP but often older versions (albeit usually just the major versions). Third-party repositories can also sometimes offer an easier route to getting particular versions or configurations. So, check these out before starting to compile things yourself.

On *nix machines, the first step is to download the PHP source code from the PHP website at . This page lists the current stable release and the previous supported stable release. Newer versions that are still under development are available at , and older end-of-life versions are available at . Git users can also pull the source code down from the official mirror at .

When you have identified which version you want, make a note of the URL of the .tar.gz source code file that you will use later.

∼$ mkdir php5.4
∼$ cd php5.4
∼$ wget -o php-5.4.6.tar.gz
∼$ tar zxvf php-5.4.6.tar.gz
∼$ cd php-5.4.6

The first two lines create a directory for your work and step into it. The directory holds the source code and intermediate files and can be deleted once PHP is installed if you want. However, it is often a good idea to keep it in case you need/want to re-install or check what version of the file you downloaded later. The third line downloads a copy of the source code file into your directory. Change the URL in the third line to that of the .tar.gz file you want to use, and change the -o option to the name of the file (otherwise, in the previous example, wget will simply call your file mirror ). The fifth line unpacks the archive into a directory containing the individual source code files and changes the name of the file to the one you used on line 3. Finally, the last line steps you into the source code directory. Now you start the actual compilation process.

∼$ ./configure

The configure command creates the “setup” for compilation. You use it to provide the settings and arguments you want for your compilation session. For instance, you can specify which core extensions you want to include in your build. If you don’t specify any arguments as earlier, the defaults provided by the PHP dev team are used. This is a good choice if you don’t have any particular needs and want a version that is fairly similar/compatible with the versions included with most distributions. You can also install extensions at a later date either individually or by recompiling PHP from scratch, which I will discuss in the next section. If you want to include an extension at this stage that’s not included in the default settings, then this is the place to do it. For example, if you wanted to include the ldap extension, then you would change the previous command to ./configure --with-ldap[=DIR] , where [=DIR] is the base installation directory of ldap on your system. You can find the exact option to use and any necessary dependencies in the PHP manual, under the “Installing/Configuring” section for the extension in question. For example, you can find details for the ldap extension at . You can find a (slightly out-of-date) list of options that you can pass to the configure command at ; for a full list of those supported on your system in the current version you are trying to compile, you can issue the command autoconf followed by ./configure --help . You can find more information about the configure command at . Now you will actually compile PHP.

∼$ make clean
∼$ make
∼$ sudo make install

You compile the binary PHP files using the make tool. The first line removes any previously created files and resets you to the start of the make process. This is not strictly necessary on your first run at compiling, but it can help if your attempt fails for some reason (such as missing dependencies, incorrect settings, unintended interruptions to the process, and so on), so including it by default is often a good choice. The second line does the actual building and compiling of the files. The third line then takes those files and installs them on the system. By default, PHP will usually be installed in the /usr/bin directory on Linux. However, you can choose where to install it by specifying a prefix directory at the ./configure stage. Simply add the switch --prefix=/path/to/dir , where /path/to/dir is the directory into which you want PHP to be installed. This is often useful if you want to install multiple versions on the same machine (although be aware that there are other considerations when doing so). Note that the make install line must be run with higher permissions ( sudo ) to allow it to copy files into “privileged” locations.

If all goes well, congratulations! You have installed PHP. To check that the correct version is installed and available, use php -v at the command line and PHP will display the current version number. If you have installed PHP in a location outside of your search path, you will need to specify the full path name, as in /path/to/dir/php -v . To check which extensions and other options were installed, use php -i at the command line to run the phpinfo() function. As well as extension information (and a lot more besides), this returns a list of the options used with the ./configure command. This can be useful when re-installing PHP or when trying to clone an installation on another machine (where the same binaries cannot just be reused).

If all doesn’t go well, take a close look at the errors produced. The most common type of errors happen when your system doesn’t have the relevant dependencies installed for a particular extension. Often the error message will say this explicitly, but even if it just gives you an obscure error message mentioning the name of an extension, the best advice is to double-check the installation section for that extension in the PHP manual to find out exactly what dependencies are required. Missing dependencies can often be installed using your systems package manager rather than having to manually compile them. You should also check that you have provided the location of any dependencies at the configure stage if required.

If all else fails, copy and paste the exact error message into your favorite Internet search engine, probably starting with the first error message shown if multiple errors appear. Many people have compiled PHP, and most errors have been encountered and documented online. Don’t let all this talk of errors put you off trying to compile PHP. Errors are more likely to occur the more complicated you make your configuration, and if you’re careful about dependencies, you can often avoid them altogether. So, first try a straightforward compilation with the default options to get the hang of things and then take it from there!

You can find more information on installations, with a general focus on web servers but otherwise useful, in the PHP manual at .

Compiling and Installing (Extra) Core Extensions

As you saw in the previous section, the most common way to install core extensions is to enable the relevant flags at the configure stage during compilation of the main PHP installation (note, by default, many extensions are automatically enabled). However, it’s not uncommon to come across the need to install an additional extension later, for instance, as the requirements for your program change from its initial design. There are two ways to approach this. The first, which you’ll find recommended a lot online, is to redo the compilation/installation of PHP from scratch, adding the newly required modules at the configure stage (after issuing php -i to remember what configure options you used the first time). While this works perfectly well, compiling the full PHP binaries is a bit of a slog, which can take older PCs in particular a long time to complete. There is a shortcut, however.

Each of the core extensions is actually a separate .so binary and can be compiled independently. To do this, follow the first steps in the previous section to download and unpack the PHP source code and step into the directory. If you haven’t deleted it from when you compiled PHP, it should be ready to go. Within the source code is a directory called ext , inside of which are separate directories for each of the extensions.

∼$ cd ext
∼$ ls

This will show you all the core extensions available. For instance, if you want to add the pcntl extension (used in this book for daemon software), you can enter the pnctl directory and compile/install just that extension in a similar manner to how you compiled the whole PHP package in the previous section.

∼$ cd pcntl
∼$ phpize
∼$ ./configure
∼$ make clean
∼$ make
∼$ sudo make install

The additional command, phpize , is used to prepare the build environment for the extension. This is not necessary when building the full PHP binaries, but it is when building individual extensions. If you find that you don’t have phpize on your system, it is often available through your system’s package manager in the php-dev package (for example, on Ubuntu, it is available as phpize5 in the php5-dev package). You can find more details about phpize and getting it at .

Once you have run the previous commands, you should find that a .so file ( in this example) has been compiled and placed in PHP’s extension directory. The final step is to tell PHP about it by adding the following line somewhere in your php.ini file:

If you’re not sure where your php.ini file is, you can run php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File" on the command line to find out. You can also use php -i to check that your extension is now correctly installed and available for use.

Installing Multiple Versions of PHP

Sometimes (particularly on development machines) you may want to install multiple versions of PHP at the same time, for instance, if you are deploying to end users with PHP already installed but who may have different versions . One straightforward way to achieve this is to create a set of virtual machines (I use VirtualBox for this) with a different version of PHP installed in each. In this scenario, you can always be sure which version you are running and that the installation and configuration of one version isn’t interfering with that of another. The downside is that it can be slow to start up and shut down different VMs (or a hit on resources to run them all at once), and if you are using proprietary OSs like Windows, you can incur additional licensing costs. It is possible to have multiple versions installed and running directly on the same machine; however, if you are not careful, it can become a nightmare trying to keep the versions and their dependencies separate and making sure you know which version you are using at all times. As such, I am not going to delve into it in this book. However, the following are two articles from respected PHP community members who have done just that, which may give you some pointers on what to do and the pitfalls involved. I suggest that before you try this, you become intimately familiar with compiling and installing PHP, the file and directory structures and locations that PHP uses, and how to check which versions of PHP and extensions are running.

There are also a couple of relevant tools listed here. The first is php-build , which automatically builds multiple versions of PHP from source, although you still need to exercise care installing and using them simultaneously. The second is, a web service that allows you to test chunks of code in 90+ versions of PHP at the same time. This may avoid the need for installing multiple versions at all. And the final tool is a library that simulates many functions from newer versions for use with older versions.

Further Reading



php-build automatically builds multiple PHP versions from source that can be used in parallel.

Main website


Web service that allows you test chunks of code in 90+ versions of PHP with the click of one button

Main website



Library to emulate newer functions for older versions of PHP

Main website


PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR ) is a library of code and extensions written in PHP, with an easy-to-use packaging and distribution system. PHP Extension Community Library (PECL ) is essentially the same but is for extensions written in C.

Both PECL and PEAR work in a similar way to package managers such as Debians apt-get. For example, to install the Cairo graphics extension from PECL, simply use sudo pecl install cairo at the command line. This will download, compile, and install Cairo for you, and you can then start using it from within your PHP scripts. Similarly, to install the RDF extension from PEAR, use pear install rdf .

The pear and pecl commands are included as standard with PHP; however, some package managers put them in the optional php-dev or php-pear package. On Ubuntu, for instance, use sudo apt-get install php-pear to install it.

You can find more information on both tools as well as the hundreds of extensions and libraries available, at and , respectively.


Composer is a dependency manager. While it deals with packages, it is not a package manager like PEAR. Rather than installing packages centrally, it deals with them on a per-project basis, ensuring that the appropriate versions of the relevant packages, and their dependencies, are installed automatically for that project.

The basic Composer workflow happens as follows:

  1. You install Composer.

  2. In the base directory of your project, you create a JSON-formatted file called composer.json that specifies which packages (and versions) your project needs.

  3. In that directory, you run Composer. It will fetch and install all of the specified packages and will automatically also install any of the other packages that those you have specified depend on (and so on until all dependencies are satisfied).

  4. In your PHP code, simply add the function require 'vendor/autoload.php'; and your libraries will be automatically available when you use them.

Fully comprehensive documentation, aimed at beginners as well as advanced users, is available on the Composer website. Composer itself doesn’t host any packages; that is the job of package repositories. Packagist is the main, and currently the only, comprehensive public repository, and it is the default used by Composer. You can browse the thousands of available packages on the Packagist website. You can, of course, specify a different repository and indeed create and use your own packages privately if you need.


Composer Dependency Manager

The easy way to keep libraries consistent and up-to-date on a per-project basis

Main website

Package repository


Symfony2 Bundles

If you’re using the Symfony2 framework , you can choose from and download more than 1,000 useful code bundles from knpbundles. These can be installed manually or often using the Composer dependency system (see the previous section). Visit for more information and to browse the available code.

APPENDIX B: Sources of Help

Even with excellent books like this on the market, you will sometimes need a little additional help when you come across a tricky problem with PHP. The following are some potential sources of help.

The PHP Manual

You can find the official PHP manual online at . The manual provides fairly comprehensive documentation in the main on PHP installation, syntax, functions, and many extensions. Of particular note are the user comments at the bottom of each page. These are generally helpful and offer real-world advice related to the function or topic of the page. Occasionally some duff advice is given in the comments; however, this is usually corrected or mentioned in a subsequent comment, so it’s worth reading through all the comments on a given page.

A handy function of the online manual is that you can do a quick lookup of a function or topic by typing it as the first part of a URL. For instance, if you can’t remember what the parameters of strripos() are, you can simply type into your browser and you will be sent straight to the relevant page. Likewise, if you want a quick refresher on how PHP handles arrays, visit and you’ll go straight to the array page in the language/types section of the manual.

If you don’t always have an Internet connection, you can also download a copy of the manual from . It is available as HTML, as Unix-style man pages, and in Microsoft Compiled HTML Manual (CHM) format.

Official Mailing Lists

There are a number of official mailing lists at covering a wide variety of topics. Of note for getting help are the “General user list” for general queries and the “Windows PHP users list” for Windows-specific questions. Beware when subscribing that some of the lists are quite busy and you will get a large number of e-mails each day. The archives are available online if you just want to browse them or get a feel for the volume generated on each list.

Stack Overflow

If you’re not familiar with it, Stack Overflow ( ) is a prolific “question and answer” site aimed at programmers. Unlike some Q&A sites, you don’t need to join or pay to view the answers to questions, ads are limited, and there are millions of answered questions on the site. This includes a good chunk of PHP-related questions.

All questions and answers are “tagged” with their topics so that you can find the ones relevant to you. To browse questions tagged with PHP, visit . You can also use the site’s search facility; to narrow your search to only PHP-related answers, add “[tag]” to your search. For example, if you want to search for questions about the date function, which is a common word in English and a common function name in many programming languages, search for “[php] date” to get only PHP-specific information.

At the time of writing, there were 942,629 questions tagged with “php,” 1,126 tagged with “php” and “command-line,” and 1,172 tagged with “php” and “cli.” The moderators are usually very quick at shutting down duplicate questions, so you can see from these numbers that a lot of relevant information is available.

Other Books

While you may think that this is the only book on PHP you will ever need, I have been told that there may be other PHP books available. While I can’t recommend any specifically (other than those I have already noted in the relevant chapters), if you browse any big-name bookseller, you will find a plethora of PHP-related titles. And of course you can browse the 70+ PHP-related books by my esteemed publisher at .


PHP has a set of official newsgroups listed and archived at that cover a wide range of PHP topic areas. These may be worth a browse and sometimes can elicit a response to queries (although some of the internals lists are definitely not for the faint-hearted).

PHP Subredit

The PHP “subreddit” on at is a mixture of PHP news, opinions, useful links, and requests for help. Although usually genuinely interesting with helpful responses to questions, an occasional assortment of trolls and unhelpful/rude people can be found here as well. A more tolerant subreddit for getting help is “phphelp” at , which was specifically set up to answer questions (even from beginners).

PHP on GitHub

Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to look at similar code other people have written. GitHub , the popular source repository website, has tons of the stuff to plow through. You can search all the code repositories at , and you can use the modifier “language:php” in your search terms to narrow your results to projects using your favorite language. If you just want to keep an eye on what PHP projects are popular these days, you can check out the PHP trending list at .

PHP News Sites

Although not usually good for direct help, PHP news sites and mailing lists can keep you up-to-date with essentials such as security alerts, useful and interesting articles, and announcements of new projects, libraries, and tutorials that you may not even know you needed yet! Some of the more popular ones are listed here:


Planet PHP:

PHP Weekly News:



A, B

  1. APC caching system


  1. CLI programming

    1. CLI SAPI

    2. coding frameworks

    3. compromised files

    4. HTTP

    5. performance

    6. PHP programmers

    7. source code

    8. users misbehaving

  2. CLI SAPIc

    1. command-line arguments

    2. constants/variables

    3. EIM

    4. exit code

    5. HTML version

    6. installation

    7. IPv6

    8. PATHEXT environment

    9. PHP

    10. PHP binary

    11. PHP code

    12. php-win.exe

    13. reflection

    14. REPL

    15. scripts

    16. STDIN

    17. string

    18. syntax errors

    19. Unix/Linux systems

    20. and web implementation

  3. Compiling and installing PHP

    1. core extensions

    2. error message

    3. OS X

    4. PHP files

    5. versions

    6. Windows

  4. Composer

  5. Composer dependency system


  1. Dependency versions

E, F

  1. Extended Information Mode (EIM)


  1. GitHub

  2. Graphical user interface (GUI) applications


  1. HTTP headers

I, J, K

  1. Integrated development environments (IDEs)

L, M, N

  1. Laravel Framework Artisan Console tool

  2. Linux/Unix


  1. Official mailing lists

  2. Official newsgroups

  3. Online manual

  4. Operating systems

P, Q

  1. PHP

    1. advantage

    2. CLI scripts

    3. CLI software

    4. external tools

    5. operating systems

    6. programming concepts

  2. php-build

  3. PHP CLI scripts

    1. APC caching system

    2. benefits

    3. external scripts

    4. file status and Realpath caches

  4. PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR)

  5. PHP Extension Community Library (PECL)

  6. PHP manual

  7. PHP news sites

  8. PHP programming


  10. PHP Subredit

  11. php-win.exe

  12. POSIX-compliant operating system


  1. Realpath cache

  2. REPL session

S, T

  1. Shelling out

  2. Software security

  3. Source code

  4. Stack overflow

  5. Symfony2 framework

  6. Symfony console component

  7. Synaptic Package Manager


  1. Ubuntu Software Center

  2. upgrade.php

  3. User-facing software

    1. advanced command-line input

    2. command-line interface basics

    3. keyboard input

    4. libraries/components

    5. outputting text


    7. program flow control

    8. STDOUT



W, X, Y, Z

  1. Webmozart Console toolkit

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