
To manage formulas, PRD implements the open standard OpenFormula. According to OpenFormula's specifications:

"OpenFormula is an open format for exchanging recalculated formulas between office application implementations, particularly for spreadsheets. OpenFormula defines the types, syntax, and semantics for calculated formulas, including many predefined functions and operations, so that formulas can be exchanged between applications and produce substantively equal outputs when recalculated with equal inputs. Both closed and open source software can implement OpenFormula."

Formulas are used for greatly varied purposes, and their use depends on the result one wants to obtain. Formulas let us carry out simple and complex calculations based on fixed and variable values and include predefined functions that let us work with text, databases, date and time, let us make calculations, and also include general information functions and user-defined functions. They also use logical operators (AND, OR, and so on) and comparative operators (>, <, and so on).

Creating formulas

There are two ways to create formulas:

  • By creating a new function and by going to Common | Open Formula
  • By pressing the Creating formulas button in a section's / an object's Style or Attributes tab, or to configure some feature


In the report we are creating in this chapter, we will create formulas using both methods.

Using the first method, general-use formulas can be created. That is, the result will be an object that can either be included directly in our report or used as a value in another function, style, or attribute. We can create objects that make calculations at a general level to be included in sections that include Report Header, Group Footer, and so on, or we can make calculations to be included in the Details section. In this last case, the formula will make its calculation row by row. With this last example, we can make an important differentiation with respect to aggregate functions as they usually can only calculate totals and subtotals.

Using the second method, we create specific-use functions that affect the value of the style or attribute of an individual object. The way to use these functions is simple. Just choose the value you want to modify in the Style and Attributes tabs and click on the button that appears on their right. In this way, you can create formulas that dynamically assign values to an object's color, position, width, length, format, visibility, and so on. Using this technique, stoplights can be created by assigning different values to an object according to a calculation, progress bars can be created by changing an object's length, and dynamic images can be placed in the report using the result of a formula to calculate the image's path.

As we have seen in the examples, using formulas in our reports gives us great flexibility in applying styles and attributes to objects and to the report itself, as well as the possibility of creating our own objects based on complex calculations. By using formulas correctly, you will be able to give life to your reports and adapt them to changing contexts. For example, depending on which user executes the report, a certain image can appear in the Report Header section, or graphics and subreports can be hidden if the user does not have sufficient permissions.


In the following chapters, we will see how to let PRD know which user is executing the report.

The formula editor

The formula editor has a very intuitive and easy-to-use UI that in addition to guiding us in creating formulas, tells us, whenever possible, the value that the formula will return. In the following screenshot, you can see the formula editor:

The formula editor

We will explain its layout with an example. Let's suppose that we added a new label and we want to create a formula that returns the value of Attributes.Value. For this purpose, we do the following:

  • Select the option to the right of Attributes.Value. This will open the formula editor. In the upper-left corner, there is a selector where we can specify the category of functions that we want to see. Below this, we find a list of the functions that we can use to create our own formulas. In the lower-left section, we can see more information about the selected function; that is, the type of value that it will return and a general description:
    The formula editor
  • We choose the CONCATENATE function by double-clicking on it, and in the lower-right section, we can see the formula (Formula:) that we will use. We type in =CONCATENATE(Any), and an assistant will open in the upper-right section that will guide us in entering the values we want to concatenate.

    We could complete the CONCATENATE function by adding some fixed values and some variables; take the following example:

    The formula editor

If there is an error in the text of the formula, text will appear to warn us. Otherwise, the formula editor will try to show us the result that our formula will return. When it is not possible to visualize the result that a formula will return, this is usually because the values used are calculated during the execution of the report.


Formulas should always begin with the = sign.

Initially, one tends to use the help that the formula editor provides, but later, with more practice, it will become evident that it is much faster to type the formula directly. Also, if you need to enter complex formulas or add various functions with logical operators, the formula editor will not be of use.

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