Time for action – creating a pie chart

We will add a pie chart to our report to display information about the movies rented. Then we will configure the type of chart we want to visualize, its data source, and other characteristics.

  1. We will create a chart to display an analysis of the percentage of movies rented by rating. Add a chart to the Report Header section, dragging-and-dropping the (Time for action – creating a pie chart) Chart () object.
  2. Double-click on Chart to start configuring it.
  3. In the upper part, choose the pie chart type:
    Time for action – creating a pie chart
  4. In the right-hand part, configure the data source as follows:
    • value-column = count_rental (the value under analysis)
    • series-by-field = [rating] (the item to be represented as a portion of the pie)
  5. In the left-hand part, configure the following:
    • chart-title = Percentage of films rented by Rating
    • label-font = FreeSans-BOLD-14
    • label-format = {0}: {2}
    • 3-D = True
    • show-legend = False
  6. Next, click on OK to continue. If we preview it, we will see this:
    Time for action – creating a pie chart

What just happened?

We added a Chart object to the Report Header section. Then we edited this object, making it a pie chart and configuring its data source to analyze the quantity of films rented by rating. We configured the title of the chart, changed the characteristics of the source of the labels that display information for each portion of the pie, gave the chart a 3D effect, and hid the chart's legend.

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