I’d like to express sincere gratitude for the people who’ve supported me and the development of this book.

Ellen, thank you for your unconditional love and for putting up with me pecking away at the keyboard in bed for countless nights while you were trying to sleep.

Mom, even in death the example of kindness you set continues to motivate me. Dad, I learned what hard work was from you and none of this happens without that.

Jason Smith, you’re like a brother to me, and I can’t thank you enough for being a constant sounding board.

Regarding my coworkers past and present, I’m very fortunate to have surrounded myself with people who’ve made me a smarter, better person. There’s no way I can name everyone, but I want to sincerely thank Dustin, Alek, Martin, Patrick, Chris, Mike, and Grady for supporting me every day and embracing what it means to be servant leaders.

Thanks to Tyler Reguly who served as the primary technical editor. I make stupid mistakes sometimes, and you make me look less stupid. Also, thanks to David Vaughan for providing an extra set of eyes, Jeff Carrell for helping edit the IPv6 content, Brad Duncan for providing a capture file used in the security chapter, and the team at QA Café for providing a Cloudshark license that I used to organize the packet captures for the book.

Of course, I also have to extend thanks to Gerald Combs and the Wireshark development team. It’s the dedication of Gerald and hundreds of other developers that makes Wireshark such a great analysis platform. If it weren’t for their efforts, information technology and network security would be significantly worse off.

Finally, thanks to Bill, Serena, Anna, Jan, Amanda, Alison, and the rest of the No Starch Press staff for their diligence in editing and producing all three editions of Practical Packet Analysis.

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