© Adam Freeman 2020
A. FreemanPro Angular 9https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5998-6_9

9. SportsStore: Administration

Adam Freeman1 
London, UK

In this chapter, I continue building the SportsStore application by adding administration features. Relatively few users will need to access the administration features, so it would be wasteful to force all users to download the administration code and content when it is unlikely to be used. Instead, I am going to put the administration features in a separate module that will be loaded only when it is required.

Preparing the Example Application

No preparation is required for this chapter, which continues using the SportsStore project from Chapter 8. To start the RESTful web service, open a command prompt and run the following command in the SportsStore folder:
npm run json
Open a second command prompt and run the following command in the SportsStore folder to start the development tools and HTTP server:
ng serve --open

You can download the example project for this chapter—and for all the other chapters in this book—from https://github.com/Apress/pro-angular-9. See Chapter 1 for how to get help if you have problems running the examples.

Creating the Module

The process for creating the feature module follows the same pattern you have seen in earlier chapters. The key difference is that it is important that no other part of the application has dependencies on the module or the classes it contains, which would undermine the dynamic loading of the module and cause the JavaScript module to load the administration code, even if it is not used.

The starting point for the administration features will be authentication, which will ensure that only authorized users are able to administer the application. I created a file called auth.component.ts in the src/app/admin folder and used it to define the component shown in Listing 9-1.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { NgForm } from "@angular/forms";
import { Router } from "@angular/router";
    templateUrl: "auth.component.html"
export class AuthComponent {
    public username: string;
    public password: string;
    public errorMessage: string;
    constructor(private router: Router) {}
    authenticate(form: NgForm) {
        if (form.valid) {
            // perform authentication
        } else {
            this.errorMessage = "Form Data Invalid";
Listing 9-1.

The Content of the auth.component.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

The component defines properties for the username and password that will be used to authenticate the user, an errorMessage property that will be used to display messages when there are problems, and an authenticate method that will perform the authentication process (but that does nothing at the moment).

To provide the component with a template, I created a file called auth.component.html in the src/app/admin folder and added the content shown in Listing 9-2.
<div class="bg-info p-2 text-center text-white">
  <h3>SportsStore Admin</h3>
<div class="bg-danger mt-2 p-2 text-center text-white"
     *ngIf="errorMessage != null">
<div class="p-2">
  <form novalidate #form="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="authenticate(form)">
    <div class="form-group">
      <input class="form-control" name="username"
             [(ngModel)]="username" required />
    <div class="form-group">
      <input class="form-control" type="password" name="password"
             [(ngModel)]="password" required />
    <div class="text-center">
      <button class="btn btn-secondary m-1" routerLink="/">Go back</button>
      <button class="btn btn-primary m-1" type="submit">Log In</button>
Listing 9-2.

The Content of the auth.component.html File in the src/app/admin Folder

The template contains an HTML form that uses two-way data binding expressions for the component’s properties. There is a button that will submit the form, a button that navigates back to the root URL, and a div element that is visible only when there is an error message to display.

To create a placeholder for the administration features, I added a file called admin.component.ts in the src/app/admin folder and defined the component shown in Listing 9-3.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
    templateUrl: "admin.component.html"
export class AdminComponent {}
Listing 9-3.

The Contents of the admin.component.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

The component doesn’t contain any functionality at the moment. To provide a template for the component, I added a file called admin.component.html to the src/app/admin folder and the placeholder content shown in Listing 9-4.
<div class="bg-info p-2 text-white">
  <h3>Placeholder for Admin Features</h3>
Listing 9-4.

The Contents of the admin.component.html File in the src/app/admin Folder

To define the feature module, I added a file called admin.module.ts in the src/app/admin folder and added the code shown in Listing 9-5.
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
import { RouterModule } from "@angular/router";
import { AuthComponent } from "./auth.component";
import { AdminComponent } from "./admin.component";
let routing = RouterModule.forChild([
    { path: "auth", component: AuthComponent },
    { path: "main", component: AdminComponent },
    { path: "**", redirectTo: "auth" }
    imports: [CommonModule, FormsModule, routing],
    declarations: [AuthComponent, AdminComponent]
export class AdminModule { }
Listing 9-5.

The Contents of the admin.module.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

The RouterModule.forChild method is used to define the routing configuration for the feature module, which is then included in the module’s imports property.

A dynamically loaded module must be self-contained and include all the information that Angular requires, including the routing URLs that are supported and the components they display. If any other part of the application depends on the module, then it will be included in the JavaScript bundle with the rest of the application code, which means that all users will have to download code and resources for features they won’t use.

However, a dynamically loaded module is allowed to declare dependencies on the main part of the application. This module relies on the functionality in the data model module, which has been added to the module’s imports so that components can access the model classes and the repositories.

Configuring the URL Routing System

Dynamically loaded modules are managed through the routing configuration, which triggers the loading process when the application navigates to a specific URL. Listing 9-6 extends the routing configuration of the application so that the /admin URL will load the administration feature module.
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
import { StoreModule } from "./store/store.module";
import { StoreComponent } from "./store/store.component";
import { CheckoutComponent } from "./store/checkout.component";
import { CartDetailComponent } from "./store/cartDetail.component";
import { RouterModule } from "@angular/router";
import { StoreFirstGuard } from "./storeFirst.guard";
    imports: [BrowserModule, StoreModule,
                path: "store", component: StoreComponent,
                canActivate: [StoreFirstGuard]
                path: "cart", component: CartDetailComponent,
                canActivate: [StoreFirstGuard]
                path: "checkout", component: CheckoutComponent,
                canActivate: [StoreFirstGuard]
                path: "admin",
                loadChildren: () => import("./admin/admin.module")
                    .then(m => m.AdminModule),
                canActivate: [StoreFirstGuard]
            { path: "**", redirectTo: "/store" }
    providers: [StoreFirstGuard],
    declarations: [AppComponent],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Listing 9-6.

Configuring a Dynamically Loaded Module in the app.module.ts File in the src/app Folder

The new route tells Angular that when the application navigates to the /admin URL, it should load a feature module defined by a class called AdminModule from the admin/admin.module.ts file, whose path is specified relative to the app.module.ts file. When Angular processes the admin module, it will incorporate the routing information it contains into the overall set of routes and complete the navigation.

Navigating to the Administration URL

The final preparatory step is to provide the user with the ability to navigate to the /admin URL so that the administration feature module will be loaded and its component displayed to the user. Listing 9-7 adds a button to the store component’s template that will perform the navigation.
<div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col bg-dark text-white">
      <a class="navbar-brand">SPORTS STORE</a>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-3 p-2">
      <button class="btn btn-block btn-outline-primary" (click)="changeCategory()">
      <button *ngFor="let cat of categories"
          class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-block"
          [class.active]="cat == selectedCategory" (click)="changeCategory(cat)">
      <button class="btn btn-block btn-danger mt-5" routerLink="/admin">
    <div class="col-9 p-2">
      <!-- ...elements omitted for brevity... -->
Listing 9-7.

Adding a Navigation Button in the store.component.html File in the src/app/store Folder

To reflect the changes, stop the development tools and restart them by running the following command in the SportsStore folder:
ng serve
Use the browser to navigate to http://localhost:4200 and use the browser’s F12 developer tools to see the network requests made by the browser as the application is loaded. The files for the administration module will not be loaded until you click the Admin button, at which point Angular will request the files and display the login page shown in Figure 9-1.
Figure 9-1.

Using a dynamically loaded module

Enter any name and password into the form fields and click the Log In button to see the placeholder content, as shown in Figure 9-2. If you leave either of the form fields empty, a warning message will be displayed.
Figure 9-2.

The placeholder administration features

Implementing Authentication

The RESTful web service has been configured so that it requires authentication for the requests that the administration feature will require. In the sections that follow, I add support for authenticating the user by sending an HTTP request to the RESTful web service.

Understanding the Authentication System

When the RESTful web service authenticates a user, it will return a JSON Web Token (JWT) that the application must include in subsequent HTTP requests to show that authentication has been successfully performed. You can read the JWT specification at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519, but for the purposes of the SportsStore application, it is enough to know that the Angular application can authenticate the user by sending a POST request to the /login URL, including a JSON-formatted object in the request body that contains name and password properties. There is only one set of valid credentials in the authentication code I added to the application in Chapter 7, which is shown in Table 9-1.
Table 9-1.

The Authentication Credentials Supported by the RESTful Web Service





As I noted in Chapter 7, you should not hard-code credentials in real projects, but this is the username and password that you will need for the SportsStore application.

If the correct credentials are sent to the /login URL, then the response from the RESTful web service will contain a JSON object like this:
  "success": true,
The success property describes the outcome of the authentication operation, and the token property contains the JWT, which should be included in subsequent requests using the Authorization HTTP header in this format:
Authorization: Bearer<eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiYWRtaW4iLC
I configured the JWT tokens returned by the server so they expire after one hour. If the wrong credentials are sent to the server, then the JSON object returned in the response will just contain a success property set to false, like this:
  "success": false

Extending the Data Source

The RESTful data source will do most of the work because it is responsible for sending the authentication request to the /login URL and including the JWT in subsequent requests. Listing 9-8 adds authentication to the RestDataSource class and defines a variable that will store the JWT once it has been obtained.
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { Product } from "./product.model";
import { Cart } from "./cart.model";
import { Order } from "./order.model";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";
const PROTOCOL = "http";
const PORT = 3500;
export class RestDataSource {
    baseUrl: string;
    auth_token: string;
    constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
        this.baseUrl = `${PROTOCOL}://${location.hostname}:${PORT}/`;
    getProducts(): Observable<Product[]> {
        return this.http.get<Product[]>(this.baseUrl + "products");
    saveOrder(order: Order): Observable<Order> {
        return this.http.post<Order>(this.baseUrl + "orders", order);
    authenticate(user: string, pass: string): Observable<boolean> {
        return this.http.post<any>(this.baseUrl + "login", {
            name: user, password: pass
        }).pipe(map(response => {
            this.auth_token = response.success ? response.token : null;
            return response.success;
Listing 9-8.

Adding Authentication in the rest.datasource.ts File in the src/app/model Folder

Creating the Authentication Service

Rather than expose the data source directly to the rest of the application, I am going to create a service that can be used to perform authentication and determine whether the application has been authenticated. I added a file called auth.service.ts in the src/app/model folder and added the code shown in Listing 9-9.
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { RestDataSource } from "./rest.datasource";
export class AuthService {
    constructor(private datasource: RestDataSource) {}
    authenticate(username: string, password: string): Observable<boolean> {
        return this.datasource.authenticate(username, password);
    get authenticated(): boolean {
        return this.datasource.auth_token != null;
    clear() {
        this.datasource.auth_token = null;
Listing 9-9.

The Contents of the auth.service.ts File in the src/app/model Folder

The authenticate method receives the user’s credentials and passes them on to the data source authenticate method, returning an Observable that will yield true if the authentication process has succeeded and false otherwise. The authenticated property is a getter-only property that returns true if the data source has obtained an authentication token. The clear method removes the token from the data source.

Listing 9-10 registers the new service with the model feature module. It also adds a providers entry for the RestDataSource class, which has been used only as a substitute for the StaticDataSource class in earlier chapters. Since the AuthService class has a RestDataSource constructor parameter, it needs its own entry in the module.
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { ProductRepository } from "./product.repository";
import { StaticDataSource } from "./static.datasource";
import { Cart } from "./cart.model";
import { Order } from "./order.model";
import { OrderRepository } from "./order.repository";
import { RestDataSource } from "./rest.datasource";
import { HttpClientModule } from "@angular/common/http";
import { AuthService } from "./auth.service";
  imports: [HttpClientModule],
  providers: [ProductRepository, Cart, Order, OrderRepository,
    { provide: StaticDataSource, useClass: RestDataSource },
    RestDataSource, AuthService]
export class ModelModule { }
Listing 9-10.

Configuring the Services in the model.module.ts File in the src/app/model Folder

Enabling Authentication

The next step is to wire up the component that obtains the credentials from the user so that it will perform authentication through the new service, as shown in Listing 9-11.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { NgForm } from "@angular/forms";
import { Router } from "@angular/router";
import { AuthService } from "../model/auth.service";
    templateUrl: "auth.component.html"
export class AuthComponent {
    public username: string;
    public password: string;
    public errorMessage: string;
    constructor(private router: Router,
                private auth: AuthService) { }
    authenticate(form: NgForm) {
        if (form.valid) {
            this.auth.authenticate(this.username, this.password)
                .subscribe(response => {
                    if (response) {
                    this.errorMessage = "Authentication Failed";
        } else {
            this.errorMessage = "Form Data Invalid";
Listing 9-11.

Enabling Authentication in the auth.component.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

To prevent the application from navigating directly to the administration features, which will lead to HTTP requests being sent without a token, I added a file called auth.guard.ts in the src/app/admin folder and defined the route guard shown in Listing 9-12.
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { ActivatedRouteSnapshot, RouterStateSnapshot,
            Router } from "@angular/router";
import { AuthService } from "../model/auth.service";
export class AuthGuard {
    constructor(private router: Router,
                private auth: AuthService) { }
    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
        state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
        if (!this.auth.authenticated) {
            return false;
        return true;
Listing 9-12.

The Contents of the auth.guard.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

Listing 9-13 applies the route guard to one of the routes defined by the administration feature module.
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
import { RouterModule } from "@angular/router";
import { AuthComponent } from "./auth.component";
import { AdminComponent } from "./admin.component";
import { AuthGuard } from "./auth.guard";
let routing = RouterModule.forChild([
    { path: "auth", component: AuthComponent },
    { path: "main", component: AdminComponent, canActivate: [AuthGuard] },
    { path: "**", redirectTo: "auth" }
    imports: [CommonModule, FormsModule, routing],
    providers: [AuthGuard],
    declarations: [AuthComponent, AdminComponent]
export class AdminModule {}
Listing 9-13.

Guarding a Route in the admin.module.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

To test the authentication system, click the Admin button, enter some credentials, and click the Log In button. If the credentials are the ones from Table 9-1, then you will see the placeholder for the administration features. If you enter other credentials, you will see an error message. Figure 9-3 illustrates both outcomes.


The token isn’t stored persistently, so if you can, reload the application in the browser to start again and try a different set of credentials.

Figure 9-3.

Testing the authentication feature

Extending the Data Source and Repositories

With the authentication system in place, the next step is to extend the data source so that it can send authenticated requests and to expose those features through the order and product repository classes. Listing 9-14 adds methods to the data source that include the authentication token.
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { Product } from "./product.model";
import { Cart } from "./cart.model";
import { Order } from "./order.model";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";
import { HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http';
const PROTOCOL = "http";
const PORT = 3500;
export class RestDataSource {
    baseUrl: string;
    auth_token: string;
    constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
        this.baseUrl = `${PROTOCOL}://${location.hostname}:${PORT}/`;
    getProducts(): Observable<Product[]> {
        return this.http.get<Product[]>(this.baseUrl + "products");
    saveOrder(order: Order): Observable<Order> {
        return this.http.post<Order>(this.baseUrl + "orders", order);
    authenticate(user: string, pass: string): Observable<boolean> {
        return this.http.post<any>(this.baseUrl + "login", {
            name: user, password: pass
        }).pipe(map(response => {
            this.auth_token = response.success ? response.token : null;
            return response.success;
    saveProduct(product: Product): Observable<Product> {
        return this.http.post<Product>(this.baseUrl + "products",
            product, this.getOptions());
    updateProduct(product): Observable<Product> {
        return this.http.put<Product>(`${this.baseUrl}products/${product.id}`,
            product, this.getOptions());
    deleteProduct(id: number): Observable<Product> {
        return this.http.delete<Product>(`${this.baseUrl}products/${id}`,
    getOrders(): Observable<Order[]> {
        return this.http.get<Order[]>(this.baseUrl + "orders", this.getOptions());
    deleteOrder(id: number): Observable<Order> {
        return this.http.delete<Order>(`${this.baseUrl}orders/${id}`,
    updateOrder(order: Order): Observable<Order> {
        return this.http.put<Order>(`${this.baseUrl}orders/${order.id}`,
            order, this.getOptions());
    private getOptions() {
        return {
            headers: new HttpHeaders({
                "Authorization": `Bearer<${this.auth_token}>`
Listing 9-14.

Adding New Operations in the rest.datasource.ts File in the src/app/model Folder

Listing 9-15 adds new methods to the product repository class that allow products to be created, updated, or deleted. The saveProduct method is responsible for creating and updating products, which is an approach that works well when using a single object managed by a component, which you will see demonstrated later in this chapter. The listing also changes the type of the constructor argument to RestDataSource.
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { Product } from "./product.model";
//import { StaticDataSource } from "./static.datasource";
import { RestDataSource } from "./rest.datasource";
export class ProductRepository {
    private products: Product[] = [];
    private categories: string[] = [];
    constructor(private dataSource: RestDataSource) {
        dataSource.getProducts().subscribe(data => {
            this.products = data;
            this.categories = data.map(p => p.category)
                .filter((c, index, array) => array.indexOf(c) == index).sort();
    getProducts(category: string = null): Product[] {
        return this.products
            .filter(p => category == null || category == p.category);
    getProduct(id: number): Product {
        return this.products.find(p => p.id == id);
    getCategories(): string[] {
        return this.categories;
    saveProduct(product: Product) {
        if (product.id == null || product.id == 0) {
                .subscribe(p => this.products.push(p));
        } else {
                .subscribe(p => {
                        findIndex(p => p.id == product.id), 1, product);
    deleteProduct(id: number) {
        this.dataSource.deleteProduct(id).subscribe(p => {
                findIndex(p => p.id == id), 1);
Listing 9-15.

Adding New Operations in the product.repository.ts File in the src/app/model Folder

Listing 9-16 makes the corresponding changes to the order repository, adding methods that allow orders to be modified and deleted.
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { Order } from "./order.model";
//import { StaticDataSource } from "./static.datasource";
import { RestDataSource } from "./rest.datasource";
export class OrderRepository {
    private orders: Order[] = [];
    private loaded: boolean = false;
    constructor(private dataSource: RestDataSource) { }
    loadOrders() {
        this.loaded = true;
            .subscribe(orders => this.orders = orders);
    getOrders(): Order[] {
        if (!this.loaded) {
        return this.orders;
    saveOrder(order: Order): Observable<Order> {
        return this.dataSource.saveOrder(order);
    updateOrder(order: Order) {
        this.dataSource.updateOrder(order).subscribe(order => {
                findIndex(o => o.id == order.id), 1, order);
    deleteOrder(id: number) {
        this.dataSource.deleteOrder(id).subscribe(order => {
            this.orders.splice(this.orders.findIndex(o => id == o.id), 1);
Listing 9-16.

Adding New Operations in the order.repository.ts File in the src/app/model Folder

The order repository defines a loadOrders method that gets the orders from the repository and that ensures that the request isn’t sent to the RESTful web service until authentication has been performed.

Creating the Administration Feature Structure

Now that the authentication system is in place and the repositories provide the full range of operations, I can create the structure that will display the administration features, which I create by building on the existing URL routing configuration. Table 9-2 lists the URLs that I am going to support and the functionality that each will present to the user.
Table 9-2.

The URLs for Administration Features




Navigating to this URL will display all the products in a table, along with buttons that allow an existing product to be edited or deleted and a new product to be created.


Navigating to this URL will present the user with an empty editor for creating a new product.


Navigating to this URL will present the user with a populated editor for editing an existing product.


Navigating to this URL will present the user with all the orders in a table, along with buttons to mark an order shipped and to cancel an order by deleting it.

Creating the Placeholder Components

I find the easiest way to add features to an Angular project is to define components that have placeholder content and build the structure of the application around them. Once the structure is in place, then I return to the components and implement the features in detail. For the administration features, I started by adding a file called productTable.component.ts to the src/app/admin folder and defined the component shown in Listing 9-17. This component will be responsible for showing a list of products, along with buttons required to edit and delete them or to create a new product.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
    template: `<div class="bg-info p-2 text-white">
                <h3>Product Table Placeholder</h3>
export class ProductTableComponent {}
Listing 9-17.

The Contents of the productTable.component.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

I added a file called productEditor.component.ts in the src/app/admin folder and used it to define the component shown in Listing 9-18, which will be used to allow the user to enter the details required to create or edit a component.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
    template: `<div class="bg-warning p-2 text-white">
                <h3>Product Editor Placeholder</h3>
export class ProductEditorComponent { }
Listing 9-18.

The Contents of the productEditor.component.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

To create the component that will be responsible for managing customer orders, I added a file called orderTable.component.ts to the src/app/admin folder and added the code shown in Listing 9-19.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
    template: `<div class="bg-primary p-2 text-white">
                <h3>Order Table Placeholder</h3>
export class OrderTableComponent { }
Listing 9-19.

The Contents of the orderTable.component.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

Preparing the Common Content and the Feature Module

The components created in the previous section will be responsible for specific features. To bring those features together and allow the user to navigate between them, I need to modify the template of the placeholder component that I have been using to demonstrate the result of a successful authentication attempt. I replaced the placeholder content with the elements shown in Listing 9-20.
<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col bg-dark text-white">
            <a class="navbar-brand">SPORTS STORE</a>
    <div class="row mt-2">
        <div class="col-3">
            <button class="btn btn-outline-info btn-block"
            <button class="btn btn-outline-info btn-block"
            <button class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-block" (click)="logout()">
        <div class="col-9">
Listing 9-20.

Replacing the Content in the admin.component.html File in the src/app/admin Folder

This template contains a router-outlet element that will be used to display the components from the previous section. There are also buttons that will navigate the application to the /admin/main/products and /admin/main/orders URLs, which will select the products or orders features. These buttons use the routerLinkActive attribute, which is used to add the element to a CSS class when the route specified by the routerLink attribute is active.

The template also contains a Logout button that has an event binding that targets a method called logout. Listing 9-21 adds this method to the component, which uses the authentication service to remove the bearer token and navigates the application to the default URL.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { Router } from "@angular/router";
import { AuthService } from "../model/auth.service";
    templateUrl: "admin.component.html"
export class AdminComponent {
    constructor(private auth: AuthService,
                private router: Router) { }
    logout() {
Listing 9-21.

Implementing the Logout Method in the admin.component.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

Listing 9-22 enables the placeholder components that will be used for each administration feature and extends the URL routing configuration to implement the URLs from Table 9-2.
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
import { RouterModule } from "@angular/router";
import { AuthComponent } from "./auth.component";
import { AdminComponent } from "./admin.component";
import { AuthGuard } from "./auth.guard";
import { ProductTableComponent } from "./productTable.component";
import { ProductEditorComponent } from "./productEditor.component";
import { OrderTableComponent } from "./orderTable.component";
let routing = RouterModule.forChild([
    { path: "auth", component: AuthComponent },
        path: "main", component: AdminComponent, canActivate: [AuthGuard],
        children: [
            { path: "products/:mode/:id", component: ProductEditorComponent },
            { path: "products/:mode", component: ProductEditorComponent },
            { path: "products", component: ProductTableComponent },
            { path: "orders", component: OrderTableComponent },
            { path: "**", redirectTo: "products" }
    { path: "**", redirectTo: "auth" }
    imports: [CommonModule, FormsModule, routing],
    providers: [AuthGuard],
    declarations: [AuthComponent, AdminComponent,
        ProductTableComponent, ProductEditorComponent, OrderTableComponent]
export class AdminModule {}
Listing 9-22.

Configuring the Feature Module in the admin.module.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

Individual routes can be extended using the children property, which is used to define routes that will target a nested router-outlet element, which I describe in Chapter 25. As you will see, components can get details of the active route from Angular so they can adapt their behavior. Routes can include route parameters, such as :mode or :id, that match any URL segment and that can be used to provide information to components that can be used to change their behavior.

When all the changes have been saved, click the Admin button and authenticate as admin with the password secret. You will see the new layout, as shown in Figure 9-4. Clicking the Products and Orders buttons will change the component displayed by the router-outlet element from Listing 9-20. Clicking the Logout button will exit the administration area.
Figure 9-4.

The administration layout structure

Implementing the Product Feature

The initial administration feature presented to the user will be a list of products, with the ability to create a new product and delete or edit an existing one. Listing 9-23 removes the placeholder content from the product table component and adds the logic required to implement this feature.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { Product } from "../model/product.model";
import { ProductRepository } from "../model/product.repository";
    templateUrl: "productTable.component.html"
export class ProductTableComponent {
    constructor(private repository: ProductRepository) { }
    getProducts(): Product[] {
        return this.repository.getProducts();
    deleteProduct(id: number) {
Listing 9-23.

Replacing Content in the productTable.component.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

The component methods provide access to the products in the repository and allow products to be deleted. The other operations will be handled by the editor component, which will be activated using routing URLs in the component’s template. To provide the template, I added a file called productTable.component.html in the src/app/admin folder and added the markup shown in Listing 9-24.
<table class="table table-sm table-striped">
        <tr *ngFor="let p of getProducts()">
            <td>{{p.price | currency:"USD":"symbol":"2.2-2"}}</td>
                <button class="btn btn-sm btn-warning m-1"
                        [routerLink]="['/admin/main/products/edit', p.id]">
                <button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" (click)="deleteProduct(p.id)">
<button class="btn btn-primary" routerLink="/admin/main/products/create">
    Create New Product
Listing 9-24.

The Contents of the productTable.component.html File in the src/app/admin Folder

The template contains a table that uses the ngFor directive to generate a row for each product returned by the component’s getProducts method. Each row contains a Delete button that invokes the component’s delete method and contains an Edit button that navigates to a URL that targets the editor component. The editor component is also the target of the Create New Product button, although a different URL is used.

Implementing the Product Editor

Components can receive information about the current routing URL and adapt their behavior accordingly. The editor component needs to use this feature to differentiate between requests to create a new component and edit an existing one. Listing 9-25 adds the functionality to the editor component required to create or edit products.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from "@angular/router";
import { NgForm } from "@angular/forms";
import { Product } from "../model/product.model";
import { ProductRepository } from "../model/product.repository";
    templateUrl: "productEditor.component.html"
export class ProductEditorComponent {
    editing: boolean = false;
    product: Product = new Product();
    constructor(private repository: ProductRepository,
                private router: Router,
                activeRoute: ActivatedRoute) {
        this.editing = activeRoute.snapshot.params["mode"] == "edit";
        if (this.editing) {
    save(form: NgForm) {
Listing 9-25.

Adding Functionality in the productEditor.component.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

Angular will provide an ActivatedRoute object as a constructor argument when it creates a new instance of the component class, and this object can be used to inspect the activated route. In this case, the component works out whether it should be editing or creating a product and, if editing, retrieves the current details from the repository. There is also a save method, which uses the repository to save changes that the user has made.

To provide the component with a template, I added a file called productEditor.component.html in the src/app/admin folder and added the markup shown in Listing 9-26.
<div class="bg-primary p-2 text-white" [class.bg-warning]="editing"
    <h5>{{editing  ? "Edit" : "Create"}} Product</h5>
<form novalidate #form="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="save(form)">
    <div class="form-group">
        <input class="form-control" name="name" [(ngModel)]="product.name" />
    <div class="form-group">
        <input class="form-control" name="category" [(ngModel)]="product.category" />
    <div class="form-group">
        <textarea class="form-control" name="description"
    <div class="form-group">
        <input class="form-control" name="price" [(ngModel)]="product.price" />
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary m-1" [class.btn-warning]="editing">
        {{editing ? "Save" : "Create"}}
    <button type="reset" class="btn btn-secondary" routerLink="/admin/main/products">
Listing 9-26.

The Contents of the productEditor.component.html File in the src/app/admin Folder

The template contains a form with fields for the properties defined by the Product model class, with the exception of the id property, which is assigned automatically by the RESTful web service.

The elements in the form adapt their appearance to differentiate between the editing and creating features. To see how the component works, authenticate to access the Admin features and click the Create New Product button that appears under the table of products. Fill out the form, click the Create button, and the new product will be sent to the RESTful web service where it will be assigned an ID property and displayed in the product table, as shown in Figure 9-5.
Figure 9-5.

Creating a new product

The editing process works in a similar way. Click one of the Edit buttons to see the current details, edit them using the form fields, and click the Save button to save the changes, as shown in Figure 9-6.
Figure 9-6.

Editing an existing product

Implementing the Orders Feature

The order management feature is nice and simple. It requires a table that lists the set of orders, along with buttons that will set the shipped property to true or delete an order entirely. Listing 9-27 replaces the placeholder content in the component with the logic required to support these operations.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { Order } from "../model/order.model";
import { OrderRepository } from "../model/order.repository";
    templateUrl: "orderTable.component.html"
export class OrderTableComponent {
    includeShipped = false;
    constructor(private repository: OrderRepository) {}
    getOrders(): Order[] {
        return this.repository.getOrders()
            .filter(o => this.includeShipped || !o.shipped);
    markShipped(order: Order) {
        order.shipped = true;
    delete(id: number) {
Listing 9-27.

Adding Operations in the orderTable.component.ts File in the src/app/admin Folder

In addition to providing methods for marking orders as shipped and deleting orders, the component defines a getOrders method that allows shipped orders to be included or excluded based on the value of a property called includeShipped. This property is used in the template, which I created by adding a file called orderTable.component.html to the src/app/admin folder with the markup shown in Listing 9-28.
<div class="form-check">
    <label class="form-check-label">
    <input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" [(ngModel)]="includeShipped"/>
        Display Shipped Orders
<table class="table table-sm">
        <tr><th>Name</th><th>Zip</th><th colspan="2">Cart</th><th></th></tr>
        <tr *ngIf="getOrders().length == 0">
            <td colspan="5">There are no orders</td>
        <ng-template ngFor let-o [ngForOf]="getOrders()">
                    <button class="btn btn-warning m-1" (click)="markShipped(o)">
                    <button class="btn btn-danger" (click)="delete(o.id)">
            <tr *ngFor="let line of o.cart.lines">
                <td colspan="2"></td>
Listing 9-28.

The Contents of the orderTable.component.html File in the src/app/admin Folder

Remember that the data presented by the RESTful web service is reset each time the process is started, which means you will have to use the shopping cart and check out to create orders. Once that’s done, you can inspect and manage them using the Orders section of the administration tool, as shown in Figure 9-7.
Figure 9-7.

Managing orders


In this chapter, I created a dynamically loaded Angular feature module that contains the administration tools required to manage the catalog of products and process orders. In the next chapter, I finish the SportsStore application and prepare it for deployment into production.

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