Configured Passwords

Passwords are the Brazil nut of application security; every mix has them, but nobody wants to deal with them. There’s obviously no way that somebody can interactively key in passwords every time an application server starts up. Therefore, database passwords and credentials needed to authenticate to other systems must be configured in persistent files somewhere.

As soon as a password is in a text file, it is vulnerable. Any password that grants access to a database with customer information is worth thousands of dollars to an attacker and could cost the company thousands in bad publicity or extortion. These passwords must be protected with the highest level of security achievable.

At the absolute minimum, passwords to production databases should be kept separate from any other configuration files. They should especially be kept out of the installation directory for the software. (I’ve seen operations zip up the entire installation folder and ship it back to development for analysis, for example, during a support incident.) Files containing passwords should be made readable only to the owner, which should be the application user. If the application is written in a language that can execute privilege separation, then it’s reasonable to have the application read the password files before downgrading its privileges. In that case, the password files can be owned by root.

Password vaulting keeps passwords in encrypted files, which reduces the security problem to that of securing the single encryption key rather than securing multiple text files. This can assist in securing the passwords, but it is not, by itself, a complete solution. Because it’s easy to inadvertently change or overwrite file permissions, intrusion detection software such as Tripwire should be employed to monitor permissions on those vital files.[71]

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is useful here. With KMS, applications use API calls to acquire decryption keys. That way the encrypted data (the database passwords) don’t sit in the same storage as the decryption keys! If you use Vault, then it holds the database credentials directly in the vault.

In every case, it’s important to expunge the key from memory as soon as possible. If the application keeps the keys or passwords in memory, then memory dumps will also contain them. For UNIX systems, core files are just memory dumps of the application. An attacker that can provoke a core dump can get the passwords. It’s best to disable core dumps on production applications. For Windows systems, the “blue screen of death” indicates a kernel error, with an accompanying memory dump. This dump file can be analyzed with Microsoft kernel debugging tools; and depending on the configuration of the server, it can contain a copy of the entire physical memory of the machine—passwords and all.

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