List of Tables

Chapter 2. The role of MV* frameworks

Table 2.1. Binding is in the form of either an attribute or an expression. AngularJS supports both styles to some extent.

Table 2.2. Bindings can be two-way, one-way, or one-time.

Chapter 4. Navigating the single page

Table 4.1. Examples of client-side router syntax

Table 4.2. Examples of route parameter syntax

Chapter 5. View composition and layout

Table 5.1. Frameworks with built-in features for advanced composition and layout

Chapter 6. Inter-module interaction

Table 6.1. A sampling of pub/sub libraries

Chapter 7. Communicating with the server

Table 7.1. Common HTTP methods used in an SPA

Table 7.2. URLs in REST uniquely identify a resource, and the HTTP method describes that action being performed on the resource.

Table 7.3. RESTful call to add a product to the shopping cart

Table 7.4. RESTful call to get the shopping cart to display its contents in the view

Table 7.5. RESTful call to update the shopping cart with new input from the user

Table 7.6. RESTful call to remove all items of a product from the shopping cart

Chapter 8. Unit testing

Table 8.1. Example of clear, easily understood titles and comments for a unit test

Table 8.2. Popular JavaScript frameworks that support unit testing

Chapter 9. Client-side task automation

Table 9.1. Some of the JavaScript-based task runner/build tools available today

Table 9.2. Gulp.js plugin for the JSHint JavaScript code linter

Table 9.3. Application for automatic browser reloads

Table 9.4. Application to run QUnit tests in PhantomJS

Table 9.5. Plugins to process JavaScript and clear the build’s destination folder

Table 9.6. Plugin to minify CSS

Table 9.7. Plugin to reduce the size of images

Table 9.8. Plugin to update the references in index.html to reflect the build files

Appendix A. Employee directory example walk-through

Table A.1. Dependencies for the Backbone.js version of the example

Table A.2. Dependencies for the Knockout version of the example

Table A.3. Dependencies for the AngularJS version of the example

Appendix C. Chapter 7 server-side setup and summary

Table C.1. Call to get the cart identified by the path variable

Table C.2. Call to add a product item for a given cart

Table C.3. Call to update the cart identified by the path variable

Table C.4. Call to delete the item identified by the path variable

Table C.5. Call to search for a game

Table C.6. Call to display the selected game’s information

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