Adaptive cultures, 102–103

Advocacy, 56

AI. See Artificial intelligence (AI)

Ansoff’s matrix, market development

collaboration, 82

consultation, 82

diversification, 82

internal strategies, 83

market-based strategies, 83–85

NPD location, 82

profit growth, strategies for, 85–86

risk factors and service application, 81–82

Artificial intelligence (AI), 20

and chat bots, 21

consumer behavior and traits, 21

delivery programs, 21

job replacement, 20

online advertisements, 21

predictions, 20

service tasks, 20

social media users, 20

Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 102

Boundary spanners, 10

Boundary spanning positions, 9

Change driver, 75–77

Commercialization, 90

CRM. See Customer relationship management model (CRM)


as a business asset, 26–27

as competitors, 14–15

delight, 60

importance of, 27

inputs, 12

loyalty (see Loyalty, customer)

participation in service delivery, 11–13

productive process, 13

as quality contributors, 13–14

retention, 27–28

touch points, 40–41

Customer life cycle (CLC), 41

Customer lifetime value, 35, 42, 47–48

Customer relationship management model (CRM)

applications, 41

with brand, 38–39

customer loyalty, 39–40, 43

customer retention and lifetime value, 35

customer satisfaction, 36

data stores, 41–43

profit potential

employee retention, 48

increased purchases, 47

lifetime value of a customer, 47–48

lower servicing costs, 47

profiting from loyalty, 48

word-of-mouth advertising, 47

relationship marketing, definition, 36

target market, 35

technology and, 40

Design thinking, 70, 105

Distance learning, 95

Diversification, 82

Emerging Business Opportunity (EBO), 102–103

Empathy, 11

End-of-life (EOL) product, 98–100

Enhancing factors, 81

Enthusiasm, 11

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 9

Fish principles, 15–16

April Fools’ Day, 16–17

cosmetics organization, 18

customer-facing roles, 19

empowering frontline staff, 17

The Fish! Philosophy, 15, 16, 19

Lush Facebook page, posting from, 18

positive attitude, 19

servant leadership, 17

Goods-dominant (G-D) logic, 70

Hygiene factors, 81

Information, customer inputs, 12


benefits to organizations, 75

changes to customers, 73–75

changing business practices, 77–79

companies in service sector, 67–69

customer reaction, 72–73

definition, 66

delivering service excellence, changing technology, 96

developing and delivering new service

behind-the-scenes process, 92

design and deliver new services, 65, 92–94

facilitating service management, 94–95

elements, 66

enchantment example, 109–110

external drivers

sociology and technology change, 76

STEEPLE, 75–77

good and weak aspects analysis, 108–109

learning organizations, 67

interfunctional coordination, 106–107

mental models, 105

personal mastery, 105

role of leaders, 106

shared vision, 105–106

systems thinking, 105

team learning, 106

market development, Ansoff’s matrix

collaboration, 82

consultation, 82

diversification, 82

internal strategies, 83

market-based strategies, 83–85

NPD location, 82

profit growth, strategies for, 85–86

risk factors and service application, 81–82

meeting customer needs

customer acceptance, 100–101

technology acceptance model, 101

new service development process

business analysis, 87

combined strategies, 91

commercialization, 90

concept development, 87, 88

idea generation process, 87–88

market leadership, 86

market testing, 88

new service sectors, 90–91

postintroduction evaluation, 90

and testing, 87, 88

organizational culture and contribution

adaptability and innovation culture, 102–103

Boston Consulting Group, 102

organizational barriers, 103–104

product management, 98–100

quotations/interviews, 107–108

service characteristics, 67

and service development

enhancing factors, 81

hygiene factors, 81

strategic management, 80

strategies to help innovation, 80–81

service-dominant logic, 69–72

service expectations

with old services, 96–97

through product life cycle, 97–98

from service organizations, 79–80

services vs. products, 65

Interfunctional coordination, 106–107

Latent loyalty, 50

Learning organizations, 67

interfunctional coordination, 106–107

mental models, 105

personal mastery, 105

role of leaders, 106

shared vision, 105–106

systems thinking, 105

team learning, 106

Loyalty, customer, 25–26

benefits to customer, 44–45

benefits to organization, 45–46

characteristics of services, 54

components of, 49

CRM (see Customer relationship management model (CRM))

customer expectation, management of, 29

customer touch points, 40–41

definition, 43

disenchantment example, 61

enchantment example, 61–62


quotations/interviews, 60–61

responsibility for, 58

in staff relations, 58–60

framework, 49

latent loyalty, 50

measuring, 52

no loyalty, 51

programs, 53, 55

importance of, 55–56

schemes, 56–58

segmentation, 28–30

spurious loyalty, 50–51

strategies, 52–53

transactional marketing

advantages, 32–33

counterintuitive, 31

degree of service, 32

disadvantages, 33

goods/services purchase, 30

personalization and customization, 32

purchase occasion, 31, 32

to relationship marketing, 34–35

transaction frequency and value, 31

true (sustainable) loyalty, 49–50

Market-based innovation strategies, 83–85

Market leadership, 86

Market testing, 88

Mental models, 105

New product development (NPD)

location, 82

strategies for, 90–91

New service development process

business analysis, 87

combined strategies, 91

commercialization, 90

concept development, 88

idea generation process, 87–88

market leadership, 86

market testing, 88

new service sectors, 90–91

postintroduction evaluation, 90

service development and testing, 87, 88

NPD. See New product development (NPD)

Online collaboration, 72

Parity factors, 81

Personal mastery, 105

Physical possessions, customer inputs, 12

Piggybacking, 95

Product-based organizations, 94

Product life cycle (PLC), 97–98

Profit growth, strategies for, 85–86

Quick-follow strategy, 84

RATER model of service quality, 9

Relationship marketing. See also Customer relationship management model (CRM)

activities, 36

advantages, 37–38

customer loyalty pyramid, 37

definition, 36

disadvantages, 38

personalized attention and service reward, 37

revenue potential, 34

stages, 34–35

Repeat business, 1–2

artificial intelligence, 23

and chat bots, 21

consumer behavior and traits, 21

delivery programs, 21

job replacement, 20

online advertisements, 21

predictions, 20

service tasks, 20

social media users, 20

boundary spanners, 11

cost-effective, 2


as competitors, 14

inputs, 12

participation in service delivery, 11–13

productive process, 13

as quality contributors, 13–14

employees’ behavior, 9–10

fish principles, 15–16

April Fools’ Day, 16–17

cosmetics organization, 18

customer-facing roles, 19

empowering frontline staff, 17

The Fish! Philosophy, 15, 16, 19

Lush Facebook page, posting from, 18

positive attitude, 19

servant leadership, 17

quotations/interviews, 22

service marketing triangle, 8

service provision, role of drama in

Pike Place Fish Market, 6, 15

servicescape, 6–8

value maximisation

adding little touches, 4

after-sales support, 3

customers’ details on file, 3

increasing profile, 5

maintaining contact, 4

maximizing online presence, 5

re-evaluation, 5

right first time, 2–3

special offers, 4

tailor your alerts, 4

Retail technology, 95

Segmentation, loyal relationships

price cuts, 28

service specifications, 29–30

short-term deals, 28

Servant leadership model, 10

Service blueprint, 89, 90

Service development

enhancing factors, 81

hygiene factors, 81

strategic management, 80

strategies to help innovation, 80–81

and testing, 87, 88

Service dominant (S-D) logic, 70–71

Servicescape, 6–8

Shared vision, 105–106

Slow-/no-follow strategy, 85

Spurious loyalty, 50–51

Statistical process control (SPC), 96

Strategic management, 80

Superiority factors, 81

Systems thinking, 105

Team learning, 106

Technology acceptance model (TAM), 101

The Fish! Philosophy, 15, 16

Tracking cameras, 95

Transactional marketing

advantages, 32–33

counterintuitive, 32

degree of service, 32

disadvantages, 33

goods/services purchase, 30

personalization and customization, 32

purchase occasion, 31, 32

to relationship marketing, 34–35

transaction frequency and value, 32

True (sustainable) loyalty, 49–50

Value maximisation

adding little touches, 4

after-sales support, 3

customers’ details on file, 3

increasing profile, 5

maintaining contact, 4

maximizing online presence, 5

re-evaluation, 5

right first time, 2–3

special offers, 4

tailor your alerts, 4

Virtual reality, 95

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