The Sales Garden Glossary

Fertilizer Information or actions the gardener uses to promote the sale

Fun Enjoying the challenge of sales and finding it meaningful

Gardener A salesperson who tends a sales garden

Gardening time A state of mind where one reflects on the present and plans for the future

Good soil A sales territory with good potential

Harvest Closing sales agreements at the right time in a manner that ensures renewal of the customer relationship

Nurturing Taking care of customers and potential customers

Perennials Customers who come back year after year

Planning Creating a personal vision for success and the action steps that support it

Sales garden A metaphor that looks at a sales career in terms of planting, growing, and harvesting

Saturday Morning Sales Club Support group for salespeople

Seeding Any act of contacting new customers and building relationships

Storms Unexpected events that disrupt your sale

Watering Staying connected and supporting customers

Weeds and pests The competition or people who are negative to your sale

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