
Before I tell you my story, there are a number of people I ought to thank for making it all possible. Not least, of course, my Gran, for teaching me how to make jam in the first place and inspiring the work that I do with the elderly. It has to be said that I'm thankful she's unaware of her intellectual property rights …

My parents and brother Connor, for letting me cook jam for years on end in their tiny kitchen and supporting me over all these years. But I'd have to say that the best help and support I've had in getting my business off the ground has been from all of the people who believed in my idea and were willing to give me help along the way.

Kevin, my mentor, for sharing the lessons he had learned in setting up his company. Mike, the buyer at Waitrose, for being willing to listen to my ideas and giving me feedback on how to improve them. Simon, the designer, for creating the brand. And the Prince's Trust (the PSYBT), for giving me a small loan in the beginning to get everything started.

Without all of you, none of this would have happened. Thank you for believing in my dream.

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