
The glossary presented here is an eclectic mix of Tableau terminology, industry jargon, author jargon, and noteworthy terms, items, and individuals not otherwise covered in the text. Some of these terms have more generic industry definitions. They are presented here in the context of Tableau usage.

1000-gig Laptop
A mythical vision of the future where a $1,000 laptop can contain 1,000 gigabytes of random access memory that is fully addressable by a 64-bit edition of Tableau Desktop. While this is theoretically possible, it will require significant technology advances in hardware and software to achieve.
32-bit Architecture
A computing architecture that is capable of addressing up to 4 gigabytes of physical memory without utilizing physical hard disk space.
64-bit Architecture
A computer architecture that is capable of addressing over 16 exabytes of physical memory without utilizing physical hard disk space. While theoretically possible in a desktop computer, hardware limitations confine this kind of processing to server environments today.
Tableau feature that facilitates filtering, highlighting, or invoking a URL call by selecting information contained in a Tableau dashboard or worksheet so that a dashboard or worksheet view is altered by selecting data element(s) from within a pane.
Aggregate Function
A function groups together values in a specific way in the resulting view, but these values are presented in the data source as multiple rows of data. Tableau aggregate functions include AVG (average), COUNT, COUNTD, MAX, MEDIAN, MIN, STDDEV, STDEVP, SUM, VAR, and VARP. See the function reference for specific definitions and examples.
The level of detail expressed in a view. Highly aggregated data present less detail. Highly disaggregated data presents more granular (atomic) views of the data.
Animated Visualization
Visualization contained in a dashboard or a workbook that utilizes the Tableau Pages shelf to animate the view by automatically incrementing a filter.
A person with artistic-bent values the artistic qualities or aesthetic contained within the presentation of data in dashboards and visualizations.
Axis Label
An editable part of the axis heading that provides descriptive information regarding the nature of the data being presented by the mark(s) within the view.
Behfar Jahanshahi
Behfar is the CEO and founder of InterWorks, Inc. Born in Edmond, Oklahoma. He founded InterWorks while attending Oklahoma State University. (His last name is pronounced jah-han-sha-he.)
Beta Tester
Someone who participates in evaluating beta releases of Tableau software and provides valuable, documented feedback on features, functions, and quality issues.
Big Data
A technology industry buzzword that refers to any particularly large data source you would like to analyze.
Blue Icon
Refers to the color of the icons used to present discrete entities.
Blue Pill
Refers to the color used to represent discrete dimensions, measures, and parameters. Discrete entities result in panes (windows) as more granular views of the data are presented within the visualization.
Refers to Boolean logic—a part of algebra used to derive true or false statements by using logical operators such as AND, BUT, OR, and NOT. Formulas that result in true/false or yes/no answers are sometimes referred to as Boolean results.
Box Plot
A type of visualization typically used to present ranges of disaggregated data for discrete dimensions within Tableau. While this type of chart isn’t part of Tableau’s Show Me facility, these charts can be created by disaggregating the data plot and adding a reference distribution and reference lines to the view—creating a box-like appearance around the median value, while also highlighting the minimum and maximum values for each cell in view.
Bubble Chart
A way to present one-to-many comparisons in Tableau that is generally not favored by data visualization experts because other forms of presenting one-to-many comparisons are more precise.
Bullet Graph
A chart type invented by Stephen Few that uses the combination of a bar chart, a reference line, and a reference distribution to present actual and comparative data in a space-efficient way. Tableau’s Show Me button supports this chart type although one should verify that the bar reflects the actual value and the reference line and reference distribution should present comparative budget, historical, or target data.
A new Tableau user who is very excited about Tableau’s capabilities.
Calculated Value
New measure or dimension created by defining a formula within Tableau’s formula editing menu.
The lowest-level of granularity presented within a view.
Census Data
Information that comes from the United States Census Bureau that is also available in Tableau maps expressed as polygon shapes for state, county, ZIP code, or census block group.
Choropleth Map (Filled Map)
Map style in which the shape of a map element (country, state, and so on) is used to depict a value range within the map through the use of color. This chart type is supported by the Show Me feature where it is referred to as a filled map.
Cloud Services
Computing services provided to end users via the Internet because they can be economically delivered with adequate performance and security. Tableau Public is an example of a free cloud computing service. Tableau Public Premium is a fee-based cloud computing service.
Column Shelf
The place to position dimension or measure pills so that the data that they represent is expressed horizontally across the view.
Column Total
The menu option for expressing the total of a column contained within a Tableau view.
Columnar-Analytic Database
A database that is designed to efficiently query and present data from very large datasets very quickly. Tableau has connectors to most of the popular column stores commercially available.
Continuous Data Type
Continuous data types (denoted by green pills in Tableau) present data in continuous, unbroken panes. As more granular levels of the data are exposed in a view, they remain unbroken, whereas discrete data types display the data with breaks between different aggregations of the data. For example, dates presented as discrete data types appear as broken lines within data windows (year, quarter, month, week, and so on). See Discrete Data Type.
Core License
One of Tableau Server’s licensing models in which the customer licenses Tableau Server in a way that provides for unlimited users but a limited hardware The license amount is determined by the number of server core memory microprocessors.
Database function that is used to count every row from the data source presented in the view. It is the equivalent of assigning the value of one to each row in the data source and then summing those values.
Count Distinct
A database function used to count each distinct instance of a value within a set so that repeated entries of the same value are counted only once.
A visualization style that presents text in grid form, similar to the way numbers are presented in spreadsheets. Crosstabs provide an effective means for looking up specific values.
Custom Geocoding
Tableau provides geographic coordinates of standard geographic entities (state, county, postal code, and so on). If you need to present a specific address on a map, you must supply custom geocoding coordinates for the address. Custom geocoding refers to the process of obtaining customized geographic coordinates.
Dashboards are an assembly of workbooks within a special view within Tableau. Unlike a workbook, in which the data shelf presents data source fields (dimensions and measures) as well as parameter, sets, and groups, the dashboard design page provides a workspace for placing individual workbooks within view and enables the resulting panes of information to become interactive.
Data Analyst
A data analyst is a person responsible for gathering data and turning that data into information that other people can use. Frequently, analysts are required to develop insight and provide analysis of the data so that other staff can act on the information provided.
Data Architect
A data architect is a technical professional with deep understanding of database schema, extract transform and load logic, and other technical aspects of database design.
Data Blending
The act of combining data from dissimilar data sources in Tableau through the use of a common dimension. Data blending joins data from a primary and secondary data source via a left outer-join-like association of the members of one or more fields.
Data Cube
A database construct in which data is pre-aggregated in order to achieve improved performance through pre-calculation of the answer set. As a result, data cubes reduce the amount and granularity of data available for the user to query.
Data Extract
Extracting data in Tableau refers to the act of pulling some or all of the data from a data source into Tableau’s proprietary data engine. Extract files provide a compressed (and many times better performing) alternative versus a direct connection to a data source.
Data Quality
Refers to the accuracy and completeness of the data source being analyzed.
Data Service
Data services offer data for a fee in industry-standard data formats. Some data services offer public data without charge. For-fee data services typically provide more accurate and complete data sets in more readily consumable forms than free services.
Data Shelf
The Data shelf is the left side of Tableau’s worksheet window that displays the data connections available for the analyst to use to build views. You can connect to as many data sources as you like with Tableau.
Data Visualization
Data visualizations in Tableau refer to the worksheet views of the combination of measures and dimensions added to the column and row shelves and the marks card. Combinations of worksheets displayed in dashboard panes are also referred to collectively as data visualizations.
Date Part
Date part is used to express discrete data types when defining custom date types in Tableau.
Date Value
Date value is used to express continuous data types when defining custom date types in Tableau.
Dimensions refer to data types that are typically text, a date, or a key-value number in a data source. Number ranges in histograms are also dimensions.
Direct Connection
Direct connections in Tableau refer to working directly with a data source as opposed to using Tableau’s data extract engine to store the data.
Exposing progressively more detail contained within the database.
Discrete Data Type
Discrete data types (denoted by blue pills in Tableau) present data in broken, windowed panes as more granular levels of the data are exposed in a view. For example, dates presented as discrete data types appear as broken lines within data windows (panes) whereas time is expressed in more granular ways (year, quarter, month, week, and so on). See Continuous Data Type.
Duplicate Field
A duplicate field in Tableau refers to the act of duplicating a dimension or measure from a data source within Tableau by right-clicking the primary field and selecting the Duplicate menu option.
Edward Tufte
Edward Tufte is the respected author of books on data visualization.
Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)
An ETL process is the act of cleaning suspect source data through computer logic and human intervention.
In a database, a fact refers to a numeric measure to which mathematics may be applied to derive additional insight.
Filmstrip View
A way of viewing worksheet tabs in Tableau that expresses the information in a small graphic as opposed to text. The filmstrip view can be invoked by selecting the lower-right side of the worksheet view (the up and down arrows) and clicking to expose the filmstrip. Alternatively, the upper-right section of the worksheet that contains the four gray boxes can be selected to view a slide deck–style presentation of the filmstrip. Right-clicking either filmstrip view causes all of the views to be refreshed. This is particularly helpful if you are using Tableau in a presentation because each worksheet will load instantaneously. If you don’t refresh all views via the filmstrip, Tableau requires time to render each view individually.
Filter Action
An action control that invokes a filter similar to the way a quick filter might, but through the use of the data visualization itself. Filter actions restrict the data presented in other panes within a dashboard based on selection(s) made in an individual pane.
Fixed Axis
A fixed axis is an axis that has been specifically restricted to present a predetermined range of values. It is generally not a good idea to fix the axis range within a visualization connected to an active data source, as the range of values in the data may exceed the range of values in the fixed axis.
The act of presenting future estimated values based on historical values. In Tableau, this can be done by right-clicking within the view and selecting the Forecast option. Tableau provides a Best Fit forecast that the user can modify by selecting from a menu of available forecast options including Automatic, Automatic With Seasonality, Trend And Season, Trend Only, Season Only, or No Trend Or Season.
The act of obtaining longitude and latitude for geographic entities being presented on a map. Tableau automatically geocodes standard geographic entities such as country, state, county, and postal code.
The level of detail provided within a dataset or displayed within a visualization. For example, city is a more granular presentation of geographic data than state.
Green Icon
Represent dimensions or measures that are continuous.
Green Pill
Refers to a dimension or measure that is continuous.
An ad hoc entity in Tableau that is represented by the paper clip icon. Groups refer to combinations or sets of values. Grouping dimension set members is an effective way to deal with many small outlier members of a set.
A popular, open source, no-SQL database used to collect and store very large and dynamic datasets without having to predefine a data schema.
Heat Map
A data visualization in which up to two measures can be displayed by using size and color to express the values. Heat maps are a good way to express many comparisons of a large number of set members to quickly identify outliers.
Hierarchies provide the ability to express different values within related dimensions in Tableau by expanding and contracting the hierarchy displayed in a view. Tableau provides automatically generated data hierarchies for year, quarter, month, and so on. You can manually combine fields to create custom combinations of dimensions in views.
High Availability
A Tableau Server configuration that reduces the possibility of downtime through the use of redundant physical hardware and the elimination of single points of failure.
Highlight Action
An action type that provides highlighting of specific selections based on color or shape. Highlight actions can be invoked through color or shape legends or by manual definition through the action menu.
Highlight Table
A crosstab view that uses coloration of the cells to highlight value differences. In Tableau, highlight tables require the selection of one measure only.
A visualization type that uses a bar graph to display ranges of values by counting the number of times a particular range of values occurs in the source data.
An interpreted high-level language that is typically used along with HTML and CSS. It is an essential technology enabling the Internet. Tableau has a JavaScript API that can be used to provide interactivity between a Tableau view embedded inside a web page and the rest of the web page. See Chapter 13 for details.
A Tableau user that is particularly skilled and knowledgeable.
A database term used to describe the linking of tables through a common key record. Tableau supports inner, left, and right join types through point-and-click selection. Union join types can be achieved by editing the connection script generated by Tableau within Tableau’s connection dialog window.
A language-independent data format that was originally derived from JavaScript. There is a Hadoop Hive–specific function called GET_JSON_OBJECT, which returns the JSON object within the JSON string based on the JSON path. See Appendix E for details.
A three-way network authentication protocol that uses a trusted third-party service called a Key Distribution Center (KDC) to verify the identity of a computer requesting access to Tableau Server. Developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Microsoft Windows 2000 and later uses Kerberos as its default authentication method. Tableau Server supports Kerberos-based single sign-on (SSO).
Level of Detail
Refers to the level of granularity expressed within the view. More granular details of a dataset are exposed as more dimensions are placed within the view or within the Marks card.
Maintenance Release
Minor releases provided to Tableau customer that fix bugs or provide software upgrades that do not constitute major releases.
Marks Card
Contains the marks buttons for mark type, color, size, text labels, detail (level of detail), and tooltips.
Refers to the numbers contained in the data source that you may want to apply math toward, geographic coordinates, and the record count calculation supplied automatically by Tableau. Measures can also be created through calculations you define.
Named-User License
A license type in which the license is determined by the specific user name.
ODBC Connection
A generic windows connection to an otherwise unsupported database type.
See Data Cube.
One-To-Many Comparison
A one-to-many comparison refers to any of the chart types used for comparing the different value ranges within the view. Bar charts, bullet graphs, heat maps, highlight tables, histograms, maps, and bubble graphs are typically used for comparing values.
Pages Shelf
The Pages shelf in Tableau is a filter type that can be used to animate views. Animated views are available only in Tableau Desktop or Tableau Reader and are not enabled within Tableau Server or Tableau Public.
Panes denote the breaks between discrete entities expressed in the visualization. They are expressed by light gray border lines.
Parameters are formula variables that appear as quick-filter-like controls on the desktop. Parameters enable self-service business information by allowing information consumers to change the values or dimensions expressed in views.
Performance Tuning
Refers to the act of improving the load and rendering performance of a visualization or dashboard. Tableau provides performance tuning tools for the desktop (via the Help menu option and the Start Performance Recording selection). The performance recorder analyzes Tableau’s log files and creates a Tableau dashboard reflecting the relative speed that queries are executed and rendering is achieved.
Persistent Query Cache
Provides a faster response time in Tableau Server by enabling Tableau Data Server to save data in temporary tables.
Pie Chart
A popular way to visualize one-to-many comparisons that are generally not favored by the Vizerati.
A pill refers to the visual entity used to place a dimension field or measure field on the Row shelf, Column shelf, or any other shelf within the Tableau worksheet.
Polygons are a shape typically used for expressing geographic members on a map. For example, Tableau supplies polygon shapes for country, state, and so on.
Port Number
A communication endpoint that is a logical construct identifying a service. Specific services are identified to the computer by assigning port numbers. See the Tableau Server Administrator Guide for more details.
Power Hello
The power hello is what happens when you meet Christian Chabot and Kelly Wright of Tableau Software in person. Pure energy and enthusiasm.
Power Tools for Tableau
A suite of software tools that add functionality to Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server. For details, see
A popular, open source, and general-purpose programming language that is frequently cited as a good language for beginning programmers because of its easy-to-understand syntax.
Quick Filter
Filter elements that are exposed on the desktop within a worksheet or a dashboard.
Reference Line
Reference lines are invoked from the axis and are used to express a statistic or value within a cell, pane, or worksheet.
Refers to mobile applications developed by Tableau Partner InterWorks, Inc. The apps provide Tableau Server access remotely from an iOS or Android device.
Replace Drag
Refers to the ability to replace a pill by dragging and dropping another pill on top of a pill.
Refers to Representational State Transfer (REST) that is the software architectural style of the Internet. Tableau Server includes a REST API that enables you to manage Tableau Server resources programmatically using HTTP. See Chapter 13 for details.
Right-click-drag refers to the ability to express more granular controls when placing a field into the worksheet.
Row Shelf
The Row shelf is used to express the value row-wise in the visualization.
Row Total
The row total is used to express the grand total of the row expressed in the visualization.
Security Assertion Markup Language is an XML standard providing secure web domains to exchange user authentication and authorization data. See Chapter 11 for details.
Scatter Plot
A visualization used to compare two measures. More aspects of the dataset can be expressed through the use of shape, color, and size within the scatter plot. Reference lines can be added to express correlation. Scatter plots offer a good way to do ad hoc analysis.
Refers to the architectural design of a database.
Secure Socket Layers (SSL)
A standard security protocol enabling an encrypted link between a web server and clients. Tableau Server uses SSL for user authentication only. See Chapter 11 for details.
In Tableau, a set can be used to express specific combinations of dimensions and facts within the data source. Sets can be static (based on manually selected marks) or dynamically defined based on value ranges.
Show Me Button
Tableau’s Show Me button allows novice users to create data visualizations based on the combination of measures and dimensions selected by the designer without having to understand what shelves to place the pills upon. This facility makes it easy for novices to build data visualizations.
Tiny information graphics first conceived of by Edward Tufte in his book Beautiful Evidence.
Star Schema
Refers to a traditional data warehouse design format in which a fact table (consisting of numbers and key records) is surrounded by joined dimension tables (consisting of key records and text).
Stephen Few
Seminal thought leader in the data visualization space, Mr. Few is the author of three influential books on data visualization in the computer age.
Syntax refers to the way formulas are expressed, including the symbols needed for the computer to correctly interpret the instruction.
Table Calculation
Table calculations are a type of calculated value within Tableau that uses the structure of the view itself to derive the solution set.
Table Calculation Function
Table calculation functions are function types used to derive solutions using the structure of the visualization express to define the result set.
Tableau Bookmark (.tbm)
Tableau bookmarks are a file type used to copy an individual worksheet visualization from one workbook to another.
Tableau Data Extract (.tde)
Tableau data extract files are files that contain data pulled from the host data source that has been stored in Tableau’s proprietary data engine.
Tableau Desktop Personal
Refers to the desktop license for the personal edition. Personal edition connects to Tableau data extract files, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, or text files.
Tableau Desktop Professional
Refers to the desktop license for the professional edition, which connects to most commercially popular databases or to unsupported databases through ODBC.
Tableau Online
A version of Tableau Server that is a cloud-based service managed by Tableau Software. Unlike Tableau Server, Online does not have a minimum user count licensing requirement.
Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx)
Tableau packaged workbooks refer to workbook files that have been saved in a way that bundles the source data with the Tableau visualizations so that both are contained in a single, compressed file. Packaged workbooks can be consumed by Tableau Reader.
Tableau Public
A free version of Tableau desktop that is limited to connecting to datasets with no more than 10,000,000 records. Data sources are also limited to text files, Excel spreadsheets, or Access database files.
Tableau Public Premium
A deprecated paid version of Tableau public that offers access to unlimited data sizes, more data connection options, and more control over data security.
Tableau Server
Tableau’s data consumption environment for entities that want to share information securely within a defined group of users.
Tableau Workbook (.twb)
Files in which the design of the data visualizations, the dashboards, and the data connections are saved, but not the data itself. As a result, these files are normally small because the data source keeps the data, not Tableau.
TDWI (The Data Warehouse Institute)
A database industry information service.
Text Table
A filter type in Tableau that results in a temporary table being created that restricts the data in the sheet to include only the contents of the temporary file. Context filters can help or hurt performance. They help when the filter includes a small subset of data and when the filter is changed infrequently. They hurt performance if the filter replicates the entire data source contents because the filter is replicating the entire data source. Context filters are applied using the Add to Context menu option. Identify context filters by the gray field pill color.
Time Series
Time series charts are an information visualization type used to display data over time.
Tooltips are pop-up windows that display additional details regarding the mark selected within data visualizations in Tableau.
Transaction Schema
Refers to databases designed to ensure the accuracy of an individual transaction in a database as opposed to a data warehouse schema used to chunk information for analysis.
Trend Line
Trend lines are invoked in Tableau by right-clicking within the worksheet to display a trend line of the data using linear, logarithmic, exponential, or polynomial regression.
Trend Model
The trend model is used to describe the math employed to create a trend line in Tableau.
Trusted Authentication
A service used by Tableau Server when views are embedded into web pages to ensure that everyone visiting the page is a licensed Tableau Server user. It is a means for establishing a trusted relationship between Tableau Server and one or more web servers. See the Tableau Server Administrator Guide for details.
A type of join clause used to join two different tables of identical structure, essentially adding them together. Union joins can be achieved only in Tableau by editing the connection script.
URL Action
An action type that can be used to call web page URLs to make data from the data visualization interact with websites embedded within a dashboard, or called from a dashboard, and visualized within a web browser.
User Forum
The Tableau user forum is a place to ask questions and have questions answered about Tableau.
A view in Tableau refers to an individual data visualization or a pane within a dashboard.
An abbreviated way of saying data visualization.
Anyone generally recognized as a member of the data visualization world.
Web Authoring
A Tableau Server capability that is controlled by the server administrator through permissions. When edit capability is enabled Tableau Server users can edit existing views or create new views.
Shorthand for a Tableau workbook.
An individual design page within Tableau Desktop.
The nickname given by Giedra Aleknonyte (a member of the Vizerati) to the author of this book.
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