
AAA. See American Accounting Association

AACSB. See Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

ABC Limited, 96–102

Abolition of Forced Labor Convention, 1957 (No. 105), 229

accounting curriculum, teaching ethics across, 61–62

accounting education

advice for teachers in, 76–77

developing versus developed countries, 76–77

ethics and, 59–60, 77–79

accounting information systems (AIS)

case, 73–74

ethical issues, 70–72

teaching strategies, 72–73

accounting information systems (AIS), 6

ACFE. See Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

ADA. See Americans with Disabilities Act

ADB-OECD Action Plan for Asia-Pacific (2001), 4

ADEA. See Age Discrimination in Employment Act

advice for teachers

business statistics, 123–125

entrepreneurship, 26–27, 50

finance curricula, 144–145

international business courses, 236–237

international business discipline, 212–215

international recruitment, 196–197

socially responsible investing (SRI), 168–170

African SRI, 173

African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (2004), 4

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), 230

AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, 63, 65, 74

AICPA Statements on Standards for Tax Services, 74

AIS. See accounting information systems

AMBA. See Association of MBAs

America’s Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 165

American Accounting Association (AAA), 60

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Code of Professional Conduct. See AICPA Code of Professional Conduct

American Statistical Association (ASA), 111

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 230

Apple, 122, 231–232

Aquinas Funds, 161

ARARD-V framework, 92–94, 98–102

Aristotle, 41

Aristotelian-Thomistic approach, 135

justice, 140–142

prudence, 138

temperance, 138–139

virtue, 137

ASA. See American Statistical Association

Asian SRI, 172–173

Association for Sustainable and Responsible Investing in Asia (ASrIA), 172

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), 72

Association of MBAs (AMBA), 204

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), 61, 157, 204

courage, 140

auditing, 6

case, 73–74

ethical issues, 70–72

teaching strategies, 72–73

Ball, R., 88

Barclays, 85

biased questions, asking, 111–112

Blommestein, H. J., 87–88

brain drain, 192–194

BRICS countries, 126

British Petroleum, 5

Buffett, Warren, 166


ethics, 44

ethical violations in, 86

business statistics, ethics in, 109–128

advice for teachers, 123–125

aim of teaching, 110–111

as discipline, 110–111

developing versus developed country perspective, 125–127

ethics teaching strategy in, 118–123

implications for self-leadership, 125

suggested exercises, 128

summary and conclusion, 127

typical ethical issues in, 112–118

California Transparency in Supply Chain Act of 2010 Mandatory Disclosure, 234

Citizens Property Insurance Co., 234

compliance, in environmental ethics, 233

corruption, 234–235

cross-cultural management, 227

Catholic Values Investment Trust for Catholics, 161

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), 63

CFA. See Chartered Financial Analyst

CH2M Hill, 187

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

Institute, 136

Program, 166

China SIF, 172

Chinese Amendment No. 8 to Article 164 (2011), 4

Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, 166

Colonial Bank, 165

community investing, 178

compromising standards, 40–42

confidentiality, data, 71

conflict of interest, 39–40

conflicting personnel, 42–44

consumer power, 5

Consumer Protection Act of 2010, 63

control variables, misusage of, 115–116

Cornell University, 86

corporate finance. See finance, corporate

corporate social responsibility (CSR), 169

cost-benefit analysis, 135

Council of Europe Criminal Convention on Corruption (2002), 4

courage, 140

CPAs. See Certified Public Accountants

creative destruction act, 36

CSR. See corporate social responsibility

customer relationships, 42–44

data analysis, 113–116

control variables, misusage of, 115–116

statistical hypothesis testing, 114–115

data collection, 111–112

biased questions, asking, 111–112

data hiding, applied method and, 117

data preparation, 112–113

deleting data points, 112–113

handling missing data, 113

data reporting, 116–118

HARKing, 117–118

method and data hiding, 117

decision-making process, 138

deleting data points, 112–113

deontology, 135–136

developing versus developed country perspective

accounting education, 76–77

business statistics, 125–127

corporate finance, 102–104

entrepreneurship, 27–29, 50–51

finance curricula, 145

international business courses, 237–238

international business discipline, 215–218

international recruitment, 192–194

socially responsible investing (SRI), 170–173

Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), 229

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform, 63

Domini Social Index (DSI), 158

DSI. See Domini Social Index

Dual Labor Market Theory, 186

earnings, management of, 64

economic globalization, 186

EEOC. See Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

efficient market hypothesis (EMH), 88

Egyptian Society of Accountants and Auditors (ESAA) Code of Ethics. See ESAA Code of Ethics

EMH. See efficient market hypothesis

employer branding, 184

employment law, 229–231

endogenous variables, 187

Enron, 63


ethical challenges for, 15–16, 19–24

ethical considerations of, 6–9

necessity-driven, 25

entrepreneurship, x

advice for teachers, 26–27, 50

areas of research on, 37–38

as management discipline, 37–38

defined, 37

developing versus developed country perspectives, 27–29, 50–51

ethics teaching strategy, 24–26

exercises for, 30–31, 52–53

exercises for, 30–31

field of, 16–19

summary, 29–30

teaching, 35–53

typical ethical issues in, 19–24

environmental ethics, 226

environmental pollution, 232–234

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 230

Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100), 229

EQUIS. See European Quality Improvement System

ESAA Code of Ethics, 77–78

ethical awareness, 184–185

ethical considerations and challenge of linkages, 24–25

ethical dilemmas, examples of

compromising standards, 40–42

conflict of interest, 39–40

conflicting personnel and customer relationships, 42–44

reconciling social impact and profitability, 44–46

ethical dimensions, of international recruitment, 190–192

ethical issues. See also typical ethical issues

by accounting subdisciplines

in auditing, 70–72

in financial accounting, 63–65

in managerial accounting, 66–68

in taxation, 74

accounting information systems (AIS), 70–72

ethical violations, 229

ethics-adjusted decision, 96

ethics education, accounting, 59–60

ethics teaching strategy, 24–26, 46–50

in business statistics, 118–123

discussing scenarios, 121

using case studies, 121–122

writing mission statement, 122–123

ethical considerations and challenge of linkages, 24–25

international business, 235–236

international business education, 207–212

embedding business ethics content into existing modules, 211–212

stand-alone business ethics modules, 210–211

teaching approaches in, 209–210

international recruitment, 194

values-based principles, 25–26

European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), 204

European SIF, 170–171

exogenous variables, 187

experience-behavior-reflection cycle, 124–125

experiential learning strategies, 47–50

case studies, 47–48

developing social sensitivity, 48–49

experience sharing, 49–50

experiential learning theory (Kolb), 45

faculty development, 9–10

FCPA. See Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), 226

FIFA. See Fédération Internationale de Football Association

Finance and the Good Society (Shiller), 142

finance curricula

advice for teachers, 144–145

developing versus developed country perspectives, 145

discipline and ethics, 134–136

suggested exercises, 146–153

Bank Holders case studies, 150–153

Margin Call (film), 146–147

Sullivan, Peter, 147–148

Tuld, John -class exercise, 148–150

summary and conclusion, 146

teaching strategy for ethics, 143–144

typical ethical issues

institutional level, 142–143

with examples, 136–142

finance, corporate

defined, 87

developing versus developed country perspective, 102–104

suggested exercise, 105–106

meaning and scope of, 87–88

quantitative approach to, 87

related scandals, 85

summary and conclusion, 105

teaching business ethics, 84–87, 91–102

ARARD-V framework, 92–94, 98–102

assumptions and approach, 91–94

pedagogy, tools, and strategies, 95–102

typical ethical issues, 89–91

ethical dilemmas in, 89–90

unethical dilemmas in, 90–91

financial accounting

case, 66

ethical issues, 63–65

teaching strategies, 65–66

financial crisis, 161–162

financial profit, 44

Financial Times, 85

financing venture, 21–22

Forced Labor Convention, 1930 (No. 29), 229

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), 225

Foxcon, 232

fraud triangle, 72–73

Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention, 1948 (No. 87), 229

Future Structure, Content, and Scope of Accounting Education, 60

G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan (2010), 4

gamification, 212–215

global credit crisis in 2008, 161–162

Global Goals, 5. See also Sustainable Development Goals

global supply chain management, 227

Global Sustainable Investment Association (GSIA 2014), 158

review report, 171

global warming, 234

globalization, 5, 227–228

GMAT Blog Hub, 86

Google, 122

GSIA. See Global Sustainable Investment Association

handling missing data, 113

HARKing, 117–118

HSBC, 85

Human Capital Theory, 186

Hurricane Andrew, 234

IBM, 186

IESBA. See International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants

IFAC. See International Federation of Accountants

ILO. See International Labor Organization

immigration, 186

imparting learning, 6

Infosys, 186

insider trading, defined, 165

integrated learning, 9

Inter-American Convention Against Corruption (1997), 4

Internal Revenue Service Circular 230, 74

international business courses

advice for teachers, 236–237

compliance in, 225–241

developing versus developed country perspectives, 237–238

ethics teaching strategy, 235–236

globalization and, 227–228

introduction, 225–227

overview, 227–228

suggested exercises, 238–241

summary and conclusion, 238

typical ethical issues, 228–235

corruption, 234–235

employment law, 229–231

environmental pollution, 232–234

human rights, 231–232

international business discipline

advice for tutors, 212–215

curricula, 205–206

developing versus developed country perspectives, 215–218

ethics teaching strategy, 207–212

gamification and, 212–215

introduction, 203–204

suggested exercises, 220–221

summary and conclusion, 218–219

teaching ethics in, 203–221

typical ethical issues in, 206–207

International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), 63

International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), 72

international finance, 227

International Labor Organization (ILO), 229

international marketing, 227

International Monetary Fund, 125

international recruitment

advice for teachers, 196–197

branding for, 187–190

business strategies and, 187

developing versus developed country perspectives on, 192–194

ethical dimensions of, 190–192

introduction, 183–185

overview, 185–187

suggested exercises, 194–196

summary and conclusion, 197–198

teaching strategy, 194

two-way perspective of, 188

irrational exuberance, 88

Investment Policy Statement (IPS), 176

JP Morgan, 85

justice, 140–142

KelsRusto, 196–197

Korede, 42–44

labor market, 185

Lagos Business School (LBS), 95

Libor, 96

Lloyds Banking Group, 85

London, Timothy, 6

main virtue, 137

managerial accounting

case, 69–70

ethical issues, 66–68

teaching strategies, 68–69

Mandela, Nelson, 48

market inefficiencies, 88

McHugh, F. P., 88

microinvesting, 172

Microsoft, 186

Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138), 229

missing data, handling, 113

mission statement, writing, 122–123

mitigation of environmental damage, 44

moral relativism, 226

nation branding, 184, 189

National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), 61

National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 161

negative screening, 160

Nelson Mandela, 48

neoclassical economics, 87, 186

net operating losses (NOLs), 76

net present value (NPV), 90

New Institutional Economics (NIE), 87

NGO. See nongovernmental organization

Nike, 232

Nkechi’s dilemma, 45–46

nongovernmental organization (NGO), 233

NOLs. See net operating losses

NPV. See net present value

Qatar’s labor laws, 230

OECD Anti-Bribery Convention (1997), 4

Okeke, 40–42

online sweatshops, 112

organizational competencies, 185

organizational culture, 84

organizational perception, 184

payment protection insurance (PPI), 85

Permal’s Alfanar Investment Holdings, 161

P-hacking method, 115

Plato, 41

portfolio management, 168

positive screening, 160

PPI. See payment protection insurance

Praxis Mutual Funds, 162

profitability, 44–46

prudence, 138

PricewaterhouseCoopers, 165

Rainforest Alliance, 234

recruitment proficiency, 184

research on entrepreneurship, 37–38

retailers, 22–23

Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), 229

Royal Bank of Scotland, 85

Russian Federal Law No. 97-FZ (2011), 4

SA8000, 234

Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, 86

SAN. See Sustainable Agriculture Network

Santander, 85

Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, 63, 165–166

SB 657 California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, 232

Schwartz Investment Counsel, 161

Securities Acts of 1933/1934, 165

securities trading, 165

securitization, 138

self-leadership, implications for, 125

sexual harassment, 227

shareholder advocacy, 177

Shiller, Robert J., 87, 142

SIF. See Sustainable and Responsible Investment

Signal International shipyard, 231

Sky News, 96

slave labor, 231

SMIF. See Student Managed Investment Fund

social benefit, 44

social economy, 44

social impact/social entrepreneurship, 44–46

Socially Responsible Index Funds, 163–164

socially responsible investing (SRI), 157–158

academic research on, 163

advice for teachers, 168–170

defined, 159

emergence of, 158

ethical issues in, 164–167

in developed world, 170–172

in developing world, 172–173

history and growth of, 160–164

in Portfolio Management centers, 166

SMIF, 168

suggested exercises, 174–178

summary and conclusion, 174

Soybean Derivative Research Initiatives (Soy-DRI), 215

SRI. See socially responsible investing

stakeholder analysis, 238–239

stand-alone business ethics modules, 210–211

statistical hypothesis testing, 114–115

Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF), 158

investment process, 174–178

suppliers, 22–23

Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN), 233

Sustainable Development Goals, 5

Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SIF), 163


ethical issues, 74

issues, 75–76

teaching strategies, 75

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA), 158

teaching business ethics, 6–9

across accounting curriculum, 61–62

consumer power, 5

entrepreneurs and, 6–9, 46–50

in corporate finance, 84–87, 91–102

assumptions and approach, 91–94

pedagogy, tools and strategies, 95–102

using the ARARD-V framework, 92–94

faculty development and, 9–10

new challenges in, 2–5

consumer power, 5

global governance and risk of legal action, 3–5

Sustainable Development Goals, 5

positive shift in emphasis on, 2

teaching strategies

AIS and auditing, 72–73

financial accounting, 65–66

finance curricula, 143–144

managerial accounting, 68–69

taxation, 75

temperance, 138–139

Tesco, 96, 165

Thai fishing industry, 231

theoretically ungrounded control variables, 115–116

TIAA. See Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association

Title VII, 230

trafficking, human, 231, 232

training, employees, 71–72

typical ethical issues, 38–46

in corporate finance, 89–91

financing the ventures, 21–22

finance curricula, 136–143

idea formulation and sharing, 20–21

success criteria, 23–24

vendors/suppliers/retailers, 22–23

U.S. Department of Justice, 226

U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977), 4

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 165

UK Bribery Act (2010), 4

UN Convention Against Corruption (2003), 4

UN Declaration of Human Rights, 234

UN Global Compact’s principle, 228

unethical behavior, 169

unethical dilemmas, in corporate finance, 90–91

financing/distribution decisions, 91

investment/capital budgeting decisions, 90

Uniform Certified Public Accounting Examination, 61

United Nations Development Program, 126

United Nations Global Compact, 4

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 228

University SMIF investment process, 174–178

unlawful behavior, 169

utilitarian theory of ethics, 43–44

value-driven leadership, ix

value-orientation leadership, ix

values-based principles, 25–26

vendors, 22–23

Verizon, 5

Vietnam War, 161


defined, 137

ethics. See virtue ethics theory

main, 137

virtue ethics theory, 41, 135–136

Wal-Mart, 232, 240–241

Wesley, John, 160

women in employment, discrimination against, 230

World Bank, 126

WorldCom, 63, 164

World systems theory, 186

Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, 1999 (No. 182), 229

YouTube™, 95

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