
Agencies, news, 22, 23

Alexandra Palace, 1, 2

American-English, 49

Archives, 24

Arriflex, 72

Aspect ratio, 70

Astra, 152

Autocue, 111

Avid Technology, 84


monitoring service, 20

News 24, 9, 36, 70, 158

news and Libya, 4

News Training, 15, 216

Newsnight, 132

satellite news, 149

Birt, Lord, 158

BJTC, 16

Bloomberg, 9

Bosnia, 5

Breaking news, 171

Brinkley, David, 207

Broadcast ability, 11

Bush, George, 119

Cable TV news, 212

Camera, 142, 143, 146

Camera crews, 30

Camera manners, 106, 109

CBS, 73

Channel 4 news, 208

Chechnya, 62

Clarke, Arthur C., 151

Clinton, Bill, 119

CNN, 1, 5, 36, 55, 152, 212

Constructing programmes, 157

Combination VJs, 215

Commentary, 85

Composites, 57, 59

Computer programmes, 7, 40, 194

PC problems, 42

Comsat, 150

Control room, 183, 184

Cox, Sir Geoffrey, 120

Cronkite, Walter, 205

CV, 12, 210

Day, Sir Robin, 114

DBS, 213

Digital frame-store, 53

Digital video, 71, 76

Directing news, 172, 173, 193–6

Dress, 100

Early Bird, 151

Edit Decision List, 83

Editing, sound/vision, 138, 139

Education for TV news, 10

ENG, 75

Euphemisms, 50

Evans, Harold, 6

Field fixers/producers, 155

Film skills, 141

Foreign news, 21, 22

Freelances, 19

Frost, Sir David, 57, 59

Getting into TV, 13, 14


Goldsmith, Sir James, 115

Graphics, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67

Gulf War, 4, 152

Headlines, 199

Huntley, Chet, 207

Hurd, Douglas, 148

Idents, 200

Illustration, 52

Indonesia, 147

Insets, 200

Integrated newsrooms, 39

Intelsat, 150, 151

Internet and TV news, 2, 3, 211, 220

Interviewing, 112, 116, 117, 120, 123, 129

Cox, Sir Geoffrey, 120

Goldsmith, Sir James, 115

preparation, 116

question techniques, 120

Scargill, Arthur, 115

types, 117, 118

ITN, 26, 55, 56, 114, 120

Korean war, 72

Language, 47, 50

Live news, 159, 160

Local news, 196

LWT, 158

McDonald, Sir Trevor, 204

Media manager, 185

Meetings, news, 163

Microphone sound, 144, 145

Millennium Bug, 4

Mirror, The, 45

Multicultural media, 15

Multimedia working, 28

Murrow, Ed, 45

NASA, 151

News diary, 32

News programmes, 157

News sense, 45, 157

Newsflashes, 171

Newsgathering, 29

and reporters, 30

domestic news, 31

lightweight news, 72

news prospects, 32

planning, 33

output, 34, 35

writers, 37

Newsreaders, 204

Newsreaders/anchors, 38

NVQs, 17

Output, 34

Packaging news, 132

Paintbox graphics, 60

Parkinson, Michael, 120

Paxman, Jeremy, 204

Picture editing, 78, 84

Plain English, 46

Planning, 33

Presenter training, 210

Presenting news, 162, 204, 206

newsrooms, 40

studio skills, 38

technical, 39

with teams, 209

Programme timetables, 165

Puns and clichés, 94

and script style, 43, 86

Regional news, 196–8

Reporters, 30, 96, 97, 98, 101, 106

careers, 98

dress, 100

logistics, 102

mannerisms, 100

talking to camera, 106

voices, 99

Reuters, 23, 152

Rippon, Angela, 204

Running order, 165, 167, 168, 169, 197

Safety, (general), 143

Safety of journalists, 97

Satellite TV news, 149, 150, 152, 153, 213

Scargill, Arthur, 115

Sets, 188

Shotlisting, 82, 87

Simpson, John, 148

Sky News, 41

Solar eclipse, 153

Sound, 188

Sound bites, 93

Sound in scripts, 88

Speech cueing, 92

Speech skills, 99

Sports news, 90

Stacking/storage, 53

Studio, 186–9

design, 186

reporter spots, 109

sets, 157, 188

weather sets, 201, 202

Taste and decency, 218

Teletext, 214

Telstar, 150

The Day Today, 3

Timing news, 170

Training for journalism, 10, 14, 15, 216

Training schemes, 14

Transmission, 172–8

Truman, Harry, 204

Video news releases, 24

Video-journalists, 142

Vision mixer, 184

VT scripts, 179, 180, 181

Weather news, 201, 202

Widescreen TV news, 52, 69

Writing skills, 37, 85, 95

building pauses, 88

golden rules, 95

layouts, 178–80

script conferences, 190

shots, 82

soundbites, 93

sport, 90

writing for images, 85

Writing style, 43, 47, 86

Yugoslavia, 147

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