Subject Index


  1. ACA (Patient protection and Affordable Care Act) [2010]
  2. Accountability
    1. assess and enhance board and member
    2. trust
    3. board work
    4. ethical management
    5. five broad types of mechanisms for
    6. “for what” demands of
    7. four core components of
    8. fundraising stewardship and
    9. government contracting and strategic management
    10. definitions
    11. “to whom”
  3. Accountability, Learning, and Planning system (ALPS)
  4. Accountability mechanisms
    1. adaptive learning
    2. compliance
    3. disclosure statements and reports
    4. evaluation and performance assessment
    5. implications of the different
    6. inducement of
    7. overview of the
    8. participation
    9. self-regulation
  5. Accounting
    1. accrual basis
    2. cash basis
    3. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
    4. See also Financial management
  6. Accrual-basis accounting
  7. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts
  8. ActionAid International
  9. Activity goals
  10. Adaptive learning accountability mechanism
  11. Adoption and diffusion
  12. Advocacy
    1. activities that constitute
    2. advancing as a field
    3. building capacity for
    4. Checklist: Preparing Your Organization for Nonprofit Advocacy Engagement
    5. circle of
    6. description of
    7. evaluating
    8. organizing for
    9. role of nonprofits in public dialogue and
    10. social media tools for
    11. why more nonprofits don't engage in
    12. why nonprofits should engage in See also Civic engagement; Democracy; Lobbying; Social change movements
  13. Advocacy circle
  14. Advocacy framework
    1. Advocacy Triangle of the
    2. Checklist: Steps in Developing and Implementing a Lobbying Plan
    3. on focusing on position and power
    4. on preparing key messages and messengers
    5. on setting goals
  15. Affordable Care Act (2010)
  16. AFL-CIO
  17. Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967)
  18. Age of Alliances
  19. Alcoholics Anonymous
  20. Alignment assessment
  21. Alliance for Children and Families
  22. Alliance for Nonprofit Management
  23. Al Qaeda
  24. American Cancer Society
  25. American Compensation Association
  26. American Humanics report (2006)
  27. American Lung Association
  28. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
  29. American Red Cross
  30. American Revolution
  31. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) [1990]
  32. Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
  33. Ancillary joint ventures
  34. Applicable tax-exempt organizations
  35. Appraisal requirements on gifts
  36. Assessment
    1. accountability through performance
    2. alignment
    3. job candidate
    4. performance appraisals
    5. social enterprise planning for organizational and environmental
    6. of strategies and strategic planning process See also Evaluation; Outcome assessment
  37. Asset allocation models
  38. Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP)
  39. Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Ethical Practice
  40. Associations (business leagues)
    1. legislative activities law on
    2. political activities law on
    3. tax-exemption of
  41. Associations See Voluntary associations


  1. Babies floating down the river parable
  2. Baby Boomers
    1. health care services and
    2. volunteers among retired
  3. Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
  4. Base compensation principles
    1. building equitable salary structure
    2. communicating salary plans
    3. external competitiveness
    4. internal equity
    5. job or work analysis
    6. overview of traditional
    7. “to job or not to job” : job-or person-based systems
  5. B Corporations
  6. Benefits
    1. communication of
    2. health care
    3. overview of
    4. paid time off
    5. retirement plans
    6. rewards policy on
    7. tuition reimbursement
  7. Big Brothers and Big Sisters programs
  8. “Big data”
  9. “Big Five” personality test
  10. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  11. Bill of Rights First Amendment
  12. Board capacity building
    1. characteristics of a strong nonprofit board
    2. competencies of effective boards
    3. eight core principles for growing a board
    4. helping boards meet the challenge
  13. Board development cycle
    1. Element A: define the work, design the board
    2. Element B: recruit and select members
    3. Element C: prepare members to serve
    4. Element D: build the board as a team
    5. Element E: create and sustain a strategic focus
    6. Element F: implementation: engage members to do the work
    7. Element G: conduct effective meetings
    8. Element H: assess and enhance board and member accountability
    9. overview of the
  14. Boards of directors
    1. building capacity to serve
    2. characteristics of typical nonprofit
    3. fiduciary responsibility of
    4. financial management role of
    5. fundraising involvement by
    6. governance, strategy, and work of the
    7. legal dimensions of board work by
    8. legal responsibilities of individual
    9. long-term developmental perspective on
    10. nonprofit organizational effectiveness role of
    11. three duties of nonprofit
    12. work of individual See also Executive leadership; Governance; Nonprofit boards; Nonprofit leaders
  15. BoardSource
  16. Board work
    1. accountability of
    2. building bridges and staying in touch
    3. the core functions of the public service governing board
    4. fundraising
    5. importance of leadership in
    6. of individual board members
  17. Bond (UK)
  18. Borrowing and long-term debt
  19. Branding
    1. description of
    2. nonprofit sector
  20. Bridging goals
  21. British Overseas NGOs for Development
  22. Budgeting decisions
    1. on cash or accrual
    2. on program deficits and cross-subsidy
    3. on special problems of budgeting for fundraising
    4. on special problems related to estimating income
    5. on structure of budget
    6. template for line items and program budgets combined structure
  23. Budget management
    1. diagnostic tests for resiliency
    2. exercising control
    3. the goal for surplus
    4. of reserves funds
    5. resilience concept of
  24. Budget preparation
    1. budgeting decisions to make during
    2. capital budget equation
    3. definitions related to
    4. operating budget equation
    5. recommended budgeting practices for
  25. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
  26. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  27. Bureau of Labor Statistics/Current Population Survey
  28. Burwell v. Hobby Lobby
  29. Bush (G.H.W.) Administration
  30. Bush (G. W.) Administration
  31. Business leagues
    1. legislative activities law on
    2. political activities law on
    3. tax-exemption of


  1. California Association of Nonprofits
  2. California's Nonprofit Integrity Act (2004)
  3. Canada Labor Code
  4. Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act
  5. “Can Nonprofits Increase Voting Among Their Clients, Constituents, and Staff” report (VOTE)
  6. Capital budget equation
  7. CARE
  8. Capital structure
  9. Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching (1905)
  10. CASE (Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship) study [Duke University]
    1. on finding key leverage points in the ecosystem
    2. on strengthening the social entrepreneurship ecosystem
  11. Case shortage avoidance strategies
    1. cash flow analysis
    2. diagnostic tests for liquidity
    3. managing liquid assets
    4. optimizing liquidity and three-point checklist
  12. Cash-basis accounting
  13. Cash liquidity
    1. diagnostic tests for
    2. three-point checklist for optimizing
    3. what to do with liquid assets
  14. Catholic Charities
  15. Causality
    1. as goal of outcome evaluation design
    2. internal and external validity required for
    3. three design conditions required to find
  16. CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)
  17. Center for Association Leadership
  18. Center for Effective Philanthropy
  19. Center for Global Development
  20. Certificates of deposit (CDs)
  21. “Certified Compensation Professional”
  22. Chambers of Commerce
  23. Charitable deduction
  24. Charitable gift annuities
  25. Charitable giving rules
    1. charitable deduction
    2. charitable gift annuities
    3. charitable remainder trusts
    4. gift restrictions
    5. property valuation
    6. split-interest trusts
  26. Charitable organizations
    1. legislative activities law on
    2. political activities law on
    3. Section 501(c)(3) status of
  27. Charitable solicitation act reports
  28. Charitable work
    1. ancient roots of
    2. business-led philanthropic philosophy changing the approach to
    3. Conservative Resolution (1980) and
    4. new charitable vehicles (1890) transforming
    5. transformation between 1930 of
    6. 20th Century and transformation of philanthropy and See also Voluntary associations
  29. Charities Federation
  30. Charities Review Council (Minnesota)
  31. Charity (caritas)
    1. as characteristic of ethical management
    2. contribution to society and democracy by
    3. description of
    4. See also Philanthropy
  32. Charity Navigator
  33. Charles Schwab
  34. Checklist: Elements of Media Advocacy
  35. Checklist: Key Organizing Actions
  36. Checklist: Preparing Your Organization for Nonprofit Advocacy Engagement
  37. Checklist: Steps in Direct Lobbying
  38. Chief executive officers (CEOs)
    1. board-centered leadership skills of
    2. board work and leadership role of
    3. compensation of
    4. difficult demands of nonprofit
    5. future of the successful nonprofit leaders including
    6. necessary responses to the external world by
    7. United Way of New York City's study (2003) on See also Executive leadership
  39. Chronicle of Philanthropy
  40. Citizens
    1. “corporate citizenship” concept of
    2. “natural rights” of
    3. nonprofit strategic planning role of
  41. Civic engagement
    1. description of
    2. evaluating
    3. example of nonprofit
    4. why more nonprofits don't engage in See also Advocacy; Democracy
  43. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
  44. Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VII
  45. Civil War
  46. Clinton Administration
  47. “Coalition for the Homeless” advocacy example
  48. Collaboration
    1. applying strategic planning to
    2. creating value through
    3. improving service delivery systems improved through
  49. Collaboration value
    1. Collaborative Value Creation (CVE) Framework for
    2. definition of
  50. Collaborative Value Creation (CVE) Framework
    1. Collaboration Stages component of
    2. Collaborative Value Creation Processes component of
    3. Collaborative Value Mindset component of
    4. Collaborative Value Outcomes component of
    5. illustrated diagram and description of the
    6. smart collaborative value creation practices
    7. Value Creation Spectrum component of
  51. Commensurate test
  52. Commerciality doctrine
  53. Commissioner of Internal Revenue
  54. Commission on Industrial Relations (1915)
  55. Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
  56. Committees and task forces
    1. Finance and Audit Committee
    2. common types of standing committees
    3. overview of
  57. Communication
    1. advocacy framework on preparing key messages and messengers
    2. of benefits to employees
    3. executive leadership responsiveness to stakeholders
    4. importance of nonprofit effective
    5. marketing
    6. media advocacy and social media tools for
    7. salary plans
  58. Community Chest
  59. “The Compact” agreement (UK)
  60. Compensation
    1. benefits as part of
    2. executive pay in nonprofits
    3. incentive pay in nonprofits
    4. justifying reward costs to directors
    5. principles of traditional base
    6. total rewards See also Employees; Equitable salary structure
  61. Competition
    1. differentiation to win over the
    2. nonprofit sector
    3. positioning to win over the
  62. Competitive pricing
  63. Compliance check projects (IRS)
  64. Compliance-driven accountability
  65. Conservative revolution (1980)
  66. Cooper Union
  67. Core values
    1. creating and maintaining a culture of integrity and
    2. moving from ideals to operative
    3. strategic planning step of clarifying mission and
    4. for the voluntary sector See also Mission; Value
  68. “Corporate citizenship” concept
  69. Corporation for National and Community Service
  70. Cost-based pricing
  71. Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
  72. Council for Disability Rights
  73. Covert purposes of evaluation
  74. Culture
    1. Alexis de Tocqueville writing on America's volunteerism
    2. impact on the context of social enterprise See also Organizational culture
  75. Current Population Survey (BLS)


  1. Dartmouth College Case (1819)
  2. Data
    1. external competitiveness
    2. outcome assessment
  3. Data analysis
    1. description of
    2. example regression analysis illustrating the relationship of current salaries to market data
    3. external competitiveness and compensation
    4. outcome assessment data collection and
    5. role in strategic marketing decision making
    6. Selected Salary Survey Sources for
  4. Debt management
  5. Decision making
    1. budget preparation and
    2. “dual leadership” function regarding
    3. financial leadership planning and
    4. job candidate selection
    5. role of data analysis in nonprofit marketing
    6. strategic planning role of
    7. Strategy Change Cycle as processual model of
  6. Deficits
    1. financing deficit centers long term
    2. reserve fund management to cover
  7. Defined benefit plans
  8. Defined contribution plans
  9. Delivery systems See Service delivery systems
  10. Dell– American Red Cross partnership
  11. Demand-based pricing
  12. Democracy
    1. contribution of charities to society and
    2. nonprofit nonpartisan election activities law
    3. voluntary associations and contributions to See also Advocacy; Civic engagement; Government sector
  13. Diagnostic tests
    1. for financial resiliency
    2. for income portfolio robustness
  14. Differentiation
    1. positioning based on marketing idea of
    2. process of marketing
  15. Diffusion and adoption
  16. Direct lobbying
    1. advocacy through
    2. Checklist: Steps in Direct Lobbying
    3. definition of
    4. evaluating
    5. why more nonprofits don't engage in
  17. Director of volunteer services (DVS)
  18. Directors See Board of directors
  19. Disabled individuals' protections
  20. Discharging employees
  21. Disclosure
    1. disclosure statements and reports accountability
    2. IRS rules on
  22. Discrimination
    1. EEOC's role in cases of
    2. Griggs v. Duke Power case of
    3. prima facie (“on its face”) case of
    4. rewards policy that does not practice
    5. sexual harassment
    6. sexual orientation and gender identity
    7. Title VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964) prohibiting See also Employees
  23. Discrimination protection
    1. disabled individuals
    2. genetic information
    3. LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender)
    4. Title VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964) providing
  24. Disposition of gift property rules
  25. Disqualified person
  26. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
  27. Donor-advised funds
  28. The Donor Bill of Rights
  29. Donor database
  30. Donor Pyramid
  31. Donors
    1. contributions by recipient category
    2. creating a database of
    3. The Donor Bill of Rights
    4. Donor Pyramid of
    5. ethical behavior toward
    6. foundations as
    7. the fundraising cycle and
    8. percentage of high net worth households (2009, and 2013) of
    9. planned giving by See also Fundraising; Gifts
  32. Dramatizing events
  33. Dual bottom line matrix
  34. Due diligence in hiring process
  35. Duke University CASE study
  36. Duty of care
  37. Duty of loyalty
  38. Duty of obedience


  1. “Early adopters”
  2. Earned (fee) income
  3. Easter Seals
  4. Economic crises
    1. of the American economy (1870s) and charitable work
    2. Great Recession (2007)
    3. Roosevelt Administration's legislative response to
    4. stock market crash (1929)
  5. The Economist
  6. Educational organizations, tax exemption of
  7. Effectiveness See Nonprofit organizational effectiveness
  8. Embeddedness concept
    1. human resource system
  9. Employee Benefit Research Institute
  10. Employees
    1. disabled
    2. discharge, layoffs, and voluntary turnover of
    3. evaluating volunteers and
    4. human resource recruitment and retention of
    5. involving them in volunteer program design
    6. KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) of
    7. recruitment of
    8. retention of
    9. staffing plan for
    10. withholding of taxes from compensation of See also Compensation; Discrimination; Human resource legal issues
  11. Employees' Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
  12. Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
  13. Endowments
  14. Entrepreneurship
    1. nature of
    2. social innovation school transforming the nature of See also Social entrepreneurship
  15. Environment
    1. changes in the human services
    2. hostile work environment
    3. leadership's informal information network throughout
    4. philanthropic fundraising context and
    5. social enterprise planning for assessing organization and
    6. social entrepreneurship process and role of the ecosystem or
    7. strategic planning step of assessing organization's
  16. Episodic volunteering
  17. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
  18. Equal Pay Act (1963)
  19. Equitable salary structure
    1. building the externally and internally
    2. common issues in installing a new system
    3. communicating salary plans and the
    4. external competitiveness consideration in
    5. increasing individuals' base pay in the
    6. internal equity consideration in
    7. maintaining the
    8. other salary administration policies that may impact
    9. performance appraisals and See also Compensation
  20. Equitable salary structure building
    1. constructing grades or bands
    2. pay level policy role in
    3. reconciling contradictions between data
    4. structuring the structure
    5. traditional or broadbanding range spread
  21. ERISA (Employees' Retirement Income Security Act)
  22. ERI Salary Surveys
  23. Ethical management
    1. assumptions about
    2. core values for the voluntary sector and
    3. creating and maintaining a culture of integrity and
    4. defining “ethics” of
    5. in ethical organizations
    6. increasing interest and need for
    7. misunderstanding professional ethics of
    8. moving from ideals to operative values and
    9. professional ethics of
  24. Ethical management characteristics
    1. accountability
    2. charity
    3. integrity
    4. openness
    5. service
  25. Ethics
    1. AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Ethical Practice
    2. core values that support
    3. defining what they are
    4. donors and The Donor Bill of Rights
    5. professional
  26. Evaluation
    1. accountability through
    2. data development, report writing, and follow-up to program
    3. deciding who does the program
    4. determining the purpose of the program
    5. internal equity established through point-factor job
    6. as performance and control issue
    7. process evaluation
    8. of public policy advocacy, lobbying, and civic engagement
    9. social enterprise planning for
    10. two approaches to program
    11. volunteer program
    12. of volunteers and employees See also Assessment
  27. Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability
  28. Excess benefit
  29. Excess benefit transaction
  30. Executive committee
  31. Executive leadership
    1. board-centered leadership skills of
    2. centrality of nonprofit
    3. compensation of
    4. “dual leadership” decision making by
    5. financial leadership by
    6. future of the successful nonprofit
    7. impact or logic model for training program for
    8. interim executive leaders (IELs)
    9. justifying reward costs to directors
    10. necessary responses to the external world by
    11. political frame used by
    12. special challenges facing nonprofit
    13. strategic management role of See also Boards of directors; Chief executive officers (CEOs)
  32. Executive leadership skills
    1. ability to improvise and accept multiple partial solutions
    2. develop informal information network
    3. external relations
    4. knowing and executing strategic agenda
    5. promote responsiveness to stakeholders
    6. using the political frame
  33. Executive Order 11246
  34. Executive Order 13672
  35. Executive pay
  36. Expenditure test
  37. Experimental evaluation design
  38. External competitiveness
    1. compensation based on
    2. equitable salary and role of
    3. job or work analysis to establish
    4. Selected Salary Survey Sources for data analysis of
  39. External validity


  1. Facebook
  2. Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)
  3. Fairness
    1. internal equity of compensation and perception of
    2. paradox of legality and
  4. Family and Medical Leave Act (1993)
  5. Faragher v. Boca Raton
  6. Federal government See Government sector
  7. Fee (earned) income
  8. Fidelity
  9. Fiduciary responsibility of boards
  10. Field of Dreams (film)
  11. Field theory
  12. Finance and Audit Committee
  13. Finance committee
  14. Finances
    1. comparing nonprofit and for-profit capital structure and
    2. dual bottom line matrix for financial sustainability
    3. economic concepts underlying
    4. fiduciary responsibility of boards
    5. financial stewardship of
    6. long-term wealth frame used for managing
    7. nonprofit accountability related to
    8. the role of different forms of income in nonprofit
    9. Senate Finance Committee investigation (2002 to 2008) of nonprofit
    10. six forms of capital of concern to nonprofit
    11. social enterprise planning on implications for
    12. sources of nonprofit income
  15. Financial Accounting Standards Board
  16. Financial capital
  17. Financial leadership
    1. finance functions, tasks, and qualifications for
    2. how boards should oversee finances
    3. long-term wealth frame for effective
    4. organizational culture, systems, and skills to support
    5. planning and deciding by
    6. shift toward dynamic modestly profitable program portfolio by
    7. understanding the importance of
  18. Financial management
    1. to avoid a cash shortage
    2. comparing nonprofit and for-profit capital structure and
    3. how boards should oversee
    4. preparing a budget for
    5. strategies for achieving long-run successful
    6. using a budget for See also Accounting; Nonprofit management
  19. Financial management strategies
    1. asset allocation models
    2. borrowing and long-term debt
    3. diagnostic tests for robustness
    4. financing deficit centers long term
    5. income portfolio
  20. Financial portfolio
    1. income interactions
    2. managing income portfolio
    3. mission effectiveness issue of
    4. organizational capacity
    5. overview of
    6. risk management
    7. shift toward dynamic modestly profitable program
    8. solvency See also Income
  21. Financial resilience
    1. diagnostic tests for
    2. as key financial concept
  22. Financial Times
  23. First Amendment's Free Exercise clause
  24. Fiscal year (FY)
    1. cash flow analysis during the
    2. investing reserve funds during the
    3. optimizing liquidity during
    4. preparing and applying budget for the
  25. 501(c)(3) organizations
    1. categories of
    2. disclosures required by
    3. financial data available on
    4. IRS status of
    5. law governing political activities by
    6. public charities and private foundations classes of See also Tax-exempt organizations
  26. 501(c)(4) civic organizations
    1. categories of
    2. IRS status of
  27. 501(c)(5) organizations
  28. 501(c)(6) organizations
  29. 501(c)(7) organizations
  30. 501(c)(8) organizations
  31. 501(c)(10) organizations
  32. 501(c)(19) organizations
  33. Five Factor Index instrument
  34. Flextime
  35. Forbes
  36. Ford Foundation
  37. Form See IRS Form
  38. For-profit organizations
    1. comparing management of nonprofits and
    2. differentiating between NGO and See also Social enterprise
  39. Foundation Directory (1960)
  40. Foundations See Private foundations
  41. 4 P's (product, place, price, and promotion)
  42. 403(b) plans
  43. Fraternal societies
  44. Free Exercise clause (First Amendment)
  45. Fundraising
    1. associational revolution (1890) and transformation of
    2. boards of directors' areas of involvement in
    3. board work of
    4. federal laws governing
    5. four organizational uses for funds collected through
    6. Hank Rosso's philosophy of
    7. organizational issues that impact
    8. percentage of high net worth households (2009, and 2013) contributing to
    9. philanthropic environment and context of
    10. special problems of budgeting for
    11. state laws governing
    12. volunteer involvement in See also Donors; Philanthropy
  46. Fundraising ethics
    1. AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Ethical Practice
    2. The Donor Bill of Rights
  47. Fundraising or development committee
  48. Fundraising program development
    1. as beginning with the organization's mission
    2. components of the
    3. the fundraising cycle of
  49. Fundraising programs
    1. Donor Pyramid of fundraising strategies used in
    2. four organizational uses for funds raised through
    3. for planned giving
    4. special problems of budgeting for
    5. stewardship and accountability of
    6. the total development of See also Gifts


  1. Gainsharing programs
  2. Gaming (or gambling) activity
  3. Gates Foundation
  4. Gender identity discrimination
  5. General Education Board (1901)
  6. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
  7. Genetic information protection
  8. G.I. Bill
  9. Gifts
    1. appraisal requirements on
    2. contributions by recipient category
    3. Donor Pyramid on donors providing
    4. fundraising cycle of giving
    5. gift substantiation rules
    6. as heart of a comprehensive fundraising campaign
    7. income contributed by individual
    8. Kroc gift to the Salvation Army
    9. law on restrictions of
    10. noncharitable organizations gifts disclosure See also Donors; Fundraising programs; Income
  10. Girard Will Case
  11. Girl Scouts USA
  12. Giving and Volunteering in the United States survey (1999)
  13. Giving and Volunteering in the United States survey (2001)
  14. Giving USA
  15. Globalization challenges
  16. Google's philanthropic activities
  17. Governance
    1. definition of
    2. developments in nonprofit
    3. nonprofit accountability related to
    4. as performance and control issue
    5. of tax-exempt organizational See also Boards of directors; Legal issues
  18. Government contracting
    1. the challenges of contract renewal
    2. historic background of
    3. increasing number of nonprofits entering into
    4. innovation and reform in
    5. “regime” of the nonprofit-government relationship in
    6. a restructured contracting relationship
    7. strategic management of
  19. Government contract management
    1. broadening the agency constituency for
    2. engaging the policy process for
    3. finding the right executive for
    4. rethinking agency governance and
  20. Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
  21. Government sector
    1. Bush (G.H.W.) Administration
    2. Bush (G. W.) Administration
    3. Clinton Administration
    4. huge growth (1930) and impact on nonprofits by the
    5. Johnson Administration
    6. Medicare and Medicaid entitlement programs
    7. nonprofit income through funding by the
    8. Obama Administration
    9. Reagan Administration
    10. Roosevelt Administration
    11. Social Security program of
    12. Social Service Block Grant (SSBG) See also Democracy; State government
  22. Grameen Bank
    1. creating social value
    2. as social enterprise
  23. Grantee Perception Reports
  24. Grassroots organizing
    1. advocacy through
    2. Checklist: Key Organizing Actions for
    3. cycle of
  25. Great Recession (2007)
  26. Green Giant
  27. Griggs v. Duke Power
  28. Group exemptions rules
  29. GuideStar


  1. Harvard Law School
  2. Health care benefits
  3. Health care system
    1. Baby Boomers and the
    2. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation focus on
    3. Medicaid program of
    4. Medicare program of
    5. nonprofit organizations in the
  4. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) [1996]
  5. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
  6. Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs)
  7. Health savings account (HSAs)
  8. Hiring See Recruitment
  9. Homeland Security Act (2002)
  10. Hostile work environment
  11. How to change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas (Bornstein)
  12. Hull House (19th Century)
  13. Human capital
  14. Human Resource audit
    1. description of the
    2. Sample Human Resource Audit Checklist for
  15. Human resource legal issues
    1. additional legislation related to
    2. Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VII
    3. disabled individuals
    4. EEOC role in discrimination cases
    5. genetic information
    6. overview of
    7. paradox in legality and fairness
    8. sexual orientation and gender identity See also Employees
  16. Human resource processes
    1. discharge, layoffs, and voluntary turnover
    2. recruitment
    3. retention
  17. Human resources
    1. compensation management by
    2. the effective practice of
    3. leadership use of human resource frame
    4. outsourcing
    5. relevant questions as reflections of organization size and life cycle
    6. the staffing plan used by
    7. understood as a system and not a set of tasks
  18. Human resource system
    1. description of the
    2. fit and embeddedness of the
    3. human resource audit of the
    4. legal issues related to
  19. Human Services Council


  1. Immigration and Naturalization Service
  2. Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986)
  3. Impact or logic model
    1. description of
    2. linking program goals to ultimate outcome goal
    3. for training program for nonprofit executives
  4. Incentive pay
    1. nonfinancial incentives used for
    2. overview of
    3. types of incentives used for
  5. Income
    1. budget decisions on special problems related to estimating
    2. fee (earned)
    3. government funding
    4. institutional giving
    5. investment income
    6. volunteer and in-kind contributions See also Financial portfolio; Gifts
  6. Income portfolio
    1. diagnostic test for robustness of
    2. management for long-run successt See also Financial Leadership
  7. Income sources
    1. for alternative nonprofit subsectors
    2. overview of
    3. for selected arts and culture nonprofits in Atlanta
    4. selected human service nonprofits in Atlanta
  8. Independent Sector
  9. Indiana Nonprofit Project
  10. Indiana University Center on Philanthropy
  11. Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
  12. Informal information network
  13. In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman)
  14. Institutional giving
  15. Institutions: classified as public charities; UN's definition of nonprofit institutions (NPIs)
  16. Insubstantial status
  17. Integrity
    1. as characteristic of ethical management
    2. creating and maintaining a culture of
  18. Intellectual capital
  19. Interim executive leaders (IELs)
  20. Intermediate sanctions
  21. Internal equity
    1. equitable salary and role of
    2. perceived fairness of
    3. point-factor job evaluation for
    4. slotting
  22. Internal Revenue Code
    1. disclosure rules
    2. on joint ventures
    3. on private foundations and public charities
    4. reporting rules
    5. Section 501(c) of the
    6. on subsidiaries
    7. unrelated business rules See also Tax-exempt organizations
  23. Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board
  24. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
    1. annual information returns required by
    2. audits and examinations by the
    3. compliance check projects by the
    4. disclosure rules of the
    5. financial information shared with the
    6. Form 1023– EZ, or 1024
    7. incentive program rules by the
    8. IRS audits by the
    9. IRS Exempt Organization Master File
    10. National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) code number
    11. organization of the
    12. Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE) Division of the
    13. tax exemption revoked by the
  25. Internal validity
    1. causality and design
    2. design threats to
  26. International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL)
  27. International City/County Management Association
  28. International financial reporting standards (IFRS)
  29. International Monetary Fund
  30. International Red Cross
  31. Interrupted time series design
  32. Interview of job candidates
  33. In the Public Interest
  34. Investment income
  35. IRS Compliance check projects
  36. IRS Exempt Organization Master File
  37. IRS Exempt Organizations Compliance Unit
  38. IRS Form 990
  39. IRS Form 990-BL
  40. IRS Form 990-EZ
  41. IRS Form 990-N
  42. IRS Form 990-T
  43. IRS Form 1023– EZ, or 1024
  44. IRS Form 1041A
  45. IRS Form 1065
  46. IRS Form 1120-H
  47. IRS Form 1120-POL
  48. IRS Form 4506-A
  49. IRS Form 5227
  50. IRS Form 5577
  51. IRS Form 8282
  52. ITA Group


  1. Jane Addams' Hull House (19th Century)
  2. Job-by-job compensation systems
  3. Job candidate References
  4. Job candidates
    1. external approaches to searching for
    2. identifying desired KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities)
    3. internal approaches to searching for
    4. selecting a
  5. Job candidate selection
    1. overview of the
    2. steps in the
    3. summary of the process of
  6. Job candidate selection steps
    1. 1: determine qualified applicants
    2. 2: assess which candidates are among the best for position
    3. 3: verify candidate qualifications and match
    4. 4: make the selection decision and tender the offer
  7. Job descriptions
    1. recruitment step of preparing
    2. volunteer program
  8. Job evaluation
    1. choosing and maintaining the right system for
    2. example: assigning points to factor levels
    3. overview and basic steps for a point-factor
    4. spreadsheet for a
  9. Job or work analysis
  10. Johnson Administration
  11. Joint Commission
  12. Joint ventures
    1. definition of
    2. overview of tax-exempt organization
  13. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship (Oxford)


  1. Keeping Volunteers (McCurley and Lynch)
  2. Kellogg Foundation
  3. Keystone Accountability (UK)
  4. KickStart
  5. Kiva Microfunds
  6. Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP)
  7. Kroc gift to Salvation Army
  8. KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities)
    1. external competitiveness and
    2. recruitment role of
  9. Ku Klux Klan


  1. L3C (low-profit limited liability company)
  2. Labor, agricultural, and horticultural organizations
  3. Labour Program
  4. The Last Virtual Volunteering Guideline (Cravens and Ellis)
  5. Layoffs
  6. Legal issues
    1. basics of tax-exempt organizations law
    2. comparing nonprofit and for-profit management
    3. human resource system and related
    4. job candidate interviews
    5. legal dimensions of board work
    6. legal responsibilities of individual board member
    7. “negligent hiring” See also Governance
  7. Legality and fairness paradox
  8. Legislation
    1. Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967)
    2. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
    3. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) [1990]
    4. California's Nonprofit Integrity Act (2004)
    5. Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act
    6. Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VII
    7. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
    8. Employees' Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
    9. Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
    10. Equal Pay Act (1963)
    11. Executive Order 11246
    12. Executive Order 13672
    13. Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)
    14. Family and Medical Leave Act (1993)
    15. Family Medical Leave (FMLA)
    16. G.I. Bill
    17. Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
    18. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) [1996]
    19. Homeland Security Act (2002)
    20. Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986)
    21. National Recovery Administration (NRA) and related
    22. New York's Nonprofit Revitalization Act (2013)
    23. Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970)
    24. Older Workers Benefit Protection Act
    25. Patient protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)
    26. Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996)
    27. Pregnancy Discrimination Act
    28. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
    29. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
    30. Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA)
    31. USA Patriot Act (2001)
    32. Violence Against Women Act
    33. Workforce Investment Act
  9. Legislative activities law
  10. Lewin's field theory
  11. LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender)
  12. Liability issues
  13. Line of credit (LOC)
  14. LinkedIn
  15. Liquidity See Cash liquidity
  16. Livelihood scheme
  17. LLC for-profit enterprises
  18. Lobbying
    1. advocacy through direct
    2. Advocacy Triangle on
    3. evaluating
    4. improving service delivery through
    5. by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
    6. tax-exempt organizations and law governing their
    7. why more nonprofits don't engage in See also Advocacy
  19. Long-term debt
  20. Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
  21. Lutheran Social Services


  1. MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
  2. Management See Nonprofit management
  3. Marketing
    1. conceptual framework of strategic
    2. defined as the science of exchange
    3. importance of nonprofit effective See also Nonprofit marketing
  4. Marketing channels
  5. Marketing communication
  6. Marketing mix management
  7. Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations (MANO)
  8. Massachusetts Association of Community Mental Health Centers
  9. Media advocacy
    1. Checklist: Elements of Media Advocacy
    2. the cycle of activity
    3. description of
    4. Social media tools for
  10. Medicaid
    1. Affordable Care Act (ACA) and expansion of
    2. description of
    3. eligibility tied directly to the client
    4. Great Recession (2007) and expansion of
    5. increased government funding of
    6. nonprofit risk management by investing in
  11. Medicare
  12. Minnesota Council of Nonprofits' “Principles and Practices for Nonprofit Excellence”
  13. Mission
    1. dual bottom line matrix for financial sustainability and supporting the
    2. financial portfolio and effectiveness of
    3. fundraising programs as beginning with the
    4. nonprofit accountability related to
    5. strategic planning step of clarifying values and
    6. total rewards compensation strategy and role of See also Core values
  14. Mutual funds


  1. NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
  2. National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS)
  3. National consulting groups publishing surveys
  4. National Council of Nonprofits
  5. National Council on Disabilities
  6. National Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
  7. National Endowment of the Arts
  8. National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society
  9. National Recovery Administration (NRA)
  10. National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) code number
  11. “Natural rights” of citizens
  12. NCVO
  13. “Negligent hiring” concept
  14. NEO-PI instrument
  15. New York City Health and Human Services Accelerator
  16. New York City Opera
  17. New York Historical Society
  18. New York Public Library
  19. New York's Nonprofit Revitalization Act (2013)
  20. New York Stock Exchange
  21. The New York Times
  22. 9/11
    1. questions raised about Red Cross's fundraising after
    2. responses to religious charities to
  23. Nominating committee
  24. Noncharitable organizations gifts disclosure
  25. Nonequivalent control group design
  26. Nonexempt charitable trust returns
  27. Nonexempt membership organizations
  28. Nonfinancial incentives
  29. Nonpartisan election activities law
  30. Nonprofit board officers
    1. chair
    2. secretary
    3. treasurer
  31. Nonprofit boards
    1. building board capacity to serve
    2. characteristics of
    3. committees and task forces
    4. executive board-centered leadership of
    5. officers
    6. taking the long-term developmental perspective on See also Boards of directors
  32. Nonprofit Excellence Awards (The New York Times)
  33. Nonprofit industry surveys
  34. Nonprofit institutions (NPIs)
    1. mission primacy of
    2. United Nations' definition of
  35. Nonprofit Integrity Act (2004) [California]
  36. Nonprofit leaders
    1. challenges and opportunities for the future facing
    2. “dual leadership” decision making by
    3. ethical management by
    4. executive leadership
    5. financial leadership by
    6. future of the successful
    7. impact or logic model for training program for
    8. implications of shifting nonprofit sector for
    9. interim executive leaders (IELs)
    10. strategic management by See also Boards of directors
  37. Nonprofit management
    1. comparing for-profit management and
    2. ethical
    3. examining the current state of U.S.
    4. future challenges of
    5. future opportunities of
    6. Great Recession (2007) impact on
    7. human resource
    8. metaphors used to describe evolution of
    9. nonprofit organizational effectiveness and role of
    10. “run it like a business” clichés of
    11. strategic
    12. strategic planning and Strategy Change Cycle
    13. third-party service impact on
    14. of volunteers See also Financial Management and Human Resource Management
  38. Nonprofit marketing
    1. competition, positioning, and branding
    2. key concepts in
    3. managing the marketing mix
    4. product marketing as part of
    5. role of data analysis in decision making
    6. segmentation and target marketing approach to
    7. taking a strategic approach to See also Marketing
  39. Nonprofit organizational effectiveness
    1. boards of directors role in
    2. differentiating program, organization, and network effectiveness
    3. exploring questions of
    4. implications of
    5. the lure of “best practices”
    6. making a difference through
    7. management practices and
    8. as matter of comparison
    9. multidimensional nature of
    10. organizational responsiveness tied to
    11. as social construction
    12. “system resource” approach alternative to
    13. theoretical perspectives on
  40. Nonprofit Quarterly
  41. Nonprofit Quarterly's Online NPQ Newswire
  42. Nonprofit Research Collaborative
  43. Nonprofit Revitalization Act (2013) [New York]
  44. Nonprofit sector
    1. accountability of the
    2. changes in the human services environment of the
    3. changing context of management in the U.S.
    4. current state in America of the
    5. description and characteristics of the
    6. the global challenge facing modern
    7. Great Recession (2007) impact on the
    8. history of the
    9. legal framework in the United States
    10. types of organizations in the
    11. United Nations' definition of nonprofit institutions (NPIs) See also Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
  45. Nonprofit strategic management cycle
  46. Nonprofit Times
  47. The Nonprofit Times' “Best Places to Work”
  48. North Carolina Association of Home Care Agencies
  49. Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (Canada)


  1. Obama Administration
  2. Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970)
  3. Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation
  4. Older Workers Benefit Protection Act
  5. Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc.
  6. One World Trust (UK)
  7. “On the Folly of Rewarding A. While Hoping for B” (Kerr)
  8. Openness
    1. as characteristic of ethical management
    2. description of nonprofit
  9. Operating budget equation
  10. Operational test
  11. Organizational culture
    1. comparing nonprofit and for-profit context and
    2. creating and maintaining one of integrity
    3. Sample Human Resource Audit Checklist on
    4. supporting strong financial leadership See also Culture
  12. Organizational Culture and Leadership (Schein)
  13. Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process (Miles and Snow)
  14. Organizational test
  15. Organizing
    1. actions that constitute advocacy
    2. advocacy through grassroots
    3. Checklist: Key Organizing Actions
    4. cycle of
    5. description of
  16. Outcome assessment
    1. data collection, analysis, and reporting for
    2. defining program goals for
    3. impact or logic model used for
    4. measuring program goals for
    5. planning the process for
    6. United Way's Outcome Measurement Resource Network initiative on See also Assessment; Program evaluation; Programs
  17. Outcome goals
  18. Outcome Measurement Resource Network initiative (United Way of America)
  19. Outsourcing human resources
  20. Ownership structure of nonprofits
  21. Oxfam


  1. Paid time off (PTO) benefit
  2. Parable of babies floating down the river
  3. Participation accountability mechanism
  4. Partnerships
  5. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)
  6. Pay-for-success (PFS)
  7. Performance
    1. accountability through assessment of
    2. nonprofit accountability related to
    3. as performance and control issue
  8. Performance and control
    1. issues to consider in
    2. strategic management of
  9. Performance appraisals
  10. Personal benefit contracts
  11. “Personal days” benefit
  12. Personal interview of job candidates
  13. Personality tests
  14. Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996)
  15. Person-based systems
  16. Personnel committee
  17. Philanthropy
    1. description of
    2. environment and context of fundraising and
    3. Google's philanthropic activities
    4. instructional and expressive purposes in nonprofits
    5. philosophy on business-led
    6. Robert Payton's conception of
    7. 20th Century and transformation of See also Charity (caritas); Fundraising; Social entrepreneurship
  18. Physical capital
  19. Plaxo
  20. Point-factor job evaluation
    1. choosing and maintaining the right system for
    2. example: assigning points to factor levels
    3. overview and basic steps for
    4. spreadsheet for a
  21. Point of Service Plans (POSs)
  22. Points of Light Institute
  23. Points of Light Institute– HandsOn Network
  24. Political activities
    1. nonprofit advocacy
    2. nonprofit lobbying
    3. nonprofit nonpartisan election activities law
    4. tax-exempt organizations and law governing their See also Public policy
  25. Political capital
  26. Political engagement
    1. by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
    2. service delivery systems supported by lobbying and
    3. tax-exempt organizations and political activities law governing
  27. Political frame
    1. comparing nonprofit and for-profit cultural context and
    2. description of the
    3. executive leadership use of the
  28. Political organizations
    1. political activities law on
    2. tax-exemption of
  29. Position Analysis Questionnaire
  30. Positioning
    1. advocacy framework on advocacy
    2. based on the idea of differentiation
    3. description of
    4. map for hypothetical immigrant-serving agencies
  31. Power in Policy (Carson)
  32. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)
  33. Pregnancy Discrimination Act
  34. Primary purpose test
  35. “Principles and Practices for Nonprofit Excellence” (Minnesota Council of Nonprofits)
  36. Principles of Good Governance and Ethical Practice report (Independent Sector)
  37. Private benefit doctrine
  38. Private foundations
    1. definition of
    2. description of
    3. donor-advised funds alternative to
    4. fundraising from
    5. Internal Revenue Code on
    6. IRS rules governing
    7. 20th Century and transformation of philanthropy and
  39. Private inurement doctrine
  40. Problem solving skills
  41. Process evaluation
  42. Product life cycle (PLC)
    1. adoption an diffusion during the
    2. description of nonprofit
    3. “S” shaped curve representation of
  43. Product marketing
    1. adoption and diffusion
    2. designing marketing channels for
    3. marketing communications for
  44. Product pricing
    1. competitive
    2. cost-based
    3. demand-based
    4. objective of
    5. understanding nonfinancial costs for a “value” approach to
  45. Products
    1. as one of the 4 P's
    2. pricing nonprofit
    3. programs, services, behaviors, and ideas as nonprofit
  46. Professional ethics
    1. description of
    2. misunderstanding
  47. Professional nonprofit associations
  48. Program committee
  49. Program evaluation
    1. accountability through
    2. covert purposes of
    3. data development, report writing, and follow-up to
    4. deciding who does the
    5. determining the purpose of the
    6. formative vs. summative
    7. as performance and control issue
    8. process evaluation
    9. social enterprise planning for
    10. two approaches to See also Outcome assessment
  50. Program evaluation designs
    1. causality and
    2. experimental
    3. interrupted time series designs
    4. nonequivalent control group
    5. quasi-experimental
    6. statistical controls
    7. threats to internal validity
  51. Program goals
    1. activity goals
    2. bridging goals
    3. data collection, analysis, and reporting outcome assessment of
    4. defining the
    5. impact or logic model on outcomes and
    6. measuring the
    7. outcome goals
    8. side effects and unintended consequences of
  52. Program-related investments (PRIs)
  53. Programs
    1. budgeting deficits and cross-subsidy decisions on
    2. defining goals of
    3. measuring goals of the
    4. as nonprofit product See also Outcome assessment
  54. Property valuation
  55. Psychological testing
  56. Public charities
    1. description of
    2. Forms 990-T available for public inspection by
    3. publicly supported organizations form of
    4. sponsoring organization form of
    5. supporting organizations form of
    6. tax-exempt institutions classified as
  57. Publicly supported organizations
    1. donative type of
    2. service provider type of
  58. Public policy
    1. nonprofit advocacy for
    2. nonprofit civic engagement for
    3. nonprofit lobbying for
    4. nonprofit organizing for See also Political activities
  59. Public policy doctrine


  1. Qualified appraisals
  2. Qualified appraisers
  3. Quasi-experimental evaluation design
  4. Quid pro quo contribution rules
  5. Quid pro quo sexual harassment


  1. Reagan Administration
  2. Realistic job previews (RJPs)
  3. Rebuttable presumption of reasonableness
  4. Record-keeping
    1. disclosure statements and reports accountability
    2. tax-exempt organizations and requirements for
  5. Recruitment
    1. the first step in process of
    2. human resources focus on
    3. identifying job characteristics
    4. internal and external searches for
    5. selecting a candidate
    6. of volunteers
    7. writing job descriptions
  6. Religious charities
    1. as 501(c)(3) organization
    2. responses to 9/11 by
    3. Roman Catholic church's work as
  7. Reports
    1. international financial reporting standards (IFRS)
    2. reporting rules for IRS annual information returns
    3. writing the program evaluation
  8. Reserve funds
    1. budgeting management of
    2. diagnostic test for resiliency and
    3. investing
  9. Resilience
    1. diagnostic tests for financial
    2. as key financial concept
  10. Resources
    1. funding opportunities to increase and provide
    2. portfolio analysis for allocating limited
    3. strategic management to create opportunities
  11. Retention
    1. human resources focus on
    2. through motivation
    3. of volunteers
  12. “Rethinking Executive Pay in Community-Based Organizations” (WorldatWork)
  13. Retirement plans benefit
  14. Rewards system
    1. justifying reward costs to directors
    2. rewards policy on benefits
    3. total rewards compensation
  15. Rockefeller Foundation charter (1913)
  16. Roman Catholic church
    1. benevolent work done (1830s) by the
    2. Catholic Charities of the
    3. evasions of accountability by
  17. Ronald McDonald House Charities
  18. Roosevelt Administration
  19. “Run it like a business” clichés
  20. Russell Sage Foundation (1907)


  1. Salary Budget Survey (WorldatWork)
  2. Salvation Army
  3. Scientific organizations
  4. Segmentation
    1. description of
    2. target marketing role of
  5. Self-help groups
  6. Self-regulation accountability mechanism
  7. Senate Finance Committee investigation (2002 to2008)
  8. Senior Corps
  9. September 11
    1. questions raised about Red Cross's fundraising after
    2. responses to religious charities to
  10. Service
    1. changes in the human services environment
    2. as product
    3. provided by an ethical management
    4. strategic management to create opportunities for resources and
    5. understanding service recipients and needs
  11. Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
  12. Service delivery systems
    1. collaboration and network relationships to improve
    2. factors that influence
    3. human resources commitment to improving
    4. political engagement and lobbying that support
    5. strategic management of
  13. Sexual harassment
    1. hostile work environment
    2. quid pro quo
  14. Sexual orientation discrimination
  15. Shay's Rebellion
  16. Sick leave
  17. Silicon Valley Community Foundation
  18. Skoll Foundation CASE study (Duke University)
    1. on finding key leverage points in the ecosystem
    2. on strengthening the social entrepreneurship ecosystem
  19. Slotting
  20. Small Business Administration (SBA)
  21. SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare
  22. Social capital
  23. Social change movements
    1. building and contributing to
    2. “Coalition for the Homeless” example of See also Advocacy
  24. Social clubs
  25. Social contract
  26. Social enterprise
    1. access to knowledge and expertise about
    2. asset re-appropriation form of
    3. brand licensing form of
    4. cause-related marketing (CRM) form of
    5. culture and context of
    6. examining the question on who should establish
    7. Grameen Bank's approach to
    8. growing interest in
    9. Kiva Microfunds approach to
    10. moving forward toward
    11. spectrum of
    12. structure options for
    13. transformation of philanthropy through
    14. understanding the risks related to engaging in See also For-profit organizations; Unrelated business income
  27. Social enterprise planning
    1. for evaluation
    2. for financial implications
    3. linking enterprise process and practice through your
    4. for organizational and environmental assessments
    5. overview of the process of
    6. planning your
    7. for strategy formulation
    8. for strategy implementation
  28. Social enterprise spectrum
  29. Social entrepreneurship
    1. B Corporations
    2. as being about innovation and impact and not income
    3. “corporate citizenship” concept of
    4. forms of
    5. growing interest in
    6. imperative of systemic change in
    7. L3C (low-profit limited liability company)
    8. the opportunity creation process of
    9. responding to the “new realities” See also Entrepreneurship; Philanthropy
  30. Social entrepreneurship ecosystem
    1. description of
    2. environmental conditions of the
    3. finding key leverage points in the
    4. mapping the
    5. personal fit between social entrepreneurs and the
    6. players in the
    7. providing support with discipline
    8. strengthening the
    9. windows of opportunity within the
  31. Social entrepreneurship process
  32. Social entrepreneurship theory
    1. moving toward a shared
    2. social enterprise school of thought
    3. social innovation school of thought
  33. Social media
    1. as advocacy tools
    2. searching for job candidates using
  34. Social Security program
  35. Social Service Block Grant (SSBG)
  36. Social value
    1. created through collaboration
    2. leadership performance to deliver
  37. Social welfare organizations
    1. legislative activities law on
    2. political activities law on
    3. tax-exemption of
  38. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
  39. Society of Human Resource Management Survey
  40. Society of the Cincinnati
  41. Speakman Management Consulting
  42. Special events, federal law on fundraising using
  43. Split-interest trust returns
  44. Split-interest trusts
  45. Sponsoring organization
  46. Staff See Employees
  47. Stakeholders
    1. executive leadership promoting responsiveness to
    2. managing relationships among
  48. Standards for Excellence program (MANO)
  49. Stanford Social Innovation Review
  50. State annual reports
  51. State government
    1. fundraising regulations of
    2. Great Recession (2007) responses by
    3. laws related to the workplace See also Government sector
  52. Statistical controls
  53. Stock market crash (1929)
  54. Strategic issues identification
    1. alignment approach to
    2. goals approach to
    3. indirect approach to
    4. livelihood scheme approach to
    5. oval mapping approach to
    6. SWOTs (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
    7. systems analysis for
    8. tension approach to
  55. Strategic management
    1. of delivery systems and capabilities
    2. description and importance of
    3. executive leadership role in
    4. of government contracts
    5. multiple “markets” of
    6. nonprofit strategic management cycle
    7. for performance and control
    8. service and resource opportunities through
    9. social enterprise planning for
    10. understanding service recipients and needs
  56. Strategic marketing
    1. illustrated diagram of
    2. importance of taking approach of
    3. role of data analysis in decision making for
  57. Strategic Options Development and Analysis (SODA)
  58. “The Strategic Plan Is Dead. Long Live Strategy” (O'Donovan and Flower)
  59. Strategic planning
    1. planners, decision makers, implementers, and citizen roles in
    2. systems for integrated units of management
    3. tailoring the process to specific circumstances
    4. ten-step process for
    5. what it should accomplish
  60. Strategic planning process
    1. step 1: initiating and agreeing on strategic planning process
    2. step 2: identifying organizational mandates
    3. step 3: clarifying organizational mission and values
    4. step 4: assessing organization's external and internal environments
    5. step 5: identifying strategic issues facing an organization
    6. step 6: formulating strategies and plans to manage the issues
    7. step 7: reviewing and adopting the strategies and plan
    8. step 8: establishing an effective organizational vision
    9. step 9: developing an effective implementation process
    10. step 10: reassessing strategies and the strategic planning process
    11. Strategic Orientations Typology
    12. Analyzers
    13. Defenders
    14. Prospectors
    15. Reactors
  61. Strategy
    1. accountability driven by
    2. executive leadership's agenda for
    3. social enterprise planning for
  62. Strategy Change Cycle
    1. illustrated diagram of
    2. as processual model of decision making
    3. as strategic management process
    4. tailoring the process to specific circumstances
    5. ten-step process for strategic planning using the
  63. Strategy development
    1. five-part process of
    2. structuring relationships among strategic options for
  64. Strategy-driven accountability
  65. Structural frame
  66. Subsidiaries
    1. bifurcation arrangement of nonprofit
    2. overview of tax-exempt organization
  67. Substantial part test
  68. Supporting organizations
    1. description of
    2. four basic types of
  69. SWOTs (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
  70. Symbolic frame
  71. Systems analysis


  1. Target marketing
    1. description of
    2. segmentation role in
  2. Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE) Division [IRS]
  3. Tax-exempt organization governance
    1. developments in nonprofit and
    2. overview of the
    3. three duties of directors
  4. Tax-exempt organizations
    1. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts by
    2. categories of
    3. governance of
    4. group exemptions rules
    5. IRS Exempt Organization Master File on
    6. joint ventures of
    7. law basics of
    8. National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) code number
    9. overview of the law governing
    10. revoked by the IRS
    11. subsidiaries of See also 501(c)(3) organizations; Internal Revenue Code
  5. Tax-exempt organizations law basics
    1. commensurate test
    2. intermediate sanctions
    3. legislative activities law
    4. nonpartisan election activities
    5. operational test
    6. organizational test
    7. political activities law
    8. primary purpose test
    9. private benefit doctrine
    10. private inurement doctrine
    11. public policy doctrine
  6. Tax sheltered annuity programs (TSAs)
  7. Tax withholding requirements
  8. Teach for America
  9. Team job interview
  10. Tea Party Movement
  11. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
  12. Tensions approach to strategic issues
  13. Ten Thousand Villages
  14. TEP (team examination program) audit [IRS]
  15. Third-party services
  16. Tilden Trust (1913)
  17. Title VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964)
  18. Total rewards compensation
    1. description of the
    2. need for rewards policy as part of
    3. organizational mission and strategy of
    4. using consultants to set up a
  19. Transcontinental Railroad (1869)
  20. Transparency
    1. as characteristic of ethical management
    2. description of nonprofit
  21. Treasury Direct
  22. Triangle Residential Opportunities for Substance Abusers (TROSA)
  23. Tuition reimbursement benefit
  24. 2001 Survey of Giving and Volunteering in the United States (Independent Sector)


  1. Unemployment tax
  3. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
  4. Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA)
  5. Unintended consequences
  6. United Kingdom (UK)
    1. Bond (formerly British Overseas NGOs for Development) of
    2. “The Compact” agreement in the
    3. Keystone Accountability of
    4. nonprofit accreditation system created in Herefordshire in the
    5. One World Trust of
  7. United Nations
  8. United States
    1. changing context of nonprofit management in the
    2. Civil War transformation of the
    3. history of associations and nonprofits in
    4. the legal framework of the nonprofit sector in the
  9. United Way of America
    1. Community Chest as ancestor to
    2. ethical scandal (early 1990s) involving the
    3. Outcome Measurement Resource Network initiative of
  10. United Way of New York City's CEO study (2003)
  11. University of the State of New York (1784)
  12. Unrelated business income
    1. growth in nonprofit
    2. tax returns on See also Social enterprise
  13. Unrelated business rules
  14. Urban Institute
  15. Urban Institute volunteer study
  16. USA Patriot Act (2001)
  17. U.S. Bill of Rights
  18. U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
  19. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  20. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics/Current Population Survey
  21. U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission
  22. U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  23. U.S. Department of Labor
  24. U.S. Department of the Treasury
  25. U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act
  26. U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
  27. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
  28. U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
  29. U.S. Supreme Court cases
    1. Burwell v. Hobby Lobby
    2. Dartmouth College Case (1819)
    3. Faragher v. Boca Raton
    4. Girard Will Case
    5. Griggs v. Duke Power
    6. Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc.


  1. Validity
    1. external
    2. internal
  2. Value
    1. created through collaboration
    2. leadership performance to deliver social
    3. understanding nonfinancial costs for product pricing See also Core values
  3. Veterans' organizations
  4. Violence Against Women Act
  5. Virtual volunteering
  6. Vision
    1. strategic planning by establishing organizational
    2. strategic planning by making use of goals and
  7. VisionSpring
  8. Vivient Consulting
  9. Voluntary associations
    1. Alexis de Tocqueville writing on America's
    2. conservative revolution (1980) and
    3. creation of new charitable vehicles (1890)
    4. in early America
    5. nation building (1860) and role of
    6. in the new American republic (1780)
    7. transformation of public life (1930) and
    8. 20th Century transformation of philanthropy and See also Charitable work; Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
  10. Voluntary turnover
  11. “Volunteer Investment and Value Audit” (VIVA) proposal
  12. VolunteerMatch
  13. Volunteer programs
    1. benefits of having a
    2. core functions of
    3. creating leadership positions in
    4. evaluation of the
    5. integrating it into the organization
    6. involving paid staff as part of the design of the
    7. “management-by-partnership” approach of
    8. preparing job descriptions for the
  14. The Volunteer Recruitment Book (Ellis)
  15. Volunteers
    1. Baby Boomers as
    2. establishing the rationale for involvement of
    3. evaluating employees and
    4. fundraising involvement by
    5. management of
    6. meeting needs and understanding motivations of
    7. nonprofit income from in-kind contributions of
    8. recruiting and retaining
    9. virtual and episodic volunteering by
  16. VOTE (national online resource center)


  1. The Wall Street Journal
  2. War on Poverty
  3. Watergate scandal (mid-1970s)
  4. White House Office of Social Innovation
  5. Whole-entity joint ventures
  6. Wise Giving Alliance
  7. W.K. Kellogg Foundation
  8. Workforce Investment Act
  9. Working cash fund
  10. Work or job analysis
  11. WorldatWork
  12. World Bank
  13. World Health Organization
  14. WPA (Works Projects Administration)


  1. Yale University
  2. YMCA
  3. YouTube Nonprofit Partners
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