Chapter 2. Drinking from the Clojure fire hose

This chapter covers

  • Scalars: the base data types
  • Putting things together: collections
  • Making things happen: functions
  • Vars are not variables
  • Locals, loops, and blocks
  • Preventing things from happening: quoting
  • Using host libraries via interop
  • Exceptional circumstances
  • Modularizing code with namespaces

This chapter provides a quick tour of the bare necessities—the things you’ll need to know to understand the rest of this book. It may seem odd to provide a tutorial-like chapter right away, but we felt that it was more important to introduce the ideas of the language first rather than the mechanics.[1] If you’ve been programming with Clojure for a while, this may be a review, but otherwise it should give you everything you need to start writing Clojure code. In most cases throughout this chapter, the examples provided will be perfunctory in order to highlight the immediate point. Later in the book, we’ll build on these topics and many more, so don’t worry if you don’t grasp every feature now—you’ll get there.

1 Clojure is a language built on thoughtful design. In many ways, we see the ideas behind Clojure’s design as more important than the language itself.

Interaction with Clojure is often performed at the Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL). When starting a new REPL session, you’re presented with a simple prompt:


The user prompt refers to the top-level namespace of the default REPL. It’s at this point that Clojure waits for input expressions. Valid Clojure expressions consist of numbers, symbols, keywords, Booleans, characters, functions, function calls, macros, strings, literal maps, vectors, queues, records, and sets. Some expressions, such as numbers, strings, and keywords, are self evaluating—when entered, they evaluate to themselves. The Clojure REPL also accepts source comments, which are marked by the semicolon ; and continue to a newline:

user> 42    ; numbers evaluate to themselves
;=> 42
user> "The Misfits" ; strings do too
;=> "The Misfits"
user> :pyotr  ; as do keywords
;=> :pyotr

Now that you’ve seen several scalar data types, let’s take a closer look at each of them.

2.1. Scalars: the base data types

The Clojure language has a rich set of data types. Like most programming languages, it provides scalar types such as integers, strings, and floating-point numbers, each representing a single unit of data. Clojure provides several different categories of scalar data types: integers, floats, rationals, symbols, keywords, strings, characters, Booleans, and regex patterns.[2] In this section, we’ll address most of these categories in turn, providing examples of each.

2 We won’t look at regular expression patterns here, but for details on everything regex-related you can flip forward to section 4.5.

2.1.1. Numbers

A number can consist of only the digits 0–9, a decimal point (.), a sign (+ or -), and an optional e for numbers written in exponential notation. In addition to these elements, numbers in Clojure can take either octal or hexadecimal form and also include an optional M or N flag that indicates arbitrary precision or arbitrarily sized integers, respectively. In many programming languages, the precision[3] of numbers is restricted by the host platform or, in the case of Java and C#, defined by the language specification. Although Clojure provides arbitrary-precision numbers, by default it uses the host language’s (Java or JavaScript) primitive numbers. For the JVM, it then also throws exceptions when numbers would overflow, to provide generally desirable safety.

3 With caveats, as we’ll describe in chapter 4.

2.1.2. Integers

Integers comprise the entire number set, both positive and negative. Any number starting with an optional sign or digit followed exclusively by digits is considered and stored as some form of integer, although several different concrete types are used depending on the circumstance. Integers in Clojure can theoretically take an infinitely large value, but in practice the size is limited by the memory available. The following numbers are recognized by Clojure as integers:


All the numbers shown, except the last one, are read as primitive Java longs; the last is too big to fit in a long and thus is read as a BigInt (which is printed with a trailing N). The following illustrates the use of decimal, hexadecimal, octal, radix-32, and binary literals, respectively, all representing the same number:

[127 0x7F 0177 32r3V 2r01111111]
;=> [127 127 127 127 127]

The radix notation supports up to base 36, including both hexadecimal (16r7F) and octal (8r177). When using the higher bases (hexadecimal might spring to mind), you’ll notice ASCII letters are needed to supplement the digits 0–9. The fact that there are only 26 usable ASCII characters limits the range of bases to a maximum of 36: 10 numbers between 0 and 9 plus 26 letters. Finally, adding signs to the front of each of the integer literals is also legal.

2.1.3. Floating-point numbers

Floating-point numbers are the decimal expansion of rational numbers. Like Clojure’s implementation of integers, the floating-point values can be arbitrarily precise.[4] Floating-point numbers can take the traditional form of some number of digits and then a decimal point, followed by some number of digits. But floating-point numbers can also take an exponential form (scientific notation) where a significant part is followed by an exponent part separated by a lowercase or uppercase E. The following numbers are examples of valid floating-point numbers:

4 With some caveats, as we’ll discuss in section 4.1.



Numbers are largely the same across most programming languages, so we’ll move on to some scalar types that are more distinct to Lisp and Lisp-inspired languages.

2.1.4. Rationals

Clojure provides a rational type in addition to integer and floating-point numbers. Rational numbers offer a more compact and precise representation of a given value over floating-point. Rationals are represented classically by an integer numerator and denominator, and that’s exactly how they’re represented in Clojure. The following numbers are examples of valid rational numbers:


Something to note about rational numbers in Clojure is that they’ll be simplified if they can—the rational 100/4 will resolve to the integer 25.

2.1.5. Symbols

Symbols in Clojure are objects in their own right but are often used to represent another value:

(def yucky-pi 22/7)

;;=> 22/7

When a number or a string is evaluated, you get back exactly the same object; but when a symbol is evaluated, you get back whatever value that symbol is referring to in the current context. In other words, symbols are typically used to refer to function parameters, local variables, globals, and Java classes.

2.1.6. Keywords

Keywords are similar to symbols, except that they always evaluate to themselves. You’re likely to see the use of keywords far more in Clojure than symbols. The form of a keyword’s literal syntax is as follows:


Although keywords are prefixed by a colon :, it’s only part of the literal syntax and not part of the name itself. We go into further detail about keywords in section 4.3.

2.1.7. Strings

Strings in Clojure are represented similarly to the way they’re used in many programming languages. A string is any sequence of characters enclosed within a set of double quotes, including newlines, as shown:

"This is a string"
"This is also a

Both will be stored as written, but when printed at the REPL, multiline strings include escapes for the literal newline characters: for example, "This is also a String".

2.1.8. Characters

Clojure characters are written with a literal syntax prefixed with a backslash and are stored as Java Character objects:

a       ; The character lowercase a
A       ; The character uppercase A
u0042   ; The Unicode character uppercase B
\       ; The back-slash character 
u30DE   ; The Unicode katakana character ?

And that’s it for Clojure’s scalar data types. In the next section, we’ll discuss Clojure’s collection data types, which is where the real fun begins.

2.2. Putting things together: collections

We’ll cover the collection types in greater detail in chapter 5. But because Clojure programs are made up of various kinds of literal collections, it’s helpful to at least glance at the basics of lists, vectors, maps, and sets.

2.2.1. Lists

Lists are the classic collection type in Lisp (the name comes from list processing, after all) languages, and Clojure is no exception. Literal lists are written with parentheses:

(yankee hotel foxtrot)

When a list is evaluated, the first item of the list—yankee in this case—is resolved to a function, macro, or special operator. If yankee is a function, the remaining items in the list are evaluated in order, and the results are passed to yankee as its parameters.


A form is any Clojure object meant to be evaluated, including but not limited to lists, vectors, maps, numbers, keywords, and symbols. A special form is a form with special syntax or special evaluation rules that typically aren’t implemented using the base Clojure forms. An example of a special form is the . (dot) operator used for Java interoperability purposes.

If yankee is a macro or special operator, the remaining items in the list aren’t necessarily evaluated, but are processed as defined by the macro or operator.

Lists can contain items of any type, including other collections. Here are some more examples:

(1 2 3 4)
(:fred ethel)
(1 2 (a b c) 4 5)

Note that unlike in some Lisps, the empty list in Clojure, written as (), isn’t the same as nil.

2.2.2. Vectors

Like lists, vectors store a series of values. Several differences are described in section 5.4, but for now only two are important. First, vectors have a literal syntax using square brackets:

[1 2 :a :b :c]

The other important difference is that vectors evaluate each item in order. No function or macro call is performed on the vector itself, although if a list appears within the vector, that list is evaluated following the normal rules for a list. Like lists, vectors are type heterogeneous; and as you might guess, the empty vector [] isn’t the same as nil.

2.2.3. Maps

Maps store unique keys and one value per key—similar to what some languages and libraries call dictionaries or hashes. Clojure has several types of maps with different properties, but don’t worry about that for now. Maps can be written using a literal syntax with alternating keys and values inside curly braces. Commas are frequently used between pairs, but they’re whitespace as they are everywhere else in Clojure:

{1 "one", 2 "two", 3 "three"}

As with vectors, every item in a map literal (each key and each value) is evaluated before the result is stored in the map. Unlike with vectors, the order in which they’re evaluated isn’t guaranteed. Maps can have items of any type for both keys and values, and the empty map {} isn’t the same as nil.

2.2.4. Sets

Sets store zero or more unique items. They’re written using curly braces with a leading hash:

#{1 2 "three" :four 0x5}

Again, the empty set #{} isn’t the same as nil.

That’s all for now regarding the basic collection types. Chapter 4 will cover the use of each type, including their relative strengths and weaknesses, in addition to covering queues.

2.3. Making things happen: calling functions

Functions in Clojure are a first-class type, meaning they can be used the same as any value. Functions can be stored in vars, held in lists and other collection types, and passed as arguments to and returned as the result of other functions.

Clojure borrows its function-calling syntax, known as prefix notation, from Lisp:

The immediately obvious advantage of prefix notation over infix notation used by C-style languages[5] is that the former allows any number of operands per operator, whereas infix allows only two. Another, less obvious advantage to structuring code as prefix notation is that it eliminates the problem of operator precedence. Clojure makes no distinction between operator notation and regular function calls—all Clojure constructs, functions, macros, and operators are formed using prefix, or fully parenthesized, notation. This uniform structure forms the basis for the incredible flexibility that Lisp-like languages provide.

5 Of course, Java uses infix notation in only a few instances. The remainder of the language forms tend toward C-style ad hoc debauchery.

2.4. Vars are not variables

Programmers are typically accustomed to dealing with variables and mutation. Clojure’s closest analogy to the variable is the var. A var is named by a symbol and holds a single value. Its value can be changed while the program is running, but this is best reserved for the programmer making manual changes. A var’s value can also be shadowed (assigned a local value) by function parameters and locals, although shadowing doesn’t change its original value.

Using def is the most common way to create vars in Clojure:

(def x 42)

Using def to associate the value 42 to the symbol x assigns the value to the var, creating what’s known as a root binding.[6]

6 There’s more to root bindings than acting as a default value. Instead, a root is the binding that’s the same across all threads, unless otherwise re-bound relative to specific threads. By default, all threads start with the root binding, which is their associated value in the absence of a thread-bound value. We don’t talk about threads and rebinding until chapter 11, so don’t fret about root bindings for now.

The trivial case is that the symbol x is bound to the value 42, but vars don’t require a value:[7]

7 Instead you can declare them and defer the responsibility of binding their values to individual threads. We’ll talk more about per-thread bindings in chapter 11.

(def y)
;=> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Var user/y is unbound.

Functions and vars theoretically provide all you need to implement any algorithm, and some languages leave you with exactly these “atomic” constructs. Speaking of which, we should probably transition into functions; their relationship to vars is important.

2.5. Functions

We’ve already shown how you can call a Clojure function using the (some-function arguments...) notation, but it’s high time that we explain how to define your own. In this section, we’ll discuss the most relevant points regarding function definition, starting with anonymous or in-place function definitions.

2.5.1. Anonymous functions

An anonymous (unnamed) Clojure function can be defined using a special form. A special form is a Clojure expression that’s part of the core language but not created in terms of functions, types, or macros.

Here’s an example of a function that takes two elements and returns a set of those elements:

Entering this function definition in a Clojure REPL gives a seemingly strange result. This is because the REPL is showing its internal name for the function object returned by the fn special form. This is far from satisfying, because now that the function has been defined, there’s no apparent way to execute it. But recall from the previous chapter that the function call form is always (some-function arguments). You can define a function and call it in a single expression, as in this example:

Although anonymous functions are useful and have their purpose, for the most part you’ll probably want to give your functions names for easy reference. Clojure provides a couple of straightforward ways to define named functions, as we’ll show next.

2.5.2. Creating named functions with def and defn

The def special form is a way to assign a symbolic name to a piece of Clojure data. Clojure functions are first class; they’re equal citizens with data, allowing assignment to vars, storage in collections, and passing as arguments to (or returning from) other functions. This is different from programming languages where functions are functions and data is data, and a world of capability is available to the former that’s incongruous to the latter.

Therefore, in order to associate a name with the previous function using def, you use

(def make-set
  (fn [x y]
    (println "Making a set")
    #{x y}))

And you can now call it in a more intuitive way:

(make-set 1 2)

;; Making a set
;;=> #{1 2}

Another way to define functions in Clojure is using the defn macro. Although def is one way to define functions by name, as shown it’s cumbersome to use. The defn macro is a more convenient and concise way to create named functions. It provides a syntax similar to the original fn form and also allows an additional documentation string:

(defn make-set
  "Takes two values and makes a set from them."
  [x y]
  (println "Making a set")
#{x y})

The function can be called the same as you saw before.

Clojure also provides a way to define functions that execute different bodies depending on the number of arguments sent to them. The argument count, known as arity, is described next.

2.5.3. Functions with multiple arities

The second form to define functions allows for arity overloading of the invocations of a function. Arity refers to the differences in the argument count that a function will accept. Changing the previous simple set-creating function to accept either one or two arguments is represented as

(defn make-set
  ([x] #{x})
  ([x y] #{x y}))

The difference from the previous form is that you can now have any number of argument/body pairs as long as the arities of the arguments differ. Naturally, the execution of such a function for one argument is

(make-set 42)
;;=> #{42}

As you saw, arguments to functions are bound one for one to symbols during the function call, but there’s a way for functions to accept a variable number of arguments:[8]

8 The implementation details of Clojure prevent the creation of functions with an arity larger than 20, but in practice this should rarely, if ever, be an issue.

(make-set 1 2 3)
;; ArityException Wrong number of args passed...

As shown, calling the make-set function with three arguments won’t work. But what if you want it to take any number of arguments? The way to denote variable arguments is to use the & symbol followed by symbols or destructuring forms (covered in the next chapter). Every symbol in the arguments list before the & is still bound one for one to the same number of arguments passed during the function call. But any additional arguments are aggregated in a sequence bound to the symbol following the & symbol:

Of course, arity2+ still requires at least two arguments, so to pass fewer is an error.

To round off our preliminary coverage of functions, we’ll talk about the short way to create anonymous functions using the #() syntax.

2.5.4. In-place functions with #()

Clojure provides a shorthand notation for creating an anonymous function using the #() reader feature. In a nutshell, reader features are loosely analogous to C++ preprocessor directives in that they signify that some given form should be replaced with another at read time. In the case of the #() form, it’s effectively replaced with the special form fn, described earlier in this section. Anywhere that it’s appropriate to use #(), it’s likewise appropriate for the fn special form.

The #() form can also accept arguments that are implicitly declared through the use of special symbols prefixed with %:

A couple of notes about these examples are worth mentioning. First, a function taking one argument can be written using either the explicit #(list %1) or the implicit #(list %). The % symbol means the same as %1, but we prefer the numbered version. Also note that the %& symbol in make-a-list2+ is used to refer to the variable arguments passed as arguments.

2.6. Locals, loops, and blocks

Clojure’s function and value-binding capabilities provide a basis for much of what you need in order to start writing operational code, but a large part of the story is missing. Clojure also provides capabilities for creating local value bindings, building looping constructs, and aggregating blocks of functionality.

2.6.1. Blocks

Use the do form when you have a series or block of expressions that need to be treated as one. All the expressions are evaluated, but only the last one is returned:

  (def x 5)
  (def y 4)
  (+ x y)
  [x y])

;;=> [5 4]

The expressions (def x 5), (def y 4), and (+ x y) are executed one by one in the body of the do block. Even the addition (+ x y) is executed, but the value is thrown away—only the final expression [x y] is returned. The middle bits of the do block are typically where the side effects occur, as shown with the use of def. Whenever you see a Clojure form with a name starting with do, you can assume that its purpose is related to side-effectful activities like defining a var, printing, and so on.

2.6.2. Locals

Clojure doesn’t have local variables, but it does have locals; they just can’t vary. Locals are created and their scope is defined using a let form, which starts with a vector that defines the bindings, followed by any number of expressions that make up the body. The vector begins with a binding form (usually a symbol), which is the name of a new local. This is followed by an expression whose value is bound to this new local for the remainder of the let form. You can continue pairing binding names and expressions to create as many locals as you need. All of them are available in the body of the let:

(let [r         5
      pi        3.1415
      r-squared (* r r)]
  (println "radius is" r)
  (* pi r-squared))

;; radius is 5
;;=> 78.53750000000001

The body is sometimes described as an implicit do because it follows the same rules: you may include any number of expressions, and all are evaluated, but only the value of the last one is returned.

All the binding forms in the previous example are simple symbols: r, pi, and r-squared. More complex binding expressions can be used to pull apart expressions that return collections. This feature is called destructuring: see section 3.3 for details.

Because they’re immutable, locals can’t be used to accumulate results. Instead, you use a high-level function or loop/recur form.

2.6.3. Loops

The classic way to build a loop in a Lisp is a recursive call, and this is true in Clojure as well. Using recursion sometimes requires thinking about your problem in a different way than imperative languages encourage; but recursion from a tail position is in many ways like a structured goto and has more in common with an imperative loop than it does with other kinds of recursion.


Clojure has a special form called recur that’s specifically for tail recursion. The following function prints the integers from x to 1, counting backward:

This is nearly identical to how you’d structure a while loop in an imperative language. One significant difference is that the value of x isn’t decremented somewhere in the body of the loop. Instead, a new value is calculated as a parameter to recur, which immediately does two things: rebinds x to the new value and returns control to the top of print-down-from.

If the function has multiple arguments, the recur call must as well, just as if you were calling the function by name instead of using the recur special form. And just as with a function call, the expressions in the recur are evaluated in order first and only then bound to the function arguments simultaneously.

The previous example doesn’t concern itself with return values; it’s just about the println side effects. Here’s a similar loop that builds up an accumulator named sum, which adds the numbers between 1 and x, inclusive, and returns the sum:

First, sum-down-from accepts a partial sum and an upper limit for the remaining sum as arguments . Although recursive, sum-down-from will recur only if x is greater than 0 . When it does recur, it adds x to the sum, decrements x, and passes these values to the recursive call . Otherwise, if x is 0, sum-down-from returns the sum, thus terminating the recursion . The only ways out of the function are recur, which isn’t really a way out, and sum. So when x is no longer positive, the function returns the value of sum:

(sum-down-from 0 10)
;=> 55

Graphically, sum-down-from can be represented as in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1. A graphical representation of the sum-down-from function

Note that the return value of the recursive call becomes the value of the if when that branch is taken, and that, in turn, becomes the return value of the function. The value of sum when x is 0 therefore ultimately becomes the return value of the original invocation of sum-down-from.

You may have noticed that the two preceding functions use different blocks: the first when and the second if. You’ll often see one or the other used as a conditional, but it’s not always immediately apparent why. In general, you should use when in these cases:

  • No else part is associated with the result of a conditional.
  • You require an implicit do in order to perform side effects.

If neither of these is true, you should use if.


Sometimes you want to loop back not to the top of the function, but to somewhere inside it. For example, in sum-down-from, you might prefer that callers not have to provide an initial value for sum. To help, there’s a loop form that acts exactly like let but provides a target for recur to jump to. It’s used like this:

Upon entering the loop form, the locals sum and x are initialized, just as they would be for a let.

A recur always loops back to the closest enclosing loop or fn, so in this case it goes to loop. The loop locals are re-bound to the values given in recur. The looping and rebinding continue until finally x is no longer positive. The return value of the entire loop expression is sum, just as it was for the earlier function.

Tail position

Now that we’ve looked at a couple of examples of how to use recur, we must discuss an important restriction. The recur form can only appear in the tail position of a function or loop. What’s a tail position? Succinctly, a form is in a tail position of an expression when its value may be the return value of the entire expression. Consider this function:

(defn absolute-value [x]
  (if (pos? x)
    x            ; "then" clause
    (- x)))      ; "else" clause

It takes a single parameter and names it x. If x is already a positive number, then x is returned; otherwise the opposite of x is returned.

The if form is in a tail position because whatever it returns, the entire function will return. The x in the then clause is also in a tail position of the function. But the x in the else clause is not in a tail position of the function because the value of x is passed to the - function, not returned directly. The else clause as a whole (- x) is in a tail position.

If you try to use the recur form somewhere other than a tail position, Clojure will remind you at compile time:

(fn [x] (recur x) (println x))
; java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:
;    Can only recur from tail position

You’ve seen how Clojure provides core functionality available to most popular programming languages, albeit from a different bent. But in the next section, we’ll cover the notion of quoting forms, which are in many ways unique to the Lisp family of languages and may seem alien to programmers coming from classically imperative and/or object-oriented languages.

2.7. Preventing things from happening: quoting

Clojure has two quoting forms: quote and syntax-quote. Both are simple bits of syntax you can put in front of a form in your program. They’re the primary ways to include literal scalars and composites in your Clojure program without evaluating them as code. But before quoting forms can make sense, you need a solid understanding of how expressions are evaluated.

2.7.1. Evaluation

When a collection is evaluated, each of its contained items is evaluated first:[9]

9 ... unless it’s a list that starts with the name of a macro or special operator. We’ll get to that later.

(cons 1 [2 3])

If you enter this at the REPL, the form as a whole is evaluated, giving (1 2 3). In this specific example, the function cons “constructs” a new sequence with its first argument in the front of the sequence provided as its second. Because the form is a list, each of the items is evaluated first. A symbol, when evaluated, is resolved to a local, a var, or a Java class name. If a local or a var, its value is returned:

;=> #<core$cons__3806 clojure.core$cons__3806@24442c76>

Literal scalar values evaluate to themselves—evaluating one just returns the same thing:

;=> 1

The evaluation of another kind of collection, a vector, starts again by evaluating the items it contains. Because they’re literal scalars, nothing much happens. Once that’s done, evaluation of the vector can proceed. Vectors, like scalars and maps, evaluate to themselves:

[2 3]
;=> [2 3]

Now that all the items of the original list have been evaluated (to a function, the number 1, and the vector [2 3]), evaluation of the entire list can proceed. Lists are evaluated differently from vectors and maps; they call functions, or trigger special operations, as shown:

(cons 1 [2 3])
;=> (1 2 3)

Whatever function was at the head of the list, cons in this case, is called with the remaining items of the list as arguments.

2.7.2. Quoting

Using a special operator looks like calling a function—a symbol as the first item of a list:

(quote age)

Each special operator has its own evaluation rules. The quote special operator prevents its argument from being evaluated at all. Although the symbol age by itself might evaluate to the value of a var, when it’s inside a quote form, it isn’t:

(def age 9)
(quote age)
;=> age

Instead, the entire form evaluates to just the symbol. This works for arbitrarily complex arguments to quote: nested vectors, maps, and even lists that would otherwise be function calls, macro calls, or other special forms. The whole thing is returned:

(quote (cons 1 [2 3]))
;=> (cons 1 [2 3])

There are a few reasons why you might use the quote form, but by far the most common is so that you can use a literal list as a data collection without having Clojure try to call a function. We’ve been careful to use vectors in the examples so far in this section because vectors are never function calls. But if you wanted to use a list instead, a naive attempt would fail:

(cons 1 (2 3))
; java.lang.ClassCastException:
;    java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

That’s Clojure telling you that an integer (the number 2 here) can’t be used as a function. You have to prevent the form (2 3) from being treated like a function call—which is exactly what quote is for:

(cons 1 (quote (2 3)))
;=> (1 2 3)

In other Lisps, this need is so common that they provide a shortcut: a single quote. Although this is used less in Clojure, it’s still provided. The previous example can also be written as follows:

(cons 1 '(2 3))
;=> (1 2 3)

And look at that: one less pair of parentheses—always welcome in a Lisp. Remember, though, that quote affects all of its argument, not just the top level. Even though it worked in the preceding examples to replace [] with '(), this may not always give the results you want:

[1 (+ 2 3)]      ;=> [1 5]
'(1 (+ 2 3))     ;=> (1 (+ 2 3))

Finally, note that the empty list () already evaluates to itself; it doesn’t need to be quoted. Quoting the empty list isn’t required in Clojure.


Like quote, the syntax-quote prevents its argument and subforms from being evaluated. Unlike quote, it has a few extra features that make it ideal for constructing collections to be used as code.

Syntax-quote is written as a single back-quote (`):

`(1 2 3)
;=> (1 2 3)

It doesn’t expand to a simple form like quote, but to whatever set of expressions is required to support the following features.

Symbol auto-qualification

A symbol can begin with a namespace and a slash (/). These can be called qualified symbols:


Syntax-quote automatically qualifies all unqualified symbols in its argument:

;=> clojure.core/map
;=> java.lang.Integer
`(map even? [1 2 3])
;=> (clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? [1 2 3])

If the symbol doesn’t name a var or class that exists yet, syntax-quote uses the current namespace:

;=> user/is-always-right

This behavior will come in handy in chapter 8, when we discuss macros.

2.7.3. Unquote

As you discovered, the quote special operator prevents its argument, and all of its subforms, from being evaluated. But there will come a time when you’ll want some of its constituent forms to be evaluated. The way to accomplish this feat is to use what’s known as an unquote. An unquote is used to demarcate specific forms as requiring evaluation by prefixing them with the symbol ~ within the body of a syntax-quote:

`(+ 10 (* 3 2))
;=> (clojure.core/+ 10 (clojure.core/* 3 2))

`(+ 10 ~(* 3 2))
;=> (clojure.core/+ 10 6)

What just happened? The final form uses an unquote to evaluate the subform (* 3 2), performing a multiplication of 3 and 2, thus inserting the result into the outermost syntax-quoted form. The unquote is used to denote any Clojure expression as requiring evaluation:

(let [x 2]
`(1 ~x 3))
;=> (1 2 3)

`(1 ~(2 3))
;; ClassCastException java.lang.Long
;;  cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

Whoops! Using the unquote told Clojure that the marked form should be evaluated. But the marked form here is (2 3); and remember what happens when Clojure encounters an expression like this? It attempts to evaluate it as a function! Therefore, you should take care with unquote to ensure that the form requiring evaluation is the form you expect. The more appropriate way to perform the previous task would be

(let [x '(2 3)] `(1 ~x))
;=> (1 (2 3))

This provides a level of indirection such that the expression being evaluated is no longer (2 3) but x. But this new way breaks the pattern of the previous examples that returned a list of (1 2 3).

2.7.4. Unquote-splicing

Clojure provides a handy feature to solve exactly the problem posed earlier. A variant of unquote called unquote-splicing works similarly to unquote, but a little differently:

(let [x '(2 3)] `(1 ~@x))
;=> (1 2 3)

Note the @ in ~@, which tells Clojure to unpack the sequence x, splicing it into the resulting list rather than inserting it as a nested list.

2.7.5. Auto-gensym

Sometimes you need a unique symbol, such as for a parameter or let local name. The easiest way to do this inside a syntax-quote is to append a # to the symbol name. This causes Clojure to create a new, unqualified, automatically generated symbol:

;=> potion__211__auto__

Sometimes even this isn’t enough, either because you need to refer to the same symbol in multiple syntax-quotes or because you want to capture a particular unqualified symbol. We’ll talk more about this circumstance in section 8.5.1.

Until this point, we’ve covered many of the basic features that make Clojure a unique flavor of Lisp. Something that Clojure and ClojureScript excel at is interoperability with their host language and runtime: Java, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), or a JavaScript runtime.

2.8. Using host libraries via interop

Clojure is symbiotic with its host,[10] providing its rich and powerful features, whereas Java provides an object model, libraries, and runtime support. In this section, we’ll take a brief look at how Clojure allows you to access Java classes and class members, and how you can create instances and access their members. This interaction with Java classes via Clojure is known as interoperability, or interop for short.

10 We’ll focus on the JVM and JavaScript throughout this book, but Clojure has also been hosted on the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR), Scheme, Lua, Python, and ClojureScript (

2.8.1. Accessing static class members (Clojure only)

Clojure provides powerful mechanisms for accessing, creating, and mutating Java classes and instances. The trivial case is accessing static class properties:

;=> #<Locale ja_JP>

Clojure programmers usually prefer to access static class members using a syntax that’s like accessing a namespace-qualified var:

(Math/sqrt 9)
;=> 3.0

The preceding call is to the java.lang.Math#sqrt static method. By default, all classes in the root java.lang package are available for immediate use. ClojureScript doesn’t provide access to static members because JavaScript has no such feature.

2.8.2. Creating instances

Creating instances is likewise a trivial matter with Clojure. The new special operator closely mirrors the Java and JavaScript models:

(new java.awt.Point 0 1)

;=> #<Point java.awt.Point[x=0,y=1]>

This example creates an instance of java.awt.Point with the numbers 0 and 1 passed in as constructor arguments. An interesting aspect of Clojure is that its core collection types can be used as arguments to Java constructors for the purpose of initialization. Observe how you can use a Clojure map to initialize a Java map:

(new java.util.HashMap {"foo" 42 "bar" 9 "baz" "quux"})
;=> {"baz" "quux", "foo" 42, "bar" 9}

The second, more succinct, Clojure form to create instances is the preferred form:

(java.util.HashMap. {"foo" 42 "bar" 9 "baz" "quux"})
;=> {"baz" "quux", "foo" 42, "bar" 9}

As you can see, the class name is followed by a dot in order to signify a constructor call. The same capability exists in ClojureScript, except that when referencing core or globally accessible JavaScript types, you need to prefix the type with the js namespace symbol:

;=> #inst "2013-02-01T15:10:44.727-00:00"

There are subtle differences like this (although relatively few) between Clojure and ClojureScript, and as needed we’ll highlight and explain them.

2.8.3. Accessing instance members with the . operator

To access public instance variables, precede the field name with a dot and a hyphen:

(.-x (java.awt.Point. 10 20))
;=> 10

This returns the value of the field x from the Point instance given.

To access instance methods, the dot form allows an additional argument to be passed to the method:

(.divide (java.math.BigDecimal. "42") 2M)
;=> 21M

This example calls the #divide method on the class BigDecimal. Notice that the instance you’re accessing is explicitly given as the first argument to the .divide call. This inverts the way that Java instance calls happen, where the instance is the implicit method target. Note that the example also uses the 2M literal to denote that you want to use an arbitrarily precise numeric value.

2.8.4. Setting instance fields

Instance fields can be set via the set! function:

(let [origin (java.awt.Point. 0 0)]
  (set! (.-x origin) 15)
  (str origin))
;=> "java.awt.Point[x=15,y=0]"

The first argument to set! is the instance member access form.

2.8.5. The .. macro

When working with Java, it’s common practice to chain together a sequence of method calls on the return type of the previous method call:

new java.util.Date().toString().endsWith("2014") /* Java code */

Using Clojure’s dot special operator, the following code is equivalent:[11]

11 Depending on when you run this code, you may get false as the answer. To fix that, change the string "2013" to whatever year it happens to be (for example, "2112").

(.endsWith (.toString (java.util.Date.)) "2014") ; Clojure code
;=> true

Although correct, the preceding code is difficult to read and will only become more so when you lengthen the chain of method calls. To combat this, Clojure provides the .. macro, which can simplify the call chain as follows:

(.. (java.util.Date.) toString (endsWith "2014"))
;=> true

This .. call closely follows the equivalent Java code and is much easier to read. Bear in mind, you may not see .. used often in Clojure code found in the wild, outside the context of macro definitions. Instead, Clojure provides the -> and ->> macros, which can be used similarly to the .. macro but are also useful in non-interop situations; this makes them the preferred method-call facilities in most cases. The -> and ->> macros are covered in more depth in the introduction to chapter 8.

2.8.6. The doto macro

When working with Java, it’s also common to initialize a fresh instance by calling a set of mutators:

// This is Java, not Clojure
java.util.HashMap props = new java.util.HashMap();
props.put("HOME", "/home/me");        /* More java code. Sorry. */
props.put("SRC",  "src");
props.put("BIN",  "classes");

But using this method is overly verbose and can be streamlined using the doto macro, which takes the form

(doto (java.util.HashMap.)
  (.put "HOME" "/home/me")
  (.put "SRC"  "src")
  (.put "BIN"  "classes"))

;=> {"HOME" "/home/me", "BIN" "classes", "SRC" "src"}

These kinds of Java and Clojure comparisons are useful for understanding Clojure’s interoperability offerings.

2.8.7. Defining classes

Clojure provides the reify and deftype macros as possible ways to create realizations of Java interfaces, but we’ll defer covering them until chapter 9. Additionally, Clojure provides a macro named proxy that can be used to implement interfaces and extend base classes on the fly. Similarly, using the gen-class macro, you can generate statically named classes. More details about proxy and gen-class are available in chapter 12.

2.9. Exceptional circumstances

We’ll now talk briefly about Clojure’s facilities for handling exceptions. Like Java, Clojure provides a couple of forms for throwing and catching runtime exceptions: throw and catch, respectively. Although throw and catch map almost directly down to Java and JavaScript, they’re considered the standard way of dealing with error handling. In other words, even in the absence of interoperability, most Clojure code uses throw and catch to perform error handling.

2.9.1. Throwing and catching

The mechanism to throw an exception is fairly straightforward:

(throw (Exception. "I done throwed"))
;=> java.lang.Exception: I done throwed ...

The syntax for catching exceptions in Clojure is similar to that of Java:

(defn throw-catch [f]
    (catch ArithmeticException e "No dividing by zero!")
    (catch Exception e (str "You are so bad " (.getMessage e)))
    (finally (println "returning... ")))])

(throw-catch #(/ 10 5))
; returning...
;=> [2]

(throw-catch #(/ 10 0))
; returning...
;=> ["No dividing by zero!"]

(throw-catch #(throw (Exception. "Crybaby")))
; returning...
;=> ["You are so bad Crybaby"]

The major difference between how Java and Clojure handle exceptions is that Clojure doesn’t adhere to checked-exception requirements. The ClojureScript catch form looks similar except for the need to use js to catch core error types, as shown next:

  (throw (Error. "I done throwed in CLJS"))
  (catch js/Error err "I done catched in CLJS"))
;=> "I done catched in CLJS"

In the next and final section of this introduction to Clojure, we’ll present namespaces, which may look vaguely familiar if you’re familiar with Java or Common Lisp.

2.10. Modularizing code with namespaces

Clojure’s namespaces provide a way to bundle related functions, macros, and values. In this section, we’ll briefly talk about how to create namespaces and how to reference and use things from other namespaces. This section will focus on the Clojure (Java targeted) namespacing functionality. For a discussion with a ClojureScript-specific focus on namespaces, see chapter 13.

2.10.1. Creating namespaces using ns

To create a new namespace, you can use the ns macro:

(ns joy.ch2)

Your REPL prompt now displays


This prompt shows that you’re working in the context of the joy.ch2 namespace. Clojure also provides a var *ns* that refers to the current namespace. Any var created is a member of the current namespace:

joy.ch2=> (defn hello []
  (println "Hello Cleveland!"))

joy.ch2=> (defn report-ns []
  (str "The current namespace is " *ns*))

joy.ch2=> (report-ns)
;=> "The current namespace is joy.ch2"

Entering a symbol in a namespace causes Clojure to attempt to look up its value in the current namespace:

joy.ch2=> hello
;=> #<ch2$hello joy.ch2$hello@2af8f5>

You can create new namespaces at any time:

(ns joy.another)


Again, notice that the prompt has changed, indicating that the new context is joy.another. By using the ns form, you tell Clojure to create another namespace and switch over to it. Because the joy.another namespace is new and not nested inside of nor in any way part of the previously created joy.ch2 namespace, attempting to run report-ns will no longer work:

joy.another=> (report-ns)
; java.lang.Exception:
;   Unable to resolve symbol: report-ns in this context

This is because report-ns exists in the joy.ch2 namespace and is only accessible via its fully qualified name, joy.ch2/report-ns. Any namespaces referenced must already be loaded implicitly by being previously defined or by being one of Clojure’s core namespaces, or explicitly loaded through the use of :require, which we’ll discuss next.

2.10.2. Loading other namespaces with :require

Creating a namespace at the REPL is straightforward. But just because you’ve created one and populated it with useful functions doesn’t mean its awesomeness is available for use by any other namespace you create. Instead, in order to use functions from any given namespace, you need to load it from disk. But how do you load namespaces? Clojure provides the convenience directive :require to take care of this task. Here’s an example:

Using :require indicates that you want the clojure.set namespace loaded. You can also use the :as directive to create an additional alias to clojure.set:

(ns joy.req-alias
  (:require [clojure.set :as s]))

(s/intersection #{1 2 3} #{3 4 5})
;=> #{3}

The qualified namespace form looks the same as a call to a static class method. The difference is that a namespace symbol can only be used as a qualifier, whereas a class symbol can also be referenced independently:

The vagaries of namespace mappings from symbols to vars, both qualified and unqualified, can cause confusion between class names and static methods in the beginning, but the differences will begin to feel natural as you progress. In addition, Clojure code in the wild tends to use my.Class and my.ns for naming classes and namespaces, respectively, to help eliminate potential confusion.

2.10.3. Loading and creating mappings with :refer

Sometimes you’ll want to create mappings from vars in another namespace to names in your own, in order to avoid calling each function or macro with the qualifying namespace symbol. To create these unqualified mappings, Clojure provides the :refer option of the :require directive:

(ns joy.use-ex
  (:require [clojure.string :refer (capitalize)]))
(map capitalize ["kilgore" "trout"])
;=> ("Kilgore" "Trout")

The :refer option indicates that only the function capitalize should be mapped in the namespace joy.use-ex. Although you can bring in all public vars from the specified namespace by using :refer :all (or the older :use directive), we don’t generally recommend these. Explicitly specifying the vars you’d like to refer is good practice in Clojure, because it avoids creating unnecessary names in a namespace. Unnecessary names increase the odds of name clashes and make it more difficult for people reading your code to discover the definitions of the vars you use.

2.10.4. Creating mappings with :refer

Clojure also provides a :refer directive that works almost exactly like the option of the same name in the :require directive, except that it only creates mappings for libraries that have already been loaded:

(ns joy.yet-another
  (:refer joy.ch2))

;=> "The current namespace is joy.yet-another"

Using :refer this way creates a mapping from the name report-ns to the actual function located in the namespace joy.ch2 so that the function can be called normally. You can also set an alias for the same function using the :rename keyword taking a map, as shown here:

(ns joy.yet-another
  (:refer clojure.set :rename {union onion}))

(onion #{1 2} #{4 5})
; => #{1 2 4 5}

Note that :rename also works with the :require directive.

2.10.5. Loading Java classes with :import

To use unqualified Java classes in any given namespace, you should import them via the :import directive:

  (:import [java.util HashMap]
           [java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicLong]))

(HashMap. {"happy?" true})
;=> {"happy?" true}

(AtomicLong. 42)
;=> 42

But fully qualified Java class names are always available without any import. Finally, any classes in the Java java.lang package are automatically imported when namespaces are created. We’ll discuss namespaces in more detail in sections 9.1 and 10.1.

2.11. Summary

We named this chapter “Drinking from the Clojure fire hose”—and you’ve made it through! How does it feel? We’ve only provided an overview of the topics needed to move on to the following chapters, instead of a full-featured language tutorial. Don’t worry if you don’t fully grasp the entirety of the Clojure programming language; understanding will come as you work your way through the book.

In the next chapter, we’ll take a step back and delve into some topics that can’t be easily categorized but that deserve attention because of their ubiquity. It’ll be short and sweet and give you a chance to take a breath before moving into the deeper discussions on Clojure later in the book.

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