
Italic numbers refer to figures.

3:2 pulldown, 19–21, 20, 158–9, 216

4:1:1 format, 56

4:2:0 format:

downsampling filters, 116

interlace, 278, 279

macroblocks, 254, 255, 261

Profiles and Levels, 22

sampling rate, 57–8, 58

serial digital interface, 348–9

4:2:2 format:

downsampling filters, 116

interlace, 279

macroblocks, 254, 255, 261

Profiles and Levels, 22, 23

sampling rate, 56–8, 57

serial digital interface, 348

8-VSB, 372, 372, 385, 386

16:9 format, 22

1250/50, 248

A weighting, 175, 183


AAL see Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), adaptation layers

AC-3 family see Dolby AC-3

Accumulators, 81–2

Adaptive Spectral Perceptual Entropy Coding (ASPEC), 199–200, 208

ADC see Analog-to-digital converters

Adders, 81–3, 82, 83, 84

Additive colour matching, 240

Addresses, 124–6, 127

Advanced audio coding (AAC) see MPEG-2 AAC

Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) standards see ATSC

Advanced Video Coding (AVC) (H.264), 5, 288, 328–40

bidirectional coding, 258

codecs, 337–40, 338

de-blocking filters, 343

flashguns, 345

introduction, 26–8

levels, 340, 341

motion compensation, 335–7, 336, 337

multi-rate compression, 354

network abstraction layer, 354, 354

Picture Order Count, 357

profiles, 340

texture coding, 291, 292

vectors, 255

Aliasing, 44, 45, 46

downsampling filters, 116–17, 117

human eye, 236–7, 237

interlaced scan, 247, 248–9, 248–9, 279

interpolation, 109, 110, 114

motion compensation, 150, 279

quadrature mirror filtering, 118, 120

quantizing error, 65, 65

reconstruction, 46–50, 47, 48

requantizing, 166, 166

sub-band coding, 196

time-domain aliasing cancellation (TDAC), 218–19

Alpha data:

mesh coding, 306–8, 307

scaleability, 326

shape coding, 297, 297–9

video objects and MPEG-4, 288–9, 290, 291

Analog filters, 93–4, 93

Analog video, 6, 36–8, 75–80

Analog-to-digital converters (ADC):

filters, 94

PCM, 40, 41

picture transport, 349

two’s complement system, 78–9, 79

Anchor VOPs, 302, 302

Anharmonic distortion, 65, 65, 196


MPEG-4, 25, 26, 27, 324–6

see also Face and body animation

Anti-aliasing filters, 46–50, 46–9, 65, 65

Anti-image filter, 45

Aperture effect, 50–2, 63, 100–1

Aperture ratio, 50, 51, 53

Apt-X, 199

Arithmetic coding:

AVC, 339, 340

shape coding, 298

wavelet transforms, 310, 314, 315

Artifacts, 14, 340–5

composite video, 37

compression guidelines, 33

compression pre-processing, 32

digital video broadcasting (DVB), 369

drawbacks of compression, 31

editing, 6

floating-point block coding, 195, 195

interlaced scan, 246–7, 247

noise-to-masking ratio (NMR), 190–1

prediction, 12

stereo and surround sound, 222–3

ASPEC see Adaptive Spectral Perceptual Entropy Coding

Asymmetrical systems, 1, 2

Asynchronous systems, 397–8, 406, 407–11

Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), 12, 407–11

adaptation layers (AALs), 411–14

variable rate, 12

ATLANTIC system, 349–50, 350

ATM see Asynchronous transfer mode

ATRAC, 199

ATSC system:

AC-318, 199

fixed bit rate, 12

transmission signal, 372, 372

transport stream, 383–9, 384, 386

Attentional selectivity, 222–5

Attenuation, 84–5, 104–5, 121–2

Audio, 28–9, 169–229

band splitting, 117–21

bandwidth, 38

compression applications, 192

compression definition, 4

definition, 35

digital video broadcasting (DVB), 369, 370, 371

floating-point coding, 86

formats, 198–9

gain control, 84–5

level calibration, 33

level metering, 175–7

limits of, 191–2

MPEG applications, 5–7

MPEG Audio, 199–221

MPEG-1, 21

MPEG-2, 24

MPEG-2 AAC, 24

MPEG-4, 26

offset binary, 77

quantizing, 60, 63, 65, 65

sampling rate, 52–5

SNR, 38

stereo, 221–7

sub-band coding, 28, 197–8

surround sound, 221–7

time stamps, 356

tools, 192–7

see also Digital audio broadcasting; Multiplexing

AVC see Advanced Video Coding

B pictures see Bidirectional pictures

B-VOPs see Bidirectional video object planes

babs see Binary alpha blocks


sprites, 308–9, 309

strobing, 236, 238

video object coding, 301–2, 301

Band splitting, 117–21, 162–3, 198

Band-by-band scanning, 313, 314

Band-limiting filters, 45, 46–50, 46–9

Bandpass filters, 118, 118


aliasing, 46

analog signals, 38

AVC, 330

digital television broadcasting, 368–9

MPEG applications, 366

need for compression, 4, 6, 31–2

sampling rate, 46

telephones, 367–8

Bartlett window, 103, 104

Basilar membrane, 180–1, 180, 183–5, 184, 188

Beats, 187–8, 187

Bidirectional (B) pictures, 256–60, 257–60

AVC, 331–2, 335, 337

bidirectional coders, 273–4

concatenation loss, 346–7

interlace, 276, 276, 279

intra-coding, 260, 264–5

motion compensation, 279, 337

MPEG-2, 281, 281, 286

noise pumping, 343

slices, 274–5

time stamps, 356, 356

Bidirectional coding, 256–9, 257

applications, 259–60

AVC, 335

coders, 270–4, 270–3, 281–2, 281

decoders, 284–6, 285

editing and concatenation loss, 346

MPEG-1, 21

MPEG-2, 22, 281–2, 281, 284–6, 285

MPEG-4, 287

time stamps, 356, 356

Bidirectional video object planes (B-VOPs), 327–8, 328–9

MPEG-4, 288, 290

video object coding, 302–3

Binary alpha blocks (babs), 291, 297–9, 300, 301–3, 301

Binary alpha maps, 297–9

Binary coding, 73–83

digital signals, 40

floating-point coding, 85–7

logic elements, 68–70

mesh coding, 319, 320, 322–3, 322

multiplication, 84–5

quantizing, 60–1

sampling rate, 40

shape coding, 297–9

Birdsinging, 65

Bit allocation, 203–4, 206–7, 208, 208

Bit errors, 7, 30–1, 122, 216, 369

Bit rate reduction see Compression

Bit rates:

audio compression, 192

AVC, 330

digital video broadcasting, 370

limits of compression, 191–2

lossless coding, 7

MPEG applications, 366–7, 367, 368

MPEG-1, 21

MPEG-2, 21, 22

multiplexing, 362–4

packet multiplexing, 88–9

PCM digital system, 9

timebase correction, 89–91, 90

Bitstreams, 1–2, 29–30, 353–65

Blackman window, 104

Block coding, 195

Block matching, 150–2, 153

Blocking effects, 334, 335, 343–4


intra-coding, 260–70

see also Macroblocks

Boundary macroblocks, 289, 291, 297–300

Bounding rectangles, 289, 291, 299, 301, 301


critical flicker frequency, 233, 233

human eye and contrast sensitivity, 238–40

perceptive coding, 8

video signals, 36

Broadband networks, 407–11


Asymmetrical systems, 1, 2

audio compression, 192

audio level metering, 176

human auditory system, 183

need for compression, 6–7

see also Digital video broadcasting


inter-coding, 17

limits of compression, 192

MPEG applications, 366–7, 367

MPEG Layer III, 209, 210–11, 211

MPEG-1, 21

MPEG-2, 281–2, 281, 284–6

MPEG-2 AAC, 218

multiplexing, 362–4

recompression, 350, 351, 352

timebase correction, 89–91, 90

Burst errors, 379–80, 380, 392

Butterflies, 135, 137–40, 141

Bytestreams, 354

CABAC see Context adaptive binary arithemtic coding

CAD see Computer aided design

Calibration, codec level, 188–9

Camcorders, 56, 159

Camera shake, 159–61, 343

CAT see Conditional Access Table

CAVLC see Context adaptive variable length coding

CCIR-601, 56, 57

CD-Video, 389–90

CDs see Compact Discs

CELP see Code Excited Linear Prediction

CFF see Critical flicker frequency

Channel coding, 41, 371

Chroma, 37–8

elementary stream, 282–3, 283

format factor, 57–8

interlace, 276–8, 277

CIF see Common intermediate format

Clipping, 63, 75, 81, 176–7


clock references, 359–60

digital video broadcasting, 369

latches, 71, 72


decoders, 284

multiplexing, 87

phase-locked loops, 58–60

reclocking, 68–9, 68

recording, 353

time stamps, 355–7, 355

Cochlea, 179, 180–1, 180

Cocktail party effect, 222–5

Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP), 220


AVC, 337–40, 338

bidirectional coding, 259

concatenation, 346–52

definition, 1

level calibration, 188–9

limits of compression, 191–2

lossless coding, 7

lossy coding, 7

measurement of audio quality,


noise, 10–11, 31, 32

perceptive coding, 7–8

performance, 169–70

prediction, 9–12, 10

storage capacity, 5–6, 5

three-dimensional mesh coding, 323–4, 324

see also Coders; Decoders


AC-3, 218–19, 219

audio coding, 29

AVC, 337–40, 338

definition, 1

elementary stream, 282–3, 283

layers, 199–200

low bit rates, 33

motion compensation, 19, 251–5, 252

MPEG Layer I, 201–6, 202

MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, 281–2

MPEG-2 AAC, 212–18

PCM, 40–1, 40

shape coding, 298, 298

three-dimensional mesh coding, 323–4, 324

wavelet transforms, 314


artifacts, 340–5

audio compression, 28–9, 192–7

MPEG-1, 21

MPEG-2, 21–4

MPEG-4, 24–6

principles of compression, 13–14

see also Advanced Video Coding; Bidirectional coding; Binary coding; Huffman coding; Inter-coding; Intra-coding; Mesh coding; Perceptive coding; Predictive coding; Sub-band coding; Texture coding

Coding distortion, 342–4


human vision, 231, 240, 241

perceptive coding, 8, 8

video types, 36–8

Colour bleed, 343–4

Colour difference systems, 36–8, 37, 240–4, 242, 243

binary coding, 75, 76

interlace, 278

intra-coding, 264

macroblocks, 254, 255

MPEG-2 decoder, 284

offset binary, 77, 79

perceptive coding, 8, 8

quantizing error, 65

sampling, 56–8, 57, 58

sampling rate, 38

video cameras, 36

Common intermediate format (CIF), 21, 389

Compact Discs (CDs), 4, 54, 389


audio compression, 193–4, 193

definition, 1

MPEG Layer I, 202–4

MPEG Layer II, 206, 207

MPEG-2 AAC, 216

near-instantaneous, 195

sub-band coding, 196, 198

Component systems see Colour difference systems

Composite video, 36–7, 37, 344–5, 344, 349

Compression, 16–18

applications, 5–7, 192

audio, 28–9, 53, 169–229

colour difference, 36–7

composite video, 36–8

Compressors, 1

concatenation, 346–52

drawbacks of, 30–1

guidelines, 32–3

interlaced scan, 249–50

MPEG-1, 21

MPEG-2, 21–4

MPEG-4, 24–6

multi-rate, 354

multiplexing, 87, 87

need for, 3–4

PCM, 40–1

pre-processing, 32

principles, 9–14

processing for, 92–168

requantizing, 162–7

shape coding, 297–9

stereo audio, 221–7

surround sound, 221–7

timebase correction, 89–91, 90

video principles, 14–21

wavelet based, 310–15

see also Inter-coding; Intra-coding; Lossless coding; Perceptive coding; Predictive coding

Compression factor, 1, 7–8

Computer aided design (CAD), 36

Computer-generated images, 249–50, 315–24


binary coding, 76

errors, 31

floating-point coding, 85–7

lossless coding, 7

MPEG-4, 5, 25–6, 25

networks, 397–405

statistical multiplexing, 14

Concatenation, 7, 31, 32, 346–52

Conditional Access Table (CAT), 361, 362

Connectivity, 319, 324

Constant alpha value, 297

Context adaptive binary arithemtic coding (CABAC), 339, 340

Context adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC), 339–40, 339

Context coding, 297–9, 298, 301, 301, 339–40

Contrast, human eye, 238–40

Convolution, 97, 98, 99, 100

Critical bands:

beats, 188

human auditory system, 181, 184–7

MPEG-2 AAC, 217

noise-to-masking ratio (NMR), 190–1

sampling, 197, 209

sub-band coding, 198, 201–2, 203

Critical flicker frequency (CFF), 233, 233, 238, 247

D-1 DVTR, 36, 56

D-2 DVTR, 56

D-5 DVTR, 30, 36

D-9 DVTR, 15, 56

D-type latches, 71, 72, 73, 74

DAB see Digital audio broadcasting

DACs see Digital-analog converters

Data reduction see Compression

Datacines, 21

dBs see deciBels

DCC see Digital Compact Cassette

DCT see Discrete cosine transform

De-blocking filters, 334, 335, 338, 338, 343

De-interlacing, 20–1, 161–2, 162, 280

deciBels (dBs), 170–5, 172, 182–3

Decimation, 109–10, 112–14

quadrature mirror filtering, 118–20, 121

wavelet transforms, 144–5, 144, 146

Decode time stamp (DTS), 355–7, 355–7


AVC, 330–1, 337–40, 338

bidirectional coding, 259

compliant, 1–2, 2, 3

convolution, 97

definition, 1

‘dumb’, 1, 2

face and body animation, 325–6, 325

film-originated material, 20–1

MPEG Layer I, 205–6, 206

MPEG Layer II, 208

MPEG-2, 21–2, 283–6

MPEG-2 AAC, 216

MPEG-4, 5, 24, 25–6, 25, 289, 290

MPEG-4 AAC, 220–1

PCM, 40–1, 40

prediction, 9–10, 10, 29

rendering, 316, 316

requantizing, 23, 23

scaleability, 326–8, 326

sprites, 309–10, 310

synchronization, 353–5

three-dimensional mesh coding, 319, 323–4, 324

video objects, 289, 290, 302, 303

wavelet transforms, 310–11, 314

Delaunay mesh, 305

Demultiplexing, 87

defined by MPEG, 3

MPEG Layer II, 206, 208, 208

packet multiplexing, 88, 89

Program Specific Information, 361–2, 361

DFT see Discrete Fourier transform

Differential coding:

composite video, 37–8

inter-coding, 16–18

slices, 274–5

Differential quadrature phase-shift keying (DQPSK), 371–2, 371

Differentiation, 83, 83, 144–5

Difficult source data, 7

Digital audio broadcasting (DAB), 54, 199–200

Digital Betacam, 15, 30, 36, 56

Digital Compact Cassette (DCC), 28

Digital filters, 93, 93

‘Digital look’, 52

Digital optical disks, 389–94

Digital processing, 67–9

binary coding, 73–83

definition, 70

gain control, 84–5

logic elements, 68–70, 68

multiplication, 84–5

storage elements, 71–3

Digital signals, 38–41

Digital video broadcasting (DVB), 369–81

audio sampling rate, 54

fixed bit rate, 12

MPEG Layer II, 200

MPEG-2, 4

receiver, 381–3, 382

transforms, 96

Digital video/versatile disk (DVD), 389–94, 391

audio compression, 199

datacines, 21

MPEG-2, 4

players, 391, 394

storage capacity, 6

Digital-analog converters (DACs):

filters, 94

PCM, 40, 41

picture transport, 349

quantizing error, 61–3, 62

Dim encoders, 349–51, 350

Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 16, 137, 138–40

audio compression, 197

AVC, 292–7, 332–4, 333

coding, 28–9

concatenation loss, 347–8, 347

elementary streams, 282–3, 283

interlace, 276–8, 277, 279

intra-coding, 260–4, 261, 263–4, 265–70

mesh coding, 308, 319

motion compensation, 279

MPEG-2 decoders, 284–6, 285

MPEG-4, 25, 288, 292–7, 293

padding, 300

quantizing distortion, 342–3

shape coding, 297

slices, 274–5

texture coding, 292–7, 292, 293

transforms, 96

video object coding, 301, 301

wavelet transforms, 313–15, 314

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 132–5, 133, 134

discrete cosine transforms, 138–40, 142

phase correlation, 153–7

Discrete frequency transform (DFT), 197

Discrete wavelet transform (DWT), 313–15, 314

Dissonance, 181, 188

Distortion, 342–4

companding, 193–4

floating-point block coding, 195, 195

MPEG Layer I, 202–5

MPEG-2 AAC, 216–17

quantizing, 64–5, 65, 196, 342–4

requantizing, 166

sub-band coding, 196

warping, 123–4

Dither, 65–7, 165–7, 167

Divide-by two counters, 73, 74

Dolby AC-3 family, 29, 199, 218–19, 219, 225

Dolph window, 104, 104

Double precision, 86–7

Downsampling filters, 116–17, 117

DQPSK see Differential quadrature phase-shift keying

Drift, 350

Dropouts, 31, 122

DTS see Decode time stamp

Duality, transforms, 129–32

DVB see Digital video broadcasting

DVD see Digital video/versatile disk

DWT see Discrete wavelet transform

Dynamic resolution, 234–8, 246–7, 247, 248

Ear see Human auditory system

Early token release (ETR), 404–5

EAROMs see Electric alterable ROMs


bidirectional coding, 259–60, 260

concatenation loss, 346–7

film-originated video compression, 20

inter-coding, 15

intra-coding, 15

motion compensation, 150

need for compression, 6

predictive coding, 255–6

Electric alterable ROMs (EAROMs), 73

Elementary streams, 29, 30, 282–3, 283

digital video broadcasting (DVB), 369, 370, 371

MPEG-1, 21

multiplexing, 362–4

packetized, 355, 355

Program Specific Information, 361, 361

transport stream packets, 358, 358


ATLANTIC system, 349–52, 350

AVC, 331

bidirectional coding, 259

companding, 193

compliance, 1–2, 2, 3

MPEG-2 AAC, 212, 213

MPEG-4, 25, 25

prediction, 9–12, 10, 11

‘smart’, 1, 2

synchronization, 353–5

video object coding, 301–3, 301

End of block (EOB), 266, 267, 267, 269, 284

Energy dispersal, 373


limits of compression, 191–2

prediction, 9–11, 11

EOB see End of block

Equiripple filter, 104

Equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB), 186–7, 186

ERB see Equivalent rectangular bandwidth

Error correction:

digital video broadcasting (DVB), 369–70, 370, 372, 379–80, 380

MPEG applications, 366–7, 367

OFDM, 378


compression guidelines, 33

drawbacks of compression, 30–1

inter-coding, 16–18, 17

networks, 400

predictive coding, 255–6

propagation, 31

quantizing error, 61–5

see also Bit errors; Prediction error; Quantizing errors

Ethernet, 398, 399, 402–3, 402

ETR see Early token release

Expanders, definition, 1

Exponents, 85, 86

Eye, 230–4, 231

acuity of, 41, 42

colour difference signals, 244

colour vision, 240, 241

contrast, 238–40

dynamic resolution, 234–8, 236

motion compensation, 150

perceptive coding, 8

Face and body animation (FBA), 24, 25, 288, 324–6, 368

Facial animation parameters (FAPS), 325, 325

Facial definition parameters (FDP), 325, 325

FAPS see Facial animation parameters

Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 132, 135–6, 136–41, 137

DVB receiver, 383

MPEG Layer I, 203–4

MPEG Layer III, 210, 210

OFDM, 378

FBA see Face and body animation

FDP see Facial definition parameters

FFT see Fast Fourier transform

Field-pictures, 276–8, 276, 277, 279

Fields, 230, 275–6, 276, 279

File transfer, 348, 349

Film weave, 159–60, 343, 345

Film-originated material, 19–21

eye tracking, 237

motion compensation, 149, 158–9, 158, 159

scaleability, 25

Filter decimators, wavelet transforms, 144–5, 144


band splitting, 117–21, 162–3

blocking artifacts in AVC, 334, 335

camera-shake compensation, 161

downsampling, 116–17

folding, 106, 106

interpolation, 107–16

loop filters, 360

MPEG-2 AAC, 212–14, 213

processing for compression, 92–5

transforms, 95–6, 96

video noise reduction, 121–2

warping, 126

see also Finite-impulse response filters; Low-pass filters; Reconstruction filters

Finite resolution, 92, 93

Finite-impulse response (FIR) filters, 97–106, 100

interpolation, 109–12, 109–11, 114

quadrature mirror filtering, 117–21

warping, 129

FIR filters see Finite-impulse response

FireWire, 399, 405–7, 405, 406

Flashguns, artifacts, 345

Flexible Macroblock Ordering (FMO), 329–30, 330, 340

Flicker, 148, 265

Floating-point coding, 85–7, 194–6, 194

FMO see Flexible Macroblock Ordering Folded filters, 106, 106

Forest split operation, 318, 318

Fourier transforms, 129–30, 132–8, 146, 147, 149

aperture effect, 50–2

coding, 28–9

MPEG Layer I, 203

phase correlation, 153–7

windowing, 140

Fractional-ratio conversion, 107, 108, 112–15, 115

Frame rates:

background strobing, 238

film-originated video, 19–21, 20

MPEG Layer III, 211, 211

scaleability and MPEG-4, 25

Frame-pictures, 276–8, 276, 277


definition in MPEG, 230

MPEG Layer I, 205, 205

MPEG Layer II, 205, 205

numbers, 357

Frequency discrimination, 183–4, 187–8

Frequency domain:

FIR filters, 102

human auditory system, 178, 181, 182–7, 186

human vision, 233–4, 233, 234

transform coding, 28–9

transforms, 95–7, 96

wavelet transforms, 143–4, 143, 146

Fringing, 343–4

Gain, 84–5, 175–7, 189

Gamma, 8, 85, 238–9, 239

Gates, logic, 69–70, 70

Generation loss, 32

Genlocking, 3, 58–60, 353, 359–60

Ghost cancellor, 376

Gibb’s phenomenon, 102, 104

GOPs see Groups of pictures

GOVs see Groups of video object planes

Gradient matching, 152–3

Granulation, 65

Granules, 207–8, 207, 208

Group-delay error, 94–5, 95

Groups of pictures (GOPs), 256, 258–60, 259, 260

ATLANTIC system, 350

bidirectional coders, 272

buffering, 282

concatenation loss, 346–7

definition, 17–18

elementary streams, 282–3, 283

perceptive coding, 9

switching slices, 331

time stamps, 356, 356

Groups of video object planes (GOVs), 259–60, 260, 288

Guard intervals, 376, 377–8, 381, 383

H.264 see Advanced Video Coding

Hamming window, 104–6, 105

Hann window, 103, 104

Hard disks, errors, 31

Harmonic Vector eXcitation Coding (HVXC), 220


Fourier analysis, 130, 130

quantizing error, 64–5, 65

requantizing, 166, 166

HAS see Human auditory system

HDTV see High-definition television

Headers, 211, 355, 355, 358, 358

Hearing see Human auditory system

Heisenberg inequality, 132, 184–5, 209

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 143–4, 153, 178

Helper signals, 22–3

‘High for a one’ system, 69–70

High-definition television (HDTV), 6, 23, 23

High-pass filters, 144–5, 144

Huffman coding, 13–14, 13

bit errors, 31

intra-coding, 260, 267–8

MPEG Layer III, 210, 210

MPEG-2, 284

MPEG-2 AAC, 217–18

MPEG-4 AAC, 221

Human auditory system (HAS), 169

audio level metering, 176

beats, 187–8

cochlea, 179, 180–1, 180

critical bands, 184–7

ear, 177–80, 178

frequency discrimination, 183–4

level and loudness, 182–3

stereo and surround sound, 222–3

weighting filter, 175

HVXC see Harmonic Vector eXcitation Coding

I coding see Intra-coding

I pictures see Intra pictures

I-VOPs see Intra video object planes

IEC see International Electrotechnical Commission

IIR filters see Infinite-impulse response filters

Image-stabilizing cameras, 159, 160


deciBel, 173

ear, 178–9

telephones, 170, 171

Impedance matching, 173–4, 173

Impulse response:

convolution, 97, 98, 99

FIR filters, 97–106

human auditory system, 185, 185

IIR filters, 100

interpolation, 112, 114

quadrature mirror filtering, 118, 119

transforms, 95–7, 130–1, 131

Impulse response testing, 94–5, 95

In-loop de-blocking AVC, 334, 335, 338, 339

Infinite-impulse response (IIR) filters, 100, 100

Insertion loss, 175

Integer-ratio conversion, 107, 108–14, 108, 109, 114

Intensity stereo, 223

Inter-coding (temporal coding), 15, 15, 16–18

artifacts, 343

AVC, 331

compression principles, 14, 15

concatenation, 346–52

film-originated video compression, 20

motion compensation, 18–19

MPEG, 250–1, 250

padding, 300

shape coding, 299, 300

switching slices, 330–1

texture coding, 292, 294–7, 295

time stamps, 355–7

video object planes, 288, 290

Interlace, 8, 8, 245–50, 275–81

bidirectional coders, 271

compression guidelines, 33

compression pre-processing, 32

concatenation loss, 348

digital video broadcasting (DVB), 369

DVD, 389

eye tracking, 237

film-originated video compression, 20–1

Flexible Macroblock Ordering, 330

generation loss, 32

MPEG-1, 21

MPEG-2, 4, 21, 286

twitter, 246, 247


ATSC, 384–5, 385, 386

digital video broadcasting, 379–80, 380, 381

DVD, 392

MPEG-2 AAC, 221

video types, 36–7

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 199

International Standards Organization (ISO), 1, 199

International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 5

Internet, 5, 107, 208

Interpolation, 107–16

AVC, 335

bidirectional coding, 258

interlace, 162, 279, 280

motion compensation, 162, 335

motion estimation, 151–2

warping, 126, 129

wavelet transforms, 145

Intersymbol interference, 375

Intra (I) pictures, 17–18, 17, 255–6, 260–70

AVC, 330–1, 334, 337, 339

bidirectional coding, 257, 258–60, 258–60, 272–4

concatenation loss, 346–7

interlace, 276, 276

MPEG-2, 22


coder, 281–2, 281

noise pumping, 343

P coding, 255–6, 256

personal video recorders, 396–7

slices, 274–5

time stamps, 356, 356

Intra video object planes (I-VOPs), 327–8, 328, 329

mesh coding, 303–8, 305, 307

MPEG-4, 288, 290, 295

sprites, 308–9, 309, 310

video object coding, 302–3

Intra-coding (I-coding; spatial coding), 15, 15, 260–70

compression principles, 14, 15, 15

film-originated video compression, 20

mesh coding, 304

MPEG, 250–1, 250

MPEG-1, 21, 265–70

MPEG-2, 265–70, 284–6, 285

MPEG-4, 287, 292–4, 293, 294, 296

padding, 300

switching slices, 330–1

texture coding, 292–4, 293, 294, 296

video object coding, 301–3, 301

video object planes, 288, 290

Inverse quantizers, 164, 164

Inverse transforms, 262–4, 262

ISO see International Standards Organization

Isochronous systems, 369, 398, 402, 407

ITU see International Telecommunications Union

ITU-601, sampling rates, 56, 58

Jitter, 38–9, 42, 68, 116, 360

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), 15, 16

Joint Video Team (JVT), 5

Judder, 148–9, 158–9, 158, 345

JVT see Joint Video Team

Kaiser window, 103, 104

Kaiser-Bessel-derived (KBD) windows, 214

Laser disks, transform pairs, 130–1, 131

Latches, 71, 72, 73, 74, 81–2

Leaky predictors, 16–18

Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless codes, 14, 30–1

Level (audio), 175–7, 188–9


AVC, 340, 341

H.264, 28

MPEG-2, 21–4, 22

MPEG-4, 26, 26

Line-up, 175–7

Linear quantizing see Uniform quantizing

Linear-phase systems, 154, 154, 155


dither, 65–7

FIR filters, 100, 106

quantizing, 61–3, 62

Local area networks (LANs), 398

Logarithms, 172

deciBel, 170–3

human auditory system, 182, 183–4, 184

Logic elements, 68–70, 68

Logic gates, 69–70, 70

Lossless coding, 7

AVC, 288

intra-coding, 260–1

LZW, 14

MPEG-2 AAC, 212

OBMC, 296

prediction, 10, 10

reducing bit rate, 342

sign extension, 164

texture coding, 24

transformer, 174, 174

wavelet transform, 311

Lossy coding, 7–8

audio, 221

concatenation, 346–52

prediction, 10, 10, 12

wavelet transform, 311

Loudness, human auditory system, 182–3


codec level calibration, 189

measurement of audio quality, 190

stereo audio, 223–7, 224, 227 ‘Low for a one’ system, 69–70

Low-latency sprite coding, 308–10, 309, 310

Low-pass filters:

filter decimators, 144–5, 144

FIR filters, 100–6, 101

interpolation, 109–11, 109, 110

phase-locked loops, 59

progressive scan, 245

quadrature mirror filtering, 117–21

reconstruction, 46–50, 47–9

sampling, 45, 46, 46

transform pairs, 130–1, 131

Luminance signal, 36, 37, 38

binary coding, 75, 76, 77

colour difference signals, 241–4, 242, 243

compression principles, 15

elementary stream, 282–3, 283

gradient matching, 152–3, 152

interlace, 276–8, 277, 279

macroblocks, 254, 255


decoder, 284

phase correlation, 153–4

quantizing error, 65

sampling rates, 56–7

LZW see Lempel-Ziv-Welch

Macroblocks, 24, 252–5, 253–5 AVC, 329–30, 330, 335–7, 336, 339

bidirectional coding, 256–9, 257, 258, 259

interlace, 276–8

intra-coding, 256, 261, 269, 269

motion compensation, 335–7, 336


decoder, 284–6, 285

MPEG-4, 289, 295–7, 295

scaleability, 327, 328

slices, 274–5

video object coding, 289, 301, 301, 303

see also Boundary macroblocks Manifolds, 321

Mantissae, 85, 86, 194–5, 194, 219

Mapping, addresses, 124–5

Marching bits, 223, 223, 319


codec level calibration, 188–9

human auditory system, 169, 181, 184

limits of compression, 191–2

MPEG Layer I, 202, 203–6, 203

MPEG Layer II, 206

MPEG Layer III, 209–10

MPEG-2 AAC, 216–18

noise-to-masking ratio (NMR), 190–1

perceptive coding in audio, 28

stereophonic systems, 222–5

sub-band coding, 198, 198

MDCT see Modified discrete cosine transform


audio, 169–70, 175–7, 189–91

deciBel, 170–5

human auditory system, 178

Median filters, 122, 297

Memory see Storage elements

Mesh coding, 24–5, 24, 303–8

face and body animation, 324–6

image rotation, 345

MPEG-4, 287, 287

three-dimensional, 315–24

Mesh objects, 287, 287, 305

Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS), 71

Metering, audio, 175–7

Mezzanine level compression, 31

Microphones, 35, 183, 185, 189

Mid-processor, 326, 326

MiniDisc, 29, 199

Modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT):

audio compression, 197

MPEG Layer III, 208–10

MPEG-2 AAC, 212–14, 213

TDAC, 218


OFDM, 96, 376–9, 376, 377, 381

quantizing error, 65, 166–7

see also Pulse code modulation; Quadrature amplitude modulation Modulo arithmetic, 75

MOS see Metal oxide semiconductor Motion:

blur, 235

human eye, 234–8

interlace, 247–9, 248–9, 276, 278

mesh coding, 305–8, 316, 316

MPEG-1, 21

MPEG-4, 24–5, 286–8

recursion smear, 121–2

Motion compensation (MC), 18–19, 147–59, 251–5

AVC, 331, 335–7, 336–8

bidirectional coding, 256–9, 257

coding artifacts, 345

de-interlacing, 161–2, 162

film-originated material, 19–21, 20, 158–9, 158, 159

frame rate, 238

interlace, 279–81

macroblocks, 252–3, 253

motion estimation, 150–7

MPEG-1, 21

MPEG-4, 24–5, 254–5, 294–7, 295

noise pumping, 343

padding, 300, 301, 302

personal video recorders, 396

scaleability, 326, 327

shape coding, 299, 300

video object coding, 301–3, 301, 302

Motion estimation, 148, 150–7, 251–4, 252

filtering for video noise reduction, 122

I coding, 255–6, 256

interlace, 249, 279–81

mesh coding, 306–8, 307

Motion JPEG, 15

Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG), 1, 5, 199

standards see MPEG…

MP3 see MPEG Layer III MPEG:

applications, 366–414

colour difference signals, 244

film-originated material, 158–9

interlaced scan, 249–50

redundancy, 250–5

MPEG Audio Layers, 199–221

MPEG Layer I audio coding, 200, 201–6

data frame, 205, 205

sub-band coding, 28, 198

MPEG Layer II audio coding, 200, 206–8

data frame, 205, 205

stereo audio, 225

sub-band coding, 28, 198

MPEG Layer III audio coding, 200, 208–11

discrete cosine transform (DCT) coding, 29

stereo audio, 225

MPEG-1, 4, 21

audio coding, 200–1

bidirectional coding, 258, 259–60, 260, 270–4, 270–3

CD-Video, 389

coders, 281–2

discrete cosine transform (DCT), 16

interlace, 275

intra-coding, 260, 265–70

limits of compression, 191

motion compensation, 252–3


decoders, 283

sampling structures, 57, 58

MPEG-2, 4

ATLANTIC system, 349–52, 350

audio coding, 200–1

AVC, 28, 288

bidirectional coding, 258, 259–60, 260, 270–4, 270–3

bitstreams, 30

coders, 281–3, 281, 283

concatenation loss, 348

decoders, 283–6, 285

digital television broadcasting, 368–9

discrete cosine transform (DCT), 16

DVD, 389–94

elementary streams, 282–3, 283

image rotation, 345

interlace, 8, 275–81, 279

intra-coding, 256, 260, 265–70

Levels, 21–4, 22

limits of compression, 191

macroblocks, 252–3, 254, 255

motion compensation, 252–3, 279

multi-rate compression, 354

multiplexing, 362–4, 364

picture transport, 349

Profiles, 21–4, 22

recompression, 350

sampling structures, 57–8

texture coding, 291–2, 292

time stamps, 355–7, 355

transport streams, 357–9


AAC (advanced audio coding), 24, 201, 212–18, 221

frequency prediction, 29

MPEG-4, 26

MPEG-4, 4–5, 24–6, 286–8

AAC, 212

audio coding, 219–20

bidirectional coding, 259–60, 260, 271

discrete cosine transform, 16

face and body animation, 324–6

image rotation, 345

interlace, 275

intra-coding, 260

mesh coding, 303–8, 318–19, 319

motion compensation, 254–5

rendering, 316, 316

sampling structures, 57

scaleability, 326–8

telephones, 368

texture coding, 291–7, 292

video object coding, 288–91, 302–3, 302

warping, 107, 123–9

wavelet transforms, 16, 310–15


AAC, 220–1


Part 10 see Advanced Video Coding Multi-rate compression, 354

Multipath reception, 375–9, 376, 379

Multiplexing, 2–3, 87–9

bitstreams, 29–30, 30

digital video broadcasting, 369–70, 371

MPEG-2, 21

packet, 87, 88–9, 88

Program Clock Reference, 359–60

Program Specific Information, 361–2, 361

statistical, 12–14, 88–9

transport streams, 357–9, 358, 362–4


filtering for video noise reduction, 121–2

FIR filters, 102–4, 106

gain control, 84–5, 84

interpolation, 109–10

MUSICAM, 199–200, 201, 206

NAL see Network Abstraction Layer; Network Application Layer Natural sound, 220

Network Abstraction Layer (NAL), 354

Network Application Layer (NAL), 330

Network Information Table (NIT), 361–2, 361

Networks, 397–401


NIT see Network Information Table

NLL see Numerically locked loop

NMR see Noise-to-masking ratio


companding, 193–4, 193

compression pre-processing, 32

digital video broadcasting, 372

distortion distinction, 342–3

dither, 65–7

drawbacks of compression, 31

filtering for video noise reduction, 121–2

gamma, 8

human eye, 238–40, 239

interpolation, 116

intra-coding, 16, 260, 264–5, 264

motion compensation, 149–50, 149

noise-to-masking ratio (NMR), 190–2, 190, 204

perceptual noise substitution (PNS), 220–1

prediction, 10–11

quantizing error, 63–4, 64, 65

requantizing, 23, 23, 164–5, 166–7

scaleability, 25

sub-band coding, 196, 203–4, 203

Noise pumping, 343–4

Noise-to-masking ratio (NMR), 190–2, 190, 204

Non-uniform quantization, 164–5, 210

Non-volatile RAMs (NVRAMs), 71

NTSC, 8, 8, 36–7

ATSC, 387–9, 388

interlaced scan, 248

picture transport, 349

sampling, 56

Numerically locked loop (NLL), 59–60, 60, 359–60

NVRAMs see Non-volatile RAMs

Nyquist frequency, 46, 48, 52–3

Object coding, 24, 24, 25, 230, 301–3, 302

Object pieces, 308–9, 309

OBMC see Overlapped block motion compensation

OFDM see Orthogonal frequency digital modulation

Off-line editing, 6

Offset binary, 76–7, 77, 79

Ohm’s law, 171

On-line editing, 6

Opaque macroblocks MPEG-4, 289, 291

Optic flow axis, 18–19, 18

camera-shake compensation, 160–1, 161

dynamic resolution and the eye, 234–8, 236

film-originated material, 19–21, 20, 158–9, 158

interlace, 161–2, 162, 247–9, 248–9

judder, 345

mesh coding, 303

motion compensation, 147–50, 149, 161–2, 162

motion estimation, 150–7

MPEG, 251

Optical filters, 93, 93, 94

Orthogonal frequency digital modulation (OFDM), 96, 376–9, 376, 377, 381

Oscillators, phase-locked loops, 58–60, 59, 60

Overlapped block motion compensation (OBMC), 294–7, 295

P pictures see Predicted pictures

Packet Identification Codes (PIDs), 358–9, 358

DVB receiver, 383

multiplexing, 362, 363

Program Clock Reference, 359

Program Specific Information, 361–2, 361

remultiplexers, 365

Packetized elementary stream (PES), 355–7, 355, 357


MPEG applications, 366–7, 367

multiplexing, 87, 88–9, 88, 362–4, 364

networks, 400–2, 401, 404

Reed-Solomon codes, 379, 380

remultiplexers, 365

synchronization, 354–5

time stamps, 355–7

transport streams, 357–9, 358

Packing, 89

Padding, 299–300, 301–2, 301, 302

PAL, 8–9, 8, 36–7

interlaced scan, 248

picture transport, 349

sampling, 56

Panpots, 223–4, 224

Pans, 256, 309, 343

Partitions, 321–2, 324, 335–7, 336

PAT see Program Association Table

Payload, 358, 358

Payload bit rate, 362, 370

PCM see Pulse code modulation

PCR see Program Clock Reference

Peak Program Meter (PPM), 176, 177


auditory masking, 28

coding in perceptive codes, 14

limits of compression, 191–2

perceptive coding, 7–8

vision, 232–3

see also Human auditory system; Human vision

Perceptive coding, 7–8

AC-3, 219

audio, 28–9

coding, 14

colour video signals, 36

human hearing, 169

masking, 188–9

MPEG Layer III, 209–10

Perceptual noise substitution (PNS), 220–1

Persistence of vision, 233, 245

Personal video recorders (PVRs), 394–7, 395

Perspective, 24–5, 126–9, 303–8

PES see Packetized elementary stream

Phase correlation, 137, 153–7, 156, 157

Phase modulation, 371–2, 371

Phase-locked loops, 58–60

Phase-locking, 116, 181

Phase-shift keying (PSK), 371–3, 371

Phons, 182, 183

Picture gradient, 292–4, 293

Picture Order Count (POC), 357

Picture size, 21–4, 22, 41, 42, 116–17

Picture transport mechanisms, 348, 349

Pilot signals, 378, 383

Pinhole cameras, 126, 128

Pitch correction, 53

Pitch discrimination, 181, 184, 186–7, 186


adresses, 125, 125

AVC, 322, 328–9, 332–4, 333

block matching, 150–2, 151

compression principles, 14

discrete cosine transform (DCT), 139–40, 143

downsampling filters, 116–17

gradient matching, 152–3, 152

interpolation, 107, 112

intra-coding, 261–3

mesh coding, 303

motion-compensated de-interlacing, 161–2

MPEG-2, 22

picture size in MPEG-1, 21

ray tracing, 315–16, 315

sampling rates, 58

shape coding, 297–9

spatial frequency, 41, 42, 42

‘square’, 58

texture coding in MPEG-4, 291–7

warping, 125–9, 129

wavelet transforms, 144–5

Place theory, 181

PMT see Program Map Table

PNS see Perceptual noise substitution

POC see Picture Order Count

Point spread function, 92–3, 93

Polyphase bandsplitting, 120–1, 121

MPEG Layer I, 201–4

MPEG Layer II, 206

MPEG Layer III, 208–9

Posterization, 65

PPM see Peak Program Meter

Pre-echo, 195, 195, 209–11, 214

Precedence effect, 181, 223, 225

Predicted (P) pictures, 255–6, 256

AVC, 331–2, 334, 337, 339

bidirectional coding, 257, 258–60, 25860, 273–4

inter-coding, 17–18

interlace, 276, 276, 279–80

intra-coding, 260, 264–5

motion compensation, 279–80, 337

MPEG-2, 22, 281, 281, 286

noise pumping, 343

personal video recorders, 396–7

slices, 274–5

time stamps, 356, 356

Predicted video object planes (P-VOPs), 327–8, 328, 329

mesh coding, 305–8, 305, 307

MPEG-4, 288, 290, 295–6

OBMC, 294

video object coding, 302–3

Prediction error (residual), 10, 12

artifacts, 342

AVC, 337

bidirectional coding, 257, 271–4

coding artifacts, 342

flashguns, 345

intra-coding, 260, 264–5, 269

motion compensation, 19, 251–4, 252, 253, 279

MPEG-2 AAC, 214–15, 215

MPEG-4, 24, 296

noise pumping, 343

recompression, 350

shape coding, 298–9

Predictive coding, 9–12, 10, 251–5

artifacts, 340–2

audio coding, 29

AVC, 292–7, 293, 295, 296, 331–4, 337, 338

bidirectional coding, 256–9, 257

concatenation loss, 346–7, 347

inter-coding, 16–18

intra-coding, 255–6, 256, 269

mesh coding, 25, 305–8, 306, 307

motion compensation, 19, 279–81, 280

MPEG-2, 284–6, 285

MPEG-2 AAC, 212, 213, 214–16, 215

MPEG-4, 25, 287, 292–7, 293, 295, 296

recompression, 350

scaleability, 327, 327

shape coding, 297–9, 298

texture coding, 24, 292–7, 293, 295, 296

video object coding, 302–3, 302

zerotrees, 312, 313–15, 314

Presentation time stamp (PTS), 355–7, 355, 356, 357

Processing for compression, 92–168


AVC, 28, 340

MPEG-2, 21–4, 22

MPEG-2 AAC, 212

MPEG-4, 5, 24, 26, 26, 27

Program Association Table (PAT), 361–2, 361, 363, 365, 383

Program Clock Reference (PCR), 359–60, 360

digital video broadcasting, 369, 383

multiplexing, 362, 363

remultiplexers, 365

Program Map Table (PMT), 361, 361, 363, 365, 383

Program Specific Information (PSI), 361–2, 361

digital video broadcasting, 370, 371

multiplexing, 363

remultiplexers, 365

Program streams, 29–30, 30, 359–60

Progressive scan, 245, 245, 249

DVD, 389

eye tracking, 237

residual image and MPEG, 251

zig-zag, 266, 266

Propagation delay, 68–9, 68

Pseudo-random sequence (PRS), 373–5, 375, 380

Pseudo-video systems, 53–4

PSI see Program Specific Information

Psychoacoustic models, 169

critical bands, 184–7

masking, 189, 189

MPEG Layer III, 209–10, 210

MPEG-2 AAC, 212, 213, 218

perceptive coding, 7–8

stereophonic systems, 222–3

PTS see Presentation time stamp

Pulse code modulation (PCM), 38–41, 39

bit rate, 9

filtering, 95

noise, 10–11

SNR, 192

sub-band coding, 197–8

Pulse train, 42–3, 43

PVRs see Personal video recorders

QMFs see Quadrature mirror filters

QPSK see Quadrature phase-shift keying

Quadrature, 43

Quadrature amplitude modulation (QUAM), 373, 374, 381

Quadrature mirror filters (QMFs), 117–21, 206, 208

Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), 371, 372, 381

Quality, audio, 169, 178, 189–91, 227

QUAM see Quadrature amplitude modulation

Quantizing, 39–40, 60–5

auditory masking, 28

AVC, 337

binary coding, 75, 76–7, 78–9

companding, 193–4

concatenation loss, 347–8, 347

FIR filters, 102

Hanning window, 105–6, 105

MPEG Layer I, 204

MPEG Layer III, 210–11, 210, 211

MPEG-2 AAC, 213, 216, 221

multiplication, 85

sub-band coding, 28

three-dimensional mesh coding, 317

wavelet transforms, 310, 311, 314, 315

Quantizing error, 61–7, 165–7, 264–5

Quantizing noise/distortion, 63–4, 64, 342–4

floating-point block coding, 195, 195

sub-band coding, 196

Quincunz pattern, 246–7

Random access memories (RAMs), 71, 72, 89–90, 390–3, 395

Random errors, 379–80, 380, 392

Randomizing, 96, 373–5, 375, 384

Ray tracing, 315–16, 315

Read-only-memories (ROMs), 71–3


ATSC, 387–9, 388

DVB, 381–3, 382

Reclocking, 68, 69

Recompression, 347, 350–2, 364–5, 364

Reconstruction, 46–50

wavelet transforms, 145

zero-order hold system, 50–2

Reconstruction filters, 45, 46–50

audio sampling rate, 53, 54

convolution, 97

interpolation, 111

quadrature mirror filtering, 118, 118

zero-order hold system, 51

Recursion smear, 121–2

Recursive filters see Infinite-impulse response (IIR) filters


compression pre-processing, 32

definition, 9, 11, 12

drawbacks of compression, 30–1

errors, 31

inter-coding, 15

motion compensation, 18–19

MPEG, 250–5

Reed-Solomon codes, 379, 380, 383, 384

Reference pictures, 19

Reflections, radio signals, 375–9, 376, 379

Remez exchange algorithm, 104

Remote vectors, 294–7, 295

Remultiplexing, 364–5

Rendering, 25–6, 25, 27, 316–24, 325

Requantizing, 162–7, 164

AC-3, 219

buffers, 281–2

concatenation loss, 347–8, 347

floating-point block coding, 195

intra-coding, 263–5, 269, 269

measurement of audio quality, 189–90

MPEG Layer I, 202, 204

MPEG Layer II, 206–8

MPEG-2, 22–3, 23

MPEG-2 AAC, 216–18, 221

recompression, 350

sub-band coding, 198, 198

Residual see Prediction error


colour difference signals, 244

human vision, 231, 232, 234–8, 234

interlaced scan, 161–2, 247–8

MPEG-2, 22

wavelet transforms, 144–5, 310–15, 311–13

Retina, 231–4, 231, 237–8, 240, 241

Reverberation, 185, 186, 223–5, 224

Reverse gamma function, 238–9, 239

RGB component systems see Colour difference systems

Ring memory, 89–90, 90

RLC/VLC see Run-length coding/variable-length coding

ROM see Read-only-memory

Rooted vertex tree, 321, 321

Rotation, 321–2, 345

Run lengths, 223, 223, 324

Run-length coding/variable-length coding (RLC/VLC), 266–70, 267–8, 281–2, 292

S-VOPs see Static video object planes

Saccadic motion, 232–3

Sampling, 41–6

aperture effect, 50–2

audio, 52–5, 196–7

bandwidth, 46

binary coding, 73, 76–7

colour difference signals, 56–8

convolution, 97

data rate, 191

digital filters, 93, 93

dither, 67

duality, 131–2, 132

FIR filters, 102

human eye, 236–7

human vision, 232–3

interpolation, 107–16

mesh coding, 303

PCM, 38–40, 39

quadrature mirror filtering, 117–21

quantizing, 60, 65

reconstruction, 46–50

video, 56–8

Sampling clocks, 38–9, 56, 59, 89

Scale factor bands, MPEG-2 AAC, 164, 216–17, 217

Scale factor select information (SCFSI), 207

Scale factors:

MPEG Layer I, 202, 204, 206

MPEG Layer II, 207–8, 208

MPEG-2 AAC, 213, 216–18, 217

requantizing, 164


interpolation, 107, 108

mesh coding, 304

MPEG-2, 21, 22–3

MPEG-4, 25, 27, 288, 326–8

three-dimensional mesh coding, 318

wavelet transform, 310–15

Scaleable sampling rate (SSR), 212


ATSC, 384–5, 385

Flexible Macroblock Ordering, 329–30

mesh coding, 319–21, 322

sampling, 42, 42

video standards, 36

wavelet transform, 310

zerotrees, 312–13

see also Interlace; Progressive scan; Zig-zag scan

SCFSI see Scale factor select information

Scotopic vision, 231, 232

SCR see System Clock Reference

SDH see Synchronous digital hierarchy

SDI see Serial digital interface

SDTV see Standard definition television

SECAM, 8, 8, 36–7

Semiconductors, 71, 72

Separability, 125–6

Serial digital interface (SDI), 348–9, 349

Shannon reconstruction, 46–7, 47, 50

Shape coding, 297–9

mesh coding, 307, 308, 316, 316, 317

video object coding, 301–3, 301, 302

Shift registers, 71, 89, 101–2, 101

Short-term Fourier transform (STFT), 132, 136–7

Sidebands, sampling, 44–6, 44, 45

Sign extension, 163, 164

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR):

analog signals, 38

companding, 193, 193

digital video broadcasting, 371–2

dither, 66, 67

floating-point coding, 194–5, 194

requantizing, 23

Single program transport stream (SPTS), 29, 30, 357

Size, 266–7, 267

Slice groups, 329–30, 330

Slices, 252–3, 254, 274–5

AVC, 330–1, 340

elementary stream, 282–3, 283

Picture Order Count, 357

Smear, 121–2, 225–6, 226

SONET see Synchronous optical network

Sound objects, 220

Sound pressure level (SPL):

codec level calibration, 188–9

critical bands, 184, 185

deciBels, 170, 175

human auditory system, 182–3

Source coding scheme, 370, 370, 371

Spatial coding see Intra-coding

Spatial filters, 45

Spatial luminance gradient, 152–3

Spatial sampling, 41, 42

Speech, 25, 26, 220

SPL see Sound pressure level

Splines, 317

Sprites, 287, 308–10

SPTS see Single program transport stream

SSR see Scaleable sampling rate Standard definition television (SDTV), 22, 23, 23

Static video object planes (S-VOPs), 308–10, 309, 310

Statistical multiplexing, 12–14, 88–9, 359, 363–4, 363

Stereo audio, 216, 221, 221–7

STFT see Short-term Fourier transform

Still photography, 24, 25, 41

Stitches, 321–2, 322

Storage elements, 68–9, 68, 71–3

accumulators, 81–2

binary counters, 73, 74

capacity, 5–6, 5

timebase correction, 89–91

Strobing, 148

Stuctured audio, 26, 220

Stuffing, 89, 362

Sub-band coding, 28, 201–10

AC-3, 218–19

audio compression, 196, 197–8

quadrature mirror filtering, 120

requantizing, 164

wavelet transform, 311–15, 312

Subcarriers, 37–8, 37, 344–5, 344

Sum/difference format, 216

Surround sound, 221–7

Switching, 212, 213, 340, 350–2, 351

Switching slices, 330–1

SX DVTR, sampling, 56


digital video broadcasting, 369

multiplexing, 3

patterns, 354–5

phase-locked loops, 58–60

Program Clock Reference, 359–60

time stamps, 355–7, 355

transmission of MPEG bitstreams, 353–5

Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), 408, 410

Synchronous optical network (SONET), 408, 410

Synthesis filters, 118, 118

System Clock Reference (SCR), 359–60, 360

Tape, errors, 31

Tape recorders, 175–6

TDAC see Time-domain aliasing cancellation

Telecine machines, 19–21, 20, 159–60


impedance, 170

limits of compression, 191–2

MPEG applications, 367–8

quantizing, 60


audio sampling rate, 54

binary coding, 76

bitstreams, 29–30

film-originated video, 19–21, 20

human vision, 238, 240

interlace, 8, 8, 245–50

intra-coded compression, 16

linear-phase systems, 154

motion estimation, 151

Motion JPEG, 15

video signals, 35–6

see also Digital video broadcasting; Standard definition television

Temporal coding see Inter-coding

Temporal noise shaping (TNS), 214

Texture coding:

H.264, 26–8

mesh coding, 304–5, 307, 308, 316, 316

motion compensation, 24

MPEG-4, 287, 287, 291–7

shape coding, 299

video object coding, 301–3, 301, 302

video object planes, 288–9, 290

Texture padding, 300, 301–2, 301, 302

Thermal noise, 64

Three-dimensional mesh coding, 315–24

Time division multiplexed (TDM), 397–8, 406

Time domain:

aliasing, 46

convolution, 97, 98, 99

HAS, 178, 184–5, 186

predictive coding, 29

transforms, 95–7, 96

wavelet transforms, 143–4, 143, 146

see also Inter-coding

Time stamps, 355–7

digital video broadcasting, 369

DVB receiver, 383

MPEG-2 decoder, 286

Time-domain aliasing cancellation (TDAC), 218–19

Time-domain audio waveform, 28–9

Timebase correction, 38–9, 42, 89–91, 344

TNS see Temporal noise shaping

Token ring system, 403–5, 404

TotalZeros, 339–40, 339

Trailing ones (T1s), 339–40, 339

Training sequence, 376

Transcoding, 242–3

Transform pairs, 130–1, 131

Transforms, 95–7, 129–47

audio compression, 196–7

AVC, 331, 334, 334, 337

composite video, 37

duality, 129–32, 214, 215

intra-coding, 260–5

MPEG Layer III, 208

phase correlation, 153–7

redundancy, 163

requantizing, 164

time-domain aliasing cancellation (TDAC), 218–19

warping, 125–9, 127

wavelet, 140–7, 310–15, 311

see also Discrete cosine transform (DCT); Fourier tranforms; Wavelet transforms


AC-3, 218

audio compression, 197

floating-point coding, 195, 195

human auditory system, 180

MPEG Layer I, 204

MPEG Layer II, 207

MPEG Layer III, 209, 209, 210–11, 211

MPEG-2 AAC, 214, 215, 216, 218

stereo audio, 223, 225

sub-band coding, 198

transform coding, 29


digital television broadcasting, 368–81

MPEG bitstreams, 353–5

Transmission errors, 16–18, 33

Transmultiplexers, 364–5, 364

Transparent macroblocks, 289, 291

Transport streams, 357–9, 358

ATSC, 383–9

digital video broadcasting (DVB), 369–70, 371

elementary stream, 29, 30

multiplexing, 362–4

Program Clock Reference, 359–60

Program Specific Information, 361–2, 361

remultiplixing, 364–5, 364

Transversal filters, 102, 115, 115

Tree-depth scanning, 313, 314

Triangle coding, 317–24, 318, 320

Two-dimensional mesh coding, 303–8

Two’s complement system, 77–81, 78–82

floating-point coding, 85, 85, 86

requantizing, 164–7, 167

sign extension, 163, 164

Uniform quantizing, 60–1

Unmasking, 222–5

Unstructured data transfer (UDT), 411

Update pieces, 308–9, 309

Variable-length coding (VLC), 266–70, 267–8

AVC, 339–40, 339

three-dimensional mesh coding, 319

weaknesses, 366

Variable-ratio conversion, 108, 108, 116

VBV see Video buffer verifier

VCEG see Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG)

VCL see Video Coding Layer

VCO see Voltage-controlled oscillator

VCXO see Voltage controlled crystal oscillator

Vectors, 19, 148, 251–4, 252

AVC, 292, 292, 294–7, 295, 335–7, 336, 337

face and body animation, 325

interlace, 279

mesh coding, 305–8, 306, 307, 324

motion estimation, 150–7

MPEG-2 coder, 281

MPEG-4, 254–5

quantization, 221

slices, 254

sprites, 308

texture coding, 292, 292, 294–7, 295

video object coding, 302–3, 302

Vertex loop look-up table, 320, 321, 324

Vertices, 317–24, 317, 318, 320, 325

Video, 230–52

analog, 6, 36–8, 75–80

audio sampling rate, 53–4

bandwidth, 38

camera-shake compensation, 159–61

composite, 344–5, 344

compression principles, 14–21

distortion produced by quantizing error, 65

film-orignated material, 19–21

gamma, 8

interlaced scan, 245–50

interpolation, 107

motion compensation, 147–50

motion estimation, 150–7

MPEG applications, 5–7

MPEG-1, 21

multiplication, 85

noise reduction, 121–2

picture transport, 349

progressive scan, 245, 245, 249

quantizing, 60, 63

sampling, 56–8

SNR, 38

types, 36–8

use of audio compression, 192

see also Digital video broadcasting; Multiplexing

Video buffer verifier (VBV), 282

Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) (ITU), 5

Video Coding Layer (VCL), 330

Video object coding, 301–3, 301, 306–8, 307

Video object planes (VOPs), 230

mesh coding, 303–8, 304

MPEG-4, 287, 288–9, 289–91, 295–7

padding, 299–300

scaleability, 326–8

shape coding, 297–9

sprites, 308–10, 309, 310

video object coding, 301–3, 301, 302

Video objects:

mesh coding, 303–8

MPEG-4, 287, 287, 288–91

ray tracing, 315–16, 315

Video phones, 367–8

Video-CD, 4

Virtual objects, 315–24

Visemes, 325

Vision, eye, 230–4

Visual accommodation, 230–1

Visual Objects, MPEG-4, 26, 26, 27, 287–8, 287

Visual Profiles, MPEG-4, 26, 26, 27

Voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO), 359–60, 360

Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), 58–60, 59, 60

Volume Unit (VU) meter, 176

VOPs see Video object planes

VU meter see Volume Unit (VU) meter

Warping, 123–9

interpolation, 107

mesh coding, 307, 308

MPEG-4, 287

sprites, 310, 310

Wave filters, 120

Wavelet transforms, 16, 140–7, 143–7, 149, 310–15

convolution, 97

intra-coding, 260

MPEG-4, 25, 288

transform coding, 28–9

Weave, 159–60


AVC, 335

intra-coding, 264–5, 264, 269, 269

texture coding, 292, 296, 296

Weighting curves, 183

White noise, 64, 167

Window functions:

audio compression, 197, 197

FIR filters, 102–6, 103

Fourier transforms, 136–7, 140, 142, 147

interpolation, 109–10, 112

MPEG Layer III, 209–10, 209

MPEG-2 AAC, 212–14

wavelet transforms, 140–1

Wraparound, 74, 75, 82

Yeltsin walk, 278, 279

Zero-order hold (ZOH) system, 50–1, 51, 52

Zero-run-length, 266–7, 267–8, 284

Zerotree coding, 311–15, 313, 314

Zig-zag scanning, 266, 266

interlace, 278, 279

MPEG-2 decoder, 284

MPEG-4, 294, 294

ZOH see Zero-order hold

Zoom-ins, sprites, 309, 309, 343

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