
A-76 process, 41, 189

government employees, 201-202

abuse of discretion, 170

acceptance: implied-in-fact contracts and, 117

lack of ambiguity in, 111

of offers/proposals, 107-108

acceptance following inspection, 53

accountable officers, 64

accrual, 254-255

ACM Construction and Marine Group, Inc., 127-128

Acquest, 49

ACS Government Services, 89-90

actual authority, 159

implied, 112-113, 117

Adelphia Communications, 49

Administrative Dispute Resolution Act (1996), 191

Advanced Team Concepts (ATC), 116-117

AECOM, 42-43, 44

Agency for International Development (AID), 199-200

agency-level protest, 221

agency relationships, 67-68

agreements: “other transaction,” 102-103

types of, 98-103. See also blanket purchase agreements; cooperative agreements; settlement agreements

Airport Building Associates (ABA), 266

Alpine Computers, 217

alternative dispute resolution (ADR), 242

ambiguity: in contracts, 111

latent or hidden, 136-138

patent, 136-137

rules for interpreting, 139-143

sources of, 135

American Government Properties (AGP), 61-62

amicus curiae (friend of court), 195

Annual Contributions contracts (ACCs), 100

Anti-Assignment Act, 60

Anti-Kickback Act, 54

apparent authority, contractor bound by, 112, 160-162

appellate courts, 177-178

appellate judges, 177

Approval Letter, 145

“arbitrary and capricious” test, 8

Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA), 54, 75, 156, 158, 161, 247

ambiguity, 137

applied-in-fact contract, 118

no prejudice, 165-166

other relief claim, 251

Army Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), 213-214

Army National Guard, 197-198

Article I courts, 205-206

Article III courts, 205-206

assignments, 57, 64

of claims, 58-59

of contract, 59-62

waivers for, 59-60

attorney fees, 134, 268, 272-274

authority: actual, 112, 117, 159

apparent, 112, 160-162

to bind government, 111-112

of contracting officer, 81-88

contract provisions delegating, 158-159

exception to delegated, 112-115

implied, 87-88, 159-160

implied actual, 112-113

implied-in-fact contracts and, 117

institutional ratification and, 114-115

warranted, 112

automatic stay, 235-238

award decision: documentation for, 23-24

mechanical process, 22-23

unreasonable trade-offs in, 24-26

bad faith, 27-28, 30-31

in termination for convenience, 169

Badger Truck Center, 26

bait and switch, 88-90

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BG&E), 202

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya-Puerto Rico (BBV), 58

bankruptcy law, 60-61, 205. See also U.S. Bankruptcy Court

Base Technologies, Inc. (BTI), 17

Beneco, 226

beyond-scope changes: indicators of, 151-153

large changes in contract cost and, 152-153

type of work and, 151-152

BFI, 269

biased ground rules, 41

Bid Protest Regulations, 233

bids, 189, 203

protesting, 222. See also Invitation for Bids

Big preparation, 189

blanket purchase agreements (BPAs), 98, 103, 109

boards of contract appeals (BCAs), 115, 120, 176, 207

appealing contracting officer final decision, 255-260

claims, 211-219

claims jurisdiction, 242

disputes beyond jurisdiction, 212-213

executive branch, 211

jurisdiction, 211-212

law applied in claims, 214

relief available in claims, 214-215

sovereign immunity, 217

standing requirement for contractors in claims, 215-217

torts, 213

Bonneville Associates, 257-258

bounty hunters, 76-77

Boyle v. United Technologies Corp., 68

branches of government, 178-179

breach of contract, implied duty of good faith and fair dealing and, 32

breach of implied contract, 189

breach of property rights, 211

British legal system, 261-262

Bureau of Prisons, 106

Camp Navajo, 156

Capital City Pipes, Inc., 85

cardinal change, 149

termination for convenience and, 170-171

Certificate of Competency, 46, 228

certification: of claim, 248

false, 91

implied, 90-93

certifying officers, 64, 65

CGI Federal, 194

change orders, 82

Changes clause, 82, 148-153, 158, 237

deadlines and, 162

notice under, 83-84, 163-165

Chicago HUD program, 237

Christian Doctrine, 166-168

CIFA, 81-82

CitiWest, 25-26

City of El Centro v. United States, 87

civil action, 235

Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA), 106, 131

civil law, 177

claims, 173, 183-184, 241-243

accrual, 254-255

appeals to Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 260

assignment of, 58-59

boards of contract appeals, 211-219

certification, 248

contracting officer handling, 251-253

deadlines, 254-260

deadlines and interest, 243-244

defined, 243-244, 246

de novo, 258-260

election doctrine, 257-260

filing, 246-253, 254-255

fraud in, 93-94

government contracts, 205-219

for interpretation of contract terms, 248-249

law applied in, 207, 214

litigation, 184

for other relief, 249-251

protests different from, 220-221

raising and resolving, 246-253

relief available boards of contract appeals claims, 214-215

request of equitable adjustment different from, 244-245

sovereign immunity for, 210-211

statute of limitations for appeal, 255-260

statute of limitations for filing, 254-255

subcontractors, 215-216. See also Court of Federal Claims

claims jurisdiction: boards of contract appeals, 242

Court of Federal Claims, 206-207, 242

general rule, 206

implied contracts, 206-207

Classic Optical Laboratories Inc., 11, 22-23, 223

clear and express language, 144

clearly meritorious protests, 271

Clearwater Constructors Inc., 249

colleagues, opinions and views of, 34-35

common-law, contract defined in, 103, 104

competency, legal, 111-112

competition: contract, 101

fair and reasonable, 12-14

full and open, 171-172

Competition in Contracting Act (CICA), 29, 191, 201-202, 224, 262

clearly meritorious protests, 271

corrective action, 270-271

Court of Federal Claims, 12

Government Accountability Office, 268-269

reasonable rates, 272-274

undue delay, 269-270

competitive advantages, unfair, 39

competitive conduct, unfair, 38-39

competitive proposals, 233

competitive usefulness, 44

concession contracts, 115

Government Accountability Office, 196

conflict of interest: organizational, 39-45

qui tam lawsuits and, 76-79

congressional reference cases, before Court of Federal Claims, 253

consent decrees, court-ordered, 263-264

consideration, 108-111

implied-in-fact contracts and, 117

constitutional rights, 74

constitutional taking issues, 211

constitutional torts, 74-75

constructive changes: contracts, 154-160

defined, 154

extras and, 155-156

types of, 154-156

Consumer Price Index (CPI), 268

Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers, 272

contract administration: contracting officer as sheriff in, 52-62

fair and reasonable in, 26-32

FAR provisions on, 27-29

implied duties in, 29-32

by judges, 208-210

protesting, 228-229

protests of, 200-201

Request for Proposals for HAP, 101

contract awards: documenting decisions, 224-225

evaluation factors, 223-224

independence in, 33

reasonableness, 223

contract clauses, 207

Contract Disputes Act (CDA), 53, 75, 94, 98, 99, 246

appeal rights, 206

claims, 243, 244

legislative history, 250

non-monetary remedies under, 208

two remedies of, 215

contracting officer: as bounty hunter, 76-77

claims handled by, 251-253

congressional reference cases before Court of Federal Claims, 253

constructive change and, 154, 156, 157

contractor appealing decision of, 257-260

courts reviewing decisions of, 8-9

documenting decisions, 224-225

documenting trade-offs, 225-226

due diligence investigation by, 50-52

evaluation panels and, 36

as “fair and reasonable” judge, 8-10

FAR 1.602-2 on, as sheriff, 37

final decision content, 251-252

final decision quality, 252

financial liability to government, 64-66

fraud resolution and, 52-54

Government Accountability Office review of decisions, 8

inadequate documentation but other proof, 226-229

as “independent” judge, 32-36

job description, 5

legal competency, 111-112

liability of, 74-75

“must,” “must not,” and “maybe” aspects of discussions, 14-15

notice to, 82-83

organizational conflict of interest and, 43-45

relationship with contractor, 7-8

roles of, 5-6

rules and regulations of, 224

as sheriff in contract administration, 52-62

as sheriff in contract solicitation, 38-52

statute of limitations for filing claims, 254-255

third-party beneficiaries and, 85-86

verifying authority of, 81-88

views of colleagues and, 34-35

contracting officer’s representative (COR), 118

contracting officer’s technical representative (COTR), 127-128, 134

contract interpretation, 122-124

ambiguous word interpretation in, 131-139

appeals court in claim litigation, 260

goal of, 125-131

contractors: apparent authority binding, 112, 160-162

appealing contracting officer final decision, 255-260

certification of claim, 248

claim basis, 247-248

claims for interpretation of contract terms, 248-249

claims for money, 246-248

claims for other relief, 249-251

contracting officer relationship with, 7-8

de novo, 258-260

election doctrine, 257-258

filing claims, 246-253

final decision demand, 247

letter describing controversy, 248-249

prime, 53, 85

REAs and, 244-245

responsibilities of, 80-81

rights to cross examine witnesses, 253

standing requirement in claims, 215-217

sum certain, for claims, 246-247. See also independent contractors; subcontractors

contract rights, 211

contracts, 95-96, 188, 189

ambiguity in, 111

assignment of, 59-62

common-law, 103-104

concession, 115

consideration and, 108-111

constructive changes, 154-160

contractor claims for interpretation of, 248-249

cost-reimbursement, 54

definitions of, 103-104

Disputes Clause of, 52

express, 98, 103-115

government changes through Changes clause, 148-153

government inadvertently changing, 154-160

implied, 115-121, 189, 206-207

implied-in-fact, 117-120

implied-in-law, 120-121

incorporating documents into, by reference, 143-146

mandatory clauses left out of, 166-168

mutual intent for, 104-108

performance, 29

procurement, 99, 100-102

torts tied to, 214. See also government contracts

contract solicitation: contracting officer as sheriff in, 38-52

protecting integrity of process, 38-45

vendor responsibilities during, 45-52

Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, 55

contra proferentem rule, 139

cooperation, in contract performance, 29

cooperative agreements, 98-102

Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on use of, 100-102

when to use, 99

cooperative farming agreement (CFA), 102

corrective action, 270-271

cost claims, post-protest, 273

cost of living adjustment (COLA), 268

cost-price factors, 20

cost-reimbursement contracts, 54, 229

court-intervention test, 209, 210

Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC), 43, 56, 93-94, 187, 207, 257

appeals to, 259-260

on Christian Doctrine, 167

claims, 219

consideration, 110

on constructive change, 157-158

on institutional ratification, 87

on lines of authority, 82

on notice and changes clause, 165

on proper use of cooperative agreements, 100-102

role in administration process, 209

on solicitation interpretation, 132

on Tucker Act, 206

Court of Claims. See Court of Federal Claims

Court of Federal Claims (COFC), 43, 44, 53, 75, 173, 181

on acceptance, 107-108

appealing contracting officer final decision, 255-260

on bait and switch, 89

bid preparation and proposal costs, 189

claims jurisdiction, 206-207, 242

Competition in Contracting Act and, 12

congressional reference cases before, 253

on constructive change, 157-158

decision basis of protests, 222

declaratory judgements, 208-210

district court overlap, 217-219

fourth in line, 193

on good faith, 31

Government Accountability Office timeliness rule not binding, 234

on implied authority, 88, 159

on implied contracts, 119-120

implied-in-fact contract jurisdiction, 206

judicial branch, 185, 205-206

jurisdiction, 208

law applied in claims, 207

law applied in protests, 188

mid- and postaward documentation, 227

on notice and changes clause, 83-84, 165

pre-award protests, 230-231

protest appeals of Government Accountability Office decisions, 238-240

protest deadline exceptions, 234

protest jurisdiction, 185-188

protest relief, 188-189

protests, 184-195, 221-222

protests regulations, 235

protest standing, 189

quantum meruit, 210

relief in claims, 207-210

on solicitation interpretation, 132

sovereign immunity, 195, 210-211

standing in claims, 210

third in line, 192

torts independent of contract duty, 213-214

court-ordered consent decrees, 263-264

courts: of limited jurisdiction, 176

U.S. Congress, 184. See also specific courts

CourtSmart, 272

Creative Information Technology, Inc. (CITI), 18-19

Crewzers Fire Crew Transport, Inc., 109

Critel, 42

cross examining witnesses, contractors rights to, 253

CSC, 187

cubbies, 218

Cultural Affairs Officer (CAO), 113

CW Government Travel Inc. (Carlson), 210

Daewoo, 93-94

Davis-Bacon Act, 55, 56

deadlines: claims, 254-260

exceptions, 233-234

firm, 166

notice requirements and, 162-166

responsiveness and responsibility difference and, 45-46

debriefing, 232-233

decision makers, verifying authority of, 81-88

decisions: basis of protests, 222

contracting officer documenting, 224-225

rules for making, 11

showing thought in, 10-11

in writing, 10

declaratory judgements, 179-180, 182, 207, 214, 215

Court of Federal Claims, 208-210

deemed denial, 252

defective specifications, 156

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), 10, 142, 272-273

Defense Supply Center Columbus (DSCC), 13, 85

delegated authority, exceptions to, 112-115

delivery orders. See task orders

denial, deemed, 252

de novo, 258-260

Department of Defense (DoD): CIFA, 81-82

security services contracting by, 14

task orders, 197

transportation contracts, 88. See also specific armed services

Department of Energy (DOE), 216

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 100-102, 218, 237

Department of Interior: Gov-Works, 81-82

Minerals Management Service, 79

Department of Justice, False Claims Act recovery by, 76-77

Department of Transportation, 127

Department of Veterans Affairs, 11, 22-23

Determination and Findings document (D&F), 27-28

Differing Site Conditions clause, 165

Digicon, 86-87, 114-115

dikes, 69

direct appeal, subcontractors, 216

direct economic interest, 194

discretion, abuse of, 170

discretionary function, 70-72

dispatch priority lists, 109

disputes, 184

beyond jurisdiction, 212-213

Disputes Clause, 52, 242

District court, Court of Federal Claims overlap, 218-219

Dividend Agreement, 144

documentation: for award decision, 23-24

of decisions FAR 15.308, 11

inadequate, 226-229

integrating into contract by reference, 143-146

mid- and postaward, 227

Dream Management, Inc. (DMI), 263, 265-266

due diligence investigation, 50-52

due process rights, 75

duty not to hinder, 29

duty to cooperate, 29

Eastco Building Services, 68

Easton Contract Services, 247

ECI, 137

election doctrine, 257-260

eligible party, 262, 263

Ellerbe Becket (EB), 43, 44

Email-as-a-service (EAAS), 150

engineering change proposal (ECP), 157-158

En Pointe, 150

enrichment, unjust, 210

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 27-28, 50, 243

Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA): amount of attorney fees, 268

eligible party, 262, 263

prevailing party, 262, 263-265

substantially justified, 265-267

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 104

equal employment opportunity (EEO) prejudice, 190

equivalent judgement, 264

erroneous payments, 56-57

evaluation factors, 21-22

contract awards, 223-224

evaluation panels, 36

Evergreen Bus Service, 65-66

everything else protest category, 231-234

evidence, extrinsic, 140-143, 144-145

evidence rule, parole, 141

executive branch, 178

boards of contract appeals part of, 211

Exelis, 132

expenses, out-of-pocket, 134

expert opinions, 34-35

express certifications, 91

express contracts, 98, 103-115

extenuating circumstances, 164

extras, 155-156, 157

extrinsic evidence, 140-143

incorporating, 144-145

fair and meaningful discussions: general rules for, 16

inadequate discussions, 17-19

misleading discussion, 16-17

“must,” “must not,” and “maybe” of, 14-15

fair and reasonable: in administering contracts, 26-32

in awarding contracts, 12-26

proposal evaluation, 19-22

rules for being, 10-11

statutory guidelines for, 8-10

in winner selection, 22-26

fair competition, 12-14

fair dealing, implied duty of, 29-32

fair evaluation of proposals, 19-22

false certification, 91

False Claims Act (FCA), 76-77, 91, 92-93, 94

FAR 1.602-2, 5-6

on contract administration, 27, 28

on contracting officer as sheriff, 37

on contracting officer relationship with contractor, 7-8

unfair competitive conduct and, 38-39

FAR 2.101, 40, 244, 246

contract defined in, 103

FAR 9.104-1, “responsible” defined in, 47

FAR 13.306(e)(3), 18

FAR 15.101-1(b)(2), 24

FAR 15.306(d)(3), 14-15

FAR 15.306(e), 15

FAR 15.306(e)(1), 27

FAR 15.308, 33, 224, 226

on documentation of award decision, 23

on documentation of decisions, 11

FAR 15.505, 232

FAR 15.506, 232

FAR 33.201, 254

FAR 33.210(b), 52

FAR 33.211(a)(4), 251

FAR 42.1503, 249

FAR 52.217-8, 236

FAR 52.243-1(a), 149

FAR 52.333-1, 242

Farmers Home Administration, 144

FAR Part 8.4, 186

FAR Part 15, 233

FAR Part 16, 186, 197

FASA law, 187

FDA, 70

tort of conversion, 213-214

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 184, 233, 252

claim accrual, 254-255

complexity of, 205

payment withholding clauses in, 55

provisions on contract administration, 27-29. See also specific FAR sections

Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, 197-198

federal civil service review system, 74

Federal District Court, 180-181

local, 218

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 20

federal government: lawsuit against, 180-183

suing, 175-178

Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act (FGCAA), 100

federal laws, 179

federal lawsuits, government contracts, 183-219

federal litigation, 175-178

forum-typical, 181

government-typical, 180-181

judge applied, 181

relief-typical, 182-183

sovereign immunity in, 183

Federal Prison Industries, 212

federal regulation: contractor challenging, 219

contractor not challenging, 218-219

Federal Supply Schedule (FSS), 106, 150, 186, 233

task orders under General Services Administration, 196-197

Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), 66-72, 179, 181

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 87

filing, timely, 229-234

financial crimes investigative service, 17

Fiore Industries, 90

First Commercial Funding, 59

Fisher-Cal Industries, Inc., 201

Fleming Steel Company, 249

Flexfab, 85

Florida Supreme Court, 177

follow-up letter, 245

Forbearance Letter, 145

Forest Service. See USDA Forest Service

formal claims, 245

forum-typical federal litigation, 181

fraud: acceptance following inspection and, 53

claims involving, 52-53, 93-94

contracting officer role in resolution, 52-54

implied certifications on invoices and, 90-93

kickbacks, 53-54

Freedom NY, 142-143

frivolous lawsuits, 262

“fuzzy” language, 187

General Services Administration (GSA), 20, 49, 61-62, 82, 130, 266-267. See also Federal Supply Schedule

General Services Board of Contract Appeals (GSBCA), 131, 242-243, 257

Gifford Pinchot National Forest (GPNF), 65-66

global positioning system (GPS), 42

Goldbelt Glacier Health Services, LLC, 197-198

good faith, implied duty of, 29-32

Government Accountability Office (GAO), 13, 14, 176, 181, 187, 242

automatic stay, 236

on bait and switch, 89

on best value evaluation, 21

as branch of Congress, 196

on Changes clause, 149-150

Competition in Contracting Act and, 12, 262, 268-269

concession contracts, 196

contracting officer decision review by, 8

on contracting officer liability, 64-66

decision basis of protests, 222

on due diligence investigations, 50-52

on evaluation factors, 21-22

excluded protests, 228-229

government employees and A-76, 201-202

on Housing Assistance Program contract competition, 101

on impaired objectivity, 42

on inadequate discussions, 17-18

indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contracts, 198-199

law applied, 202

on lease authority, 82

meaningful discussions and, 15-16

on misleading discussions, 16-17

on organizational conflict of interest, 40

pre-award protests, 230-231

prejudice, 204-205

on proposal evaluation, 19

protest appeals of decisions, 238-240

protest deadline exceptions, 233-234

protests, 195-205, 221-222

protests of contract administration activities, 200-201

protests regulations, 234-235

on quotes, 105

reasonableness standard, 48

relief available at, 202

on scoring systems, 20, 21

on solicitation interpretation, 132

sovereign immunity, 204-205

standing, 203-204

subcontracts, 199-200

task orders, 196-198

on trade-offs, 24-25

on type of work and contract changes, 151-152

on unfair competitive conduct, 39

government contracts: claims, 205-219

complexity, 173

no monetary relief in, 215

typical lawsuits, 183-219

government employees: A-76 process, 201-202

agency liability and acts by, 67-69

constructive change by, other than contracting officers, 156-160

scope of duties and liability, 72-74

verifying decision making authority of, 81-88

government informers, 113

government purchasing agent, subcontractor as, 215

government-typical federal litigation, 180-181

government vendors, 176

governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC), 186, 196

GovWorks, 81-82

Grand Forks Air Force Base (North Dakota), 249

grants, 98-102

when to use, 99

Great Western Maintenance Corp (GWMC), 192-193

Greenhut, 204

Grinnell, Edward, 258

GSA’s Alliant GWAC, 187

Hand, Learned, 126

harm. See prejudice; torts

Hayes, Seay, Mattern, & Mattern (HSMM), 43, 44

Hellmuth, Obata, & Kassbaum, Inc., 43

H.G. Properties (HGP), 151

Holmes, Mary, 77-78

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 126

Home Entertainment, Inc, 214

Houma SSA, LTD, 61-62

Housing Assistance Program contracts (HAP contracts), 100

Hughes Group, 192-193

Hurricane Katrina, 68

Hyperion, 193-194

IAP World Services, 130-131


impaired objectivity, 41-42

implied actual authority, 112-113, 117

implied authority, 87-88

contract changes and, 159-160

implied certifications on invoices, 90-93

implied contracts, 98, 115-121

breach of, 189

claims jurisdiction, 206-207

implied duties, of good faith and fair dealing, 29-32

implied-in-fact contracts, 116-120, 206, 210

implied-in-law contracts, 120-121, 206-207

inadequate discussions, 17-19

“in connection with,” 187

indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ), 81-82, 110-111, 198-199, 224, 265

independence: in contract awarding, 33

of contracting officer, 252

independent contractors, liability insurance and, 67-68

independent government cost estimate (IGCE), 18

Independent Government Estimate (IGE), 198

Indian Health Service, 119

Industrial Canal, 68

information management specialist (IMS), 42

Information Systems and Networks Corp., 157

informers, 113

Infoterra, 199-200

injunctions, 182, 188, 207, 214, 215

injury. See prejudice

inspection, acceptance following, 53

Inspector Generals (IGs), on lease authority, 82

institutional ratification, 86-87, 114-115

integrated agreement, 142

integration clause, 144-145

intent, subjective, 125, 126, 127

intentional torts, nonenumerated, 69-70

interested party, 189, 191

in A-76, 201-202

Government Accountability Office defined, 203-204

Intermarkets Global (IMG), 272-274

Internal Revenue Code, 184, 205

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 31-32, 130-131, 264

investigations, 44-45, 50-52, 245

Invitation for Bids (IFB), 105

invoices, implied certifications on, 90-93

ITAC, 189-190

J.A. Farrington Janitorial Services (JAF), 229

Javits-Wagner-O’Day Act, 228

JL Simmons Company Inc, 253

job descriptions: contracting officer, 5

implied authority from, 159

judgements. See declaratory judgements; equivalent judgement

judges: on administering contracts, 208-210

appellate, 177

contract administration by, 208-210

contracting officer as “fair and reasonable,” 8-10

contracting officer as independent, 32-36

decisions of, 207

in executive branch, 178-179

federal litigation applied by, 181

judicial branch, 178, 185, 205-206. See also specific courts

jurisdiction, 179, 183

boards of contract appeals, 211-212

contracts, 198-199

courts of limited, 176, 185-188

disputes beyond, 212-213

of Government Accountability Office, 196

nonmonetary relief, 208. See also claims jurisdiction

justification and approval (J&A), 13

K-Con, 83, 164, 259-260

kickbacks, 53-54

Kratos, 239

Ktech, 41

LABAT-Anderson, 188-189

Lacey Newday Consulting, LLC, 106-107

Laguna Construction Co., 54

Lamb Engineering and Construction, 156

language: clear and express, 144

“fuzzy,” 187

large cost changes, 152-153

Laucks Testing Laboratory, 50

Law & Order SVU, 177

laws: federal, 179

judge applying, 179

local, 179

lawsuits, 176-180

essential elements, 178

frivolous, 262

government contracts, 183-219

protest or claim, 173

qui tam, 76-79

lawsuits, against federal government, 180-219

minimum requirements, 176

protests and claims, 177

typical, 176-177, 178-180

typical procurement lawsuits, 177

legal competency, 111-112

legal fiction, 207

legislative branch, 178

Letter of Essential Need, 143-144

liability: of agency, to public, 66-74

of contracting officer, 74-75

government employee acts and, 67-69

personal, 64-66

scope employee’s duties and, 72-74

liability insurance, independent contractors and, 67-68

Libertatia Associates, The (TLA), 30

litigation: claim, 184

protest, 184. See also lawsuits

litigation costs, 261-274

attorney fees, 268, 272-274

Competition in Contracting Act, 268-269

Equal Access to Justice Act, 262-265

LMC, 27

local laws, 179

Logan Machinists Inc., 212

Logicon, Inc., 143

L.P. Fleming, Jr., Inc., 155-156

malpractice, medical, 74

Management Services Northwest, Inc. (MSNW), 192-193

mandatory clauses, 166-168

Maniilaq Association, 119

Maritime Administration, 127

Mark Dunning Industries, 151

mark-up rates, 20

materiality, 92-93

McDonald, 204

mechanical decision-making process, 22-23

Medicaid, 92, 194

medical malpractice, 74

Medicare, 91, 194

memorandum of understanding (MOU), 212-213

mental reservations, 125

Metrica, 89-90

midprotest government documentation, 226

MIL, 233

Minerals Management Service (MMS), 79

misleading discussion, 16-17

Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO), 68

Missouri River, 69

money damages, 180

money relief, 182, 215

MP, real estate developer, 231-232

mutual intent to contract, 104-108

implied-in-fact contracts and, 117

NASA, 129, 136, 139

National Credit Union Administration, 242

national defense, automatic stay and, 237

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 270-271

National Park Service, 115, 151, 196, 230

National Sourcing, Inc., 197-198

negligence, 69-70

negotiated procurement, protesting, 222

negotiations, 245

Network Resource Services (NRS), 217

Nexjen, 204-205

nonbidders, 191-192, 194-195

nonenumerated intentional torts, 69-70

nonmonetary relief jurisdiction, 208

Northrop Grumman Information Technology, Inc., 143, 146

notice: under changes clauses, 83-84, 163-165

to contracting officers, 82-83

Differing Site Conditions clause and, 165

prejudice and, 165-166

Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), 101

notice requirements, 83-84, 162-166

novation agreement, 58

Novex Enterprises, 26

objective intent: defined, 125-128

finding, 128-131

prior course of dealing and, 130-131

trade practices and, 129-130

objectivity, impaired, 41-42

OCI waiver, 187

Ocuto, 198

offers: acceptance of, 107-108

implied-in-fact contracts and, 117

lack of ambiguity in, 111

protesting, 222

quotes versus, 105-107

Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76, 202

Office of Personal Management (OPM), 218

Onix, 150

Opti-Lite, 11, 22-23, 223

Order of Precedence clause, 140

organizational conflict of interest (OCI), 39-45

categories of, 40

defined, 39-40

postaward investigation, 44-45

original equipment manufacturer (OEM), 13

Orion International Technologies, 90

other relief claims, 249-251

“other transaction” agreements, 102-103

out-of-pocket expenses, 134

page counting, 273

Parker Excavating, 165-166

parole evidence rule, 141

Past Performance Evaluation Team (PPET), 21

patent ambiguity, 136-137

payments, withholding of, 55-57

Peace Corps, 150

Peninsula Group Capital, 108

Pentagon security services, 14

performance, specific, 182, 207, 215

Perry Mason, 177

personal liability, 64-66

personnel: bait and switch and training of, 88-90

discussing proposed, 17-18

phone call, 245

plain meaning, 133-135

plaintiff-typical federal litigation, standing, 182

Postal Service Board of Contract Appeals, 155, 258

postaward documentation, 226

postaward investigation, 44-45

post-award protests, 185-186, 230-231

pre-award protests, 185, 229-231

prejudice, 189-191, 192, 203

defined, 190

Government Accountability Office, 204-205

notice and, 165-166

prevailing party, 262

court-ordered consent decrees, 263-264

equivalent judgement, 264

legal relationship change, 264-265

win on merits, 263

price, discussion of, 18-19

prime contractors: kickbacks and, 53

third-party beneficiary rule and, 85

Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (Red Book) (GAO), 64-65

on implied-in-law contracts, 120-121

prior course of dealing, 130-131

procurement contracts: Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on use of, 100-102

when to use, 99

Procurement Integrity Act, 191-192

procurement lawsuits, 173, 177

complexity of, 184

procurement vehicles, 97

defined, 98

property rights, 211

proposal costs, 189

proposals: acceptance of, 107-108

competitive, 233

engineering change, 157-158

fair evaluation of, 19-22. See also Request for Proposals

protesters costs, 269

protest jurisdiction, 187

protest litigation, 184

protest relief, Court of Federal Claims, 188-189

protests, 173, 183-184, 220-222

allowable, 222-229

appeals of Government Accountability Office decisions, 238-240

automatic stay, 235-238

bidding in, 194

clearly meritorious, 271

against contract administration, 228-229

of contract administration activities, 200-201

contract awards evaluation factors, 223-224

contract awards reasonableness, 223

contracting officer documenting decisions, 224-225

contracting officer inadequate documentation but other proof, 226-229

contracting officer rules and regulations, 224

Court of Federal Claims, 184-195

deadline exceptions for Court of Federal Claims, 234

deadline exceptions for Government Accountability Office, 233-234

everything else category, 231-234

Government Accountability Office, 195-205, 221-222

law applied by Court of Federal Claims, 188

post-award, 185-186, 230-231

pre-award protests, 229-231

regulations, 234-235

rule for timely filing, 229-234

task order connection and, 187-188

public housing authorities (PHAs), 100, 101

purchase orders (POs), 106

Quality Control Reports, 165-166

quantum meruit, 120, 121, 210

qui tam lawsuits, 76-79

quotes, offers versus, 105-107

Randolph-Sheppard Act, 228

ratification, institutional, 86-87

reasonable interpretations, 136

reasonableness test, 9-10

Government Accountability Office standard for, 48

implied duties and, 29-30

responsibility decision and, 48-50

Record Steel and Construction, 250-251

Red Book. See Principles of Federal Appropriations Law

relief, 179-180

bid preparation and proposal costs, 189

claims and boards of contract appeals, 214-215

from Government Accountability Office, 202

money, 182

relief-typical federal litigation, 182-183

REMSA, Inc., 270-271

Request for Offers (RFO), 105

Request for Proposals (RFP), 14, 44, 239

biased ground rules and, 41

for Housing Assistance Program contract administration, 101

Request for Quotations (RFQs), 10, 105, 106, 194, 204

responsibility, 45-47

of contractors, 80-81

reasonable determination, 49-50

reasonableness test and, 48-50

unreasonable determination, 48-49

responsiveness, 45-47

Rex Services Corp., 191-192

Rice Services Ltd., 264-265

Riley & Ephriam Construction Company (R&E), 256

RMI Titanium Company, 216

RSIS, 189-190, 90

SA-TECH, 239-240

scope of employment, 72-74

scoring systems, 19-21

sealed bid, 203

second-low bid, 203

Section 8(a) small businesses, 81

security services, Department of Defense contracting, 14

Service Contract Act (SCA), 55, 230, 239

settlement agreements, 263-264

Seven Seas Shiphandlers, LLC, 160-162

Shumaker Trucking and Excavating Contractors, Inc., 24

Silverman v. United States, 87

Simborg’s, 226-227

Small Business Administration (SBA), 45

responsiveness and responsibility difference and, 46-47

Small Business Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone), 228

Social Security Administration (SSA), 61

Sociometrics, 118

sole-source procurement, 12, 13

Solicitation for Offers (SFO), 105

solicitations: interpretation of phrases in, 132-133

process, 12

protesting, 222

vendor responsibilities during contract, 45-52. See also contract solicitation

source selection authority (SSA), 33, 224, 238

evaluation panels and, 36

Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB), 33, 226-227

Source Selection Officer (SSO), expert opinions and, 35

sovereign immunity, 66, 180

boards of contract appeals, 217

for claims, 210-211

Court of Federal Claims, 195

discretion and, 70

in federal litigation, 183

Government Accountability Office, 204-205

Specialized Metals, 13

Special Plea in Fraud provision, 94

specification, defective, 156

specific performance, 182, 207, 215

spectrum management engineering services, 237

SRA, 187

SRA International, Inc., 199-200

Standard Form 182 (SF-182), 116

standing, 180

defined, 191

plaintiff-typical federal litigation, 182

protest, 189

standing in claims, Court of Federal Claims, 210

state laws, 179

Government Accountability Office and, 202

statute of limitations: for appealing final decision, 255-260

for filing claims, 254-255

suspending, 255

statutes of limitations, claims, 254-260

STR L.L.C., 199-200

subcontractors, 215-216

kickbacks and, 53

third-party beneficiaries, 85-86, 216

subcontracts, 199-200

subjective intent, 125, 126, 127

substantially justified legal position, 262, 265-267

bad facts and mistakes, 267

wrong information, 266-267

sum certain, for claims, 246-247

suppliers, third-party beneficiary rule and, 85

Sytronics, 204-205

taking claims, 211

Tank and Automotive Command (TACOM), 51-52

Tanner, 195

task orders, 186

Government Accountability Office, 196-198

protest, 187-188

termination for convenience, 167, 168-172, 201

abuse of discretion in, 170

bad faith in, 169

cardinal change and, 170-171

furthering full and open competition and, 171-172

terms of art, 184

Texas Health Choice, L. C., 218

third-low bidder, 203

third-party beneficiaries, 85-86

subcontractors, 216

thumb wheel switches, 191-192

Tidewater, 25

TigerSwan, 170

timely filing, protests rule for, 229-234

TKC Communications, 81-82

T&M Distributors, Inc., 172

Todd Construction Co., 249-250

tort of conversion, 213-214

torts, 67

boards of contract appeals, 213

constitutional, 74-75

discretionary function and, 70-72

independent of contract duty in, 213-214

nonenumerated intentional, 69-70

scope employee’s duties and, 72-74

tied to contract, 214. See also Federal Tort Claims Act

trade-offs: documenting, 225-226

unreasonable, 24-26

trade practices, 129-130

trade secrets, 70

transportation contracts, 88

transportation service providers (TSPs), 88, 159

trial courts, 177

Triangle Maintenance and Janitorial Services, 192-193

Tri-Technologies, Inc., 51-52

Tucker Act, 206, 208

Turner Construction Co. v. United States et al., 42

TV court shows, 177

type of work changes, 151-152

UMC, 94

undue delay, 269-270

unequal access to information, 41

unfair competitive advantages, 39

unfair competitive conduct, appearance of, 38-39


United Paradyne Corporation (UPC), 19-20

United States Department of Health and Human Service’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 194

United States Marine Corps, 204

United States Public Works Center, 172

unjust enrichment, 210

U. S. Air Force, 114-115, 132-133

U.S. Air Force, 228-229

U.S. Army, 239-240, 250-251, 271

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 43, 75, 134-135, 202, 223, 226, 247, 249

U.S. Bank, 88

U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 184, 205

U.S. Border Patrol, 87

U.S. Coast Guard, 83, 164, 259-260

U.S. Congress: automatic stay fight, 235-236

Contract Disputes Act amendments, 250

Equal Access to Justice Act, 262

Government Accountability Office branch of, 196

interested party not defined, 191

nonmonetary relief jurisdiction given by, 208

special courts for, 184

sum certain, 246-247

U.S. Customs Service, 68, 72

USDA Forest Service, 23-24, 65-66, 109

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 102

U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), 107-108

U.S. Navy, 157, 164-165, 233, 264-265

U.S. Postal Service (USPS), 155, 258

U.S. Tax Court, 184, 205

vendor responsibilities, during contract solicitation, 45-52

Veterans Administration (VA), 27, 253

Virginia Electric and Power Company (VEPCO), 202

waivers for assignments, 59-60

warranted authority, 112

Wesleyan Company, Inc., 212-213

Western Archaeological and Conservation Center (WACC), 151

Westinghouse Environmental Management Company (WEMCO), 216

winner responsibility, protesting, 222

winner selection: fair and reasonable in, 22-26

protesting, 222

winning, costs related to, 273

writing, decisions in, 10

written notice, 82-84

Yearsley v. W. R. Ross Construction Co., 69

Zoeller, Bruce, 211

zone of reasonableness, 9

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