Subject Index

  • Abilify
  • Academic achievement examples
    • elementary bilingual student, reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services
    • elementary student evaluation for autism
    • elementary student evaluation for specific learning disability
    • high school student reevaluation for emotional disturbance
  • Academic adjustments
  • Academic skills
    • assessment data presentation
    • present-levels of functioning questions
    • strengths
  • Academic skills examples
    • elementary bilingual student, reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services
    • elementary student evaluation for autism
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
    • elementary student evaluation for specific learning disability
    • high school student reevaluation assessing for intellectual disability
  • Academic supports
  • Accessibility of reports
  • Accommodations
  • Active voice
    • converting passive voice to
    • readability and
  • Activities
    • interview questions about
  • Adaptive behaviors
    • defined
    • types of
  • Adaptive skills examples
    • elementary student evaluation for autism
    • high school student reevaluation for intellectual disability
  • Adjectives
  • Adoption
  • Adult literacy skills
  • Adverbs
  • Aids recommendations
  • American Psychological Association (APA)
    • APA style
    • Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
  • Antidepressants
  • Anxiety, screening for
  • APA style
  • Appendices, for technical detail
  • Approximate reliability
  • Areas of need
    • assessment of
    • hard and soft data for identifying
  • Assessment
    • of areas of need
    • comprehensiveness of
    • as data-based decision making
    • defined
    • of English skills
    • fairness of
    • IDEA requirements for
    • language used for
    • legally defensible reports and
    • providing detailed information about
    • question-driven
    • report writing and
    • RIOT
    • Rule of Two
    • school district report templates for
    • by school psychologists
    • of suspected disability
    • time requirements
    • tools
    • truth in
    • usefulness of
    • validity and reliability of procedures
    • variety in
  • Assessment data. See also Data
    • clear presentation of
    • hard
    • integration of
    • from multiple sources
    • presented in charts and tables
    • report structure and
    • soft
  • Assessment plans
    • collaborative development of
    • disability classification and
    • time requirements
  • Assessment procedures, examples
    • elementary bilingual student, reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services
    • elementary student evaluation for autism
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
    • elementary student evaluation for specific earning disability
    • high school student reevaluation for emotional disturbance
    • high school student reevaluation for intellectual disability
  • Assessment questions and results, examples
    • elementary bilingual student, reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
    • high school student reevaluation for emotional disturbance
    • high school student reevaluation for intellectual disability
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    • screening for
  • Attorneys
  • Atypicality
  • Auditory Cohesion subtests
  • Auditory Comprehension subtest
  • Auditory Memory subtests
  • Auditory Reasoning subtest
  • Auditory skills assessment reports
  • Autism
    • assessing as possible disability
    • challenges of
    • defined
    • elementary student initial evaluation, example
    • federal definition of
    • high-functioning
    • high school student, reevaluation assessment for intellectual disability, example
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
    • behavioral checklist
  • Autistic-Like Behaviors criteria
  • Average intelligence
  • Background information
    • beneficence and
    • birth and early development
    • checklist for
    • community-based evaluations and treatment
    • confidentiality and
    • divorce information
    • educational history
    • evaluation question examples
    • health
    • medical history
    • positive phrasing of
    • purpose of
    • purposes of
    • relevance of
    • sensitive information
    • situating the child in the family
    • social and emotional functioning
    • writing
  • Background Information and Record Review examples
    • elementary student evaluation for autism
    • high school student reevaluation for emotional disturbance
    • high school student reevaluation for intellectual disability
  • Basic Auditory Skills subtests
  • Basic literacy level
  • Behavior Assessment System for Children 3: (BASC-3)
  • Behavior Assessment System for Children 3: Parent Rating Scales
  • Behavior Assessment System for Children 3: Self-Report of Personality (BASC-3 SRP)
  • Behavior Assessment System for Children 3: Teacher Rating Scales
  • Behavior examples
    • elementary student evaluation assessment for autism
    • elementary student evaluation for specific learning disability
  • Below Basic literacy level
  • Beneficence
  • Best practices
  • Best Practices in School Psychology (NASP)
  • Bilingual/bicultural students
    • assessment fairness and
    • report variability for
    • triennial review for elementary student, reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services, example
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Birth, background information
  • Blueprint for Training and Practice III
  • Blueprint for Training and Practice III (NASP)
  • Blue Print III (NASP)
  • Boilerplate legal language
    • legal defensibility and
    • parents and teachers and
    • placing in appendices
    • in psychoeducational reports
    • replacing with detailed information
    • school district report templates and
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Café-au-lait spots
  • California Education Code (CEC)
    • report requirements
    • school psychologist described in
  • California English Language Development Test (CELDT)
  • California Special Education Code
  • Charts
  • Checklist for reports
    • background history
    • evaluation planning
    • evaluation questions
    • evaluation results
    • legal defensibility
    • reason for referral
    • recommendations
    • usefulness
    • writing strategies
  • Claims, legally defensible
  • Clarity
  • Classroom accommodations
  • Classroom adaptive skills examples
    • elementary bilingual student, reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services, example
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment, example
  • Cluster scores
  • Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Level (CALP)
  • Cognitive functioning
    • present-levels of functioning questions
    • strengths
  • Cognitive functioning examples
    • elementary student evaluation for autism
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
    • elementary student evaluation for specific learning disability
  • Collaboration
    • with parents and teachers
    • sensitive information and
  • Communication
    • effectiveness of
    • of purpose of evaluation
  • Community resources
    • community-based evaluations and treatment
    • connecting children and families to
  • Competence
    • professional experience and
    • scope of practice and
  • Composite scores
  • Comprehension
    • readability and
    • report format and
  • Comprehensive evaluations
  • Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP)
  • Conceptual skills
  • Conclusion section
  • Confidence intervals
  • Confidentiality
  • Consumers. See also Parents; Teachers
    • making reports more useful for
    • recommendations and
    • writing reports for
  • Conversational communication
  • Coping
  • Copying subtest
  • Cultural bias
  • Curriculum-based measurement (CBM)
    • Reading Fluency Rate
    • value of
  • Curriculum modifications
  • Data. See also Assessment data
    • functional
    • hard and soft
    • interpretation and readability of
    • relevant
  • Data-based decision making
  • Definitions
  • Depression
    • screening for
  • Developmental delay
    • use of term
  • Developmental Delay (DD) criteria
  • Developmental factors
    • academic achievement and
    • identifying
  • Diagnostic questions
    • writing
  • Differential Ability Scales-2 (DAS-2)
  • Disability
    • Education for All Handicapped Children Act and
    • suspected
  • Disability classifications
    • assessments designed for
    • IDEA categories
    • identifying
  • Disability questions
    • writing
  • District-created phonemic awareness test
  • Divorce
  • Domain-based reports
  • Early development
  • Educational history
    • background information
    • for elementary bilingual student special education reassessment, example
    • review of
  • Educational planning
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142)
  • Elementary school students
    • initial evaluation for autism
    • initial evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
    • initial evaluation for specific learning disability
    • triennial evaluation reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services, example
  • Emotional development. See also Social and emotional functioning
    • high school student reevaluation for emotional disturbance, example
  • Emotional disturbance
    • federal and state definition of
    • high school student reevaluation for emotional disturbance, example
  • Emotional self-regulation
  • English-language learners (ELLs)
  • English skills
  • Environmental factors
  • Evaluation cycle
    • evaluation questions and
    • time requirements for
  • Evaluation planning checklist
  • Evaluation questions
    • checklist for
    • developing
    • as headings
    • IDEA and
    • initial referral
    • legal framework for
    • posing and answering
    • Reason for Referral section and
    • thematic statements and
    • triennial review
    • types of
    • well-formed
    • writing
  • Evaluation Results section
    • structure of
    • writing
  • Evaluative Procedures (IDEA)
  • Evaluators
    • competence of
  • Executive functioning
  • Fairness, of assessment
  • Family. See also Parents
    • interview questions about
  • Federal laws and regulations. See also specific laws
  • Flesch-Kincaid Reading Level (FKRL)
  • Flesch Reading Ease
  • Functional competencies, of school psychologists
  • Functional data
    • gathering
    • organizing
    • types of
  • General Cognitive Ability (GCA)
  • Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS)
  • Goals and aspirations, interview questions about
  • Grade level
  • Guided Reading
  • Hard data
  • Headings
  • Health issues
    • academic achievement and
    • background information
    • evaluation examples
    • evaluation question examples
    • identifying
  • Helpfulness, interview questions about
  • High school students
    • reevaluation for emotional disturbance
    • reevaluation for intellectual disability
  • Home. See also Parents
    • interview questions about
  • Hyperactive
  • Independence
    • for high school student, reevaluation assessment for intellectual disability, example
  • Independent education evaluation (IEE) reports
    • length of
    • technical information in
  • Index scores
  • Individualized Education Program (IEP)
    • boilerplate language and
    • evaluation questions and
    • identification of strengths and needs and
    • meaningful recommendations
    • parental involvement in
    • school district report templates and
  • Individualized Education Program (IEP) example recommendations
    • for elementary bilingual student triennial evaluation for special education eligibility
    • for elementary student, initial assessment for specific learning disability
    • for high school student reevaluation for intellectual disability
  • Individuals with Disability Education Improvement Act (IDEA)
    • disability categories
    • disability questions and
    • evaluation questions and
    • evaluative procedures
    • parental involvement and
    • present level of functioning questions and
    • report writing and
    • support services under
  • Information quality, readability and
  • Initial referral questions
  • Intellectual development
    • example for high school student reevaluation for intellectual disability
  • Intellectual disability
    • defined
    • high school student reevaluation assessing, example
  • Intensifiers
  • Intermediate literacy level
  • Interview protocol
  • Intrapersonal skills
  • Jargon
    • readability and
    • rewriting
  • Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children Non-verbal Index (KABC Non-verbal Index)
  • Language
    • assessment and
    • jargon
  • Language arts evaluation examples
    • elementary bilingual student, reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services
    • elementary student evaluation for autism
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
  • Learning disabilities
    • functional information and
    • neurofibromatosis and
    • relevant information and
  • Learning disabilities evaluation examples
    • elementary school student initial evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
    • elementary school student initial evaluation for specific learning disability
  • Legal competence
    • professional experience
    • scope of practice
  • Legal defensibility
    • assessment requirements
    • best practices and
    • checklist for reports
    • federal laws and regulations
    • recommendations
    • school district report templates and
    • of standardized tests
    • state laws and regulations
    • takeaway points
  • Lisch nodules
  • Lists
    • checklist for reports
    • presenting recommendations as
  • Literacy levels
  • Local Occupational Program (LOP)
  • Math evaluation examples
    • elementary bilingual student, reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services
    • elementary student evaluation for autism
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
    • elementary student evaluation for specific learning disability
  • Matrixes subtest
  • Measurement error
  • Medical history
  • Mood diary
  • Mood disorders
  • Motor skills
    • interview questions about
    • test fairness and
  • Naming Vocabulary subtest
  • Narratives
    • psychoeducational reports as
    • recommendations as
  • National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL)
  • National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
    • Blueprint for Training and Practice III
    • Principles for Professional Ethics
    • on school psychologist’s role
  • Native language
  • Needs
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment, example
    • identification of
    • recommendations for
  • Neurofibromas
  • Neurofibromatosis (NFI)
  • Newspaper articles, readability of
  • Non-literate adults
  • Nonverbal Reasoning Ability cluster
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning cluster
  • Number Memory Forward subtest
  • Number Memory Reversed subtest
  • Occupational therapy (OT)
  • ODD screening
  • Office of Civil Rights
  • Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services
  • Office of Special Education Programs
  • Open Court reading
  • Open Court Unit Test
  • Other Health Impairment (OHI) criteria
  • Parents
    • collaboration with
    • as consumers of psychoeducational reports
    • IDEA and
    • interview protocol
    • interviews with
    • involvement of
    • literacy skills of
    • psychoeducational reports for
    • Reason for Referral statements and
    • recommendations and
    • report format and
    • report usability for
  • Participation in community, interview questions about
  • Passive voice
  • Pattern Construction subtest
  • Phonemic awareness skills
  • Phonics-based decoding skills
  • Phonological awareness
    • evaluation of elementary student, initial evaluation for learning disability example
    • rewriting technical jargon
  • Phonological Awareness Composite Score
  • Phonological Blending subtest
  • Phonological Memory Composite Score
  • Phonological processing skills
  • Phonological Processing subtest
  • Phonological Segmentation subtest
  • Physicians
  • Picture Similarities subtest
  • P.J.s (professional judgments)
  • Planning and organizational skills
  • Politics and the English Language (Orwell)
  • Positive language
  • Post-secondary goals
  • Practical intelligence
  • Practical problems, in report writing
  • Practical skills
  • Pre-academic skills
  • Pre-reading skills
  • Pre-referral process
  • Present-levels of functioning questions
    • IDEA and
    • identifying domains of concern
    • writing
  • Principles for Professional Ethics and Guidelines for the Provision of School Psychological Services (NASP)
  • Problem-solving
    • psychological reports and
    • in question-driven report writing
  • Processing Speed cluster
  • Professional Competence standards (NASP)
  • Professional experience, of school psychologists
  • Proficient literacy level
  • Prose literacy skills, of adults
  • Psychoeducational Report format
  • Psychoeducational reports. See also Question-driven, referral-based reports; Report writing
    • accessibility of
    • adult literacy skills and
    • boilerplate legal language in
    • checklist for
    • clarity of
    • cutting words in
    • ethical and legal issues and
    • federal laws and regulations affecting
    • focusing on strengths in
    • formats
    • improving
    • legal defensible
    • length of
    • literacy skills required for reading
    • parents and
    • purposes of
    • readability of
    • recommendations for educational planning
    • report format
    • response to referral questions in
    • school district report templates and
    • state laws and regulations affecting
    • as stories
    • structure of
    • takeaway points
    • teachers and
    • trends in
    • usefulness of
    • variability in
    • weaknesses of
    • word choice in
    • writing with the audience in mind
  • Psychosis
  • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
  • Public Law 94-142 (Education for All Handicapped Children Act)
  • Quantitative literacy skills
    • of adults
  • Question-and-Answer report format
  • Question-driven, referral-based reports. See also Psychoeducational reports; report writing
    • characteristics of
    • charts and tables in
    • development of
    • examples
    • format
    • high school student, intellectual disability assessment
    • school district mandates and
    • solving practical problems in
    • structure for
    • time-requirements
    • value of
    • variability in
    • writing
  • Question-driven assessments
  • Racial bias
  • Rapid Naming Composite Score
  • Rapid Naming subtest
  • Readability
    • active voice and
    • comprehension and
    • data interpretation
    • determining
    • factors affecting
    • increasing
    • information quality and
    • jargon and
    • of psychoeducational reports
    • report length and
    • report structure and
    • takeaway points
    • technical detail and
    • usefulness and
    • word choice and
  • Reader-centered reports
  • Reading benchmarks
  • Reading evaluation examples
    • elementary bilingual student, triennial evaluation reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services
    • elementary student evaluation for specific learning disability
  • Reading evaluation tools
  • Reading Fluency Rate
  • Reason for Referral section
    • adding detail to
    • checklist for
    • disability identification and
    • evaluation questions and
    • format
    • parents and
    • poorly written statements
    • purpose of
    • recommended contents of
    • teachers and
    • in triennial reviews
    • writing
  • Reason for Referral section examples
    • elementary student evaluation for autism
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
    • elementary student evaluation for specific learning disability
    • elementary student initial evaluation assessing for autism
    • high school student reevaluation for emotional disturbance
    • high school student reevaluation for intellectual disability
  • Recommendations
    • academic supports
    • accommodations
    • avoiding
    • categories for developing
    • checklist for
    • curriculum modifications
    • for educational planning
    • for further evaluation
    • general to specific
    • generic
    • identification of strengths and needs and
    • as a list
    • meaningful
    • parents and teachers and
    • presenting as a narrative
    • presenting as “What do we do about this?” questions
    • referrals
    • school psychologists’ reluctance to provide
    • support services
    • types of
    • useful
    • writing
  • Recommendations examples
    • elementary bilingual student reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
    • elementary student initial assessment for specific learning disability
    • elementary student initial evaluation for autism
    • high school student reevaluation assessing for emotional disturbance
    • high school student reevaluation assessing for intellectual disability
    • for special education services
  • Referral-Based Consultative Assessment/Report Writing Model (Batsche)
    • evaluation questions and
  • Referral-based reports. See Question-driven, referral-based reports
  • Referral questions
    • recommendations for
    • useful responses to
  • Referrals
  • Relevant information
    • defined
    • gathering
  • Reliability
    • of assessment procedures
    • defined
  • Remedial interventions
  • Report writing
    • adult literacy skills and
    • assessment and
    • assessment data from multiple sources
    • background information
    • best practices
    • changing format
    • checklist for
    • diagnostic or disability questions
    • evaluation questions
    • format
    • importance of
    • practical problems in
    • present-levels of functioning questions
    • Reason for Referral section
    • referral-based reports
    • report length
    • school district report templates and
    • by school psychologists
    • solution-based, or “What do we do about this?” questions
    • structure
    • summary
    • takeaway points
    • time requirements
    • undervaluing of
  • Responsibility standards (NASP)
  • RIO (records, interviews, and observations)
  • RIOT model
  • Role models, interview questions about
  • Rule of Two
  • Rule of Two (Merrell)
  • School, interview questions about
  • School district mandates
    • report templates
    • standardized measures
  • School psychologists
    • assessment and report writing by
    • California Education Code (CEC) description of
    • competence of
    • concerns of
    • functional competencies of
    • history
    • legislation and
    • NASP view of role of
    • reference to self in passive voice
    • reluctance to provide recommendations
    • roles and functions of
    • scope of practice of
    • services of
    • time required for report writing
  • Scoliosis
  • Scope of practice
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • Self-care
  • Sensitive information
  • Sensory skills
  • Sentence Memory subtest
  • Sentence structure
  • Short Form report format
  • Social and emotional functioning
    • academic achievement and
    • background information
    • identifying
    • present-levels of functioning questions
    • screening for
    • social and interpersonal skills
    • strengths
  • Social and emotional functioning examples
    • elementary student evaluation for autism
    • elementary student evaluation for specific learning disability
    • high school student, reevaluation assessing for emotional disturbance
    • high school student reevaluation for intellectual disability
  • Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales (SSIS)
  • Social support, interview questions about
  • Soft data
  • Solution-based questions
  • Spatial Ability cluster
  • Speaking skills
  • Special education legislation
    • complexity of
    • impact on roles of school psychologists
  • Special education services recommendations, examples
    • elementary bilingual student, reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment
    • elementary student evaluation for specific learning disability
    • high school student reevaluation for assessing intellectual disability
    • high school student reevaluation for emotional disturbance
    • high school student reevaluation for intellectual disability
  • Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Speed of Information Processing subtest
  • Standardized achievement tests
    • IEP report writing and
    • requirements for
  • Standardized intelligence tests
  • Standardized tests
    • district mandates for
    • examples
    • legal defensibility of
    • reliability of
    • validity of
  • Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (APA)
  • State laws and regulations
    • regarding school psychologists
    • report requirements
  • Stereotyped Behaviors subtest
  • Stories
    • psychoeducational reports as
    • recommendations as
  • Strengths
    • assessment data presentation
    • elementary student evaluation for learning disability and other health impairment, example
    • focusing on
    • identification of
    • incorporating into present-levels of functioning questions
    • matrix assessment of
  • Student-parent relations
  • Subaverage
  • Subheadings
  • Suicide attempts
  • Summary interview questions
  • Summary section
    • for elementary student evaluation for autism, example
    • purpose of
    • writing
  • Support services, IDEA and
  • Suspected disability
    • assessment of
    • hard and soft data for identifying
  • Systemic behavioral screening tools
  • Tables
  • Teachers
    • collaboration with
    • as consumers of psychoeducational reports
    • interview protocol
    • interviews with
    • psychoeducational reports for
    • Reason for Referral statements and
    • recommendations and
    • report format and
    • report usability and
  • Technical terminology
    • readability and
    • rewriting
  • Technological aids
  • Test accommodations
  • Test-based reports
  • Test interpretations
  • Test of Auditory Processing Skills (TAPS-3)
  • Theme statements
    • defined
    • examples
    • highlighting
    • narratives following
    • number of
    • as organizing tool
    • as subheadings
    • uses of
    • writing
  • Time requirements, for report writing
  • Transitions
    • interview questions about
    • Transition Plan
  • Triennial reviews
    • characteristics of
    • example
    • example for elementary bilingual student, reassessing special education eligibility, placement, and services
    • purpose of
    • solution-based, or “What do we do about this?” questions
  • Truth, in assessments
  • Usefulness
    • of assessments
    • characteristics of
    • checklist for reports
    • clarity and
    • importance of
    • meaningful recommendations and
    • readability and
    • of recommendations
    • response to referral questions and
    • school district report templates and
    • strategies for
  • Validity
    • of assessment procedures
    • defined
  • Verbal cluster
  • Verbal Comprehension subtest
  • Veterans Administration mental health workers
  • Visual-motor integration
  • Visual processing
  • Vocabulary
    • readability and
    • of students
  • “Waking Day” interview questions
  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test III (WIAT-III)
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
  • Welbutrin
  • “What do we do about this?” questions
    • presenting recommendations as
    • writing
  • Word choice
  • Word Discrimination subtest
  • Word Memory subtest
  • Words, editing
  • Working Memory cluster
  • Writing strategies checklist
  • Written language ability
  • Written language evaluation examples
    • elementary bilingual student evaluation for special education
    • elementary student evaluation for specific learning disability
  • Zoloft
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