Appendix B. Built-in Types

This appendix describes all the types that are built into XQuery via the XML Schema specification. For each type, it describes the set of valid values, as well as notes on comparing and casting values of these types.


The type xs:anyAtomicType is a generic type that encompasses all atomic types, both primitive and derived, including xs:untypedAtomic. No values ever actually have the type xs:anyAtomicType; they always have a more specific type. As such, it does not have a corresponding constructor.

However, this type name can be used as a placeholder for all other atomic types in function signatures and sequence types. For example, the distinct-values function signature specifies that its argument is xs:anyAtomicType. This means that atomic values of any type can be passed to this function.


The type xs:anySimpleType represents the base type of all simple types (atomic, list, and union types) in the type hierarchy. In the context of XQuery, xs:anySimpleType is abstract and is never used directly. For example, it is not possible to cast values to or from this type, or use this type name in a user-defined function signature.


The type xs:anyType is given to some element nodes without a more specific type. The difference between xs:anyType and xs:untyped is that an element of type xs:anyType may contain other elements that have specific types. Elements of type xs:untyped, on the other hand, always have children that are also untyped. An element has the type xs:anyType if:

  • Validation was attempted but the element was found to be invalid (or partially valid). Some implementations may allow the query evaluation to continue even if validation fails.

  • The element is the result of an element constructor, and construction mode is set to preserve.


The primitive type xs:anyURI represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) reference. The value has to be a lexically valid URI reference. Because the bare minimum rules for valid URI references are fairly generic, most implementations accept most character strings, including a zero-length string. The only values that are not accepted are those that make inappropriate use of reserved characters, such as those that contain multiple # characters or have % characters that are not followed by two hexadecimal digits.

Some URI processors require that certain non-ASCII characters be escaped using a percent sign (%) followed by a two-digit Unicode codepoint. However, the xs:anyURI type does accept these characters escaped or unescaped. Table B-1 shows some examples of valid and invalid URI references.

Table B-1. Values of the xs:anyURI type
http://datypic.comAbsolute URI (in this case, an HTTP URL) URI with fragment identifier
mailto:[email protected]Absolute URI using mailto scheme
../%C3%A9dition.htmlRelative URI with escaped non-ASCII character
../édition.htmlRelative URI with unescaped non-ASCII character
../prod.html#A557Relative URI with fragment identifier
urn:datypic:comAbsolute URI (in this case, a URN)
Empty values are allowed
Invalid many fragment identifiers (# characters) character followed by something other than two hexadecimal digits

For more information on URIs, see “Working with URIs”.

Casting and Comparing xs:anyURI Values

Values of type xs:anyURI can be cast to and from xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic. No escaping or unescaping occurs when values are cast among these types. To escape reserved characters in URIs, use one of the functions iri-to-uri, escape-html-uri, or encode-for-uri.

In addition, xs:anyURI values are automatically promoted to xs:string whenever a string is expected by a function or operator. For example, you could pass an xs:anyURI value to the substring function, which expects an xs:string value as its first argument. This also means that xs:anyURI values can be compared to strings and sorted with them.

Two xs:anyURI values are considered equal if they have identical characters (based on Unicode codepoints). This means that if they are capitalized differently, they are considered different values, even if they may be seemingly equivalent URLs. For example, is not equal to, because the last letter is capitalized differently.

Values of type xs:anyURI that are relative URIs are also compared based on codepoints, and no attempt is made to determine or compare their base URI. For example, ../prod is always equal to ../prod, even if the two xs:anyURI values may have come from different XHTML documents with different base URIs.


The primitive type xs:base64Binary represents binary data in base-64 encoding. The following rules apply to xs:base64Binary values:

  • The following characters are allowed: the letters A through Z (uppercase and lowercase), digits 0 through 9, the plus sign (+), the slash (/), the equals sign (=), and XML whitespace characters.

  • XML whitespace characters can appear anywhere in the value.

  • The number of non-whitespace characters must be divisible by four.

  • Equals signs, which are used as padding, can only appear at the end of the value, and there can be zero, one, or two of them. If there are two equals signs, they must be preceded by one of the following characters: A, Q, g, w. If there is only one equals sign, it must be preceded by one of the following characters: A, E, I, M, Q, U, Y, c, g, k, o, s, w, 0, 4, 8.

Note that these rules for acceptable base-64 values are rather strict, and processors are expected to enforce the rules strictly. This differs from practice elsewhere, and some software may generate “base 64” that doesn’t meet these rules.

Table B-2 lists some values of the xs:base64Binary type. For more information on base-64 encoding, see RFC 2045: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies.

Table B-2. Values of the xs:base64Binary type
0 DC7 0F+9Whitespace is allowed anywhere in the value.
0F+40A==Equals signs are used for padding.
An empty value is valid.
DC7Odd number of characters not valid; characters appear in groups of four.
==0FEquals signs can only appear at the end.

Values of type xs:base64Binary can be cast to and from xs:hexBinary, xs:string, and xs:untypedAtomic. When cast to xs:string, an xs:base64Binary value is converted to its canonical representation, which contains no whitespace characters except for a line-feed (#xA) character inserted after every 76 characters and at the end.

Two xs:base64Binary values can be compared using the comparison operators = and !=. Two xs:base64Binary values are considered equal if their canonical representations are equal. This means that the whitespace is not taken into account in the comparison. An xs:base64Binary value is never equal to an xs:hexBinary value, nor is it equal to an xs:string containing the same characters. Starting in XQuery 3.1, two xs:base64Binary values can also be compared using the <, <=, >, or >= operators.


The primitive type xs:boolean represents a logical true or false value. The valid lexical representations for xs:boolean are false, true, 0 (which is equal to false), and 1 (which is equal to true). The values are case-sensitive, so TRUE and FALSE are not valid lexical representations.

Constructing xs:boolean Values

In addition to the standard xs:boolean constructor, xs:boolean values can be constructed using the true and false functions, which take no arguments and return the appropriate value. For example, true() returns the value true.

Boolean values are more often constructed indirectly, as:

  • The result of a function that returns a Boolean value, such as exists($seq1)

  • The value of a comparison expression, such as $price > 20

  • The result of a path expression that is evaluated using its effective boolean value, such as if (doc("catalog.xml")//product) ...

In addition, a function named boolean can be used to explicitly convert a sequence to its effective boolean value. A sequence that is an xs:boolean value false, a single number 0 or NaN, a single zero-length string, or the empty sequence, evaluates to false. Otherwise, it evaluates to true. Note that it doesn’t give the same result as the xs:boolean constructor—for example, xs:boolean("false") returns false, but boolean("false") returns true. More information can be found in Appendix A, in the “boolean” section.

Casting xs:boolean Values

Values of type xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic can be cast to xs:boolean. The string false (all lowercase), or the string 0 is converted to the value false. The string true (all lowercase) or 1 is converted to true. Any other string value raises type error XPTY0004; other strings that may appear to be equal to 0 or 1, such as 0.0 or 01, are not accepted.

Values of any of the numeric types can also be cast to and from xs:boolean. A numeric value that is equal to 0 or NaN is converted to false; any other numeric value is converted to true.

Likewise, values of type xs:boolean can be cast to xs:string, xs:untypedAtomic, and any of the numeric types. When they are cast to xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic, they are represented as true and false, not their numeric equivalents.


The type xs:byte represents an integer between -128 and 127, inclusive. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal, via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits, optionally preceded by a sign (+ or -). For example, -128, -1, 0, 1, and +127 are valid values.


The primitive type xs:date represents a date of the Gregorian calendar. The lexical representation of xs:date is YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY represents the year, MM the month, and DD the day. The year value has to be at least four digits, but it can be more than four digits to represent years later than 9999. However, XQuery implementations are not required to support more than four digits. A preceding minus sign (-) can be used to represent years before 0001. A time zone can be added to the end, as described in “Time Zones”.

Values of type xs:date can be cast to and from xs:dateTime, as described in the section on xs:dateTime. You can obtain the current date by using the current-date function, which returns a value of type xs:date.

Table B-3 lists some values of the xs:date type. For more information on working with dates, see Chapter 20.

Table B-3. Values of the xs:date type
2015-05-03May 3, 2015
2015-05-03-05:00May 3, 2015, US Eastern Standard Time, which is five hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
2015-05-03ZMay 3, 2015, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
2015/05/03Slashes are not allowed as separators.
05-03-2015The value must be in YYYY-MM-DD order.
2015-09-31The date must be valid (September has 30 days).
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.


The primitive type xs:dateTime represents a combined date and time. The lexical representation of xs:dateTime is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss, which is a concatenation of the xs:date and xs:time representation, with an uppercase letter T between them. The constraints described for the xs:date and xs:time types are also true for xs:dateTime. A time zone can be added to the end, as described in “Time Zones”.

Table B-4 lists some values of the xs:dateTime type. For more information on working with dates and times, see Chapter 20.

Table B-4. Values of the xs:dateTime type
2015-05-03T13:20:001:20 P.M. on May 3, 2015
2015-05-03T13:20:15.51:20 P.M. and 15.5 seconds on May 3, 2015
2015-05-03T13:20:00-05:001:20 P.M. on May 3, 2015, US Eastern Standard Time
2015-05-03T13:20:00Z1:20 P.M. on May 3, 2015, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
2015-05-03T24:00:00Midnight the evening of May 3/morning of May 4
2015-05-04T00:00:00Midnight the evening of May 3/morning of May 4 (equal to the previous example)
2015-05-03T13:00Seconds must be specified.
2015-05-03The time is required.
2015-05-0313:20:00The letter T is required.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

Values of type xs:dateTime can be constructed using the standard xs:dateTime constructor. In addition, a function named dateTime can be used to construct an xs:dateTime value from an xs:date and an xs:time. You can obtain the current date/time by using the current-dateTime function, which returns a value of type xs:dateTime.

It is possible to cast some values to and from xs:dateTime, as shown in the examples in Table B-5. You can split an xs:dateTime value into its date and time components by casting it to xs:date or xs:time. Additionally, xs:date values can be cast to xs:dateTime, in which case the time components are filled in with zeros. Time zones are unchanged by the cast.

Table B-5. Examples of casting to date and time values
xs:dateTime("2015-05-03T10:32:15") cast as xs:date2015-05-03
xs:dateTime("2015-05-03T10:32:15") cast as xs:time10:32:15
xs:date("2015-05-03") cast as xs:dateTime2015-05-03T00:00:00


The type xs:dateTimeStamp represents a combined date and time, but with a time zone required. It is derived from xs:dateTime and has the same lexical representation and rules. The only difference is that a value is required to end in a time zone, as described in “Time Zones”. This type is only supported by processors that support XSD version 1.1 data types.

Because xs:dateTimeStamp is derived from xs:dateTime, values of this type follow the same rules for comparing and casting values.

Table B-6 lists some values of the xs:dateTimeStamp type. For more information on working with dates and times, see Chapter 20.

Table B-6. Values of the xs:dateTimeStamp type
2015-05-03T13:20:00-05:001:20 P.M. on May 3, 2015, US Eastern Standard Time
2015-05-03T13:20:00Z1:20 P.M. on May 3, 2015, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
2015-05-03T13:20:00Time zone is required.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.


The xs:dayTimeDuration type is a restriction of the xs:duration type, with only day (D), hour (H), minute (M), and second (S) components allowed. Its lexical representation is PnDTnHnMnS, where an uppercase P starts the expression, n indicates the quantity of each component, and an uppercase letter T separates the day and time components. For example, the value P3DT5H represents a period of three days and five hours. You can omit components whose quantity is zero, but at least one component is required.

All the lexical rules for xs:duration also apply to the xs:dayTimeDuration type. This includes allowing a negative sign at the beginning of the value. Table B-7 lists some values of the xs:dayTimeDuration type.

Unlike the xs:duration type, the xs:dayTimeDuration type is totally ordered, meaning that its values can be compared using the operators <, >, <=, and >=. For more on working with durations, see Chapter 20.

Table B-7. Values of the xs:dayTimeDuration type
P6DT11H32M20S6 days, 11 hours, 32 minutes, 20 seconds
P2DT3H2 days, 3 hours
PT40H40 hours (the number of hours can be more than 24)
PT0S0 seconds
-P60DMinus 60 days
P2YYears and months cannot be specified.
P15.5DOnly the seconds number can contain a decimal point.
P1D2HThe letter T must be used to separate day and time components.
PT30S35MMinutes must appear before seconds.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.


The primitive type xs:decimal represents a decimal number. The lexical representation of xs:decimal is a sequence of digits that can be preceded by a sign (+ or -) and may contain a decimal point (.). Trailing zeros after the decimal point are not considered significant. That is, the decimal values 5.1 and 5.1000 are considered equal.

Table B-8 lists some values of the xs:decimal type.

Table B-8. Values of the xs:decimal type
-5.2A sign is permitted.
6A decimal point is not required.
0006.000Leading and trailing zeros are valid.
5,6The decimal separator must be a period, not a comma.
1e6Exponential notation is not allowed; use xs:float or xs:double instead.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

Implementations vary in the number of significant digits they allow. They are free to round or truncate values to the number of digits they support. If overflow occurs during arithmetic operations on xs:decimal values, error FOAR0002 is raised. When underflow occurs, the value 0.0 is returned.

Casting xs:decimal Values

Values of type xs:decimal can be cast to and from any of the other numeric types. Casting among numeric types is straightforward if the value is in the value space of both types. For example, casting an xs:decimal value 12.5 to xs:float results in a value 12.5E0 whose type is xs:float.

However, some xs:float or xs:double values cannot be cast to xs:decimal. Error FOCA0002 is raised if you attempt to cast to xs:decimal one of the special values NaN, INF, or -INF. Error FOCA0001 is raised if a value is too large to be supported by the implementation. Error FOCA0006 is raised if a value has greater precision than the implementation can support.

You can cast xs:decimal values to xs:integer, in which case the value is truncated.

Values of type xs:decimal can also be cast to and from xs:string, xs:untypedAtomic, and xs:boolean. When cast to xs:string, the value will have no positive sign, no leading zeros, and no trailing zeros after the decimal point, except that there will always be at least one digit before the decimal point. If there is no fractional part, the decimal point is omitted. When cast to xs:boolean, the value 0 becomes false, and all other values become true.


The primitive type xs:double is patterned after an IEEE double-precision 64-bit floating-point number. The lexical representation is a mantissa (a decimal number) followed, optionally, by the letter E (in upper- or lowercase), followed by an integer exponent. For example, 3E2 represents 3 × 102, or 300. In addition, there are three special values: INF, (infinity), -INF (negative infinity), and NaN (not a number).

Table B-9 lists some values of the xs:double type.

Table B-9. Values of the xs:double type
+3.5Any value valid for xs:decimal is also valid for xs:float and xs:double
-0Negative zero
INFPositive infinity
NaNNot a number
-5E3.5The exponent must be an integer.
37EAn exponent must be specified if E is present.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

XQuery makes a distinction between positive and negative zero values for the xs:double type. 0 and -0 are considered to be equal but separate values.

The implementation has some flexibility regarding how to handle overflow or underflow during arithmetic operations on xs:double values. The processor may raise error FOAR0002. Alternatively, in an overflow situation, it may return INF, -INF, or the largest or smallest possible value. For underflow, it may return the closest possible value to zero.

Casting xs:double Values

Values of type xs:double can be cast to and from any of the other numeric types. Casting among numeric types is straightforward if the value is in the value space of both types. For example, casting an xs:double value 12.5E0 to xs:float results in a value 12.5E0 whose type is xs:float.

However, some xs:double values are either too large or are otherwise not represented in the value spaces of xs:float, xs:decimal, or xs:integer. See the descriptions of these types for more information.

Values of type xs:double can also be cast to and from xs:string, xs:untypedAtomic, and xs:boolean. When cast to xs:string, if the absolute value is between 0.000001 (inclusive) and 1,000,000 (exclusive), the value is represented as a decimal. It will have no exponent, no positive sign, and no leading or trailing zeros, except that there will always be at least one digit before the decimal point. If there is no fractional part, the decimal point is omitted. If the value is outside that range, it is represented using an exponent, as shown in the first three examples in Table B-9.


The primitive type xs:duration represents a duration of time. It allows you to specify a number of years (Y), months (M), days (D), hours (H), minutes (M), and seconds (S). The lexical representation of xs:duration is PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where an uppercase P starts the expression, n indicates the quantity of each component, and an uppercase letter T separates the day and time components. For example, the value P3YT5H represents a period of three years and five hours.

The following rules apply to xs:duration values:

  • A minus sign may appear at the beginning of the value (before the P) to indicate a negative duration.

  • You can omit components whose quantity is zero, but at least one component is required.

  • If no time components (hours, minutes, or seconds) are specified, the T cannot appear.

  • The numbers must be integers, except for the number of seconds, which can include a decimal point. XQuery implementations are required to support at least three fractional digits in the number of seconds, but may support more.

  • If a decimal point appears in the number of seconds, there must be at least one digit after the decimal point.

Table B-10 lists some values of the xs:duration type. For more information on working with durations, see Chapter 20.

Table B-10. Values of the xs:duration type
P3Y5M8DT9H25M20S3 years, 5 months, 8 days, 9 hours, 25 minutes, 20 seconds
P2DT3H2 days, 3 hours
P25M25 months (the number of months may be more than 12)
PT25M25 minutes
P0Y0 years
-P60YMinus 60 years
PT1M30.5S1 minute, 30.5 seconds
P16.3DAll numbers except the seconds must be integers.
P3D5HThe T must be used to separate days and time components.
P-40MThe minus sign must appear first.
P1YM5DThe number of months is missing.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

The xs:duration type is not totally ordered, meaning that values of this type cannot be compared because it is sometimes ambiguous. For example, if you try to determine whether the xs:duration value P1M is greater than or less than the xs:duration value P30D, it is ambiguous. Months may have 28, 29, 30, or 31 days, so is 30 days less than a month or not?

For this reason, there are two types derived from duration: xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration. By ensuring that month and day components never appear in the same duration, the ambiguity is eliminated.

Values of xs:duration can be tested for equality (or inequality) with other values of the same type. Two xs:duration values will be considered equal if they have the same number of months and seconds, regardless of their lexical representation. For example, P1YT60S is equal to P12MT1M because they represent the same duration of time (12 months and 60 seconds). However, you cannot compare them by using the operators <, <=, >, or >=. These operators can be used on the two ordered subtypes.


The type xs:ENTITIES represents a whitespace-separated list of xs:ENTITY values. XQuery does not provide any special functions for this type. However, since xs:ENTITY is ultimately derived from xs:string, a value of type xs:ENTITIES can be treated like a sequence of xs:string values.


The type xs:ENTITY represents a value that refers to an unparsed entity, which must be declared in the document’s DTD. The xs:ENTITY type might be used to include information from another file that is not in XML syntax, such as images. XQuery does not provide any special functions for this type. However, since xs:ENTITY is ultimately derived from xs:string, xs:ENTITY values can be compared and used like strings.


The type xs:error is a union type that has no member types and therefore no possible valid values. It is used in XML Schema 1.1 to force an error during conditional type assignment. In XQuery, if your processor supports XSD 1.1, it is possible to use the type xs:error as a type constructor or in a cast expression. However, this will always result in a dynamic query error since there are no possible valid values. A better approach to forcing an error is to call the error function, which allows the specification of an error message.


The primitive type xs:float is patterned after an IEEE single-precision 32-bit floating-point number. The lexical representation is a mantissa (a decimal number) followed, optionally, by the letter E (in upper- or lowercase), followed by an integer exponent. For example, 3E2 represents 3 × 102, or 300. In addition, there are three special values: INF, (infinity), -INF (negative infinity), and NaN (not a number).

Table B-11 lists some values of the xs:float type.

Table B-11. Values of the xs:float type
+3.5Any value valid for xs:decimal is also valid for xs:float and xs:double
-0Negative zero
INFPositive infinity
NaNNot a number
-5E3.5The exponent must be an integer.
37EAn exponent must be specified if E is present.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

XQuery makes a distinction between positive and negative zero values for the xs:float type. 0 and -0 are considered to be equal but separate values.

The implementation has some flexibility regarding how to handle overflow or underflow during arithmetic operations on xs:float values. The processor may raise error FOAR0002. Alternatively, in an overflow situation, it may return INF, -INF, or the largest or smallest possible value. For underflow, it may return the closest possible value to zero.

Casting xs:float Values

Values of type xs:float can be cast to and from any of the other numeric types. Casting among numeric types is straightforward if the value is in the value space of both types. For example, casting an xs:float value 12.5E0 to xs:decimal results in a value 12.5 whose type is xs:decimal.

However, some xs:float values are either too large or are otherwise not represented in the value spaces of xs:decimal or xs:integer. See the descriptions of these types for more information.

Additionally, some special cases apply when casting xs:double values to xs:float. Values that are too large to be represented by xs:float are cast to INF, values that are too small are cast to -INF, and values that would cause underflow are cast to 0.

Values of type xs:float can also be cast to and from xs:string, xs:untypedAtomic, and xs:boolean. When cast to xs:string, if the absolute value is between 0.000001 (inclusive) and 1000000 (exclusive), the value is represented as a decimal. It will have no exponent, no positive sign, and no leading or trailing zeros, except that there will always be at least one digit before the decimal point. If there is no fractional part, the decimal point is omitted. If the value is outside that range, it is represented using an exponent, as shown in the first three examples in Table B-11.


The primitive type xs:gDay represents a recurring day of the month. It can be used to specify, for example, that bills are sent out on the 15th of each month. It does not represent a number of days; to represent that, use the xs:dayTimeDuration type instead.

The lexical representation of xs:gDay is ---DD, where DD is a two-digit day number. An optional time zone may be used, as described in “Time Zones”. Table B-12 lists some values of xs:gDay.

Table B-12. Values of the xs:gDay type
---04The fourth of the month
---41It must be a valid day of the month.
04The three leading hyphens are required.
---4It must have two digits.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

Values of xs:gDay can be tested for equality (or inequality) with other values of the same type, but they cannot be compared using the operators <, <=, >, or >=.

Values of this type can be cast from the xs:date and xs:dateTime types. For example, the expression xs:date("2015-05-30") cast as xs:gDay returns an xs:gDay value of ---30. They can also be cast to and from xs:string and xs:untypedAtomic.


The primitive type xs:gMonth represents a recurring month. It can be used to specify, for example, that year-end auditing occurs in October of every year. It does not represent a number of months; to represent that, use the xs:yearMonthDuration type instead.

The lexical representation of xs:gMonth is --MM. An optional time zone may be used, as described in “Time Zones”. Table B-13 lists some values of this type.

Table B-13. Values of the xs:gMonth type
--06--Because of an error in the first version of XML Schema, you may see examples that use this format, but it is technically invalid.
--15The month must be a valid month.
2015-06The year cannot be specified.
06The two leading hyphens are required.
--6It must have two digits.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

Values of xs:gMonth can be tested for equality (or inequality) with other values of the same type, but you cannot compare them using the operators <, <=, >, or >=.

Values of this type can be cast from the xs:date and xs:dateTime types. For example, the expression xs:date("2015-05-30") cast as xs:gMonth returns an xs:gMonth value of --05. They can also be cast to and from xs:string and xs:untypedAtomic.


The primitive type xs:gMonthDay represents a recurring day of the year. It can be used to specify, for example, that your anniversary is on the 30th of July every year.

The lexical representation of xs:gMonthDay is --MM-DD. An optional time zone can be used, as described in “Time Zones”. Table B-14 lists some values of this type.

Table B-14. Values of the xs:gMonthDay type
--05-03May 3
--05-03ZMay 3, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
--05-32It must be a valid day of the year.
05-03The two leading hyphens are required.
--5-3The month and day must have two digits each.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

Values of xs:gMonthDay can be tested for equality (or inequality) with other values of the same type, but they cannot be compared using the operators <, <=, >, or >=.

Values of this type can be cast from the xs:date and xs:dateTime types. For example, the expression xs:date("2015-05-30") cast as xs:gMonthDay returns an xs:gMonthDay value of --05-30. They can also be cast to and from xs:string and xs:untypedAtomic.


The primitive type xs:gYear represents a specific year. The lexical representation of xs:gYear is YYYY. A preceding minus sign (-) can be used to represent years before 0001. An optional time zone may be used, as described in “Time Zones”. Table B-15 lists some values of the xs:gYear type.

Table B-15. Values of the xs:gYear type
2015-08:002015, US Pacific Time
12015The year 12015
0922The year 922
-007373 B.C.
99It must have at least four digits.
922It must have at least four digits; leading zeros can be added.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

Values of xs:gYear can be tested for equality (or inequality) with other values of the same type, but they cannot be compared using the operators <, <=, >, or >=.

Values of this type can be cast from the xs:date and xs:dateTime types. For example, the expression xs:date("2015-05-30") cast as xs:gYear returns an xs:gYear value of 2015. They can also be cast to and from xs:string and xs:untypedAtomic.


The primitive type xs:gYearMonth represents a specific month. The lexical representation of xs:gYearMonth is YYYY-MM. A preceding minus sign (-) can be used to represent years before 0001. An optional time zone may be used, as described in “Time Zones”. Table B-16 lists some values of the xs:gYearMonth type.

Table B-16. Values of the xs:gYearMonth type
2015-05May 2015
2015-05-08:00May 2015, US Pacific Time
2015-5The month must have two digits.
2015-13The month must be a valid month.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

Values of xs:gYearMonth can be tested for equality (or inequality) with other values of the same type, but they cannot be compared using the operators <, <=, >, or >=.

Values of this type can be cast from the xs:date and xs:dateTime types. For example, the expression xs:date("2015-05-30") cast as xs:gYearMonth returns an xs:gYearMonth value of 2015-05. They can also be cast to and from xs:string and xs:untypedAtomic.


The primitive type xs:hexBinary represents binary data as a sequence of binary octets. The type xs:hexBinary uses hexadecimal encoding, where each binary octet is a two-character hexadecimal number. Digits 0 through 9 and lowercase and uppercase letters A through F are permitted. For example, 0CD7 and 0cd7 are two equal xs:hexBinary representations consisting of two octets.

Table B-17 lists some values of the xs:hexBinary type.

Table B-17. Values of the xs:hexBinary type
0cd7The equivalent of 0CD7
An empty value is allowed.
CD7An odd number of characters is not allowed; characters appear in pairs.

Values of type xs:hexBinary can be cast to and from xs:base64Binary, xs:string, and xs:untypedAtomic. When cast to xs:string, xs:hexBinary values are converted to their canonical representation, which uses only uppercase letters.

Two xs:hexBinary values can be compared using the comparison operators = and !=. Two xs:hexBinary values are considered equal if their canonical representations are equal. This means that the case of the letters is not taken into account in the comparison. An xs:hexBinary value is never equal to an xs:base64Binary value, nor is it equal to an xs:string containing the same characters. Starting in XQuery 3.1, two xs:hexBinary values can also be compared using the <, <=, >, or >= operators.


The type xs:ID represents a unique identifier in an XML document. It is most commonly used as the type of an attribute that serves as an identifier for the element that carries it. Example B-1 shows an XML document that contains some ID attributes, namely the id attribute of the section element, and the fnid attribute of the fn element. Each section and fn element is uniquely identified by an ID value, such as fn1, preface, or context.

The example assumes that this document was validated with a schema that declares these attributes to be of type xs:ID. Having the local name id is not enough to make an attribute an xs:ID; the attribute must be declared in a schema to have the type ID. In fact, the name is irrelevant; an attribute named foo can have the type xs:ID, and an attribute named id can be of type xs:integer.

Example B-1. XML document with attributes of type ID and IDREF (book.xml)
  <section id="preface">This book introduces XQuery...
    The examples are downloadable<fnref ref="fn1"/>...
  <section id="context">...</section>
  <section id="language">...Expressions, introduced
   in <secRef refs="context"/>, are...
  <section id="types">...As described in
    <secRef refs="context language"/>, you can...
  <fn fnid="fn1">See</fn>

The values of attributes of type xs:ID must be unique within the entire XML document. This is true even if two xs:ID values appear in attributes with different names, or on elements with different names. For example, it would be invalid for an fn element’s fnid attribute to have the same value as a section element’s id attribute. Values of type xs:ID follow the same rules as the xs:NCName type; they must start with a letter or underscore, and can only contain letters, digits, underscores, hyphens, and periods.

Because xs:ID is ultimately derived from xs:string, xs:ID values can be compared and used like strings. For more information on working with IDs, see “Working with IDs”.


The type xs:IDREF represents a cross-reference to an xs:ID value. Like xs:ID, it is most commonly used to describe attribute values. Each attribute of type xs:IDREF must reference an ID in the same XML document. For example, the ref attribute of the fnref element in Example B-1 contains an xs:IDREF value (again, assuming it is validated with a schema). Its value, fn1, matches the value of the fnid attribute of the fn element. You can find all the xs:IDREF values that refer to a specific ID by using the idref function.

Because xs:IDREF is ultimately derived from xs:string, xs:IDREF values can be compared and used like strings. For more information on working with IDREFs, see “Working with IDs”.


The type xs:IDREFS represents a whitespace-separated list of one or more xs:IDREF values. In Example B-1, the refs attribute of secRef is assumed to be of type xs:IDREFS. The first refs attribute contains only one xs:IDREF (context), while the second contains two xs:IDREF values (context and language).

Because xs:IDREF is derived by restriction from xs:string, a value of type xs:IDREFS can be treated like a sequence of xs:string values.


The type xs:int represents an integer between -2147483648 and 2147483647, inclusive. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal, via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits, optionally preceded by a sign (+ or -). For example, -223, -1, 0, 5, and +3367 are valid values.


The type xs:integer represents an arbitrarily large integer. It is derived from xs:decimal, and it is the base type for many other integer types.

The lexical representation of the xs:integer type is a sequence of digits. A sign (+ or -) may precede the numbers. Decimal points are not permitted in xs:integer values, even if there are no significant digits after the decimal point. Table B-18 lists some values of the xs:integer type.

Table B-18. Values of the xs:integer type
00231Leading zeros are permitted.
+4A sign is permitted.
4.0A decimal point is not permitted.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

Implementations vary in the number of significant digits they support. If overflow or underflow occurs during arithmetic operations on xs:integer values, the implementation may either raise error FOAR0002 or return a result that is the remainder after dividing by the largest possible integer value.

Casting xs:integer Values

Values of type xs:integer can be cast to and from any of the other numeric types. Casting among numeric types is straightforward if the value is in the value space of both types. For example, casting an xs:float value 12 to xs:integer results in a value 12 whose type is xs:integer. When casting a number with a fractional part to xs:integer, the fractional part is truncated (not rounded).

However, some xs:float or xs:double values cannot be cast to xs:integer. Error FOCA0002 is raised if you attempt to cast to xs:integer one of the special values NaN, INF, or -INF. Error FOCA0003 is raised if a value is greater than those supported by the implementation.

Values of type xs:integer can also be cast to and from xs:string, xs:untypedAtomic, and xs:boolean. When cast to xs:string, the value will have no positive sign and no leading zeros. When cast to xs:boolean, the value 0 becomes false, and all other values become true.


The type xs:language represents a natural language. It is often used for attributes that specify the language of the element. Its values conform to RFC 3066, Tags for the Identification of Languages. The most common format is a two- or three-character (usually lowercase) language code that follows ISO 639, such as en or fr. It can optionally be followed by a hyphen and a two-character (usually uppercase) country code that follows ISO 3166, such as en-US. Additional dialects or country codes may be specified at the end of the value, each preceded by a hyphen.

Processors do not verify that values of the language type conform to the above rules. They simply validate based on the pattern specified for this type, which says that the value must consist of parts containing one to eight characters, separated by hyphens.

The xs:language type is most commonly associated with the xml:lang attribute defined in the XML specification; the value of this attribute may be tested using the lang function. Table B-19 lists some values of the xs:language type.

Table B-19. Values of the xs:language type
en-USUS English
en-GBUK English
any-value-with-short-partsAlthough this value is valid, it does not follow RFC 3066 guidelines.
longerThan8Parts cannot exceed eight characters in length.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

The xs:language type is derived by restriction from xs:string, so any functions and operations that can be performed on strings, such as substring and comparing using the < operator, can also be performed on xs:language values.


The type xs:long represents an integer between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807, inclusive. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal, via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits, optionally preceded by a sign (+ or -). For example, -9223372036854775808, 0, 1, and +214 are valid values. Because implementations are only required to support integers up to 18 digits, some may not accept the full value range of xs:long.


The xs:Name type is used to represent a lexically valid name in XML. However, this type is almost never used in XQuery or XML Schema. The xs:QName type is much more appropriate to fully represent names, whether they are in a namespace or not. For unqualified names or local parts of names, xs:NCName or even xs:string are also appropriate types.


The letters NC in NCName stand for non-colonized. The type xs:NCName can be used to represent the local part of names, or even prefixes. An xs:NCName value must start with a letter and underscore (_), and may contain only letters, digits, underscores, hyphens, and periods.

Because xs:NCName is ultimately derived from xs:string, xs:NCName values can be compared and used like strings.


The type xs:negativeInteger represents an arbitrarily large integer less than 0. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits, preceded by a sign (-). For example, -1 and -1234123412341234 are valid values.


The type xs:NMTOKEN represents a string that contains no whitespace. xs:NMTOKEN values may consist only of characters allowed in XML names, namely letters, digits, periods, hyphens, underscores, and colons. For example, navy, 123, and SENDER_OR_RECEIVER are all valid values. Leading and trailing whitespace is allowed but is considered insignificant.

Because xs:NMTOKEN is ultimately derived from xs:string, xs:NMTOKEN values can be compared and used like strings.


The type xs:NMTOKENS represents a whitespace-separated list of one or more xs:NMTOKEN values. For example, navy black is a valid value that represents two different xs:NMTOKEN values. Because xs:NMTOKEN is derived by restriction from xs:string, a value of type xs:NMTOKENS can be treated like a sequence of xs:string values.


The type xs:nonNegativeInteger represents an arbitrarily large integer greater than or equal to 0. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits, optionally preceded by a sign (+). For example, 0, 1, and +1234123412341234 are valid values.


The type xs:nonPositiveInteger represents an arbitrarily large integer less than or equal to 0. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal, via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits, optionally preceded by a sign (- or + if the value is 0). For example, 0, -1, and -1234123412341234 are valid values.


The xs:normalizedString type is identical to xs:string, except in the way that whitespace is normalized in its values. This whitespace normalization takes place during validation, and also when values are constructed or cast to xs:normalizedString. For values of type xs:normalizedString, the processor replaces each carriage return, line feed, and tab by a single space. This is different from xs:string values, where whitespace is preserved. There is no collapsing of multiple consecutive spaces into a single space; this is done with values of type xs:token.

The whitespace handling of the xs:normalizedString type is different from that of the normalize-space function, which does collapse multiple adjacent spaces to a single space.

The xs:normalizedString type is derived by restriction from xs:string, so any functions and operations that can be performed on strings, such as substring and comparing using the < operator, can also be performed on xs:normalizedString values.


The primitive type xs:NOTATION represents a reference to an XML notation. Notations are a way to indicate how to interpret non-XML content that is rarely used in the domain of XQuery and XML Schema. xs:NOTATION is an abstract type, and as such, you cannot construct values that have the type xs:NOTATION. It is possible to create user-defined types that are restrictions of xs:NOTATION, which do have type constructors associated with them. These type constructors have the constraint that they will only accept a literal string as an argument, not an evaluated expression.


The type xs:numeric is a union type that includes xs:double, xs:float, and xs:decimal. It is most commonly used in the signatures of functions that accept any numeric type. For example, the abs function accepts an argument of type xs:numeric, which means that an xs:double, xs:float, or xs:decimal value can be passed to it. Because of the function conversion rules, xs:integer values are also allowed, since xs:integer is derived from xs:decimal.

Despite its xs prefix, this type is not defined by XML Schema. However, it is implicitly supported by XQuery 3.1 processors. In previous versions of XQuery, a special keyword numeric (no prefix) was used in built-in function signatures instead.


The type xs:positiveInteger represents an arbitrarily large integer greater than 0. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits, optionally preceded by a sign (+). For example, 1 and 1234123412341234 are valid values.


The primitive type xs:QName represents an XML namespace-qualified name. xs:QName values have three parts: the full namespace URI, the local part of the name, and the prefix. The namespace and the prefix are optional. If a QName does not have a namespace associated with it, it is considered to be in “no namespace.”

When used in a query or schema, the lexical representation of an xs:QName has just two parts: an optional prefix and the local part of the name. Based on the prefix, the context is used to determine the namespace URI. If the prefix is not present, either the name is in the default namespace or it is in no namespace at all.

Table B-20 lists some values of the xs:QName type.

Table B-20. Values of the xs:QName type
prod:numberValid assuming the prefix prod is bound to a namespace in scope.
numberPrefix and colon are optional.
:numberAn xs:QName must not start with a colon.
prod:3rdnumberThe local part must not start with a number; it must be a valid NCName.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.

The prefix itself has no meaning; it is just a placeholder. However, the XQuery processor does keep track of a QName’s prefix. This simplifies certain processes such as serializing QNames and casting them to strings.

One of the most common ways of getting an xs:QName is to use the node-name function, which returns the name of an element or attribute as an xs:QName value.

The xs:QName type has a standard constructor that allows a value to be cast from xs:untypedAtomic or from xs:string. The value may be prefixed, e.g., prod:number, or unprefixed, e.g., number. If a prefix is used, it must be declared.

Two additional functions can be used to construct xs:QName values: QName and resolve-QName.

Two xs:QName values can be compared using the = and != operators. They are considered equal if they have the exact same namespace URI (based on Unicode codepoints) and the exact same local name (also based on Unicode codepoints); the prefixes are ignored. Because the xs:QName type is not ordered, two xs:QName values cannot be compared using the <, <=, >, or >= operators. The xs:QName type is not derived from xs:string, so you cannot compare them to strings directly.

More information on working with qualified names can be found in “Working with Qualified Names”.


The type xs:short represents an integer between -32768 and 32767, inclusive. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits, optionally preceded by a sign (+ or -). For example, -32768, -1, 0, 1, and +32767 are valid values.


An xs:string value is a character string that may contain any character allowed by XML. The xs:string type is a primitive type from which a large number of other types are derived. It is intended to represent generic character data, and whitespace in elements of type xs:string is always preserved.

It should be noted that xs:string is not the default type for untyped values. If a value is selected from an input document with no schema, the value is given the type xs:untypedAtomic, not xs:string. But it is easy enough to cast an xs:untypedAtomic value to xs:string. In fact, you can cast a value of any type to xs:string, and you can cast an xs:string value to any type (with restrictions for xs:QName and xs:NOTATION), assuming it is a valid value for that type.

Chapter 18 provides an overview of all the functions and operations on strings. All the operations and functions that can be performed on xs:string values can also be performed on values whose types are restrictions of xs:string. This includes user-defined types that appear in a schema, as well as the built-in derived types such as xs:normalizedString, xs:language, and xs:ID.


The primitive type xs:time represents a specific time of day. The lexical representation of xs:time is hh:mm:ss.sss where hh is the hour, mm is the minutes, and ss.sss is the seconds. XQuery implementations are required to support at least three fractional digits for the number of seconds, but may support more. To represent P.M. values, the hours 13 through 24 should be used. Either of the values 00:00:00 or 24:00:00 can be used to represent midnight. These values are considered identical, which means that 24:00:00 is considered less than 23:59:59. A time zone can be added to the end, as described in “Time Zones”.

Values of type xs:dateTime can be cast to xs:time, but the reverse is not true. This is described further in the section on xs:dateTime. You can obtain the current time by using the current-time function, which returns a value of type xs:time.

Table B-21 lists some values of the xs:time type. For more information on working with times, see Chapter 20.

Table B-21. Values of the xs:time type
15:30:003:30 P.M.
15:30:34.673:30 P.M. and 34.67 seconds
15:30:00-08:003:30 P.M., US Pacific Time
15:30:00Z3:30 P.M., Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
24:00:00Midnight (equal to the previous example)
3:40:00All numbers must be two digits each.
15:30Seconds must be specified.
15:70:00It must be a valid time of day.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.


The xs:token type is identical to xs:string, except in the way that whitespace is normalized in its values. This whitespace normalization takes place during validation, and also when values are constructed or cast to xs:token. In values of type xs:token, the processor replaces each carriage return, line feed, and tab by a single space. Subsequently, all consecutive whitespace characters are replaced by a single space, and leading and trailing spaces are removed. This is different from xs:string values, where whitespace is preserved. It is also different from xs:normalizedString, which replaces whitespace characters but does not collapse them.

A value of type xs:token can contain whitespace, despite the fact that “token” implies a single token. The xs:token type is derived by restriction from xs:string, so any functions and operations that can be performed on strings, such as substring and comparisons using the < operator, can also be performed on xs:token values.


The type xs:unsignedByte represents an unsigned integer between 0 and 255, inclusive. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits. For example, 0, 1, and 255 are valid values. A leading plus sign (+) is not allowed.


The type xs:unsignedInt represents an unsigned integer between 0 and 4294967295, inclusive. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal, via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits. For example, 0, 1, and 4294967295 are valid values. A leading plus sign (+) is not allowed.


The type xs:unsignedLong represents an unsigned integer between 0 and 18446744073709551615, inclusive. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits. For example, 0, 1, and 18446744073709551615 are valid values. A leading plus sign (+) is not allowed.


The type xs:unsignedShort represents an unsigned integer between 0 and 65535, inclusive. It is ultimately derived from xs:decimal via xs:integer. Its value can be a sequence of digits. For example, 0, 1, and 65535 are valid values. A leading plus sign (+) is not allowed.


The generic xs:untyped type applies to all element nodes that are “untyped,” i.e., have no specific type annotation. This includes element nodes that were not validated against a schema declaration. “Types, Nodes, and Atomic Values” describes how element nodes might come to be untyped.


The generic xs:untypedAtomic type applies to all attribute nodes and atomic values that are “untyped”, i.e., have no specific type. An attribute node is untyped if it was not validated against a schema declaration. “Types, Nodes, and Atomic Values” describes how attribute nodes might come to be untyped.

An atomic value might have the type xs:untypedAtomic if it was extracted from an untyped element or attribute. Untyped atomic values can often be used wherever a typed value would. This is because every function and expression has rules for casting untyped values to an appropriate type.


The xs:yearMonthDuration type represents a restriction of the xs:duration type, with only year (Y) and month (M) components allowed. Its lexical representation is PnYnM, where an uppercase P starts the expression, and n indicates the quantity of each component. For example, the value P3Y5M represents a period of three years and five months. You can omit components whose quantity is zero, but at least one component is required.

All of the lexical rules for xs:duration also apply to the xs:yearMonthDuration type. This includes allowing a negative sign at the beginning of the value. Table B-22 lists some values of the xs:yearMonthDuration type.

Unlike the xs:duration type, the xs:yearMonthDuration type is totally ordered, meaning that its values can be compared. For more information on working with durations, see Chapter 20.

Table B-22. Values of the xs:yearMonthDuration type
P3Y5M3 years, 5 months
P3Y3 years
P30M30 months (the number of months can be more than 12)
P0M0 months
P2Y6M3DDays cannot be specified.
P16.6YThe number of years cannot be expressed as a decimal.
P2M1YThe years must appear before the months.
An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted.
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