Chapter 1. Introduction to gRPC

Modern software applications rarely operate in isolation. Rather, they are connected with each other through computer networks and communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages to one another. Therefore, a modern software system is a collection of distributed software applications that are running at different network locations and communicate with each other with message passing using different communication protocols. For example, an online retail software system comprises multiple distributed applications such as an order management application, catalog application, databases, and so on. To implement the business functionalities of an online retail system, it is required to have interconnectivity between those distributed applications.


Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture is about building a software application as a collection of independent, autonomous (developed, deployed, and scaled independently), business capability–oriented, and loosely coupled services.1

With the advent of microservices architecture and cloud native architecture, conventional software applications that are built for multiple business capabilities are further segregated into a collection of fine-grained, autonomous, and business capability–oriented entities known as microservices. Therefore, a microservices-based software system also requires the microservices to be connected through the network using inter-process (or inter-service or inter-application) communication techniques. As an example, if we consider the same online retail system implemented using microservices architecture, you will find multiple interconnected microservices such as order management, search, checkout, shipping, and so on. Unlike conventional applications, the number of network communication links proliferates because of the fine-grained nature of microservices. Therefore, no matter the architectural style (conventional or microservices architecture) you use, inter-process communication techniques are one of the most important aspects of modern distributed software applications.

Inter-process communications are usually implemented using message passing with a synchronous request-response style or asynchronous event-driven styles. In the synchronous communication style, the client process sends a request message to the server process over the network and waits for a response message. In asynchronous event-driven messaging, processes communicate with asynchronous message passing by using an intermediary known as an event broker. Depending on your business use case, you can select the communication pattern that you want to implement.

When it comes to building synchronous request-response style communication for modern cloud native applications and microservices, the most common and conventional approach is to build them as RESTful services, where you model your application or service as a collection of resources that can be accessed and have their state changed via network calls that take place over the HTTP protocol. However, for most use cases RESTful services are quite bulky, inefficient, and error-prone for building inter-process communication. It is often required to have a highly scalable, loosely coupled inter-process communication technology that is more efficient than RESTful services. This is where gRPC, a modern inter-process communication style for building distributed applications and microservices, comes into the picture (we’ll compare and contrast gRPC with RESTful communication later in this chapter). gRPC primarily uses a synchronous request-response style for communication but can operate in fully asynchronous or streaming mode once the initial communication is established.

In this chapter, we’ll explore what gRPC is and the key motivations behind inventing such an inter-process communication protocol. We dive into the key building blocks of the gRPC protocol with the help of some real-world use cases. Also, it’s important to have a solid understanding of inter-process communication techniques and how they have evolved over time so that you can understand the key problems that gRPC is trying to solve. So, we’ll walk through those techniques and compare and contrast each of them. Let’s begin our discussion on gRPC by looking at what gRPC is.

What Is gRPC?

gRPC (the “g” stands for something different in every gRPC release) is an inter-process communication technology that allows you to connect, invoke, operate, and debug distributed heterogeneous applications as easily as making a local function call.

When you develop a gRPC application the first thing that you do is define a service interface. The service interface definition contains information on how your service can be consumed by consumers, what methods you allow the consumers to call remotely, what method parameters and message formats to use when invoking those methods, and so on. The language that we specify in the service definition is known as an interface definition language (IDL).

Using that service definition, you can generate the server-side code known as a server skeleton, which simplifies the server-side logic by providing low-level communication abstractions. Also, you can generate the client-side code, known as a client stub, which simplifies the client-side communication with abstractions to hide low-level communication for different programming languages. The methods that you specify in the service interface definition can be remotely invoked by the client side as easily as making a local function invocation. The underlying gRPC framework handles all the complexities that are normally associated with enforcing strict service contracts, data serialization, network communication, authentication, access control, observability, and so on.

To understand the fundamental concepts of gRPC, let’s take a look at a real-world use case of a microservice implemented with gRPC. Suppose we are building an online retail application comprised of multiple microservices. As illustrated in Figure 1-1, suppose that we want to build a microservice that gives the details of the products that are available in our online retail application (we will implement this use case from the ground up in Chapter 2). The ProductInfo service is modeled in such a way that it is exposed over the network as a gRPC service.

A microservice and a consumer based on gRPC
Figure 1-1. A microservice and a consumer based on gRPC

The service definition is specified in the ProductInfo.proto file, which is used by both the server and client sides to generate the code. In this example, we have assumed that the service is implemented using the Go language and that the consumer is implemented using Java. The network communication between the service and consumer takes place over HTTP/2.

Now let’s delve into the details of this gRPC communication. The first step of building a gRPC service is to create the service interface definition with the methods that are exposed by that service along with input parameters and return types. Let’s move on to the details of the service definition.

Service Definition

gRPC uses protocol buffers as the IDL to define the service interface. Protocol buffers are a language-agnostic, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism to serializing structured data (we’ll cover some of the fundamentals of protocol buffers in detail in Chapter 4, but for now you can think of it as a data serialization mechanism). The service interface definition is specified in a proto file—an ordinary text file with a .proto extension. You define gRPC services in ordinary protocol buffer format, with RPC method parameters and return types specified as protocol buffer messages. Since the service definition is an extension to the protocol buffer specification, a special gRPC plug-in is used to generate code from your proto file.

In our example use case, the ProductInfo service’s interface can be defined using protocol buffers as shown in Example 1-1. The service definition of ProductInfo is comprised of a service interface definition where we specify the remote methods, their input and output parameters, and the type definition (or message formats) of those parameters.

Example 1-1. gRPC service definition of ProductInfo service using protocol buffers
// ProductInfo.proto
syntax = "proto3"; 1
package ecommerce; 2

service ProductInfo { 3
    rpc addProduct(Product) returns (ProductID); 4
    rpc getProduct(ProductID) returns (Product); 5

message Product { 6
    string id = 1; 7
    string name = 2;
    string description = 3;

message ProductID { 8
    string value = 1;

The service definition begins with specifying the protocol buffer version (proto3) that we use.


Package names are used to prevent name clashes between protocol message types and also will be used to generate code.


Defining the service interface of a gRPC service.


Remote method to add a product that returns the product ID as the response.


Remote method to get a product based on the product ID.


Definition of the message format/type of Product.


Field (name-value pair) that holds the product ID with unique field numbers that are used to identify your fields in the message binary format.


User-defined type for product identification number.

A service is thus a collection of methods (e.g., addProduct and getProduct) that can be remotely invoked. Each method has input parameters and return types that we define as either part of the service or that can be imported into the protocol buffer definition.

The input and return parameters can be a user-defined type (e.g., Product and ProductID types) or a protocol buffer well-known type defined in the service definition. Those types are structured as messages, where each message is a small logical record of information containing a series of name-value pairs called fields. These fields are name-value pairs with unique field numbers (e.g., string id = 1) that are used to identify your fields in the message binary format.

This service definition is used to build the server and client side of your gRPC application. In the next section, we’ll go into the details of gRPC server implementation.

gRPC Server

Once you have a service definition in place, you can use it to generate the server- or client-side code using the protocol buffer compiler protoc. With the gRPC plug-in for protocol buffers, you can generate gRPC server-side and client-side code, as well as the regular protocol buffer code for populating, serializing, and retrieving your message types.

On the server side, the server implements that service definition and runs a gRPC server to handle client calls. Therefore, on the server side, to make the ProductInfo service do its job you need to do the following:

  1. Implement the service logic of the generated service skeleton by overriding the service base class.

  2. Run a gRPC server to listen for requests from clients and return the service responses.

When implementing service logic, the first thing to do is generate the service skeleton from the service definition. For example, in the code snippet in Example 1-2, you can find the generated remote functions for the ProductInfo service built with Go. Inside the body of these remote functions you can implement the logic of each function.

Example 1-2. gRPC server-side implementation of ProductInfo service with Go
import (
  pb ""

// ProductInfo implementation with Go

// Add product remote method
func (s *server) AddProduct(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Product) (
      *pb.ProductID, error) {
   // business logic

// Get product remote method
func (s *server) GetProduct(ctx context.Context, in *pb.ProductID) (
     *pb.Product, error) {
   // business logic

Once you have the service implementation ready, you need to run a gRPC server to listen for requests from clients, dispatch those requests to the service implementation, and return the service responses back to the client. The code snippet in Example 1-3 shows a gRPC server implementation with Go for the ProductInfo service use case. Here we open up a TCP port, start the gRPC server, and register the ProductInfo service with that server.

Example 1-3. Running a gRPC server for ProductInfo service with Go
func main() {
  lis, _ := net.Listen("tcp", port)
  s := grpc.NewServer()
  pb.RegisterProductInfoServer(s, &server{})
  if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err)

That’s all you have to do on the server side. Let’s move on to the gRPC client-side implementation.

gRPC Client

Similar to the server side, we can generate the client-side stub using the service definition. The client stub provides the same methods as the server, which your client code can invoke; the client stub translates them to remote function invocation network calls that go to the server side. Since gRPC service definitions are language-agnostic, you can generate clients and servers for any supported language (via the third-party implementations) of your choice. So for the ProductInfo service use case, we can generate the client stub for Java while our server side is implemented with Go. In the code snippet in Example 1-4, you find the code for Java. Despite the programming language we use, the simple steps involved in a client-side implementation involve setting up a connection with the remote server, attaching the client stub with that connection, and invoking the remote method using the client stub.

Example 1-4. gRPC client to invoke a remote method of service
// Create a channel using remote server address
ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8080)

// Initialize blocking stub using the channel
ProductInfoGrpc.ProductInfoBlockingStub stub =

// Call remote method using the blocking stub
StringValue productID = stub.addProduct(
       .setName("Apple iPhone 11")
       .setDescription("Meet Apple iPhone 11." +
            "All-new dual-camera system with " +
            "Ultra Wide and Night mode.")

As you now have a good sense of the key concepts of gRPC, let’s try to understand the gRPC client–server message flow in detail.

Client–Server Message Flow

When a gRPC client invokes a gRPC service, the client-side gRPC library uses the protocol buffer and marshals the remote procedure call protocol buffer format, which is then sent over HTTP/2. On the server side, the request is unmarshaled and the respective procedure invocation is executed using protocol buffers. The response follows a similar execution flow from the server to the client. As the wire transport protocol, gRPC uses HTTP/2, which is a high-performance binary message protocol with support for bidirectional messaging. We will further discuss the low-level details of the message flow between gRPC clients and servers along with protocol buffers and how gRPC uses HTTP/2 in Chapter 4.


Marshaling is the process of packing parameters and a remote function into a message packet that is sent over the network, while unmarshaling unpacks the message packet into the respective method invocation.

Before we go further into the gRPC protocol, it’s important to have a broad understanding of different inter-process communication technologies and how they have evolved with time.

Evolution of Inter-Process Communication

Inter-process communication techniques have been drastically evolving over time. There are various such techniques emerging to address modern needs and to provide a better and more efficient development experience. So, it’s important to have a good understanding of how inter-process communication techniques have evolved and how they made their way to gRPC. Let’s look at some of the most commonly used inter-process communication techniques and try to compare and contrast them with gRPC.

Conventional RPC

RPC was a popular inter-process communication technique for building client-service applications. With RPC a client can remotely invoke a function of a method just like calling a local method. There were popular RPC implementations in the early days such as the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI), which were used for building and connecting services or applications. However, most such conventional RPC implementations are overwhelmingly complex, as they are built on top of communication protocols such as TCP, which hinders interoperability, and are based on bloated specifications.


Owing to the limitations of conventional RPC implementations such as CORBA, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) was designed and heavily promoted by large-scale enterprises such as Microsoft, IBM, etc. SOAP is the standard communication technique in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) to exchange XML-based structured data between services (usually called web services in the context of SOA) and communicates over any underlying communication protocol such as HTTP (most commonly used).

With SOAP you can define the service interface, operations of that service, and an associated XML message format to be used to invoke those operations. SOAP was quite a popular technology but the complexity of message format, as well as the complexities of specifications built around SOAP, hinders the agility of building distributed applications. Therefore, in the context of modern distributed application development, SOAP web services are considered a legacy technology. Rather than using SOAP, most of the existing distributed applications are now being developed using the REST architecture style.


Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that originated from Roy Fielding’s PhD dissertation. Fielding is one of the principal authors of the HTTP specification and the originator of the REST architectural style. REST is the foundation of the resource-oriented architecture (ROA), where you model distributed applications as a collection of resources and the clients that access those resources can change the state (create, read, update, or delete) of those resources.

The de facto implementation of REST is HTTP, and in HTTP you can model a RESTful web application as a collection of resources accessible using a unique identifier (URL). The state-changing operations are applied on top of those resources in the form of the HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, and so on). The resource state is represented in textual formats such as JSON, XML, HTML, YAML, and so on.

Building applications using the REST architectural style with HTTP and JSON has become the de facto method of building microservices. However, with the proliferation of the number of microservices and their network interactions RESTful services have not been able to meet the expected modern requirements. There are a couple of key limitations of RESTful services that hinder the ability to use them as the messaging protocol for modern microservices-based applications.

Inefficient text-based message protocols

Inherently, RESTful services are built on top of text-based transport protocols such as HTTP 1.x and leverage human-readable textual formats such as JSON. When it comes to service-to-service communication, it is quite inefficient to use a textual format such as JSON because both parties to that communication do not need to use such human-readable textual formats.

The client application (source) produces binary content to be sent to the server, then it converts the binary structure into text (because with HTTP 1.x you have to send textual messages) and sends it over the network in text (over HTTP) to a machine that parses and turns it back into a binary structure on the service (target) side. Rather, we could have easily sent a binary format that can be mapped to a service’s and consumer’s business logic. One popular argument for using JSON is that it is easier to use because it’s “human-readable.” This is more a tooling problem than a problem with the binary protocols.

Lacks strongly typed interfaces between apps

With the increasing number of services interacting over the network that are built with disparate polyglot technologies, the lack of well-defined and strongly typed service definitions was a major setback. Most of the existing service definition technologies that we have in RESTful services, such as OpenAPI/Swagger, are afterthoughts and not tightly integrated with the underlying architectural style or messaging protocols.

This leads to many incompatibilities, runtime errors, and interoperability issues in building such decentralized applications. For instance, when you develop RESTful services, it is not required to have a service definition and type definition of the information that is shared between the applications. Rather, you develop your RESTful applications either looking at the textual format on the wire or third-party API definition technologies such as OpenAPI. Therefore, having a modern strongly typed service definition technology and a framework that generates the core of the server- and client-side code for polyglot technologies is a key necessity.

REST architectural style is hard to enforce

As an architectural style, REST has a lot of “good practices” that you need to follow to make a real RESTful service. But they are not enforced as part of the implementation protocols (such as HTTP), which makes it hard to enforce them at the implementation phase. Therefore, in practice, most of the services that claim to be RESTful are not properly following the foundations of the REST style. So, most of the so-called RESTful services are merely HTTP services exposed over the network. Therefore, development teams have to spend a lot of time maintaining the consistency and purity of a RESTful service.

With all these limitations of inter-process communication techniques in building modern cloud native applications, the quest for inventing a better message protocol began.

Inception of gRPC

Google had been using a general-purpose RPC framework called Stubby to connect thousands of microservices that are running across multiple data centers and built with disparate technologies. Its core RPC layer was designed to handle an internet scale of tens of billions of requests per second. Stubby has many great features, but it is not standardized to be used as a generic framework as it is too tightly coupled to Google’s internal infrastructure.

In 2015, Google released gRPC as an open source RPC framework; it is a standardized, general-purpose, and cross-platform RPC infrastructure. gRPC was intended to provide the same scalability, performance, and functionality that Stubby offered, but to the community at large.

Since then, the popularity of gRPC has grown dramatically over the past few years with large-scale adoption from major companies such as Netflix, Square, Lyft, Docker, Cisco, and CoreOS. Later, gRPC joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), one of the most popular open source software foundations dedicated to making cloud native computing universal and sustainable; gRPC gained a lot of traction from CNCF ecosystem projects.

Now let’s look at some of the key reasons for using gRPC over the conventional inter-process communication protocols.

Why gRPC?

gRPC is designed to be an internet-scale, inter-process communication technology that can overcome most of the shortcomings of conventional inter-process communication technologies. Owing to the benefits of gRPC, most modern applications and servers are increasingly converting their inter-process communication protocol to gRPC. So, why would somebody select gRPC as a communication protocol when there are so many other options available? Let’s look more closely at some of the key advantages that gRPC brings to the table.

Advantages of gRPC

The advantages that gRPC brings are key to the increasing adoption of gRPC. These advantages include the following:

It’s efficient for inter-process communication

Rather than using a textual format such as JSON or XML, gRPC uses a protocol buffer–based binary protocol to communicate with gRPC services and clients. Also, gRPC implements protocol buffers on top of HTTP/2, which makes it even faster for inter-process communication. This makes gRPC one of the most efficient inter-process communication technologies out there.

It has simple, well-defined service interfaces and schema

gRPC fosters a contract-first approach for developing applications. You first define the service interfaces and then work on the implementation details afterward. So, unlike OpenAPI/Swagger for RESTful service definition and WSDL for SOAP web services, gRPC offers a simple but consistent, reliable, and scalable application development experience.

It’s strongly typed

Since we use protocol buffers to define gRPC services, gRPC service contracts clearly define the types that you will be using for communication between the applications. This makes distributed application development much more stable, as static typing helps to overcome most of the runtime and interoperability errors that you would encounter when you build cloud native applications that span across multiple teams and technologies.

It’s polyglot

gRPC is designed to work with multiple programming languages. A gRPC service definition with protocol buffers is language-agnostic. Hence, you can pick the language of your choice but can interoperate with any existing gRPC service or client.

It has duplex streaming

gRPC has native support for client- or server-side streaming, which is baked into the service definition itself. This makes it much easier to develop streaming services or streaming clients. And the ability to build conventional request–response style messaging and client- and server-side streaming is a key advantage over the conventional RESTful messaging style.

It has built-in commodity features

gRPC offers built-in support for commodity features such as authentication, encryption, resiliency (deadlines and timeouts), metadata exchange, compression, load balancing, service discovery, and so on (we’ll explore these in Chapter 5).

It’s integrated with cloud native ecosystems

gRPC is part of the CNCF and most of the modern frameworks and technologies offer native support for gRPC out of the box. For instance, many projects under CNCF such as Envoy support gRPC as a communication protocol; for cross-cutting features such as metrics and monitoring, gRPC is supported by most such tools (e.g., using Prometheus to monitor gRPC applications).

It’s mature and has been widely adopted

gRPC has been matured by its heavy battle-testing at Google, and many other major tech companies such as Square, Lyft, Netflix, Docker, Cisco, and CoreOS have adopted it.

As with any technology, gRPC comes with a certain set of drawbacks as well. Knowing those drawbacks during application development is quite useful. So, let’s take a look at some of the limitations of gRPC.

Disadvantages of gRPC

Here are some of the disadvantages of gRPC that you need to be mindful of when you select it for building applications. These include the following:

It may not be suitable for external-facing services

When you want to expose the application or services to an external client over the internet, gRPC may not be the most suitable protocol as most of the external consumers are quite newly about gRPC and REST/HTTP. The contract-driven, strongly typed nature of gRPC services may hinder the flexibility of the services that you expose to the external parties, and consumers get far less control (unlike protocols such as GraphQL, which is explained in the next section). The gRPC gateway is designed as a workaround to overcome this issue. We’ll discuss it in detail in Chapter 8.

Drastic service definition changes are a complicated development process

Schema modifications are quite common in modern inter-service communication use cases. When there are drastic gRPC service definition changes, usually we need to regenerate code for both client and server. This needs to be incorporated into the existing continuous integration process and may complicate the overall development life cycle. However, most gRPC service definition changes can be accommodated without breaking the service contract, and gRPC will happily interoperate with clients and servers using different versions of a proto, as long as no breaking changes are introduced. So code regeneration is not required in most cases.

The ecosystem is relatively small

The gRPC ecosystem is still relatively small compared to the conventional REST/HTTP protocol. The support for gRPC in browser and mobile applications is still in the primitive stages.

You must be mindful about these limitations when it comes to the development of applications. So, obviously, gRPC is not a technique that you should use for all your inter-process communication requirements. Rather, you need to evaluate the business use case and requirements and pick the appropriate messaging protocol. We’ll explore some of these guidelines in Chapter 8.

As we discussed in previous sections, there are many existing and emerging inter-process communication techniques out there. It’s important to have a good understanding of how we can compare gRPC with other similar technologies that have gained popularity in the modern application development landscape, as this will help you in finding the most appropriate protocol for your services.

gRPC Versus Other Protocols: GraphQL and Thrift

We have discussed in detail some of the key limitations of REST, which laid the foundation to the inception of gRPC. Similarly, there are quite a few inter-process communication technologies emerging to fulfill the same needs. So, let’s look at some of the popular technologies and compare them with gRPC.

Apache Thrift

Apache Thrift is an RPC framework (initially developed at Facebook and later donated to Apache) similar to gRPC. It uses its own interface definition language and offers support for a wide range of programming languages. Thrift allows you to define data types and service interfaces in a definition file. By taking the service definition as the input, the Thrift compiler generates code for the client and server sides. The Thrift transport layer provides abstractions for network I/O and decouples Thrift from the rest of the system, which means it can run on any transport implementation such as TCP, HTTP, and so on.

If you compare Thrift with gRPC, you will find both pretty much follow the same design and usage goals. However, there are several important differentiators between the two:


gRPC is more opinionated than Thrift and offers first-class support for HTTP/2. Its implementations on HTTP/2 leverage the protocol’s capabilities to achieve efficiency and support for messaging patterns such as streaming.


gRPC service definitions natively support bidirectional streaming (client and server) as part of the service definition itself.

Adoption and community

When it comes to adoption gRPC seems to have a pretty good momentum and has managed to build a good ecosystem around CNCF projects. Also, community resources such as good documentation, external presentations, and sample use cases are quite common for gRPC, which makes the adoption process smooth compared to Thrift.


While there are no official results comparing gRPC versus Thrift, there are a few online resources with performance comparisons between the two that show better numbers for Thrift. However, gRPC is also being heavily benchmarked for performance in almost all releases. So performance is unlikely to be a deciding factor when it comes to selecting Thrift over gRPC. Also, there are other RPC frameworks that offer similar capabilities but gRPC is currently leading the way as the most standardized, interoperable, and widely adopted RPC technology.


GraphQL is another technology (invented by Facebook and standardized as an open technology) that is becoming quite popular for building inter-process communication. It is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL offers a fundamentally different approach for conventional client–server communication by allowing clients to determine what data they want, how they want it, and in what format they want it. gRPC, on the other hand, has a fixed contract for the remote methods that enable communication between the client and the server.

GraphQL is more suitable for external-facing services or APIs that are exposed to consumers directly where the clients need more control over the data that consume from the server. For example, in our online retail application scenario, suppose that the consumers of the ProductInfo service need only specific information about the products but not the entire set of attributes of a product, and the consumers also need a way to specify the information they want. With GraphQL you can model a service so that it allows consumers to query the service using the GraphQL query language and obtain the required information.

In most of the pragmatic use cases of GraphQL and gRPC, GraphQL is being used for external-facing services/APIs while internal services that are backing the APIs are implemented using gRPC.

Now let’s have a look at some of the real-world adopters of gRPC and their use cases.

gRPC in the Real World

The success of any inter-process communication protocol is largely dependent on industry-wide adoption and the user and developer community behind that project. gRPC has been widely adopted for building microservices and cloud native applications. Let’s look at some of the key success stories of gRPC.


Netflix, a subscription-based video streaming company, is one of the pioneers in practicing microservices architecture at scale. All of its video streaming capabilities are offered to consumers through an external-facing managed service (or APIs) and there are hundreds of backend services that are backing its APIs. Therefore, inter-process (or inter-service) communication is one of the most important aspects of its use case. During the initial stage of microservices implementation, Netflix developed its own technology stack for inter-service communication using RESTful services on HTTP/1.1, which backs almost 98% of the business use cases of the Netflix product.

However, Netflix has observed several limitations of the RESTful services–based approach when they operate at internet scale. The consumers of RESTful microservices were often written from scratch by inspecting the resources and required message formats of the RESTful services. This was very time-consuming, hindered developer productivity, and also increased the risk for more error-prone code. Service implementation and consumption was also challenging because of the lack of technologies for a comprehensive definition of a service interface. So, it initially tried to overcome most of these limitations by building an internal RPC framework, but after evaluating available technology stacks, it chose gRPC as its inter-service communication technology. During its evaluation, Netflix found that gRPC was comfortably at the top in terms of encapsulating all the required responsibilities together in one easy-to-consume package.

With the adoption of gRPC, Netflix has seen a massive boost in developer productivity. For example, for each client, hundreds of lines of custom code are replaced by just two to three lines of configuration in the proto. Creating a client, which could take up to two to three weeks, takes a matter of minutes with gRPC. The overall stability of the platform has also improved a lot because handwritten code for most of the commodity features is no longer needed and there is a comprehensive and safe way of defining service interfaces. Owing to the performance boost that gRPC provides, the overall latency of Netflix’s entire platform has reduced. Since it has adopted gRPC for most of its inter-process communication use cases, it seems that Netflix has put some of its homegrown projects (for example, Ribbon) that are built for inter-process communication using REST and HTTP protocols into maintenance mode (not in active development) and are using gRPC instead.


etcd is a distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system. It’s one of the most popular open source projects in CNCF and heavily adopted by many other open source projects such as Kubernetes. One key factor in gRPC’s success is that it has a simple, well-defined, easy-to-consume, user-facing API. etcd uses a gRPC user-facing API to leverage the full power of gRPC.


Dropbox is a file-hosting service that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud, and client software. Dropbox runs hundreds of polyglot microservices, which exchange millions of requests per second. It was using multiple RPC frameworks initially, including a homegrown RPC framework with a custom protocol for manual serialization and deserialization, Apache Thrift, and a legacy RPC framework that was an HTTP/1.1-based protocol with protobuf-encoded messages.

Rather than using any of those, Dropbox has switched to gRPC (which also allows it to reuse some of the existing protocol buffer definitions of its message formats). It has created Courier, a gRPC-based RPC framework. Courier is not a new RPC protocol but a project that integrates gRPC with Dropbox’s existing infrastructure. Dropbox has augmented gRPC to cater to its specific requirements related to authentication, authorization, service discovery, service statistics, event logging, and tracing tools.

These success stories of gRPC tell us that it’s an inter-process messaging protocol that is simple, boosts productivity and reliability, and scales and operates at the internet scale. These are some of the well-known early adopters of gRPC, but the use cases and adoption of gRPC are increasingly growing.


Modern software applications or services rarely live in isolation and the inter-process communication techniques that connect them are one of the most important aspects of modern distributed software applications. gRPC is a scalable, loosely coupled, and type-safe solution that allows for more efficient inter-process communication than conventional REST/HTTP-based communication. It allows you to connect, invoke, operate, and debug distributed heterogeneous applications as easy as making a local method call via network transport protocols such as HTTP/2.

gRPC can also be considered as an evolution of conventional RPCs and has managed to overcome their limitations. gRPC is being widely adopted by various internet-scale companies for their inter-process communication requirements and is most commonly used for building internal service-to-service communications.

The knowledge you gain from this chapter will be a good entry point for the rest of the chapters, where you will dive deep into different aspects of gRPC communication. This knowledge will be put into practice in the next chapter where we build a real-world gRPC application from the ground up.

1 K. Indrasiri and P. Siriwardena, Microservices for the Enterprise (Apress, 2018).

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