
A technical book is a massive undertaking, due to the number of people required to make sure that it reads well, looks good, and is technically correct. Thus, we have to thank the entire Manning staff, without whom this book would not exist. They did more than just correct our errors and polish our words; they also helped make integral decisions about the organization and the content of the book—decisions that improved it dramatically.

In particular, we’d like to thank the four people at Manning who helped us at the most pivotal times: Troy Mott, our acquisitions editor, who initially agreed to take on the project and who stayed with us every step of the way; Maria Townsley, our development editor, who put in an incredible amount of work to ensure the quality of writing and offered tons of guidance and support along the way; Katharine Osborne who helped with the Xcode 4 updates; and Marjan Bace, our publisher, who offered some of the biggest challenges regarding content and organization and initiated some of the best improvements.

We’d also like to thank Tiffany Taylor, our copyeditor, and Katie Tennant, our proofreader. Beyond that, tech editors are crucial to the success of a book like this, so we want to thank Kalle Alm and Matt Wyman who did the technical proofread of the manuscript a number of times as it was being revised and updated, and James Hatheway who worked as the technical editor on this edition of the book during production, catching errors and minutiae that we weren’t even aware of. Though it’s clichéd to say, it’s true: any errors that sneaked by despite their best efforts are ours, but many others were corrected by all of the people we mention—and many more who worked behind the scenes at Manning. They were crucial to the book, and we’d like to thank them all.

Finally, we’d like to thank the reviewers who generously agreed to read our manuscript as we worked on it; they improved the book immensely: Ted Neward, Jason Jung, Glenn Stokol, Gershon Kagan, Cos DiFazio, Clint Tredway, Christopher Haupt, Berndt Hamboeck, Rob Allen, Peter Scott, Lester Lobo, Frank Jania, Curtis Miller, Chuck Hudson, Carlton Gibson, Amos Bannister, Emeka Okereke, Pratik Patel, Kunal Mittal, Tyson Maxwell, TVS Murthy, Kevin Butler, David Hanson, Timothy Binkley-Jones, Carlo Bottiglieri, Barry Ezell, Rob Abbe, David M. Sinclair, Austin Ziegler, Jonas Bandi, Patrick Karjala, Greg Vaughn, Jeroen Benckhuijsen, and Alex Curylo.

JOCELYN would like to thank her husband Peter for giving her tons of support while she worked on this book. She would also like to thank Troy Mott for all the effort he contributed to this project and James Hatheway, the technical editor, who spent tons of time on this version. Last but not least, she is thankful for all the support from the important people in her life.

BRANDON would like to thank his wife Ashley for putting up with the long nights he spent working on the second edition of this book. Without her love and support, he would not have been able to complete a single chapter. He would also like to thank Matt Woodward, who introduced him to Troy Mott and provided him with the opportunity to work on this book.

CHRISTOPHER would like to thank Chris Messina for inviting him to be a founder of iPhoneDevCamp and to also thank his long-time MacHack and SmartFriends colleagues for their support and assistance.

SHANNON would like to thank Christopher, who got the book started in the first place, and Brandon and Jocelyn for taking on the revised editions.

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