
Book Description

Augmented reality (AR) was already making gains in business and industry by the time Pokémon GO came along. But now that the game has firmly planted in the public (and corporate) mind what AR is and how it works, use of this technology is poised to take off in the enterprise.

With this in-depth report, you’ll explore ways that AR can help organizations gain unique insight into many different processes, from manufacturing, assembly, and construction to real estate and education. Author Leah Hunter not only explains AR’s possibilities, but also describes many use cases that demonstrate how companies are using AR now. You’ll learn how these projects provide significant time and cost savings, while expanding the skills of employees.

  • Look at a business justification for AR through a detailed case study
  • Understand why AR is a key tool for digitally transferring the knowledge of skilled workers and for gaining cross-domain skills
  • Learn about the technologists who are exploring, refining, and creating different ways of using, building, and piloting AR programs
  • Create AR content hands-on with a tutorial from ThingWorx Studio for Enterprise
  • Examine strategies for AR growth and learn how to cash in financially and ethically from AR over the next 5 years

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
    1. Augmented or Virtual: Depends On What You Want to Do
    2. How This Book Is Organized
    3. Conventions Used in This Book
    4. O’Reilly Safari
    5. How to Contact Us
  2. 1. Why AR and Why Now?
    1. Pokémon GO Was a Fad—And Also a Tipping Point
    2. Industrial Enterprise AR: The Inflection Point
    3. You Should Get Really Clear Up Front: This Is Not VR
    4. Why Now Is the Best Time to Develop AR
    5. AR Has Reached the Usability Phase
    6. Where AR and IoT Connect
    7. Workforce Transformation: AR for Knowledge Transfer (Industries Are Blending)
    8. Cross-Domain Technical Skills
    9. What Is the Business Justification for This (AKA Show Me the Numbers)?
    10. What Else Should You Know?
  3. 2. AR Creators and Use Cases You Should Know
    1. AR Can Save You Money
      1. Case Study: Boeing
    2. AR Can Help Humans
      1. Case Study: Dotty
    3. AR Can Be Used by Big and Small Companies and Communities
      1. Case Study: Kalypso
    4. Big and Small Companies Are Creating AR Strategies Now
      1. Case Study: Caterpillar
  4. 3. Key Technologies for Building AR Experiences (and Why They Matter)
    1. AR Content Creation: It’s a Challenge—And There Are Tools That Can Help
    2. ThingWorx Studio: Blue Pump Tutorial
      1. What You’ll Need
      2. Install and Configure ThingWorx Studio
      3. Create a Project
      4. Add a 3D Model to the Experience
      5. Add a ThingMark
      6. Add a 3D Label
      7. Add a 2D Resource
      8. Add Buttons
      9. Bind the Toggle Buttons
      10. Name the Experience
      11. Publish the Experience
      12. View the Experience in ThingWorx View
      13. Suggested Resource: ThingWorx Studio Documentation
    3. Authoring: “What Else You Should Know” Deeper Dive
    4. Why You Should Also Know About SLAM
  5. 4. Your Best Strategy for AR Growth
    1. AR for Enterprise: What Else Is Happening
    2. Enterprise AR in Real Estate, Education, and Retail: What You Should Know (and Question)
      1. Real Estate
      2. Education
      3. Retail
    3. How Can You Cash In Financially and Ethically from AR Over the Next Five Years?
      1. Play with Different Interfaces
      2. Capitalize On (and Create) the Best Inputs and Outputs
      3. Play at the Intersections Between Industries
      4. Look at How to Link This to Existing/New Systems—From the Beginning
  6. A. The Future of AR
    1. Durable Reality: Things That Stay in Space
    2. Diminished Reality
    3. Gestural Control
    4. Enhanced Reality: Multisensory Experiences
    5. Language and Lightfields Will Shape What AR Becomes
      1. Mixed Reality: Blending of AR and VR
      2. Mixed Reality: Blending Digital Assets into the Fabric of the World Around Us