
Book Description

This illustrated guide to history's most famous battles explores military history from ancient battles to the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and beyond.

Featuring stunning illustrations and in-depth analysis, this military history book uses maps, paintings, and photographs to reveal the stories behind more than 90 of the most important battles ever to take place. From medieval battles and great naval battles to the era of high-tech air battles, key wars and campaigns are analyzed in detail--the weapons, the soldiers, the military strategy, and the fateful decisions that led to glorious victories and crushing defeats. Famous military leaders are profiled, including Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Napoleon, Rommel, and others, and crucial arms, armor, and equipment are explained.

Whether at Hastings, Gettysburg, or Stalingrad, Battles That Changed History takes you into the thick of combat and shows how kingdoms and empires have been won and lost on the battlefield throughout history.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
    1. Foreword by Sir Tony Robinson 6
    2. Introduction 8
    3. BEFORE 1000 CE
      1. Marathon (490 BCE) 12
      2. Thermopylae (480 BCE) 16
      3. Salamis (480 BCE) 18
      4. Issus (333 BCE) 20
      5. Gaugamela (331 BCE) 24
      6. Cannae (216 BCE) 26
      7. Alesia (52 BCE) 28
      8. Actium (31 BCE) 30
      9. Red Cliffs (208 CE) 34
      10. Adrianople (378 CE) 36
      11. Tours (732 CE) 38
      12. Lechfeld (955 CE) 40
      13. Directory: 42
    4. 1000 –1500
      1. Hastings (1066) 46
      2. Manzikert (1071) 50
      3. Siege of Jerusalem (1099) 52
      4. Dan-no-ura (1185) 54
      5. Hattin (1187) 56
      6. Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) 58
      7. Liegnitz (1241) 60
      8. Lake Peipus (1242) 62
      9. Ain Jalut (1260) 64
      10. Crécy (1346) 66
      11. Grunwald (1410) 70
      12. Agincourt (1415) 72
      13. Kutná Hora (1421) 74
      14. Siege of Orléans (1428–29) 76
      15. Fall of Constantinople (1453) 78
      16. Directory: 82
    5. 1500 –1700
      1. Siege of Tenochtitlán (1521) 86
      2. Pavia (1525) 88
      3. Panipat (1526) 90
      4. Mohács (1526) 92
      5. Great Siege of Malta (1565) 94
      6. Lepanto (1571) 96
      7. Nagashino (1575) 98
      8. Spanish Armada Campaign (1588) 100
      9. Hansando (1592) 104
      10. White Mountain (1620) 106
      11. Breitenfeld (1631) 108
      12. Lützen (1632) 110
      13. Marston Moor (1644) 112
      14. Naseby (1645) 114
      15. Raid on the Medway (1667) 116
      16. Siege of Vienna (1683) 118
      17. Directory: 122
    6. 1700 –1900
      1. Blenheim (1704) 126
      2. Poltava (1709) 128
      3. Plassey (1757) 130
      4. Leuthen (1757) 132
      5. Plains of Abraham (1759) 134
      6. Saratoga (1777) 136
      7. Fleurus (1794) 140
      8. Marengo (1800) 142
      9. Trafalgar (1805) 144
      10. Austerlitz (1805) 146
      11. Salamanca (1812) 150
      12. Borodino (1812) 152
      13. New Orleans (1815) 154
      14. Waterloo (1815) 156
      15. Boyacá (1819) 158
      16. Balaklava (1854) 160
      17. Solferino (1859) 162
      18. Antietam (1862) 164
      19. Gettysburg (1863) 166
      20. Königgrätz (1866) 170
      21. Sedan (1870) 172
      22. Little Bighorn (1876) 174
      23. Isandlwana (1879) 176
      24. Directory: 178
    7. 1900 –PRESENT
      1. Mukden (1905) 182
      2. Tsushima (1905) 184
      3. Tannenberg (1914) 188
      4. First Marne (1914) 190
      5. Gallipoli (1915) 192
      6. Verdun (1916) 194
      7. Jutland (1916) 198
      8. The Somme (1916) 200
      9. Passchendaele (1917) 204
      10. Dunkirk (1940) 206
      11. Battle of Britain (1940) 208
      12. Pearl Harbor (1941) 212
      13. Midway (1942) 214
      14. Second Battle of El Alamein (1942) 218
      15. Stalingrad (1942–43) 220
      16. Kursk (1943) 224
      17. Operation Overlord (1944) 226
      18. Operation Market Garden (1944) 230
      19. Battle of the Bulge (1944) 232
      20. Iwo Jima (1945) 234
      21. Inchon (1950) 236
      22. Dien Bien Phu (1954) 238
      23. Six-Day War (1967) 240
      24. Tet Offensive (1968) 242
      25. Operation Desert Storm (1991) 244
      26. Directory: 246
    8. Index 248 (1/2)
    9. Index 248 (2/2)
    10. Acknowledgments 255