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Foreword by Sir Tony Robinson 6
Introduction 8
Marathon (490
BCE) 12
Greco–Persian Wars
Thermopylae (480
BCE) 16
Greco–Persian Wars
Salamis (480
BCE) 18
Greco–Persian Wars
Issus (333
BCE) 20
Conquests of Alexander the Great
Gaugamela (331
BCE) 24
Conquests of Alexander the Great
Cannae (216
BCE) 26
Second Punic War
Alesia (52
BCE) 28
Caesar’s Gallic War
Actium (31 BCE) 30
Republican Civil War
Red Clis (208
CE) 34
Late Han Civil War
Adrianople (378
CE) 36
Roman–Gothic Wars
Tours (732
CE) 38
Umayyad Invasion of Gaul
Lechfeld (955
CE) 40
Magyar Invasions
Directory: 42
Kadesh (1274
Chaeronea (338 BCE)
Zama (202 BCE)
Pharsalus (48 BCE)
Teutoburg Forest (9 CE)
al-Qadisiyyah (636 CE)
Yarmouk (636
Baekgang (663 CE)
Talas (751 CE)
Edington (878 CE)
Bach Dang (938 CE)
Hastings (1066) 46
Norman Conquest of England
Manzikert (1071) 50
Byzantine–Sejuq Wars
Siege of Jerusalem (1099) 52
First Crusade
Dan-no-ura (1185) 54
Genpei War
Hattin (1187) 56
Ayyubid–Crusader War
Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) 58
Spanish Reconquista
Liegnitz (1241) 60
Mongol Invasions of Europe
Lake Peipus (1242) 62
Northern Crusades
Ain Jalut (1260) 64
Mongol Invasions of Syria
1000 –1500
Crécy (1346) 66
Hundred Years’ War
Grunwald (1410) 70
Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War
Agincourt (1415) 72
Hundred Years’ War
Kutná Hora (1421) 74
Hussite Wars
Siege of Orléans (1428–29) 76
Hundred Years’ War
Fall of Constantinople (1453) 78
Byzantine–Ottoman Wars
Directory: 82
Legnano (1176)
Xiangyang (1268)
Courtrai (1302)
Bannockburn (1314)
Poitiers (1356)
Lake Poyang (1363)
Kosovo (1389)
Castillon (1453)
Murten (1476)
Nancy (1477)
Bosworth Field (1485)
Philip Parker
Philip Parker is a historian specializing
in the classical and medieval world. He is
the author of the Eyewitness Companion
Guide to World History, The Empire Stops
Here: A Journey Around the Frontiers
of the Roman Empire, The Northmen’s
Fury: A History of the Viking World, and
general editor of The Great Trade
Routes: A History of Cargoes and
Commerce Over Land and Sea. He was
a contributor to DK’s The History Book
and History Year by Year. He previously
worked as a diplomat and a publisher
of historical atlases.
R.G. Grant
R.G. Grant has written extensively on
history, military history, current aairs,
and biography. His publications include
Flight: 100 Years of Aviation, A Visual
History of Britain, and World War I: The
Denitive Visual Guide. He was consultant
editor on DK’s The History Book.
Andrew Humphreys
Andrew Humphreys is an author and travel
writer who has written or co-written more
than 35 books for DK, Lonely Planet,
National Geographic, and Time Out. His
journalism often involves travel with a
historical slant and has appeared in the
Financial Times, the Telegraph, and Condé
Nast Traveller. He is the author of two
books on the golden age of travel in Egypt.
Foreword by Sir Tony Robinson
Award-winning writer, presenter, and
actor Sir Tony Robinson is Britain’s
foremost face of popular history. His
television credits include Time Team
(Channel 4), Blackadder (BBC1), The
Worst Jobs In History (Channel 4),
Walking Through History (Channel 4),
Me and My Mum (ABC), Tony Robinson’s
Coast to Coast (Channel 5), Britain’s
Established in 1846, the Smithsonian—the world’s largest museum
and research complex—includes 19 museums and galleries and the
National Zoological Park. The total number of artifacts, works of art,
and specimens in the Smithsonian’s collections is estimated at 154 million,
much of which is contained in the National Museum of Natural History,
which holds more than 126 million specimens and objects. The Smithsonian
is a renowned research center, dedicated to public education, national
service, and scholarship in the arts, sciences, and history.
Kealy Gordon
Ellen Nanney
Brigid Ferraro
Carol LeBlanc
Product Development Manager
Licensing Manager
Vice President, Consumer and
Education Products
Senior Vice President, Consumer and
Education Products
Dr. F. Robert van der Linden, Curator of Air Transportation and Special Purpose
Aircraft, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian
US_004-005_Contents.indd 4 27/04/2018 11:51
Siege of Tenochtitlán (1521) 86
Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire
Pavia (1525) 88
First Habsburg–Valois War
Panipat (1526) 90
Mughal Conquests
Mohács (1526) 92
Ottoman Conquest of Europe
Great Siege of Malta (1565) 94
Ottoman–Habsburg Wars
Lepanto (1571) 96
Ottoman–Habsburg Wars
Nagashino (1575) 98
Sengoku Period
Spanish Armada Campaign (1588) 100
Anglo–Spanish War
Hansando (1592) 104
Japanese–Korean War
White Mountain (1620) 106
Thirty Years’ War
Breitenfeld (1631) 108
Thirty Years’ War
Lützen (1632) 110
Thirty Years’ War
Marston Moor (1644) 112
English Civil War
Naseby (1645) 114
English Civil War
Raid on the Medway (1667) 116
Second Anglo-Dutch War
Siege of Vienna (1683) 118
Ottoman–Habsburg Wars
Directory: 122
Marignano (1515)
Cajamarca (1532)
Alcacer Quibir (1578)
Ivry (1590)
Sacheon (1598)
Sekigahara (1600)
Rocroi (1643)
Yangzhou (1645)
Solebay (1672)
The Boyne (1690)
Zenta (1697)
1500 –1700
Mukden (1905) 182
Russo–Japanese War
Tsushima (1905) 184
Russo–Japanese War
Tannenberg (1914) 188
World War I
First Marne (1914) 190
World War I
Gallipoli (1915) 192
World War I
Verdun (1916) 194
World War I
Jutland (1916) 198
World War I
The Somme (1916) 200
World War I
Passchendaele (1917) 204
World War I
Dunkirk (1940) 206
World War II
Battle of Britain (1940) 208
World War II
Pearl Harbor (1941) 212
World War II
Midway (1942) 214
World War II
Second Battle of El Alamein (1942) 218
World War II
Stalingrad (1942–43) 220
World War II
Kursk (1943) 224
World War II
Operation Overlord (1944) 226
World War II
Operation Market Garden (1944) 230
World War II
Battle of the Bulge (1944) 232
World War II
Iwo Jima (1945) 234
World War II
Inchon (1950) 236
Korean War
Dien Bien Phu (1954) 238
First Indochina War
Six-Day War (1967) 240
Arab–Israeli Wars
Tet Oensive (1968) 242
Vietnam War
Operation Desert Storm (1991) 244
Gulf War
Directory: 246
Spion Kop (1900)
Caporetto (1917)
Warsaw (1920)
First and Second Battle of
Inonu (1921)
Madrid (1936)
Shanghai (1937)
Imphal (1944)
Falaise Gap (1944)
Xuzhou (1948–49)
Falklands (1982)
Invasion of Iraq (2003)
Index 248
Acknowledgments 255
Blenheim (1704) 126
War of the Spanish Succession
Poltava (1709) 128
Great Northern War
Plassey (1757) 130
Seven Years’ War
Leuthen (1757) 132
Seven Years’ War
Plains of Abraham (1759) 134
French and Indian War
Saratoga (1777) 136
American Revolution
Fleurus (1794) 140
French Revolutionary Wars
Marengo (1800) 142
French Revolutionary Wars
Trafalgar (1805) 144
Napoleonic Wars
Austerlitz (1805) 146
Napoleonic Wars
1700 –1900
Salamanca (1812) 150
Peninsula War
Borodino (1812) 152
Napoleonic Wars
New Orleans (1815) 154
War of 1812
Waterloo (1815) 156
Napoleonic Wars
Boyacá (1819) 158
South American Wars of Independence
Balaklava (1854) 160
Crimean War
Solferino (1859) 162
Italian Wars of Independence
Antietam (1862) 164
American Civil War
Gettysburg (1863) 166
American Civil War
Königgrätz (1866) 170
Austro–Prussian War
Sedan (1870) 172
Franco–Prussian War
Little Bighorn (1876) 174
Great Sioux War
Isandlwana (1879) 176
Anglo–Zulu War
Directory: 178
Culloden (1746)
Quiberon Bay (1759)
Siege of Yorktown (1781)
Tippecanoe (1811)
Navarino (1827)
San Jacinto (1836)
Sobraon (1846)
First Bull Run (1861)
Third Battle of Nanjing (1864)
Adowa (1896)
Omdurman (1898)
Ancient Tracks (Channel 4), and more.
As a children’s television writer, he has
won two RTS awards, a BAFTA, and the
International Prix Jeunesse, and his work
includes Central TV’s Fat Tulip’s Garden,
Odysseus—the Greatest Hero of
Them All, and Blood and Honey. He
has also made a range of television
documentaries, written 30 children’s
books, winning the Blue Peter Factual
Book Award twice, and several books
for adults, including his autobiography
No Cunning Plan. He is an ambassador
for the Alzheimer’s Society, and received
a knighthood in 2013.
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