
Book Description

So many women enter their adult lives believing that they should know where they are going and how to get there. This can make life decisions feel intimidating and overwhelming. While some choices that lie ahead are fairly predictable, such as those surrounding career, partnership, and motherhood, the effects of these choices can lead to more complicated and unexpected turns that are seldom discussed.

Rather than suggesting a rule book, Rebekah Bastian, vice president at Zillow and recognized thought leader, inspires you to Blaze Your Own Trail. “I have the benefit of being a living example of crooked paths, magnificent screw-ups, and shocking successes,” she writes. Through storylines and supportive data that explore workplace sexism, career changes, marriage, child-rearing, existential crises, and everything in between, you will learn to embrace and feel less alone in your own nonlinear journey. Even better, you can turn back decisions and make different ones. Blaze Your Own Trail includes nineteen possible outcomes and many routes to get there. You will find that you have the strength to make it through any of them.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Decision Tree
  7. Foreword
  8. Preface
  9. Prologue
  10. Chapter 1: Wander or Work
  11. Chapter 2: Return or Reimagine
  12. Chapter 3: Transition Back
  13. Chapter 4: Passion or Prosperity
  14. Chapter 5: Happily Ever After in the Rainforest
  15. Chapter 6: Reeducate or Reprioritize
  16. Chapter 7: Follow Your Heart or Your Ideals
  17. Chapter 8: Report or Recoil
  18. Chapter 9: Love or Marriage
  19. Chapter 10: Lean In or Across
  20. Chapter 11: Rent or Buy
  21. Chapter 12: Punch It Out
  22. Chapter 13: Natural or Medicated
  23. Chapter 14: Create Children or Adventures
  24. Chapter 15: Ladder or Jungle Gym
  25. Chapter 16: Back to Work or Stay Home
  26. Chapter 17: Snot and Tears
  27. Chapter 18: Balance or Drive
  28. Chapter 19: Milky Veil
  29. Chapter 20: Intervene or Give Up
  30. Chapter 21: Happily Ever After as Two
  31. Chapter 22: Break the Ceiling or Break Out
  32. Chapter 23: Relocate or Stay Put
  33. Chapter 24: Close to Family or Make It Alone
  34. Chapter 25: Happily Ever After Raising a Kid
  35. Chapter 26: Can’t Control Everything
  36. Chapter 27: Double Down or Only Child
  37. Chapter 28: Resist Temptation or Succumb
  38. Chapter 29: Happily Ever After Working Abroad
  39. Chapter 30: Prioritize His Needs or Hers
  40. Chapter 31: Authentic or Professional
  41. Chapter 32: Happily Ever After at the Top
  42. Chapter 33: His Name or Yours
  43. Chapter 34: Happily Ever After Dodging a Bullet
  44. Chapter 35: Happily Ever After Walking the Line
  45. Chapter 36: Forgive or Forget
  46. Chapter 37: Repair or Divorce
  47. Chapter 38: Happily Ever After with Battle Scars
  48. Chapter 39: Returnship or Craftsmanship
  49. Chapter 40: Pay It Back or Forward
  50. Chapter 41: Your Home or a Care Home
  51. Chapter 42: Happily Ever After Changing Course
  52. Chapter 43: Multigenerational Happily Ever After
  53. Chapter 44: Prescribe or Manage
  54. Chapter 45: Sandwiched
  55. Chapter 46: Explore Other Options
  56. Chapter 47: Happily Ever After Having Tried Your Best
  57. Chapter 48: Guilt Complex
  58. Chapter 49: Happily Ever After Sharing Custody
  59. Chapter 50: An Illustrated Happily Ever After
  60. Chapter 51: Happily Ever After Creating
  61. Chapter 52: Happily Ever After Never Forgetting
  62. Chapter 53: Stick It Out or Back Out
  63. Chapter 54: Happily Ever After Reestablished
  64. Chapter 55: Happily Ever After with a BFF
  65. Chapter 56: Meditation
  66. Chapter 57: Happily Ever After Blending Families
  67. Chapter 58: Happily Ever After Inspiring Others
  68. Epilogue
  69. Notes
  70. Acknowledgments
  71. About the Author