
Book Description

Technology acquisition, consultancy know-how, research data and services, marketing information, intellectual property ... the list of sources and types of knowledge that organizations need to acquire, share and manage is growing exponentially. The acquisition and management of knowledge as an end in itself is relatively new, but has grown in importance on most managers agendas over the past fifteen years and is something that many managers are still fundamentally ill-equipped to control effectively. Yet it is their ability to plan, source, evaluate, acquire and manage knowledge on which the success of their organizations increasingly depends Peter Sammons provides managers with a readable, highly practical guide to buying and managing knowledge. The author looks at the knowledge economy, to set the scene on the manager's growing responsibility to buy-in knowledge for their organization. He explores intellectual property rights: how they are created, transferred and protected. He sets out some alternative strategies to buying knowledge. There's advice on how to work with universities, contract research organizations and consultancy firms. And the most neglected area of all - knowledge transfer from supplier to buyer - is given exhaustive treatment. In a discipline (knowledge work) that is fraught with jargon, technology and arcane practice, Buying Knowledge enables every manager to acquire the knowledge their organization needs; in a form and at a cost that is most appropriate for them without exposing their organization to litigation or intellectual property disputes.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Dedication
  4. Title
  5. Copyright
  6. Contents
  7. List of Figures
  8. List of Tables
  9. Introduction
  10. 1 In the Know–The Knowledge Economy in the Twenty-first Century
    1. A brief history of knowledge
    2. The growth of knowledge
    3. Technological research and development
  11. 2 Knowledge is Power
    1. Science and science policy
    2. Future proof – the need to monitor knowledge
    3. Knowledge is power: creating and diffusing new knowledge
    4. Knowledge is power: productivity and economic structure
    5. Knowledge is power: new entrants in the global knowledge stakes
    6. Made in Japan: a knowledge economy adjusts to low-cost rivals
    7. Knowledge is power: towards a strategy for increasing innovation
  12. 3 Head Knowledge – Modern Intellectual Property Rights
    1. What exactly are IPRs?
    2. Practical protection for IPRs
    3. Foreground and background IPRs – ownership issues
    4. What are foreground and background IPRs?
    5. A vexed question – ownership and use of background rights
  13. 4 Intellectual Property Rights: Current Developments
    1. Possible changes in the US patent regime
    2. Problems with existing patent arrangements
    3. Restrictions in the flow of knowledge
    4. Just what can and cannot be patented?
    5. The battle to join the 'developed world'
    6. Some suggestions on IP legal development
    7. IP and tax havens
    8. The European patent
  14. 5 Why Buy Knowledge?
    1. The role of the modern manager
    2. Knowledge acquisition strategies and types of integration possible
    3. Is external knowledge acquisition increasing?
    4. Strategic choices for organizations
    5. Intellectual capital
  15. 6 Planning to Buy Knowledge
    1. Due diligence issues
    2. Competitive tender or negotiation?
    3. Specifying the work
    4. Contract pricing strategy
    5. The need for effective project management
  16. 7 Knowledge Transfer
    1. Knowledge-base assessment
    2. Developing a transfer model
    3. Staff shadowing
    4. Skills transfer
    5. Embedding knowledge
    6. Benefits realization
  17. 8 Working with Consultants
    1. Professional services – professional servants!
    2. Challenging the demand
    3. Defining the requirement
    4. Identify service providers
    5. Establish budget costs
    6. Shortlisting of suppliers
    7. Invitation to tender
    8. Tender evaluation
    9. Award, engagement and debrief
    10. Delivery
    11. Disengagement
  18. 9 Working with Contract Research Organizations
    1. Why buy in R&D services?
    2. Strategy issues
    3. Contract research as a strategy to increase innovation
    4. Why buy knowledge when you can buy the owner of the knowledge?
    5. How to work successfully with a CRO
    6. Conclusion
  19. 10 Knowledge Factories – Buying Knowledge from Universities
    1. Universities as knowledge brokers
    2. Problems in buying research from universities
    3. Pitfalls to be avoided
    4. Research fellowships
    5. Royalties
  20. Appendix 1–The Outsourcing R&D Toolkit
  21. Appendix 2–Project Memo
  22. Appendix 3–Watch Your Service Bills!
  23. Index