
Book Description

Renew your life force with the chakras' seven energy centers

Chakras--seven power sources corresponding to your nervous system--are capable of revitalizing your body and restoring your spirit--and they're all natural, so no need for any caffeine or sugar!

This book will show you how to use these seven energy sources to instill a healthy balance and a happy life. You'll find clear information on what charkras do, simple practices to open and align your chakras, tips on using chakras to feel better in all aspects of your life, methods of measuring your chakras and their energy patterns, and even techniques to reveal any hidden chronic pain or anxiety you may have.

Let the pages inside this book energize the power inside of you!

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. How to Use this eBook
  4. Part 1: Awaken to Chakras’ Healing Power
    1. Chapter 1: Where Are Your Chakras?
      1. How You’ve Already Touched Your Chakras
      2. The Wheels Are Turning
      3. Your Body, Your Chakras
      4. The First Chakra
      5. The Second Chakra
      6. The Third Chakra
      7. The Fourth Chakra
      8. The Fifth Chakra
      9. The Sixth Chakra
      10. The Seventh Chakra
      11. Unspinning the Myths
      12. Spinning the Chakra Wheels
    2. Chapter 2: Chakra Shakti: The Power Tradition
      1. Chakras’ Origins: On the Wheels of Chariots
      2. Chakras and Yoga: A Match Made in Heaven
      3. Chakras and the Eightfold Path
      4. Chakra Mind, Chakra Matters
      5. Owning the Chakras
    3. Chapter 3: Prana and Nadis and Chi
      1. Get Prana
      2. Nadi or Nice?
      3. Sushumna Nadi
      4. Ida and Pingala Nadis
      5. Chakras: Traffic Circles, Energy Transformers, Cosmic Vortices
      6. Feeling the Energy
      7. Chi Kung Windmill
  5. Part 2: Dynamics of Chakra Energy
    1. Chapter 4: Wheels of Life
      1. Spinning Wheels of Life Force Energy
      2. Chakra Correspondences
      3. First Chakra, or Root Chakra (Muludhara)
      4. Second Chakra, or Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
      5. Third Chakra, or Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
      6. Fourth Chakra, or Heart Chakra (Anahata)
      7. Fifth Chakra, or Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
      8. Sixth Chakra, or Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
      9. Seventh Chakra, or Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
      10. Inside the Chakras
      11. Healthy Chakras
      12. Connecting with Your Core
    2. Chapter 5: Kundalini: Be a Snake Charmer
      1. What Kundalini Is
      2. What Kundalini Isn’t
      3. Preparing the Body for Kundalini
      4. How Kundalini Moves
      5. Kundalini Transformation
      6. Getting Started with Kundalini
      7. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
      8. Mula Bandha
    3. Chapter 6: Be Mindful of Your Chakras
      1. The Benefits of Mindfulness
      2. Pay No Mind
      3. Mindful Matters
      4. Hello, Chakras!
      5. Measure for Measure
      6. Grounding Your Partner
      7. How to Measure Your Chakras
      8. What Do the Measurements Mean?
  6. Part 3: Healing Chakras: Root to Crown
    1. Chapter 7: Root Chakra (Muladhara): Sleeping Power
      1. Root Chakra 101
      2. Security, Safety, and Survival
      3. Grounded for Life
      4. Family Matters
      5. Boundaries
      6. Prosperity Starts Here
      7. Your Body and Your Health
      8. Root Chakra Correspondences
      9. Awakening the Root Chakra
      10. Aligning the Root Chakra
      11. Blocks in the Root Chakra
      12. Blocked Root Chakra Health Issues
      13. Blocked Root Chakra Psychological Issues
      14. Healing a Blocked Root Chakra
      15. Overload in the Root Chakra
      16. Overloaded Root Chakra Health Issues
      17. Overloaded Root Chakra Psychological Issues
      18. Healing an Overloaded Root Chakra
      19. Yoga Poses to Balance the Root Chakra
      20. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
      21. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
      22. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
      23. Partner Savasana
      24. Astrology for the Awakened Root Chakra
      25. The Chakras and Your Astrological Birth Chart
      26. How Saturn ♄ Awakens the Root Chakra
      27. How Uranus ♅ Awakens the Root Chakra
      28. How Capricorn ♑ Awakens the Root Chakra
      29. How Aquarius ♒ Awakens the Root Chakra
      30. Root Chakra Rising
    2. Chapter 8: Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Creating Passion
      1. Sacral Chakra 101
      2. Feeling It
      3. The One(s) You Love
      4. What About the Sex?
      5. Fertility
      6. Your Creative Spark
      7. Grace
      8. Sacral Chakra Correspondences
      9. Awakening the Sacral Chakra
      10. Aligning the Sacral Chakra
      11. Blocks in the Sacral Chakra
      12. Blocked Sacral Health Issues
      13. Blocked Sacral Chakra Psychological Issues
      14. Healing a Blocked Sacral Chakra
      15. Overload in the Sacral Chakra
      16. Overloaded Sacral Chakra Health Issues
      17. Overloaded Sacral Chakra Psychological Issues
      18. Healing an Overloaded Sacral Chakra
      19. Yoga Poses to Balance the Sacral Chakra
      20. Astrology for the Awakened Sacral Chakra
      21. How Jupiter ♃ Awakens the Sacral Chakra
      22. How Neptune ♆ Awakens the Sacral Chakra
      23. How Sagittarius ♐ Awakens the Sacral Chakra
      24. How Pisces ♓ Awakens the Sacral Chakra
      25. Sacral Chakra Rising
    3. Chapter 9: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Your Core Self
      1. Solar Plexus Chakra 101
      2. Self-Esteem
      3. Control Issues
      4. Willpower
      5. Moving Forward
      6. Digestive Fire
      7. Solar Plexus Chakra Correspondences
      8. Awakening the Solar Plexus Chakra
      9. Aligning the Solar Plexus Chakra
      10. Blocks in the Solar Plexus Chakra
      11. Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra Health Issues
      12. Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra Psychological Issues
      13. Healing a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
      14. Overloading in the Solar Plexus Chakra
      15. Overloaded Solar Plexus Chakra Health Issues
      16. Overloaded Solar Plexus Chakra Lifestyle Issues
      17. Healing an Overloaded Solar Plexus Chakra
      18. Yoga Poses to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra
      19. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
      20. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
      21. Boat Pose (Navasana)
      22. Astrology for the Awakened Solar Plexus Chakra
      23. How Mars ♂ Awakens the Solar Plexus Chakra
      24. How Pluto ⯓ Awakens the Solar Plexus Chakra
      25. How Aries ♈ Awakens the Solar Plexus Chakra
      26. How Scorpio ♏ Awakens the Solar Plexus Chakra
      27. Solar Plexus Chakra Rising
    4. Chapter 10: Heart Chakra (Anahata): Love Is Everything
      1. Heart Chakra 101
      2. Balance
      3. Love Fest
      4. Healing Power
      5. Your Compassion Center
      6. Let’s Talk About You
      7. What Goes Out Must Come In
      8. Girl Talk (Boys Allowed)
      9. Heart Chakra Correspondences
      10. Awakening the Heart Chakra
      11. Aligning the Heart Chakra
      12. Blocks in the Heart Chakra
      13. Blocked Heart Chakra Health Issues
      14. Blocked Chakra Psychological Issues
      15. Healing a Blocked Fourth Chakra
      16. Overload in the Heart Chakra
      17. Overloaded Heart Chakra Health Issues
      18. Overloaded Heart Chakra Psychological Issues
      19. Healing an Overloaded Heart Chakra
      20. Yoga Poses to Balance the Heart Chakra
      21. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha)
      22. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
      23. Child’s Pose (Balasana)
      24. Astrology for the Awakened Heart Chakra
      25. How Venus ♀ Awakens the Heart Chakra
      26. How Taurus ♉ Awakens the Heart Chakra
      27. How Libra ♎ Awakens the Heart Chakra
      28. Heart Chakra Rising
    5. Chapter 11: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Express Yourself
      1. Throat Chakra 101
      2. Let’s Talk
      3. Listen Up
      4. Truth or Consequences?
      5. Your Inner Music
      6. The Write Stuff
      7. Throat Chakra Correspondences
      8. Awakening the Throat Chakra
      9. Aligning the Throat Chakra
      10. Blocks in the Throat Chakra
      11. Blocked Throat Chakra Health Issues
      12. Blocked Throat Chakra Psychological Issues
      13. Healing a Blocked Throat Chakra
      14. Overload in the Throat Chakra
      15. Overloaded Throat Chakra Health Issues
      16. Overloaded Throat Chakra Psychological Issues
      17. Healing an Overloaded Throat Chakra
      18. Yoga Poses to Balance the Throat Chakra
      19. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
      20. Jhalandara Bandha
      21. Astrology for the Awakened Throat Chakra
      22. How Mercury ☿ Awakens the Throat Chakra
      23. How Gemini ♊ Awakens the Throat Chakra
      24. How Virgo ♍ Awakens the Throat Chakra
      25. Throat Chakra Rising
    6. Chapter 12: Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): In Sight
      1. Third Eye Chakra 101
      2. I See …
      3. Psychic Moments: Your Intuition
      4. Imagination Station
      5. Picture This
      6. Wise Up
      7. Dream On
      8. Third Eye Chakra Correspondences
      9. Awakening the Third Eye Chakra
      10. Aligning the Third Eye Chakra
      11. Blocks in the Third Eye Chakra
      12. Blocked Third Eye Chakra Health Issues
      13. Blocked Third Eye Chakra Psychological Issues
      14. Healing a Blocked Third Eye Chakra
      15. Overload in the Third Eye Chakra
      16. Overloaded Third Eye Chakra Health Issues
      17. Overloaded Third Eye Chakra Psychological Issues
      18. Healing an Overloaded Third Eye Chakra
      19. Yoga Poses to Balance the Third Eye Chakra
      20. Sensory Withdrawal Yoga Poses
      21. Grounding Yoga Poses
      22. Astrology for the Awakened Third Eye Chakra
      23. The Sun ☉ and Moon ☽ Open the Third Eye
      24. How Leo ♌ Awakens the Third Eye Chakra
      25. How Cancer ♋ Awakens the Third Eye Chakra
      26. Third Eye Chakra Rising
    7. Chapter 13: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Thousand-Petaled Lotus
      1. Crown Chakra 101
      2. Will the Real You Please Stand Up?
      3. The Spirit Link
      4. The Religion Connection
      5. Higher Education
      6. The Big Picture
      7. Seat of the Soul
      8. Crown Chakra Correspondences
      9. Awakening the Crown Chakra
      10. Aligning the Crown Chakra
      11. Blocks in the Crown Chakra
      12. Blocked Crown Chakra Health Issues
      13. Blocked Crown Chakra Psychological Issues
      14. Healing a Blocked Crown Chakra
      15. Overload in the Crown Chakra
      16. Overloaded Crown Chakra Health Issues
      17. Overloaded Crown Chakra Psychological Issues
      18. Healing an Overloaded Crown Chakra
      19. Yoga Poses to Balance the Crown Chakra
      20. Modified Headstand (Sirsasana)
      21. Astrology for the Awakened Crown Chakra
  7. Part 4: High Octane Healing Bliss … No Caffeine Necessary!
    1. Chapter 14: Energize: How Chakras Help You Feel Better
      1. Energy on Tap
      2. Feel-Good Power
      3. Getting Your Zzzs
      4. Easing the Pain
      5. Calming Down
      6. Master of Concentration
      7. Weight Loss Made Easy
    2. Chapter 15: Toning: Singing the Body Chakra
      1. Good Vibrations
      2. Make Noise
      3. Fun with Vowels
      4. Speaking Chakra
      5. The Power of the Vowel
      6. Chakra Singing (and Playing)
      7. Chanting and Mantra Meditation
    3. Chapter 16: Tantra: Chakras and Love
      1. The Truth About Tantra
      2. Tantra is Yin/Yang Union
      3. What Tantra Isn’t
      4. Tantra for One
      5. The Heart Chakra: Your Sexual Command Center
      6. Sex and the Passionate Sacral Chakra
      7. Can’t All the Chakras Have Some Fun?
      8. Chakra Bonding for Better Sex
      9. Down-Under Workouts for Greater Orgasmic Control
      10. Shakti and Shiva
      11. Of Lingams and Yonis
    4. Chapter 17: Meditating: Root to Crown
      1. Chakra Meditation
      2. Chakra Meditation How-To
      3. Who’s Talking?
      4. Set the Mood
      5. Getting Into Position
      6. Root Chakra Meditation
      7. Sacral Chakra Meditation
      8. Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
      9. Heart Chakra Meditation
      10. Throat Chakra Meditation
      11. Third Eye Chakra Meditation
      12. Crown Chakra Meditation
      13. Tarot Chakra Meditations
      14. Chakras and Your Fate
      15. Chakra and Your Daily Choices
  8. Part 5: Relax, Release, Restore, Renew
    1. Chapter 18: Partner Chakras: The Power of Two
      1. Chakra Synchronicity
      2. The Yin-Yang Connection
      3. Chakra Partner Exercises
      4. Meditation: Back-to-Back Chakra Alignment
      5. Line-Up: Chakras Palm-to-Palm
      6. A Hug a Day: Chakras Heart-to-Heart
      7. Clear Sight: Chakras Third Eye-to-Third Eye
      8. Tree Pose: Chakras Side-to-Side
      9. Savasana: Chakras Crown-to-Crown
    2. Chapter 19: Chakra Visualizations
      1. Seeing Is Believing
      2. Imagination vs. Perception
      3. Chakra Survey
      4. Root Chakra: The Red Door
      5. Sacral Chakra: Fire and Water
      6. Solar Plexus Chakra: Here Comes the Sun
      7. Heart Chakra: Heart-Felt
      8. Throat Chakra: To Tell the Truth
      9. Third Eye Chakra: A Mirror to Nature
      10. Crown Chakra: Higher Power
      11. Understanding What You See
      12. Developing Your Chakra Vision
    3. Chapter 20: Physical, Astral, Causal: Three Bodies, One You
      1. Your Three Bodies
      2. The Physical Body: Blood, Guts, and Glory
      3. The Astral Body: Prana Central
      4. The Causal Body: Universal You
      5. Chakras: Three Bodies, One You
      6. Stepping into Love
    4. Appendix A: Chakras and Your Astro Birth Chart
    5. Copyright