
Book Description

All marketing actions, whether preceded by formal or informal decision-making processes, are based on what philosophers call “arguments.” An argument is a set of related statements comprising premises and a conclusion. Ideally, premises give an audience good reasons for accepting your argument’s conclusion. In marketing, these “conclusions” are normative decisions about what an organization should do, for example, raise prices by five percent, add a new sales territory or, perhaps, change the marketing communications mix to invest more in digital and less in print. The premises are the rationale behind why the organization should take such actions. Critical Thinking for Marketers: Learn How to Think, Not What to Think provides information and guidelines on not only how to develop good arguments, but also what it means to develop a good argument. For example, the book describes two basic kinds of arguments—deductive and inductive—and how to examine whether such arguments are “good” or not. To do this, the book explains 60 logical fallacies—or errors in reasoning—that marketers should avoid. Additionally, the authors’ several “Think Better” discussions examine how fields such as philosophy, behavioral economics, and marketing theory have informed the principles of critical thinking in marketing.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Section I: Basic Concepts
    1. Chapter 1. Overview
    2. Chapter 2. The Nature of Marketing Arguments
    3. Chapter 3. The Nature of Logical Fallacies
  6. Section II: Informal and Formal Logical Fallacies
    1. Chapter 4. Formal Logical Fallacies in Marketing: Introduction
      1. Affirming a Disjunct
      2. Affirming the Consequent
      3. Bad Reasons
      4. Illicit Major
      5. Illicit Minor
      6. Negating Antecedent and Consequent
    2. Chapter 5. Informal Logical Fallacies in Marketing: Introduction
      1. Ad Hoc Rescue
      2. Ad Hominem: Personal Attack
      3. Against Self-Confidence
      4. Alleged Certainty
      5. Ambiguity
      6. Appeal to Accomplishment
      7. Appeal to Authority
      8. Appeal to Common Belief
      9. Appeal to Consequences
      10. Appeal to Desperation
      11. Appeal to Emotion
      12. Appeal to Extremes
      13. Appeal to Faith
      14. Appeal to Fear
      15. Appeal to Novelty
      16. Appeal to Popularity
      17. Appeal to Possibility
      18. Appeal to Ridicule
      19. Appeal to the Moon
      20. Appeal to Tradition
      21. Argument by Gibberish
      22. Argument to Moderation
      23. Biased Sample
      24. Causal Oversimplification
      25. Conflict of Interest
      26. Counterfactual Fallacy
      27. ā€œEā€ for Effort
      28. False Dilemma
      29. False Precision
      30. Faulty Comparison
      31. Generalization
      32. Guilt by Association
      33. Hasty Generalization
      34. Hypnotic Bait and Switch
      35. Inflation of Conflict
      36. Logical Inconsistency
      37. Lying with Statistics
      38. Misleading Vividness
      39. Nirvana
      40. No True Scotsman
      41. Non Sequitur
      42. Poisoning the Well
      43. Prejudicial Language
      44. Proof by Intimidation
      45. Red Herring
      46. Regression to the Mean
      47. Relative Privation
      48. Scapegoating
      49. Selective Attention
      50. Slippery Slope
      51. Special Pleading
      52. The General Rule
      53. The Ludic Fallacy
      54. Strawman
  7. Note
  8. References
  9. Index
  10. Adpage