
Book Description

Military Recruiting is a war. It’s just a different kind of war than what you were prepared and trained to fight for. Recruiting is a war for talent.

Smart, competent, and capable people are rare and in high demand. Every organization, from commercial enterprises, healthcare, non-profit, sports, and education, to the military is in an outright battle to recruit and retain these bright and talented people.

Rather than bullets and bombs, the war for talent is won through high-impact prospecting activity, time discipline, intellectual agility, emotional intelligence, and human to human relationships. On this highly competitive, ever changing, asymmetrical battlefield, to win, you must operate at a level of excellence beyond anything asked of military recruiters before.

Yet, in this new paradigm, many recruiters are struggling, and most recruiting units are staring down the barrel at 50 percent or more of their recruiters consistently missing Mission.  

It is imperative that we arm military recruiters with the skills they need to win in this challenging environment. The failure to make Mission is an existential threat to the strength and readiness of America’s fighting forces and our democracy.

Fanatical Military Recruiting begins where the Recruiting and Retention colleges of the various branches of the military leave off. It is an advanced, master’s level training resource designed specifically for the unique demands of Military Recruiting. In FMR, you’ll learn:

  • The Single Most Important Discipline in Military Recruiting
  • How to Get Out of a Recruiting Slump
  • The 30-Day Rule and Law of Replacement
  • Powerful Time and Territory Management Strategies that Put You in Control of Your Day
  • The 7 Step Telephone Prospecting Framework
  • The 4 Step Email and Direct Messaging Framework
  • The 5 C’s of Social Recruiting
  • The 7 Step Text Message Prospecting Framework
  • How to Leverage a Balanced Prospecting Methodology to Keep the Funnel Full of Qualified Applicants
  • Powerful Human Influence Frameworks that Reduce Resistance and Objections
  • The 3 Step Prospecting Objection Turn-Around Framework
  • Mission Drive and the 5 Disciplines of Ultra-High Performing Military Recruiters

In his signature right-to-the-point style that has made him the go-to trainer to a who’s who of the world’s most prestigious organizations, Jeb Blount pulls no punches. He slaps you in the face with the cold, hard truth about what’s really holding you back. Then, he pulls you in with stories, examples, and lessons that teach you exactly what you need to do right now to become an ultra-high performing recruiter.

Fanatical Military Recruiting is filled with the high-powered strategies, techniques, and tools you need to keep your funnel packed with qualified applicants. As you dive into these powerful insights, and with each new chapter, you’ll gain greater and greater confidence. And, with this new-found confidence, your performance as a military recruiter will soar and you will Make Mission, Fast.

Table of Contents

  1. Coverpage
  2. Fanatical Military Recruiting
  3. I Go to Basic
    1. A Conundrum
    2. Learning the Language
    3. Military Recruiting versus Civilian Sales
  4. Part I Mission Critical
    1. 1 Military Recruiting Is Facing a Perfect Storm
      1. Qualification Standards Continue to Tighten
      2. Notes
    2. 2 Nothing Prepared You for This War
      1. On Most Days, Recruiting Doesn’t Feel Much Like Winning
      2. Asymmetric Battlefield
      3. Civilians
      4. Rejection
      5. FMR versus What You Learned at the Schoolhouse
    3. 3 Fanatical Prospecting
    4. 4 Stop Wishing Things Were Easier
      1. There Is No Easy Button in Military Recruiting
      2. Get Better
  5. Part II The Ask
    1. 5 Effective Recruiting Begins with the Discipline to Ask
      1. Conjuring the Deepest, Darkest Human Fear
      2. Note
    2. 6 How to Ask
      1. Emotional Contagion: People Respond in Kind
      2. The Assumptive Ask
      3. Shut Up
      4. Be Prepared for Objections
      5. Note
  6. Part III On the Move
    1. 7 The More You Prospect, the Luckier You Get
      1. The Universal Law of Need
      2. The 30-Day Rule
      3. The Law of Replacement
      4. The Anatomy of a Recruiting Slump
      5. Oscar Mike: The First Rule of Recruiting Slumps
      6. Make Your Own Luck
    2. 8 The Three Ps That Are Holding You Back
      1. Procrastination
      2. Perfectionism
      3. Paralysis from Analysis
      4. Disrupting the Three Ps
      5. Note
  7. Part IV Part IV Battle Rhythm
    1. 9 Time Discipline
      1. Twenty-Four
      2. Leveraging Horstman’s Corollary
      3. Time Blocking
      4. Stick to Your Guns and Avoid Distractions
      5. Concentrate Your Focus
      6. Beware of the Ding
      7. What Lurks in Your In-box Can and Will Derail Your Recruiting Day
      8. Driving Is Not an Accomplishment
      9. Protect the Golden Hours
      10. Leverage the Platinum Hours
      11. Adopt a Command Mind-Set
  8. Part V Targeting
    1. 10 Targeting—Leveraging the Prospecting Pyramid
      1. Walk Like an Egyptian: Managing the Prospecting Pyramid
      2. Powerful Lists Get Powerful Results
      3. The Recruiting Information Support System Is Your Most Valuable Recruiting Tool
      4. A Trash Can or a Gold Mine
      5. Own It!
    2. 11 Yes Has a Number
      1. Recruiting Is Governed by Numbers
      2. It’s All About the Ratios
      3. Changing Your Yes Number
      4. Note
    3. 12 Qualifying: Talking to the Right People
      1. Don’t Swing at Nothing Ugly
      2. Moneyball
      3. The Balance and Nuance of Qualifying
    4. 13 Prospecting Balance and Objectives
      1. Set an Appointment
      2. Gather Information and Qualify
      3. Build Familiarity
      4. Prospecting Is Not Pitching
      5. Adopt a Balanced Prospecting Methodology
      6. The Fallacy of Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket
      7. Avoid the Lunacy of One Size Fits All
  9. Part VI Pick Up the Phone!
    1. 14 Telephone Prospecting Excellence
      1. Nobody Answers a Phone That Doesn’t Ring
      2. The Telephone Is, Has Always Been, and Will Continue to Be Your Most Powerful Recruiting Tool
      3. Nobody Likes It; Get Over It
      4. The Ultimate Key to Success Is the Scheduled Phone Block
    2. 15 The Seven-Step Telephone Prospecting Framework
      1. Seven-Step Telephone Prospecting Framework
      2. Practice the Framework
    3. 16 Just Eat the Frog
    4. 17 Leaving Effective Voice Mail Messages That Get Returned
      1. Five-Step Voice Mail Framework to Double Callbacks
      2. Develop Compelling Voice Mail Messages
  10. Part VII Objections
    1. 18 Objections Are Not Rejection, but They Feel That Way
      1. Not the Same
      2. But It Feels the Same
    2. 19 The Science Behind the Hurt
      1. A Biological Response
      2. The Most Insatiable Human Need
      3. Notes
    3. 20 Rejection Proof
      1. The Seven Disruptive Emotions
      2. Develop Self-Awareness
      3. Positive Visualization
      4. Manage Self-Talk
      5. Change Your Physiology
      6. Stay Fit
      7. Obstacle Immunity
      8. Adversity Is Your Most Powerful Teacher
      9. Leveraging Adversity
      10. Notes
    4. 21 Prospecting Objections
      1. We Feel, Then We Think
      2. The Rule of Thirds
      3. Prospecting RBOs
      4. Prospecting RBOs Can Be Anticipated in Advance
      5. Planning for Prospecting RBOs
      6. The Three-Step Prospecting Objection Turnaround Framework
      7. The Ledge
      8. Disrupt
      9. Ask
      10. Putting It All Together
  11. Part VIII Face-to-Face and Digital Prospecting
    1. 22 Face-to-Face Prospecting
      1. The Four-Step Face-to-Face Prospecting Framework
      2. First Impressions: Making an Emotional Connection
      3. Triggering the Negativity and Safety Biases
      4. The Five Questions That Matter Most in Recruiting
      5. Likability: The Gateway to Emotional Connections
      6. Pitch Slapping
      7. Keys to Being More Likable
      8. Put Your Recruiting Goggles On
      9. Note
    2. 23 Text Messaging
      1. Familiarity Is Everything with Text
      2. Use Text to Anchor Face-to-Face Conversations
      3. Use Text to Nurture Prospects
      4. Use Text to Create Opportunities for Engagement
      5. Seven Rules for Structuring Effective Text Prospecting Messages
    3. 24 E-Mail and Direct Messaging
      1. The Four Cardinal Rules of E-Mail and Direct Message Prospecting
      2. Effective Prospecting E-Mail and Direct Messages Begins with a Plan
      3. The Four-Step E-mail Prospecting Framework
      4. Practice, Practice, Practice
      5. Pause Before You Press “Send”
    4. 25 Social Recruiting
      1. Social Recruiting Is Not a Panacea
      2. The Social Recruiting Challenge
      3. Social Recruiting Is About Nuance
      4. Choosing the Right Social Channels
      5. Five Objectives of Social Recruiting
      6. The Five Cs of Social Recruiting
      7. Social Recruiting + Outbound Prospecting = A Powerful Combination
      8. Creating Obligation and Leveraging the Law of Reciprocity with Social Media
      9. Notes
    5. 26 The Law of Familiarity
      1. Familiarity Reduces Friction and Resistance
      2. Five Levers of Familiarity
  12. Part IX Charlie Mike
    1. 27 Mission Drive
      1. The Four Pillars of Mission Drive
      2. Embrace the Suck—You Have to Grind to Shine
      3. The Enduring Mantra of Ultra-High-Performing Recruiters
      4. The Mantra of Fanatical Military Recruiting
      5. Charlie Mike
  13. About the Author
  14. Acknowledgments
  15. Index