
  • Abbreviations, avoidance of, 223
  • Acceptance, feelings and, 159–160
  • Achievement:
    • need for, 279
    • purpose and, 281
  • Acknowledgements, Ledge technique and, 193–194
  • Activate Your Brain (Halford), 166
  • Activities. See also Behaviors
    • high-impact, 76
    • impactful, 74
    • non-recruiting, 73, 75
  • Actualization, 214
  • Adversity:
    • drive and, 186
    • leveraging of, 176–177
    • as most powerful teacher, 175, 177
    • resilience and, 176, 281
    • Spartan Races and, 174
    • success and, 54
    • UHPs and, 277
  • AFRISS, 87
  • Agility, frameworks and, 192
  • All eggs in one basket fallacy, 109–110
  • Alphas:
    • desperation and, 39
    • on prospecting pyramid, 84–85
  • America, birth of, 286–288
  • AMMO framework, 233–236
    • audience and, 234–235
    • message and, 235
    • method and, 235
    • outcome, defining desired, 236
    • tailoring message, 235
    • worst messages and, 234
  • Amygdala, brain and, 196–197
  • Analysis paralysis, 52
  • Annual recruiting cycle (ARC), 84, 85, 255
  • APPLEMDT, 99, 101, 133
  • Applicant(s):
    • conversion ratio, 43
    • funnel of (see Funnel of applicants)
  • Applicant Processing List (APL), 38
  • Appointment setting, 106
    • call blocks as appointments, 123, 124
    • telephone prospecting and, 118, 143
  • ARISS, 87
  • Arruda, William, 252
  • Ask/asking:
    • ask step, objection turnarounds and, 199
    • assumptive (see Assumptive ask)
    • discipline and, 25
    • e-mail and, 239–240
    • failing to, 24
    • how to, 26–34
    • keys to, three, 26–27
    • key to unlocking everything, 23–24
    • for prospect’s time, 139
    • referrals and, 268–269
  • Assumptive ask, 28–33
    • passive behavior and, 24
    • requirement of, 24–25
  • Assumptive messages, 32–33
  • Athletes, elite, 93, 94, 167
  • Attachment, as disruptive emotion, 163
  • Attention:
    • focusing your, 216
    • hook, email and, 237–238
  • Audience:
    • email and, 234–235
    • social recruiting and, 248
    • tailoring message for, 235
  • Authenticity:
    • frameworks and, 192
    • recruiting and, 191
  • Availability bias, 179–180
  • Awareness:
    • beginning of, 166
    • defined, 165
    • emotions and, 157
    • key to, 95
    • opportunities and, 217
    • self- (see Self-awareness)
  • Backbone, 25
  • Balance:
    • familiarity and, 272
    • methodology and, 108–109
    • objectives and, 105–111
    • power of, 131–135
    • qualifying and, 102–104
    • routine and, 110–111
    • social recruiting and, 262
    • WIIFM (What’s in it for me?), 131–135
  • Banishment, 158
  • Bargaining, 143
  • Battlefield. See also Daily battle rhythm; War
    • asymmetric, 9
    • daily battle rhythm, 63, 77
    • emotional environment of, 172
    • enemy and, 9–19, 29
    • fear and, 172–173
    • losing ways and, 8
    • luck and, 287
  • Because statements, 126, 132–133, 134–135
  • Behaviors. See also Activities
    • influencing others, 27
    • landmark study on, 132
    • mirroring others,’ 27
    • nonverbal (see Nonverbal behaviors)
    • passive (see Passive behavior)
    • of UHPs, 12–13
  • Belief system. See also Mind-set
    • assumptive ask and, 28
    • as a choice, 282
    • false beliefs, 207
  • Bennett-Goleman, Tara, 193
  • Biases:
    • availability bias, 179–180
    • cognitive, 209–210
    • confirmation bias, 95
    • negativity bias, 208–209, 214–215
    • pre-judgements and, 211
    • safety bias, 209–210
    • similarity, 266
  • Big Short, The (movie), 24
  • Bio, online summary, 252
  • Blame:
    • command mind-set and, 77
    • UHPs and, 15
  • “Blueprinting,” 133
  • Body language. See also Posture; Smiling
    • asking and, 24
    • confidence and, 29, 30, 31
    • likability and, 216
  • Boot camp. See also Fanatical Military Recruiting Boot Camp
    • foundational knowledge and, 11
    • repetition and, 54
  • Bounce-back routine, 168–169
  • Brain. See also Cognitive dissonance; Fight-or-flight response; Psychology
    • amygdala, 196–197
    • cognitive load and, 66, 195
    • emotions and, 159, 180, 181
    • facts about, 196
    • limbic system of, 181
    • multitasking and, 66
    • neocortex (rational brain), 181, 190, 193
    • nesting doll comparison, 196–197
    • pattern painting and, 195–199
    • positive visualization and, 166
    • reward capacities of, 166
    • sensory information and, 195–196
    • subconscious, preprogramming, 167
    • thinking, then feeling, 180–183
  • Brand. See Personal branding
  • Bravos, 39
  • Breathing, focus on, 167
  • Bridging, calls and, 126, 130–135
  • Brown, Brene, 25
  • Brush-offs, 185–186
  • Business cards, 217
  • Call backs:
    • call-back rate, 145
    • compelling reason for, 146, 147–148
    • doubling (see Five-Step Voice Mail Framework to Double Callbacks)
  • Call blocks. See also Phone blocks
    • goals and, 52, 123–124
    • Horstman’s Corollary and, 62
    • perfectionism and, 51
    • timing of, 142–143
    • as unmovable appointments, 123, 124
  • Calls. See also Cold-calling
    • confirm or flip/referral, 139
    • example, effective, 126–127
    • inbound, 128
    • mostly unanswered, 122
    • objective for each, 106
    • one more call mantra, 285–286
    • targeted, 64
    • to teenagers, 172
    • timing of, 140–143
  • Call-to-contact ratio, 96
  • Career:
    • choices, 208 (see also Military career)
    • eleven words that changed, 285–286
  • Carter, Phillip, 4–5
  • Cat-4s, desperation and, 39
  • Cell phone. See Phone
  • Challenges. See also Objections
    • change and, 177
    • emotions and, 31
    • fear-inducing, 175
    • leaning into, 283
    • social recruiting and, 245–246
  • Chamfort, Nicholas, 143
  • Chan, Amanda, 168
  • Change:
    • challenges and, 177
    • disruptive, 208
    • fear and, 209
  • Channels. See Prospecting channels
  • Chesterton, G. K., 280
  • Churchill, Winston, 282
  • Cialdini, Robert B., 131, 263
  • Circle of influencers (COI), 208
  • Civilians, dealing with, 9
  • CNN, 241
  • Coaching, 269
  • Cognitive bias, 209–210
  • Cognitive dissonance:
    • difficult questions and, 136–138
    • resilience and, 176
  • Cognitive load, brain and, 195
  • Cognitive overload, 66
  • Cold-calling. See also Call blocks; Calls; Telephone prospecting, teenagers and, 172
  • Combat veterans, 173
  • Command mind-set, 76–77
  • Commenting, social media and, 254
  • Commitments:
    • micro-commitments, 98
    • telephone prospecting and, 127
  • Communication. See also Body language; Conversations; E-mail; Language; Message(s); Social media; Social recruiting; Statements; Tone of voice
    • channels for, 107–108, 221
    • nonverbal, 29
    • style, adapting your, 216
  • Communication tools. See Tools
  • Competitiveness, mission drive and, 278–279
  • Complacency, 40
  • Compliance:
    • contact information and, 253
    • e-mail and, 232
    • online content and, 258
  • Concentration. See Focus
  • Confidence:
    • building, 29, 177
    • fitness and, 170
    • likability and, 216
    • messages and, 32–33
    • nonverbal behaviors and, 29–31
    • nonverbal message and, 28–29
    • positive outcomes and, 205
    • posture of, 169
    • rejection and, 280
    • relaxed, 28
    • resistance and, 166
    • self-control and, 279
  • Confirmation bias, 95
  • Connecting, social recruiting and, 256–257
  • Connections. See Emotional connections
  • Consistency, social recruiting and, 260
  • Contact information, 253. See also Business cards
  • Contact-to-interview ratio, 96
  • Content:
  • Context, recruiting and, 103
  • Control:
    • attachment to, 214
    • emotions and, 10, 156, 172, 193
    • of fear, 174
    • likability and, 212
    • overcoming, 194–195
    • self- (see Self-control)
    • self-talk and, 168
    • things in your, 19, 281
  • Conversations:
    • anchoring, texting and, 220–221
    • familiarity and, 266
    • recruiting, 128
    • replaying, 167
  • Conversion, social recruiting and, 259–260
  • Conversion formula, 95–96
  • Conversion funnel. See Funnel of applicants
  • Conversion ratio, 43
  • Credibility, public speaking and, 272
  • Cuddy, Amy, 169
  • Daily battle rhythm (DBR), 63, 77
  • Damasio, Antonio, 181
  • Database. See also Recruiting Information Support System
    • building a powerful, 89
    • owning your, 90
    • as a pyramid, 84
    • tracking data, 93–94
  • Decision making:
    • emotions and, 180
    • logic and, 181
  • Delusion:
    • data tracking and, 95, 96
    • deluding yourself, 75
    • driving as, 71
  • De Sena, Joe, 17, 174
  • Desperation:
    • asking and, 24
    • as disruptive emotion, 163
    • Universal Law of Need and, 38–39
  • Diet, 170
  • Ding, beware of the, 68–69
  • Direct messaging (DM):
    • benefit of, 225
    • cardinal rules of, four, 226–232
    • converting prospects and, 232
    • downside of, 226
    • practice and, 242
    • worst, examples of, 234
  • Discipline(s):
    • asking and, 25
    • consistent commitment and, 46
    • core, five, 284–285
    • database building and, 89
    • distractions and, 65
    • self- (see Self-discipline)
    • time (see Time discipline)
  • Disqualifiers, 127, 137
  • Disrupting expectations:
    • brain and, 197
    • e-mail and, 240
  • Disrupting patterns, 196, 198
  • Disruptive change, 208
  • Disruptive emotions:
    • gaining control over, 156, 193
    • management of, 170
    • managing your, 164, 165
    • pitch slapping and, 214
    • rejection and, 160
    • seven, 162–164
    • UHPs and, 215
  • Disrupt statements, 197–198
  • Disrupt step, objection turnarounds and, 194–199, 200
  • Distractions:
    • avoiding, 65
    • losing time to, 69
    • multitasking and, 67
    • removing all, 123
    • time blocking and, 63
  • Downtime, 64
  • Driving, territory and, 71–72
  • Eagerness, as disruptive emotion, 163
  • Easy button, 17–19
  • Eat That Frog (Tracy), 143
  • Education. See also Training, social recruiting and, 254–255
  • Effectiveness:
    • defined, 96
    • distractions and, 68
    • funnel of applicants and, 22
    • increase in, 105–106
    • qualification routine and, 103
    • telephone prospecting and, 120, 126–127
    • text messaging and, 223–224
    • voice mail messages and, 143
  • Efficiency, 96–97
    • defined, 96
    • distractions and, 68
    • Golden Hours and, 74
    • message delivery and, 22
    • telephone prospecting and, 120
    • time discipline and, 105
  • Elite athletes, 93, 94, 167
  • E-mail:
    • addiction to, 70
    • attachments, 228
    • bounced, 228
    • bulk, 227
    • cardinal rules of, four, 226–232
    • compliance and, 232
    • converting prospects and, 231–232
    • delivery of, 227–228
    • derailment of day and, 70–71
    • familiarity and, 229
    • framework, planning (see AMMO framework)
    • framework, prospecting (see Four-Step Email Prospecting Framework)
    • hyperlinks and images, 227
    • important/urgent, 71
    • opened by prospect, 228–231
    • pausing before sending, 242–243
    • planning and, 233–236
    • practice and, 242
    • subject line mistakes, 229–231
    • worst, examples of, 234
  • Emotion(s). See also Feelings; Ledges technique; Rejection
    • being overwhelmed by, 214
    • control of, 166, 172, 180
    • decision-making and, 181
    • desperation and, 39
    • disruptive, 31, 156, 160, 162–164, 170
    • e-mail, relating and, 238
    • empathy and, 134
    • influencing others,’ 28
    • logic and, 180
    • mirroring others,’ 27
    • out-of-control, 164
    • projection of, 167
    • rejection and, 153
    • resilience and, 10
    • science behind, 157–160
    • transfer of, 28
  • Emotional Alchemy (Bennett-Goleman), 193
  • Emotional connections:
    • first impressions and, 206–207
    • likability as gateway to, 212–213
  • Emotional contagion, 27–28
  • Emotional discipline, 284–285
  • Emotional resilience, 175
  • Emotional risk, 25
  • Emotional storm, 160
  • Emotional triggers, 156
  • Emotional wall, 137, 138
  • Empathy, 134
  • Enemy, sensing fear and, 29
  • Engagement:
    • creating opportunities for
    • e-mail and, 232
    • forcing, 198
    • objection and, 182
    • open-ended questions and, 205–206
    • opportunities, texting and, 222
    • pitching and, 214
    • social recruiting and, 253
  • Enlistments:
    • immediate, 86–87
    • mission success and, 40
    • referrals as easiest, 269
    • window of opportunity for, 84, 85
    • windows of enlistment opportunity (WEO), 255
    • with you, then military, 104
  • Enthusiasm, 216
  • Es, the two. See Effectiveness; Efficiency
  • Events, networking and, 270–271
  • Excuses:
    • mediocre recruiters and, 17
    • not accepting, 62
    • timing of calls and, 141–142
    • truth and, 48
  • Expectations, overused phrases and, 198–199
  • Eye contact, 30, 31
  • Face-to-face conversations, anchoring, 220–221
  • Face-to-face prospecting, 203–217
    • core objectives of, 204
    • first impressions and, 206–207
    • likability and, 212–213, 215–216
    • most important questions, 210–212
    • negativity and safety biases, 207–210
    • Face-to-Face Prospecting Framework, Four-Step, 204–206
    • pitch slapping and, 213–215
    • “recruiting goggles” and, 216–217
  • Facebook:
  • Facial expression, 29
  • Failing/failure:
    • asking and, 24
    • desperation and, 39
    • fear of, 51
    • losing ways and, 8
    • main reason for, 15, 48
    • mission and, 73
    • perfectionism and, 51
    • self-discipline and, 49
    • training and, 282
    • as unthinkable, 276
  • Faith, 282, 288
  • Fallacy, all eggs in one basket, 109–110
  • Familiarity. See also Law of Familiarity
    • building, 107–108
    • email and, 229
    • events, networking and, 270–271
    • levers of (see Five Levers of Familiarity)
    • marketing and, 254, 271–272
    • personal branding and, 271–272
    • prospecting and, 267–268
    • referrals, introductions and, 268–269
    • school activities and, 269–270
    • social recruiting and, 253–254, 256
    • text messaging and, 219–220
  • Familiarity bubble, 266
  • Familiarity threshold, 267
  • Fanatical Military Recruiting Boot Camp, 187
  • Fanatical Military Recruiting courses, 188
  • Fear:
    • amygdala of brain and, 197
    • as battlefield obstacle, 173
    • change and, 209
    • control of, 174
    • deepest, darkest, 24–25
    • as disruptive emotion, 163
    • enemy sensing, 29
    • of failure, 51
    • immunity to, 172
    • nonverbal behaviors and, 29–31
    • of rejection, 25, 52, 138, 159, 173
    • of the unknown, 54, 214
    • of the word ‘no,’ 24
  • Feedly, content and, 259
  • Feelings. See also Emotions; Fear; Vulnerability
    • acceptance and, 159–160
    • of importance, 263–264
    • rejection and, 155, 158–159
    • self-talk and, 167
    • telephone prospecting and, 121
    • thinking and, 180–183
    • winning and, 8–9
  • Fight-or-flight response:
    • disruptive emotions and, 164
    • Ledge technique and, 192–193
    • prospecting RBOs and, 190
    • rejection and, 162
    • war zones and, 172
  • Filters, prospecting lists and, 86, 87
  • First impressions:
    • emotional connection and, 206–207
    • “online you,” 250–251
  • Fitness, 170–171
  • Five Cs of Social Recruiting, 249, 256–260
    • connecting, 256–257
    • consistency, 260
    • content creation, 257–258
    • content curation, 258–259
    • conversion, 259–260
  • Five Levers of Familiarity, 267–272
  • Five questions that matter most, 210–212
  • Five-Step Voice Mail Framework, 145–147
  • FMR (Fanatical Military Recruiting), 11–12
  • Focus:
    • cognitive load and, 195
    • concentrating your, 66–68
    • core, as recruiter, 73
    • distractions and, 67, 216
    • on prospecting, relentless, 12
  • Follow up thank-you message, 221
  • Formula:
    • conversion, 95–96
    • getting to yes, 92
  • Four-Step Email Prospecting Framework, 236–242
    • ask, 239–240
    • bridge, 239
    • examples emails, 240–242
    • hook, 237–238
    • leveraging of, 236–237
    • overview of, 236
    • relate, 238
  • Four-Step Face-to-Face Prospecting Framework, 204–206
  • Frameworks. See also Seven-Step Telephone Prospecting Framework; Three-Step Prospecting Objection Turnaround Framework
    • AMMO (see AMMO framework)
    • Five-Step Voice Mail Framework, 145–147
    • Four-Step Face-to-Face Prospecting Framework, 204–206
    • outbound prospecting and, 122
    • set of rails comparison, 129, 182, 192
    • turn-around, 176
  • “Frog,” eating the, 143
  • Front-loading your day, 74, 143
  • Funnel of applicants:
    • core focus and, 73
    • effectiveness and, 22
    • empty, 15, 41, 48, 50, 61
    • mission contribution and, 37
    • prospecting blocks and, 64
    • science/statistics and, 42–43
    • size of, truth and, 109
    • yes number tracking, 93–94
  • Gandhi, Mahatma, 288
  • Getting to the point, 130
  •, 241
  • Goals/goal setting. See also Objectives
    • call blocks and, 123–124
    • Horstman’s Corollary and, 63
    • voice mail messages and, 147
  • Golden Hours:
    • efficiency and, 59
    • making mission and, 76
    • protecting the, 72–75
    • research and, 51
    • social recruiting and, 248, 260
    • time management and, 72
  • Google Alerts, content and, 259
  • Gregoire, Carolyn, 50
  • Group norms, 158
  • Habits, likability and, 215–216
  • Hahn, Kurt, 173
  • Halford, Scott, 166
  • Hancock, John, 287
  • Handshake, 31
  • Headshot, 251–252
  • Health, physical, 170–171
  • High-intensity prospecting sprints (HIPS), 64, 123
  • High school, recruiting and, 269–270
  • Hill, Napoleon, 280
  • Holt, Lawrence, 173
  • Horstman’s Corollary, leveraging of, 60–63
  •, 252
  • Huffington, Arianna, 171
  • Huffington Post, 50, 171
  • Human behavior. See Behaviors
  • Human need, most insatiable, 159–160
  • Hyperlinks, e-mail and, 227
  • Identifying yourself, 130, 146, 223
  • Impatience, 214
  • Inbound calls, 128
  • Inbound leads, 132
  • Inbox. See E-mail, social, 247
  • Independence, mission ownership and, 10–11
  • Influence, Circle of influencers (COI), 208
  • Influence (Cialdini), 131
  • Information:
    • online (see Content)
    • packages of, 198
  • Information gathering:
    • qualifying and, 107
    • recruiting database and, 89
    • social media and, 255–256
  • In-group preference, 266
  • Insecurity:
    • asking and, 24
    • as disruptive emotion, 163
    • nonverbal behaviors and, 29–31
    • rejection and, 160
    • self-esteem and, 175
    • silence and, 33
  • Instagram, 108, 225, 245, 257
  • Integrity, 207
  • Intentions, judgements and, 207
  • Interrupting:
    • bridging and, 131
    • making mission and, 17
    • mind-sets and, 48
    • prospecting as, 47, 121
    • relentless, 48
    • resistance and, 129–130
  • Interviews:
    • asking for, 127
    • contact-to-conduct ratio, 102
    • contact-to-interview ratio, 96
    • face-to-face, 103, 139
    • high percentage of, 101
    • prospect knowledge and, 101
    • setting up, 62
    • UHPs and, 101, 103, 106, 107
  • Introductions, familiarity and, 268–269
  • Jiang, Jia, 161–162
    • epiphany of, 173–174
    • obstacle immunity and, 175
    • rejection proofing and, 165
  • Judgements:
    • personal branding and, 250
    • pre-judgements and, 211
  • Kahneman, Daniel, 209
  • Key(s):
    • to asking, 26–27
    • asking as, 23–24
  • Knowledge:
    • foundational, 11, 12
    • schoolhouse and, 11–12
  • Langer, Ellen, 132
  • Language. See also Statements; Words
    • Body (see Body language)
    • military and, 4
    • of recruiting, 12
    • words used and, 31
  • Law(s), prospecting, three core, 37–38
  • Law of Attraction, 39
  • Law of Familiarity, 265–272. See also Familiarity
    • friction, resistance and, 266–267
  • Law of Reciprocity, leveraging of, 262–264
  • Law of Replacement, 37, 42–43
    • lesson of, 43
  • Law of Triviality, 72
  • Leads:
    • inbound, 132
    • RISS updates and, 270
  • Ledge technique, 192–194
    • emotions and, 172
    • examples of, 193–194
    • fight-or-flight response and, 192–193
    • turnaround scripts, building, 200
  • Lewis, Michael, 101
  • Likability:
    • control and, 212
    • emotional connection and, 212–213
    • first impressions and, 207
    • keys to, 215–216
    • pre-judgements and, 211
  • Liking:
    • familiarity and, 107
    • social media and, 254
  • Limbic system, brain and, 159
  • LinkedIn, 252, 257
  • Listening, 213
  • Lists. See Prospecting lists
  • Llwellyn, Christopher, 15
  • Logic:
    • decision-making and, 181
    • emotions and, 180
  • Losing, as a choice, 282
  • Luck:
    • battlefield and, 287
    • making your own, 45–46
    • prospecting frequency and, 37–46
  • Lunacy, one size fits all, 110–111
  • MacArthur, Douglas, 277
  • Malware, 227
  • Manners, 216
  • Mantra:
    • of FMR, 285–286
    • one more call, 14, 278, 285–286
    • of UHPs, 283–285
  • Marketing. See also Social media
    • military marketing machine, 271
    • personal branding and, 271–272
    • social recruiting and, 254–255
  • “Maybe,” getting to, 183–184
  • MCRISS, 88
  • Meals, healthy, 170
  • Media. See also Photos
    • links and, 253
    • social (see Social media)
  • Mediocrity:
    • as a choice, 282
    • excuses and, 17
    • mother of, 22
    • perfectionism and, 51
    • warm comfort of, 46
  • Message(s):
    • abbreviations, avoidance of, 223
    • assumptive, 32–33
    • audience and, 235
    • confident, 31
    • controlling the, 29
    • impact and style of, 221, 234
    • nonverbal, 28
    • pausing before sending, 224, 242–243
    • prospecting, 131
    • simple, compelling, 132, 134
    • uniqueness and, 232
    • weak vs. confident, 32–33
  • Messaging. See also Direct messaging; Text messaging, ding, beware of the, 68–69
  • Messenger, 225
  • Military bases, 5
  • Military career:
    • benefits of, 3–4
    • risk and, 180
  • Military recruiter. See Recruiters
  • Military training, obstacle immunity and, 175
  • Mind-set. See also Psychology
    • adopting a FMR, 22
    • command, 76–77
    • control and, 281
    • critical, 194
    • fanatical military recruiting, 19
    • holding back success and, 48
    • obstacle immunity and, 174–175
    • prospecting list and, 85
    • RISS updates and, 90
    • shifting your, 59
    • sleep and, 171
  • Mission:
    • activities and, 73
    • biggest threat to, 57
    • constant changes to, 19
    • core focus of, 73
    • failure to make, 73
    • faith and, 288
    • formula for making, 92
    • making, 16–17, 34, 49, 59, 61, 65, 73, 76, 77, 171, 279
    • missing, 6, 12, 31, 42, 50
    • as moving target, 103
    • ownership, 10–11
    • owning the, 15
    • time as, 60, 75, 119
    • time discipline and, 59
  • Mission acceleration process, 95
  • Mission Accomplish Plan (MAP), 95
  • Mission contribution, 37, 40
  • Mission drive, 275–288
    • achievement, need for, 279
    • competitiveness and, 278–279
    • optimism and, 278
    • pillars of, four, 276–281
    • purpose and, 279–281
  • Mobile devices, 69
  • Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game (Lewis), 101
  • Multitasking, 66–67
  • Murray, Henry, 279
  • Myth, nobody answering phones, 117–118
  • Names, personal, 129
  • Need, human most insatiable, 159–160
  • Negative visualization, 166
  • Negativity bias, 208–209, 214–215
  • Negotiation:
    • examples of, 154
    • rejection and, 153
  • Neocortex (rational brain). See Brain
  • Networking, events and, 270–271
  • Neuroscience. See Brain
  • N-E-X-T routine, 169
  • “No,” getting past, 164
  • “No,” getting to:
    • RBOs and, 187
    • rule of thirds and, 183
  • “No,” saying respectfully, 74–75, 77
  • Nonverbal behaviors
    • confidence and, 29–31
    • messages, 28
  • Norms, group, 158
  • Notes:
    • follow up after events, 270
    • follow up thank-you, 221
  • Nuance:
    • qualifying and, 102–104
    • social recruiting and, 246–247
  • Numbers. See also Statistics
    • knowing your, 93–94, 97, 224
    • phone blocks and, 122
    • recruiting governed by, 93–94
  • Nutrition, importance of, 170
  • Objections. See also RBOs
    • emotions and, 182, 193
    • examples of, 153–154
    • logic and, 180
    • preparing for, 34
    • rejection and, 151–156
    • sleep issues and, 171
    • statements of, 153–154
    • telephone prospecting and, 127
    • triggering, 27
    • true, 186–187
    • turning around (see Pattern painting, brain and; Three-Step Prospecting Objection Turnaround Framework)
  • Objectives. See also Goals/goal setting
    • achieving, 77
    • balance and, 105–111
    • core prospecting, 106
    • familiarity and, 107
    • overriding, one, 105
    • silence and, 135
    • voice mail messages and, 145
  • Obligation. See also Law of Reciprocity
    • creation of, 262–264
    • power of, 263
  • Obstacle(s):
    • cold-calling as, 172
    • defined, 173
    • fear as, 173
    • perfect storm of, 6
    • self-control and, 174
  • Obstacle immunity, 171–175
    • defined, 176
    • mind-set and, 174–175
    • Spartan Races and, 174
  • On-base percentage (OBP), 101
  • One more call mantra, 14, 278, 285–286
  • One size fits all lunacy, 110–111
  • “Online you,” 250–251
  • Opportunities:
    • awareness or, 217
    • calling and, 41
    • engagement, texting and, 222
    • interviews and, 101
    • prospecting as, 108
    • ratios and, 96
    • Windows of enlistment opportunity (WEO), 255
  • Optimism, mission drive and, 278
  • Orders, 279–280
  • Outbound prospecting:
    • social media and, 256
    • social recruiting and, 260–262
  • Outward Bound, 173, 175
  • Overcoming, objections and, 194–195
  • Pain:
    • rejection and, 156
    • resilience and, 176
  • Paralysis from analysis, 52, 164
  • Parkinson’s Law:
    • Horstman’s Corollary to, 60–63
    • Law of Triviality and, 72
  • Passive behavior:
    • asking and, 24
    • messages and, 32–33
  • Pattern painting, brain and, 195–199, 240
  • Perfectionism, 50–52
    • irony of, 50
    • self-talk and, 51
  • Persistence:
    • need for achievement and, 279
    • winning and, 282–283
  • Personal branding, 218
    • bio, summary, 252
    • cover image and, 252
    • damage to, 251, 254
    • familiarity and, 271–272
    • headshot, 251–252
    • online profile basics, 251–253
    • social recruiting and, 218, 250–253
  • Perspective, shift in, 173
  • Phone. See also Call blocks; Inbound calls; Telephone prospecting; Voice mail messages
    • ding, beware of the, 68–69
    • leveraging of, 122
    • as most powerful tool, 118–120
    • one more call mantra, 14
    • trends in answering, 118
  • Phone blocks. See also Call blocks
    • distractions and, 67
    • management of, 124
    • number of dials and, 122
    • scheduled, 123–124
    • targeted lists and, 116
    • voice mail messages and, 145
  • Photos:
    • cover image, 252
    • personal, online, 251–252
  • Phrases:
    • good ones to use, 134
    • overused, avoidance of, 198–199
    • spammy, avoidance of, 228
  • Physical fitness, 170–171
  • Physical posture, changing, 169
  • Physiology, changing your, 169–170
  • Pipeline. See Funnel of applicants
  • Pitching:
    • avoiding temptation of, 205–206
    • prospecting and, 108
    • silences and, 129
    • statements to avoid, 134
  • Pitch slapping, 213–215
  • Platinum Hours, leveraging of, 75–76
  • Pocket, content and, 259
  • Positive visualization, 166–167
  • Posting, social media and, 254
  • Posture:
    • changing your, 169
    • confidence and, 30, 31
  • Powell, Colin, 278
  • Power:
    • of balance, 131
    • of ‘because,’ 132–133
    • emotions and, 156
  • Power Hours, 64
  • Power of Vulnerability (Brown), 25
  • “Power posing,” 169
  • Practice. See also Repetition
    • self-awareness/self-control, 31
    • Seven-Step Telephone Prospecting Framework, 139
  • Pre-judgements, 211
  • Prioritization of tasks, 74
  • Probability:
    • availability bias and, 179–180
    • get to yes and, 92
  • Probability discipline, 284
  • Procrastination, 48–50
    • human nature and, 49
    • prospecting blocks and, 143
    • worry and, 164
  • Productivity:
    • consistency and, 40
    • maximizing, 75, 95, 97
    • time blocking and, 63, 66
  • Prom story, 151–153, 176–177
  • Prospect(s):
    • because statements for, 134–135
    • categories of, 147–148
    • pipeline, endless, 19–20
    • prior service, 128
    • rude treatment from, 167, 168
    • teenagers, 172, 248
    • where to find, 217
  • Prospecting:
    • avoidance of, 173
    • balanced methodology for, 108–109
    • consistency and, 45–46
    • daily, 39–40, 41, 45, 46, 49, 142
    • derailing culprits, biggest, 69
    • importance of, 143
    • as interrupting, 47
    • jumping into, 53–54, 62
    • laws, three core, 37–38
    • outbound, 256
    • pattern/strategy, 81
    • face-to-face (see Face-to-face prospecting (F2F))
    • pitching and, 108
    • relentless focus on, 12, 15
    • research and, 51
    • touches, 72
  • Prospecting blocks, 51, 52. See also Call blocks
    • distractions and, 65, 69
    • email and, 71
    • first two hours of day, 71
    • Power Hours, 64
    • prospecting lists and, 85–87
    • time blocking and, 64
    • of UHPs, 83–84
  • Prospecting calls. See Calls
  • Prospecting channels. See also specific channel
    • cross-leveraging, 107–108
    • multiple, 109–110, 119, 221
    • prospecting routine and, 110–111
  • Prospecting discipline, 284
  • Prospecting lists:
    • filters used with, 86
    • owning your, 90
    • results and, 85–87
  • Prospecting pyramid, 81–90
    • information recording and, 89
    • key to leveraging, 85
    • management of, 83–85
    • moving down the, 87
    • prospecting lists and, 85–87
    • RISS and, 87–89
  • Prospecting RBOs, 184–187
    • advance anticipation of, 187–199
    • brush-off, 185–186
    • list of forms of, 188
    • objections, true, 186–187
    • planning for, 190–192
    • reflex responses, 184–185
    • responses to, listing, 191–192
    • scripts for, repeatable, 190–191
  • Prospecting touches, 106
  • Psychological reactance, 194–195
  • Psychology, 263, 284. See also Mind-set
  • Psychology of Persuasion, The (Cialdini), 263
  • Public speaking, 271–272
  • Publishing, content and, 254–255, 257
  • Puller, Lewis B. “Chesty,” 60
  • Purpose:
    • achievement and, 281
    • mission drive and, 279–281
  • Purpose, mission drive and, 279–281
  • Putting all eggs in one basket, 109-110
  • Qualification:
    • levels, 86
    • routine, 103
    • standards, tightening, 5–6
  • Qualifying, 98–104
    • balance and nuance of, 102–104
    • disqualifiers and, 127
    • information gathering and, 107, 127
    • negative information and, 136
    • not wasting time and, 99–100
    • rapid, prospecting and, 108
  • Questions:
    • difficult, cognitive dissonance and, 136–138
    • examples of, 154
    • Ledge technique and, 193–194
    • open-ended, 205–206
    • qualification routine and, 103
    • qualifying and, 137–138
    • rejection and, 153
    • silence following, 33
    • subject line mistakes, 230
    • that matter most, five, 210–212
    • WIIFM (What’s in it for me?), 131–135, 239
  • Quitting, as a choice, 282
  • Rall, Johann, 287
  • Ratios, 94–96, 102
  • RBOs (reflex responses, brush-offs, and objections):
    • defined, 122
    • making a list of, 188–189
    • prospecting (see Prospecting RBOs)
  • Reactance, psychological, 194–195
  • Reciprocation, rule for, 263
  • Recruiters:
    • biggest mistake of, 135
    • efficient and effective, 22
    • elite, 93 (see also Ultra-High-Performing Recruiters (UHPs))
    • integrity of, 207
    • poor-performance, 102, 107, 116, 217 (see also Mediocrity)
    • rejection-proof, 161–177
    • tour of duty, 60
  • Recruiting:
    • activities, transformational, 69
    • annual cycle for, 84
    • authenticity and, 191
    • context and, 103
    • cycle (see Annual recruiting cycle)
    • failure in, main reason for, 48
    • five questions that matter most, 210–212
    • language of, 12
    • numbers and, 93–94
    • prospecting importance and, 143
    • social (see Social recruiting)
    • telephone prospecting and, 121
    • things you can control, 281
  • “Recruiting goggles,” 216–217
  • Recruiting Information Support System (RISS), 61, 66, 68, 76
    • all recruiting databases and, 88
    • filters used with, 86
    • logging leads into, 270
    • most valuable recruiting tool, 87–89
    • owning your, 90
    • US Armed Forces branches and, 87–88
  • Recruiting numbers, 95
  • Recruiting slumps. See Slumps
  • Recruiting tools. See Tools
  • Referrals:
    • confirm appointments or get, 127
    • familiarity and, 268–269
    • qualification routine and, 103, 139
    • secret to generating, 268–269
    • types of, 268
    • unqualified prospects and, 102, 139
  • Reflex responses, 184–185, 198
  • Rejection:
    • acceptance and, 121
    • ancient world and, 157–158
    • biological response to, 158–159
    • confidence and, 280
    • emotions and, 153, 165
    • endless, 18
    • facing head-on, 174
    • fear of, 24, 52, 138, 156, 158, 159, 172, 173
    • feelings and, 155, 159–160
    • mitigation of, 122
    • objections and, 151–156
    • pain of, 9–10, 156, 158, 168
    • prom story, 151–153, 176–177
    • re-experiencing of, 159
    • science behind, 157–160
    • seeking out, 161–162, 165, 176
    • self-esteem and, 175
    • sensitivity to, 158
    • statements of, 154
    • telephone prospecting and, 121
    • UHPs and, 16
    • vulnerability and, 25
  • Rejection Proof (Jiang), 174
  • Rejection-proof recruiter, 161–177
    • adversity and, 175–177
    • disruptive emotions and, 162–165
    • fitness and, 170–171
    • obstacle immunity and, 171–175
    • physiology, changing your, 169–170
    • positive visualization and, 166–167
    • self-awareness and, 165–166
    • self-talk and, 167–169
  • Relationship building, 104
  • Relationships:
    • “first-name,” 266–267
    • investing in, 268
    • referrals and, 268
  • Repayment. See Law of Reciprocity
  • Repetition. See also Practice
    • as key, 54
    • voice mail messages and, 146, 147
  • Reputation, damage to, 254
  • Research:
    • information gathering and, 255–256
    • prospecting and, 51
  • Resilience:
    • adversity, pain and, 176
    • emotions and, 10
    • self-esteem and, 175
  • Resistance:
    • confidence and, 166
    • expectation of, 166
    • familiarity and, 266
    • interrupting and, 129
    • logic and, 180
    • reducing, 26
    • silence and, 135
  • Respect, getting to the point and, 130
  • Response rates, 117
  • Responsibilities:
    • command mind-set and, 77
    • mastering your, 12
  • Richter, Sam, 256
  • Risk:
    • emotional, 25
    • military career and, 180
  • Rohn, Jim, 20, 22, 26
  • Routine:
    • prospecting, 100–111
    • qualification, 103
  • RTOOLS, 88
  • Rule of thirds, 183–184
  • Safety bias, 209–210
  •, 241
  • Sales Gravy (company), 63
  • Scheduling:
    • call blocks, 142
    • nonrecruiting activities, 75
    • phone blocks, 123–124
  • Schoolhouse knowledge, FMR vs., 11–12
  • Science, rejection and, 157–160
  • Scripts:
    • cheeseball, 128
    • turnaround, repeatable RBO, 190–191, 199–200
  • Self-awareness:
    • developing, 165–166
    • emotional control and, 166, 175
    • emotions and, 156
    • practice and, 31
  • Self-control:
    • confidence and, 279
    • obstacles and, 174
    • practice and, 31
  • Self-discipline:
    • failure and, 49
    • one more call mantra, 285–286
  • Self-esteem:
    • fitness and, 170
    • low, 175
    • rejection and, 175
    • resilience and, 175
    • self-talk and, 160, 168
  • Self-improvement, 19–20
  • Self-motivation, 279
  • Self-talk:
    • assumptive ask and, 28
    • fear and, 174
    • management of, 167–169
    • perfectionism and, 51
    • rejection and, 160
  • September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 178–179
  • Seven disruptive emotions, 162–164
  • Seven-Step Telephone Prospecting Framework, 125–139
    • asking, 135–136
    • ‘because’ statements and, 132–133, 134–135
    • bridging and, 130–135
    • call examples for, 126–127, 128
    • confirm or flip/referral, 139
    • getting their attention, 129–130
    • identifying yourself, 130
    • pauses, absence of, 127
    • practicing, 139
    • qualifying and, 136–137
    • reason for call, stating, 130
    • silence after asking, 135–136
    • statements to avoid, 133–134
    • top question about, 138
    • WIIFM (What’s in it for me?), 131–135
    • words/phrases to use, 134
  • Sharing, social media and, 254
  • Significance, need for, 163, 214, 263
  • Silence:
    • asking for interview and, 127
    • following questions, 33
    • lack of comfort with, 214
  • Similarity bias, 266
  • Sleep, importance of, 171
  • Slump(s):
    • anatomy of a, 43–44
    • first rule of, 45
    • prospecting laws and, 38
  • Smiling, 30, 31, 205, 213, 215, 251–252
  • Snapchat, 225, 257
  • Social inbox, 247
  • Socially damaging mistakes, 158
  • Social media:
    • benefit of, 225
    • ding, beware of the, 68–69
    • downside of, 226
    • interactions on, 254
    • Law of Reciprocity and, 262–264
    • “new generation” and, 116
    • obligation, creating with, 262–264
  • Social media connection request, 221
  • Social recruiting, 244–264
    • branding and (see Personal branding)
    • challenge of, 245–246
    • Cs of, five (see Five Cs of Social Recruiting)
    • defined, 247
    • familiarity and, 253–254
    • marketing and, 254–255
    • not a panacea, 245
    • nuance and, 246–247
    • objectives of, five, 248–256
    • outbound prospecting and, 260–262
    • overview of, 244–245
    • social channels and, 247–248
  • Spam, telephone prospecting and, 118
  • Spartan Races, 174, 175
  • Spartan Up!: A Take-No-Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Peak Performance in Life. (De Sena, Joe), 17, 171
  • Speaking. See also Tone of voice, public, 271–272
  • Statements. See also Phrases
    • to avoid, 133–134
    • ‘because,’ 132–133
    • disrupt, 197–198
    • Ledge technique and, 193–194
    • negotiation, examples, 154
    • objections, examples, 153–154
    • rejection, examples, 154
    • words/phrases to use, 134
  • Statistics:
    • daily prospecting and, 142
    • getting to yes and, 91, 92
    • phone calls and, 117
  • Stress, cognitive dissonance and, 136–137
  • Success:
    • adversity and, 54
    • American way of life and, 280
    • backbone and, 25
    • emotional control and, 180
    • equation for, 45
    • paying the price for, 283
    • perfectionism and, 50, 51
    • phone blocks and, 123–124
  • Survival:
    • rejection and, 159
    • UHPs and, 14–15
  • Swim, learning how to, 53–54
  • Take the Cold Out of Cold Calling (Richter), 256
  • Talent. See also Ultra-High-Performing Recruiters (UHPs)
  • Target/targeting:
    • mission as moving, 103
    • phone blocks and, 116, 119
    • prospecting pyramid, 81–90
    • weak, 29
  • Tasks:
    • hardest, each day, 143
    • multitasking, 66–67
  • Teacher:
    • adversity as, 175, 177
    • substitute teaching, 269
  • Teams, mission ownership and, 10–11
  • Telephone prospecting, 115–124. See also Calls; Phone; Phone blocks; Voice mail messages
    • appointments and, 118
    • call notes and, 89
    • characteristics of, 128
    • excuses and, 115–116
    • frameworks, outbound, 122. see also Seven-Step Telephone Prospecting Framework
    • nobody answering, myth of, 117–118
    • nobody likes it, 120–123
  • Territory:
    • commander of your, 90
    • driving and, 71–72
  • Terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, 178–179
  • Text messaging, 218–224
    • anchoring conversations and, 220–221
    • engagement opportunities and, 222
    • familiarity and, 219–220
    • follow up thank-you message, 221
    • nurturing prospects and, 221–222
    • personal feel of, 219
    • rules for effective, 223–224
  • Thank-you message, follow up, 221
  • Thinking, then feeling, 180–183
  • Thinking Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 209
  • Think tank, nonpartisan, 4–5
  • 30-Day Rule, 37, 40–42
    • implication of, 41–42
  • Three Ps, 37–54
    • disrupting, 52–54
    • Paralysis from analysis, 52
    • Perfectionism, 50–52
    • Procrastination, 48–50
  • Three-Step Prospecting Objection Turnaround Framework, 192–199
    • about, 182–183, 184
    • ask step, 199
    • disruptive emotions and, 184
    • disrupt step, 194–199
    • Ledge technique step, 192–194
    • pattern painting, 195–199
  • Time. See also Golden Hours; Platinum Hours
    • downtime, 64
    • as hardest ask, 139
    • investment of, 57
    • losing to distractions, 69
    • as mission, 60, 75, 119
    • owning your, 76
  • Time blocks, 51, 63–65. See also Call blocks
    • distractions and, 63, 69
    • Horstman’s Corollary and, 63
    • productivity and, 66
    • social recruiting and, 260
  • Time discipline, 57–77. See also Golden Hours; Platinum Hours
    • 24-hour day, 58–60
    • critical nature of, 59
    • efficiency and, 105
    • simplicity of, 60
    • UHPs and, 284
  • Time management:
    • driving and, 72
    • immutable truth about, 60
    • mission ownership and, 11
    • problems, self-inflicted, 58
  • Timing of calls, 140–143
  • Tone of voice:
    • asking and, 24
    • confidence and, 29, 30
    • likability and, 215
  • Tools. See also Phone
    • messaging (see Direct messaging; Text messaging)
    • most valuable (see Recruiting Information Support System)
    • online content and, 259
  • Top of mind, keeping, 221
  • Touches. See Prospecting touches
  • Tracking data. See Database
  • Tracy, Brian, 143
  • Trainers, recruiting objections and, 155–156
  • Training. See also Education
    • failure and, 282
    • military, 175
  • Trends:
    • people answering phones, 118
    • social media and, 245
  • Trenton, victory at, 286–288
  • Truth(s):
    • brutal, 18–19
    • concentration and, 66
    • confirmation bias and, 95
    • delusion and, 61–62
    • disqualifying candidates and, 139
    • excuses and, 48
    • funnel size and, 109
    • immutable, 24, 60
    • making mission and, 279
    • multitasking and, 67
    • pain of rejection and, 156
    • success and, 25
    • telephone prospecting and, 118
  • Turnaround framework. See Three-Step Prospecting Objection Turnaround Framework
  • Twitter, 225, 248, 257
  • Ultra-High-Performing Recruiters (UHPs):
    • balanced prospecting and, 110
    • behaviors of, 12–13
    • competitiveness and, 278
    • confidence and, 28
    • disruptive emotions and, 215
    • driving/territory and, 72
    • interviews and, 101, 103, 106, 107
    • mantra of, 283–285
    • mission drive and, 277, 285
    • Platinum Hours and, 75–76
    • prospecting blocks of, 83–84
    • prospecting focus and, 37
    • questions that matter most and, 210
    • rejection and, 16
    • as relentless, unstoppable, 13
    • time blocks and, 63
    • time management and, 58
  • Units, mission ownership and, 10–11
  • Universal Law of Need, 37, 38–40
    • punishment and, 44
  • Unknown, fear of, 54
  • URLs, 224, 227, 253
  • Veterans, combat, 173
  • Visibility, public speaking and, 272
  • Visualization:
    • negative, 166
    • positive, 166–167
  • Voice mail boxes, not set up, 144
  • Voice Mail Framework, Five-Step, 145–147
  • Voice mail messages, 144–148
    • call back as goal for, 147
    • call-back rate, 145
    • compelling, development of, 147–148
    • effective, 143
    • Five-Step Voice Mail Framework, 145–147
    • objectives and, 145
    • time allotment for, 147
    • unanswered, 144
  • Voice tone. See Tone of voice
  • Volunteering, 269
  • Vulnerability:
    • fear and, 25
    • silence and, 33
  • Waitley, Dennis, 59
  • Wang, Shirley, 27
  • War. See also Battlefield; Daily battle rhythm
    • fight-or-flight response and, 172
    • losing ways and, 8
    • recruiting as, 7
  • War for Talent, 7, 11, 48, 277, 278
  • Washington, George, 286–288
  • Weak behavior, messages and, 32–33
  • WhatsApp, 225
  • Why, harnessing your, 280–281
  • WIIFM (What’s in it for me?), 131–135
    • email and, 239
  • Winch, Guy, 168
  • Window of enlistment opportunity (WEO), 84, 85, 255
  • Winning, 8–9
  • Words. See also Language; Message(s); Phrases
    • career changing, eleven, 285–286
    • good ones to use, 134
    • spammy, avoidance of, 228
    • subject line mistakes, 229–231
  • Worry, as disruptive emotion, 163–164
  • “Yes,” getting to, 91–97
    • changing yes number, 96–97
    • first hour on telephone, 143
    • formula for, 92
    • many nos and, 92
    • numbers and, 93–94
    • physical posture and, 170
    • ratios and, 94–96
    • rule of thirds and, 183
    • scripts for, repeatable RBO, 199–200
  • YouTube, 68, 252
  • Ziglar, Zig, 51
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