
Book Description

JMP 13 Quality and Process Methods describes tools for evaluating and improving processes. The book begins by discussing creating control charts, which let you visualize process measurements over time, quantify common cause variation, and identify special cause variation. Details about estimating your process capability based on measurement systems analysis studies are included. Lastly, the book discusses Pareto plots and cause-and-effect diagrams to identify root causes of variability.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Learn about JMP
    1. Documentation and Additional Resources
    2. Formatting Conventions
    3. JMP Documentation
      1. JMP Documentation Library
      2. JMP Help
    4. Additional Resources for Learning JMP
      1. Tutorials
      2. Sample Data Tables
      3. Learn about Statistical and JSL Terms
      4. Learn JMP Tips and Tricks
      5. Tooltips
      6. JMP User Community
      7. JMPer Cable
      8. JMP Books by Users
      9. The JMP Starter Window
    5. Technical Support
  3. Introduction to Quality and Process Methods
    1. Tools for Process and Product Improvement
  4. Control Chart Builder
    1. Create Control Charts Interactively
    2. Overview of the Control Chart Builder
    3. Example of the Control Chart Builder
    4. Control Chart Types
      1. Shewhart Control Charts for Variables
        1. XBar-, R-, and S- Charts
        2. Individual Measurement Charts
        3. Presummarize Charts
        4. Levey-Jennings Charts
      2. Shewhart Control Charts for Attributes
      3. Rare Event Control Charts
      4. Control Chart Types
    5. Launch the Control Chart Builder
    6. The Control Chart Builder Window
    7. Control Chart Builder Options
      1. Red Triangle Menu Options
      2. Options Panel and Right-Click Chart Options
        1. Statistic
        2. Sigma
        3. Tests
        4. Westgard Rules
      3. Right-Click Axis Options
    8. Retrieving Limits from a Data Table
    9. Excluded and Hidden Samples
    10. Additional Examples of the Control Chart Builder
      1. X and R Chart Phase Example
      2. p-chart Example
      3. np-chart Example
      4. c-chart Example
      5. u-chart Example
      6. g-chart Example
      7. t-chart Example
    11. Statistical Details for the Control Chart Builder Platform
      1. Control Limits for X- and R-charts
      2. Control Limits for X- and S-charts
      3. Control Limits for Individual Measurement and Moving Range Charts
      4. Control Limits for p- and np-charts
      5. Control Limits for u-charts
      6. Control Limits for c-charts
      7. Levey-Jennings Charts
      8. Control Limits for g-charts
      9. Control Limits for t-charts
  5. Shewhart Control Charts
    1. Create Variable and Attribute Control Charts
    2. Overview of the Control Chart Platform
    3. Example of the Control Chart Platform
    4. Shewhart Control Chart Types
      1. Control Charts for Variables
        1. Run Charts
        2. XBar-, R-, and S- Charts
        3. Individual Measurement Charts
        4. Moving Average Charts
        5. Uniformly Weighted Moving Average Charts
        6. Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Charts
        7. Presummarize Charts
      2. Control Charts for Attributes
        1. Levey-Jennings Charts
    5. Launch the Control Chart Platform
      1. Process Information
        1. Process
        2. Sample Label
        3. Phase
        4. By
      2. Chart Type Information
      3. Limits Specifications
        1. KSigma
        2. Alpha
      4. Specified Statistics
    6. The Control Chart Report
    7. Control Chart Platform Options
      1. Control Chart Window Options
      2. Individual Control Chart Options
    8. Saving and Retrieving Limits
    9. Excluded, Hidden, and Deleted Samples
    10. Additional Examples of the Control Chart Platform
      1. Run Chart Example
      2. X Bar- and R-charts Example
      3. X-Bar- and S-charts with Varying Subgroup Sizes Example
      4. Individual Measurement and Moving Range Charts Example
      5. p-chart Example
      6. np-chart Example
      7. c-chart Example
      8. u-chart Example
      9. UWMA Chart Example
      10. EWMA Chart Example
      11. Presummarize Chart Example
      12. Phase Example
    11. Statistical Details for the Control Chart Platform
      1. Control Limits for Median Moving Range Charts
      2. Control Limits for UWMA Charts
      3. Control Limits for EWMA Charts
  6. Cumulative Sum Control Charts
    1. Detect Small Shifts in the Process Mean
    2. CUSUM Control Chart Overview
    3. Example of a CUSUM Chart
    4. Launch the CUSUM Control Chart Platform
    5. The CUSUM Control Chart
      1. Interpret a Two-Sided CUSUM Chart
      2. Interpret a One-Sided CUSUM Chart
    6. CUSUM Control Chart Platform Options
    7. Example of a One-Sided CUSUM Chart
    8. Statistical Details for CUSUM Control Charts
      1. One-Sided CUSUM Charts
        1. Positive Shifts
        2. Negative Shifts
        3. Constant Sample Sizes
      2. Two-Sided CUSUM Charts
  7. Multivariate Control Charts
    1. Monitor Multiple Process Characteristics Simultaneously
    2. Multivariate Control Chart Overview
    3. Example of a Multivariate Control Chart
      1. Step 1: Determine Whether the Process is Stable
      2. Step 2: Save Target Statistics
      3. Step 3: Monitor the Process
    4. Launch the Multivariate Control Chart Platform
    5. The Multivariate Control Chart
    6. Multivariate Control Chart Platform Options
      1. T Square Partitioned
      2. Change Point Detection
      3. Principal Components
    7. Additional Examples of Multivariate Control Charts
      1. Example of Monitoring a Process Using Sub-Grouped Data
        1. Step 1: Determine Whether the Process Is Stable
        2. Step 2: Save Target Statistics
        3. Step 3: Monitor the Process
      2. Example of T Square Partitioned
      3. Example of Change Point Detection
    8. Statistical Details for Multivariate Control Charts
      1. Statistical Details for Individual Data
      2. Statistical Details for Sub-Grouped Data
      3. Statistical Details for Additivity
      4. Statistical Details for Change Point Detection
        1. Assumptions
        2. Overview
        3. Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic
        4. The Control Chart Statistic
  8. Measurement Systems Analysis
    1. Evaluate a Continuous Measurement Process Using the EMP Method
    2. Overview of Measurement Systems Analysis
    3. Example of Measurement Systems Analysis
    4. Launch the Measurement Systems Analysis Platform
    5. Measurement Systems Analysis Platform Options
      1. Average Chart
      2. Range Chart or Standard Deviation Chart
      3. EMP Results
        1. Classes of Process Monitors
      4. Effective Resolution
      5. Shift Detection Profiler
        1. Shift Detection Profiler Settings
        2. Shift Detection Profiler Options
        3. Shift Detection Profiler Legend
        4. Customize and Select Tests
      6. Bias Comparison
      7. Test-Retest Error Comparison
    6. Additional Example of Measurement Systems Analysis
    7. Statistical Details for Measurement Systems Analysis
  9. Variability Gauge Charts
    1. Evaluate a Continuous Measurement Process Using Gauge R&R
    2. Overview of Variability Charts
    3. Example of a Variability Chart
    4. Launch the Variability/Attribute Gauge Chart Platform
    5. The Variability Gauge Chart
    6. Variability Gauge Platform Options
      1. Heterogeneity of Variance Tests
      2. Variance Components
        1. Analysis Settings
      3. About the Gauge R&R Method
      4. Gauge RR Option
        1. Enter/Verify Gauge R&R Specifications
        2. The Gauge R&R Report
      5. Discrimination Ratio
      6. Misclassification Probabilities
      7. Bias Report
      8. Linearity Study
    7. Additional Examples of Variability Charts
      1. Example of the Heterogeneity of Variance Test
      2. Example of the Bias Report Option
        1. Example of a Linearity Study
    8. Statistical Details for Variability Charts
      1. Statistical Details for Variance Components
      2. Statistical Details for the Discrimination Ratio
  10. Attribute Gauge Charts
    1. Evaluate a Categorical Measurement Process Using Agreement Measures
    2. Attribute Gauge Charts Overview
    3. Example of an Attribute Gauge Chart
    4. Launch the Variability/Attribute Gauge Chart Platform
    5. The Attribute Gauge Chart and Reports
      1. Agreement Reports
      2. Effectiveness Report
        1. Conformance Report
    6. Attribute Gauge Platform Options
    7. Statistical Details for Attribute Gauge Charts
      1. Statistical Details for the Agreement Report
  11. Process Capability
    1. Measure the Variability of a Process over Time
    2. Process Capability Platform Overview
    3. Example of the Process Capability Platform with Normal Variables
    4. Example of the Process Capability Platform with Nonnormal Variables
    5. Launch the Process Capability Platform
      1. Process Selection
      2. Process Subgrouping
      3. Historical Information
      4. Distribution Options
        1. Nonnormal Distribution Options
      5. Other Specifications
    6. Entering Specification Limits
      1. Spec Limits Window
      2. Limits Data Table
      3. Spec Limits Column Property
    7. The Process Capability Report
      1. Goal Plot
        1. Goal Plot Points
        2. Goal Plot Triangle
        3. Goal Plot Options
        4. One-Sided or Missing Specification Limits
      2. Capability Box Plots
        1. One-Sided or Missing Specification Limits
      3. Capability Index Plot
        1. Capability Index Plot Options
    8. Process Capability Platform Options
      1. Individual Detail Reports
        1. Normal Distributions
        2. Nonnormal Distributions
        3. Individual Detail Report Options
        4. Compare Distributions
      2. Normalized Box Plots
      3. Summary Reports
      4. Make Goal Plot Summary Table
    9. Additional Examples of the Process Capability Platform
      1. Process Capability for a Stable Process
        1. Process Capability through Control Chart Builder
        2. Process Capability Platform
      2. Process Capability for an Unstable Process
        1. Process Capability Platform
        2. Control Chart to Assess Stability
      3. Simulation of Confidence Limits for a Nonnormal Process Ppk
        1. Nonnormal Capability Analysis
        2. Construct the Simulation Column
        3. Simulate Confidence Intervals for Purity Ppk and Expected % Nonconforming
    10. Statistical Details for the Process Capability Platform
      1. Variation Statistics
        1. Estimates of Sigma Based on Within-Subgroup Variation
      2. Notation for Goal Plots and Capability Box Plots
      3. Goal Plot
        1. Goal Plot Points for Processes with Missing Targets
      4. Capability Box Plots for Processes with Missing Targets
        1. Two Specification Limits and No Target
        2. Single Specification Limit and No Target
      5. Capability Indices for Normal Distributions
      6. Capability Indices for Nonnormal Distributions: Percentile and Z-Score Methods
        1. Percentile (ISO/Quantile) Method
        2. Z-Score (Bothe/Z-Scores) Method
      7. Parameterizations for Distributions
  12. Capability Analysis
    1. Evaluate the Ability of a Process to Meet Specifications
    2. Overview of the Capability Platform
    3. Launch the Capability Platform
    4. Entering Specification Limits
      1. Spec Limits Window
      2. Limits Data Table
      3. Spec Limits Column Property
    5. The Capability Report
      1. Goal Plot
      2. Capability Box Plots
        1. Missing Spec Limits
    6. Capability Platform Options
      1. Normalized Box Plots
      2. Make Summary Table
      3. Capability Indices Report
      4. Individual Detail Reports
  13. Pareto Plots
    1. Focus Improvement Efforts on the Vital Few
    2. Overview of the Pareto Plot Platform
    3. Example of the Pareto Plot Platform
    4. Launch the Pareto Plot Platform
    5. The Pareto Plot Report
    6. Pareto Plot Platform Options
      1. Causes Options
    7. Additional Examples of the Pareto Plot Platform
      1. Threshold of Combined Causes Example
      2. Using a Constant Size across Groups Example
      3. Using a Non-Constant Sample Size across Groups Example
      4. One-Way Comparative Pareto Plot Example
      5. Two-Way Comparative Pareto Plot Example
  14. Cause-and-Effect Diagrams
    1. Identify Root Causes
    2. Cause-and-Effect Diagram Overview
    3. Example of a Cause-and-Effect Diagram
    4. Prepare the Data
    5. Launch the Diagram Platform
    6. The Cause-and-Effect Diagram
      1. Right-Click Menus
        1. Text Menu
        2. Insert Menu
        3. Move Menu
        4. Other Menu Options
    7. Save the Diagram
      1. Save the Diagram as a Data Table
      2. Save the Diagram as a Journal
      3. Save the Diagram as a Script
  15. References
  16. Index
    1. Quality and Process Methods