
Book Description

LOGIC PRO X POWER!: THE COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE is an all-new edition of the leading reference to Apple Inc.'s flagship software for computer music production, Logic Pro X. The most complete guide to Logic Pro X available, LOGIC PRO X POWER! covers the software's feature and operations and includes a wealth of tips and tricks, workflow concepts, and more. No matter where you are on the spectrum of Logic expertise, this is the book for you. If you're a beginner, you will benefit from the clear, step-by-step introductions to everything Logic Pro X can do. More advanced users will find LOGIC PRO X POWER! an indispensable reference-the go-to resource covering all of Logic's features and functions. Build your Logic Pro expertise with LOGIC PRO X POWER!: THE COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Dedication
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. About the Author
  6. Contents
  7. Introduction
  8. 1 Introducing Logic Pro X
    1. What Is Logic Pro?
    2. A Brief Overview of MIDI
    3. A Brief Overview of Digital Audio
    4. Audio and MIDI in Logic Pro
    5. A Brief Primer on Hardware
  9. 2 A Quick Tour of Logic Pro
    1. Terminology in Logic
    2. The Logic Pro Main Window
    3. The Mixer
    4. The Project Audio Browser
    5. The Audio Editors
    6. The Event List
    7. The Piano Roll Editor
    8. The Step Editor
    9. The Score Editor
    10. The Loop Browser
    11. The Browsers
    12. The Library
    13. The Marker, Tempo, and Signature Lists
    14. Smart Controls
    15. Track Stacks
    16. Drummer
    17. The Environment
    18. The MIDI Transform Window
    19. The Key Commands Window
    20. Right–Mouse Button Preferences
    21. Screensets
  10. 3 The Logic Project
    1. Visualizing Your Workspace
    2. Creating Your Template
    3. Setting Up Your Main Window
    4. Setting Up Screensets
    5. Defining Key Commands
    6. Setting Up Your Hardware
    7. Saving Your Template
  11. 4 Global Elements of Logic
    1. The Global Menus
    2. Global Tracks
  12. 5 Transport Controls and Recording
    1. The Transport Buttons
    2. Mode Buttons
    3. The LCD
    4. The Master Level Slider
    5. Customizing the Transport
    6. Hiding the Transport
    7. Opening the Transport Window
    8. Resizing the Transport Window
    9. Recording
    10. The Play Button Shortcut Menu
    11. The Stop Button Shortcut Menu
    12. Using Varispeed
  13. 6 The Logic Pro Main Window
    1. An Overview of the Main Window
    2. Local Menus
    3. Global Menu Commands for the Main Window
    4. Track Classes
    5. The Control Bar
    6. Adding Tracks to the Main Window Track List
    7. The Main Window Inspector
    8. Configuring the Track Header
    9. Track Icons
    10. Hide Tracks
    11. Freezing Tracks
    12. Cycle Mode
    13. Looping Regions in the Tracks Area
    14. Creating Regions
    15. Editing in the Tracks Area
    16. Using Flex Time and Pitch
    17. Adding Files to the Tracks Area
    18. Bouncing in Place
    19. Other Transient-Related Functions in the Main Window
    20. Track Stacks
    21. Working with Patches
    22. Smart Controls
    23. Drummer
    24. Automation
    25. Musical Typing
  14. 7 Working with Audio and Apple Loops
    1. Types of Channel Strips
    2. Channel Strip Components
    3. The Project Audio Browser
    4. The Logic Audio Editors
    5. Audio Fades and Crossfades
    6. Apple Loops
  15. 8 Working with MIDI
    1. MIDI Editors and MIDI Regions
    2. The Piano Roll Editor
    3. The Event List
    4. The Step Editor
    5. The Score Editor
    6. The MIDI Transform Window
  16. 9 Working with Software Instruments
    1. Logic and Software Instruments
    2. Accessing Logic Software Instruments
    3. Installing and Accessing Non-Logic Software Instruments
    4. Plug-in Window Controls
    5. Software Instruments and the Environment
    6. Using Multi-Output Software Instruments
    7. Using Multitimbral Software Instruments
    8. Using MIDI FX
    9. Using ReWire 2 Instruments
  17. 10 Using Automation in Logic
    1. Types of Automation
    2. Using Track-Based Automation
    3. Manipulating Automation Data
    4. Automation Quick Access
  18. 11 Mixing in Logic
    1. Mixer or Mixer Layer?
    2. The Mixer Local Menus
    3. Mixer Buttons
    4. Recording Audio from the Mixer
    5. Basic Mixing: Summing Volume and Panorama
    6. Busing Tracks in Logic
    7. Using Effects
    8. Muting Channels
    9. Soloing Channels
    10. Mixer Groups
    11. Bouncing Your Mix
    12. Surround Mixing
    13. Mixing Using Control Surfaces
  19. 12 Working with and Sharing Files
    1. Creating New Projects
    2. Saving Logic Projects
    3. Configuring Logic’s Startup Action
    4. The Project Management Menu
    5. The Project Settings Menu
    6. Opening or Importing Projects and Files
    7. Exporting Files from Logic
    8. Sharing Audio to iTunes, the Media Browser, and SoundCloud
  20. 13 Advanced Tempo Operations
    1. The Tempo Display
    2. Recording and Editing Tempo
    3. Matching the Project Tempo to an Audio Region
    4. Using Beat Detection to Adjust the Project Tempo
    5. Detecting the Tempo of an Audio Region
    6. Working with Tempo Data in Audio Files
  21. 14 Working with Video
    1. Opening Movies
    2. Movie Options
    3. Movie Scene Markers
    4. Movie Project Settings
    5. Movie Preferences
    6. Importing Audio from a QuickTime Movie
    7. Exporting Audio to a QuickTime Movie
  22. Index