

5.1 (ITU 775) surround format, 63

6.1 (ES/EX) surround format, 63

7.1 (3/4.1) surround format, 63

7.1 (SDDS) surround format, 63


ACID loops, 275

Action menu (Drummer editor), 222–223

Add Selected Files to Arrange dialog box, 244

Additional Name Column options (Track Header Configuration dialog box), 51–52

advanced region parameters, 163–164

Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA), 11

Advanced Tools preferences, 72–73

aftertouch, 5

All Files Browser, 22–23, 423–425

amplitude, 7

analog recording, 8

analog sound versus digital sound, 7–8

Anker, Kevin

Using Logic Pro Synthesizers, 206

Append Track to Track List command, 161

Apple Loops

auditioning loops, 273

browsing loops, 272

converting ReCycle files to, 276

creating, 273–275

description of, 13

functions, 270

importing Recycle files, 275

Loop Browser, 271–273, 283

software instrument, 270

arrangement markers

copying, 84–85

deleting, 84–85

moving, 84–85

renaming, 84

resizing, 84–85

arrangement track

description, 80, 83

global events, 83–84

markers, 84–85

Asher, Jay

Going Pro with Logic Pro 9, 314

assets, project, 13, 418–419

ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment), 11

Atari, 2

audio channel strips, 227. See also channel strips

audio channels, 13. See also channels

audio device, 59–62

audio fades, 268–269

Audio File editor

Audio File menu, 256–257

description, 17

Edit menu, 257–262

mode buttons, 263–264

Normalize feature, 260

region locators display, 264

Time and Pitch machine, 266–267

Tool menu, 262–263

transient markers, editing, 265–266

undo preferences, 267–268

View menu, 262

Volume slider, 264

waveform display, 264–265

Audio File menu

Audio File editor, 256–257

Project Audio Browser, 233–235

audio files

adding to Project Audio Browser, 240

description of, 13

Audio FX, 389

audio hardware buffers, 60–62

audio interface, 9, 12, 104

Audio Mixer, 367–368

Audio Preferences window

Devices tab options, 59–60

I/O Assignments tab, 63–64

audio region

Audio Region Inspector, 164–165

creating flex markers from transients, 195

description of, 13

editing in Audio Track editor, 248

matching tempo to, 445–446

slicing at transient markers, 206

stretching or compressing, 192

Audio Region Inspector, 164–165

Audio tab (Project Settings window), 63

audio takes

disengaging, 126

folder, 124

folder behaviors, 126

recording, 124

Audio Track editor

buttons, 246–247

Edit menu, 245–246

editing audio regions in, 248

Flex Pitch editing, 249–255

Flex Time editing, 248

functions, 244

Time Quantize controls, 254–255

Tool menu, 247–248

View menu, –247

zoom controls, 248

audio tracks

adding to project, 37–39

configuration options, 37–38

description, 158

track header configuration, 167

Track Inspector, 38–39

Audio Units effects, 387–389

Audio Units Manager, 388


Flex Pitch notes, 251

loops, 273

Auto Set Locators submenu, 156

Auto Track Zoom, 180

automatic zoom, 53


advanced editing, 359

Automation Event list, 360

Automation tool, 358

converting, 362–363

deleting, 362–363

MIDI Draw, 353

moving between parameters, 360

moving with regions, 360–361

with Pointer tool, 358

Quick Access, 363

region-based, 224, 353

snapping, 361–362

track-based, 223, 353–357

types, 353

Automation Preferences window, 360–361

aux channel strips, 377

with buses, 379–380

description, 227

with live inputs, 378–379

send to feed, 380

auxiliary channel strips, 48

auxiliary tracks

adding to main menu, 48–49

adding to project, 48–49

reassigning tracks to, 49


backups, 419

bass tracks, 39

Beat Detection dialog box, 447–448

beat mapping track

Beat Mapping from Audio Regions function, 98–99

Beat Mapping from MIDI Regions function, 97–98

beat mapping process, 97–100

Beat Mapping to Markers function, 99

Beat Mapping to Scene Markers function, 100

Beats from Regions function, 99–100

description, 80

versus Flex Time, 97

in main window, 96

protecting MIDI event positions, 100

Beats & Project display mode (LCD), 108

Beats & Time display mode (LCD), 108–109

Beats display mode (LCD), 109

Binaural Planner, 375–377

bit depth, 8–9

Bookmark buttons, 424


Bounce dialog box, 399–400

bounce mode options, 400

bouncing regions, 202–203

bouncing tracks, 200–201, 203

Burn destination parameters, 404

CD/DVD, 404

floating-point, 401

goals, 398–399

M4A: AAA destination parameters, 403–404

MIDI tracks in, 405

MP3 destination parameters, 402–403

normalize options, 400–401

PCM destination parameters, 401–402

surround, 411

Bounce Regions in Place command, 202

Bounce Replace All Tracks dialog box, 203

Bounce Track in Place command, 200–201


All Files Browser, 22–23, 423–425

Loop Browser, 21–22, 271–272, 275, 283

Media Browser, 22–23, 431–432

Project Audio Browser

adding audio files to, 240

Audio File menu, 233–235

buttons, 238

cursor modes, 238–239

cycling in, 242

description of, 17, 231

Edit menu, 236

exporting audio from, 240

groups, 243

Options menu, 238

protecting regions in, 239

View menu, 237–238

Browsers area, 137

browsing loops, 272

buffers, 60–62

Burn bounce destination parameters, 404

busing tracks

aux channel strips, 377–381

output channel strips, 381–382


Audio Track editor, 246–247

Event list, 296

Marker list, 88

MIDI Transform window, 335–336

Mixer, 372

Piano Roll editor, 288

plug-in window, 341–342

Project Audio Browser, 238

Score editor, 320

Step editor, 301

Track Header Configuration dialog box, 168

Transport, 103–104


Catch Playhead mode, 263

CD/DVD bounce, 404

Channel EQ, 385

Channel Strip Components submenu, 371

channel strips

assigning to group, 184

components, 228–231

Inspector, 166

prelisten, 239–240

settings, loading and saving, 390–391

Strip Silence function, 240–242

types, 227–228


assigning to groups, 396–397

muting, 393

soloing, 393–396

Chord Grid Editor tab (Chord Grid Library), 327–328

Chord Grid Library

Chord Grid Editor tab, 327–328

Chord Grid Selector tab, 326–327

Instrument Editor tab, 324–325

Chord Grid Selector tab (Chord Grid Library), 326–327

Chords & Grids tab (Score Project Settings window), 310

C-LAB software company, 2

Clean Up Project: Options dialog box, 420–421

Clefs & Signatures tab (Score Project Settings window), 311

Click Zones checkbox (Marquee tool), 179


markers, 91

takes, 128

tracks, 52

Color palette, 52

Colors tab (Score Project Settings window), 313

command-click secondary tool, 179


Audio File editor

Audio File menu, 257

Edit menu, 258

View menu, 262

Audio Track editor

Audio File menu, 233–235

Edit menu, 246

Control Surfaces submenu, 73

Delete MIDI Events submenu, 281

Edit menu, 76–77

Event list View menu, 295

File menu, 73–75

Folder submenu, 150–151

Functions menu, 149, 260–262

Go To submenu, 259

Logic Pro X menu, 70–71

Marker list

Marker Set menu, 88

Options menu, 87

View menu, 87–88


Edit menu, 369

Options menu, 369

View menu, 370–372

Move submenu, 145–146

Navigate menu, 155–156

Navigate menu marker, 88–90

Piano Roll editor

Edit menu, 279–281

Functions menu, 283–284

Preferences submenu, 71–72

Project Audio Browser

Edit menu, 236

View menu, 237–238

Project Settings submenu, 75–76

Recording menu, 120

Region Alias submenu, 150

region-based edit, 183

Score editor

Functions menu, 316–317

Layout menu, 305–309, 311–315

View menu, 317–318

Select submenu, 144–145, 282–283

selecting regions using, 177

Set submenu, 259–260

Snap menu, 189

Step editor

Edit menu, 300

Lanes menu, 299

View menu, 301

Take Folder menu, 125–126

Time Stretching Algorithm submenu, 147–148

Tool menu, 151–153

Toolbar, 161

Track menu, 153–154

Tracks area Edit menu, 140–142, 144

Trim submenu, 146–147, 280–281

View menu, 157–158

Window menu, 78–79

Compensation menu, 392

compressing audio regions, 192


creating, 184–185

Crossfades for Merge and Take Comping feature, 186

editing, 184–185

exporting, 188

flattening and merging, 187

length, 185

Quick Swipe Comping button, 185

saving, 187

Slice at Comp Selection Borders command, 187

takes as regions, 186–187

unpacking, 188

computer, minimum requirements, 10

connections, MIDI, 5–7

Consolidate Project: Options dialog box, 421–422

control bar

configuration, 160

description, 132

hiding, 159

Toolbar, 160–161

uses, 159–160

Control Bar and Display window, 160

control surface

automatic scanning, 65

devices, 64

MIDI device as, 65–66

mixing with, 412–413

setting up, 63–66

Control Surface Setup window, 65

Controller Assignments window, 66

Control+Option+Command-click, 95

Control Surfaces submenu, 73

Convert Regions to New Sampler Track dialog box, 205–206

converting automation data, 362–363

Copy MIDI Events dialog box, 143

Copy/Convert File As dialog box, 235


arrangement markers, 84–85

global events, 82–83

markers, 90

regions, 183

signatures, 93

tempo changes, 95–96

transposition events, 94

Count In mode button (Transport), 105–106

Create Constant Tempo function, 441–442

Create Library dialog box, 325–326

Create Tempo Curve function, 440–441

Creator program, 2

Crossfade Time parameter, 186

crossfades, 268–269

Crossfades for Merge and Take Comping feature, 186

cursor modes, Project Audio Browser, 238–239

curve, tempo, 440–441

Custom display mode (LCD), 109

customization, Transport, 114–116

Customize Control Bar and Display menu

Sample Rate or Punch Locators display, 115–116

Sync button, 114–115

Customize Toolbar dialog box, 161

Cycle button, 238

Cycle mode, 264

combining with recording, 173

cycle region, defining, 173–174

MIDI recording, 173

Skip Cycle mode, 174

turning on, 173

Cycle mode button (Transport), 105


analog versus digital sound, 7

Project Audio Browser, 242


DAW (digital audio workstation), 7

Delete MIDI Events submenu, 281


arrangement markers, 84–85

automation data, 362–363

events in Score editor, 328–329

Flex markers, 196–197

global events, 82–83

markers, 90

MIDI messages in Event list, 296–297

notes in Piano Roll editor, 290, 292

patches, 212

screensets, 54

signatures, 93

tempo changes, 95–96

transposition events, 94

Detect Tempo of Selected Region command, 449

Devices tab options (Audio Preferences window), 59–60

digital audio workstation (DAW), 7

digital sound

versus analog sound, 7–8

bit depth, 8–9

sampling rate, 8–9

Direction Mixer plug-in, 375

display modes, LCD, 108–110

doubling drum tracks, 203–205

Down Mixer plug-in, 411

Drag menu, 189–190

drivers, 58

Drum Replacement/Doubling command, 203–205

drum tracks, 203–205


basic description, 26–27

Pattern Variation controls, 221–222

presets, 219–220, 222–223


creating, 216–217

editing, 220–222

joining, 218

looping, 218

resizing, 218

splitting, 218

styles, 219


adding to project, 46–47

description, 158

Drummer Kit Designer software instrument, 216

XY pad, 220

Drummer editor, 218

Action menu, 222–223

Step editor as, 303–304

Drummer Track Inspector, 46–47

drums (MIDI notes), 303–304

duplicating screensets, 54


Edit menu

Audio File editor, 257–262

Audio Track editor, 245–246

commands, 76–77, 140–142, 144

Event list, 294

Marker list, 86

Mixer, 368–369

Move submenu, 145–146

Piano Roll editor, 279–283

Project Audio Browser, 236

Score editor, 315

Select submenu, 144–145

Step editor, 300

Time Stretching Algorithm submenu, 147–148

Tracks area, 140–148

Trim submenu, 146–147


Audio Track editor audio regions, 248

comps, 184–185

Drummer regions, 220–222

events in transposition track, 94

Flex Pitch, 191, 197–198

Flex Time editing basics, 192–194

hotspots, 251

MIDI control messages, 303

MIDI notes (drums), 303–304

regions, 184–185

Smart Controls, 213

in Tracks area, 176–190

transient markers, 265–266

Editor area, 138


Audio File

Audio File menu, 256–257

description, 17

Edit menu, 257–262

mode buttons, 263–264

Normalize feature, 260

region locators display, 264

Time and Pitch machine, 266–267

Tool menu, 262–263

transient markers, editing, 265–266

undo preferences, 267–268

View menu, 262

Volume slider, 264

waveform display, 264–265

Audio Track

buttons, 246–247

Edit menu, 245–246

editing audio regions in, 248

Flex Pitch editing, 249–255

Flex Time editing, 248

functions, 244

Time Quantize controls, 254–255

Tool menu, 247–248

View menu, 246–247

zoom controls, 248

configuring Logic to use, 268

Drummer, 218

Action menu, 222–223

Step editor as, 303–304

features, 17

Piano Roll

buttons, 288

deleting notes in, 292

description of, 18–19

Edit menu, 279–283

editing multiple regions in, 292

entering MIDI notes, 291–292

Functions menu, 283–284

inserting and deleting notes in, 290

Inspector, 288–290

marker track, 85

MIDI Step Input, 290–291

moving notes in, 292

resizing notes in, 292

Tool menu, 286–288

View menu, 284–286


buttons, 320

Chord Grid Library, 324–328

description of, 20–21, 305–306

Edit menu, 315

Functions menu, 315–317

inserting and deleting events in, 328–329

Inspector, 321–323

Layout menu, 305–309, 311–315

methodology, 330

moving and adjusting events in, 329

part box, 323

staff styles, 323–324

text styles, 324

Tool menu, 319–320

View menu, 317–318


buttons, 301

description of, 18, 20

as Drum editor, 303–304

Edit menu, 300

editing MIDI control messages, 303

editing MIDI notes (drums), 303–304

Functions menu, 300

Lane Inspector, 301

lane sets, 303

Lanes menu, 299

versus MIDI Draw, 298

as MIDI drum or controller editor, 298

Tool menu, 301

View menu, 301


Audio FX, 389

Audio Units, 387–389

Channel EQ, 385

with channel strip components, 385–386

functions, 383

gain reduction meters, 385–386

Linear EQ, 385

Logic, 384–385

plug-in delay compensation, 392

processor, 382

reverb, 383

send, 392

side chains, 386–387

Emagic, 2–3, 337

Emagic Logic Tips and Tricks (Sasso), 158, 176


description, 27

layers, 27–28

Mixer layer, 28–29

software instruments and, 343

Event editor (Notator), 2

Event Inspector, 322

Event list

Automation, 360

buttons, 296

description of, 18–19, 293

Edit menu, 294

Functions menu, 294–295

inserting and deleting MIDI messages in, 296–297

moving and adjusting MIDI message values in, 297

View menu, 295


description of, 14

inserting and deleting in Score editor, 328–329

layout, 329

length, 329

moving and adjusting in Score editor, 329

pitch, 329


audio from Project Audio Browser, 240

audio from QuickTime movie, 455–456

comps, 188

files from Logic, 428–430

takes, 188

Express 7 release, 3

extended parameters, plug-in window, 342

external MIDI channel strips, 228

external MIDI tracks

adding to project, 41–46

description, 158

GM device, 42–44

parameters, 41–43


Fade tool, 179

Fade Tool Click Zones checkbox (Marquee tool), 179

fade-ins, 268

fade-outs, 268

fader, tempo, 438


adjusting, 269

creating, 269

crossfades, 268–269

files, 269

types, 268

Fast Forward button (Transport), 104

feedback loop, MIDI, 6

File menu

commands, 73–75

Project Settings submenu, 75–76


adding to Tracks area, 200

exporting, 428–430

fade, 269

importing, 423–427

Filter menu, 321

Flatten and Merge command, 187–188


comps, 187

Track Stacks, 208

Flex button, 191

Flex markers

creating, 194–196

deleting, 196–197

moving, 196

versus transient markers, 194

Flex mode parameters, 198–199

Flex Pitch editing, 191, 197–198

in Audio Track editor, 249–255

auditioning notes, 251

hotspots, selecting and editing, 251

moving and resizing notes, 254–255

note characteristics, 249–250

note gain, 251–252

note pitch, 252–254

note timing, quantizing, 255

splitting and joining notes, 254

Vibrato tool, 251

Flex Pitch mode, 199

Flex Time editing

in Audio Track editor, 248

versus beat mapping track, 97

editing basics, 192–194

stretching or compressing, 192

Flex tool, 199–200

Flex view, 190–191

floating-point bounce, 401

Folder Stacks, 26, 206, 208

Folder submenu, 150–151

folder tracks, 158–159


audio takes, 124

MIDI takes, 128

Formant Shift parameter, 199

Formant Track parameter, 199

format preferences, Positions display, 110–111

formats, surround, 63

freezing tracks, 171–172

frequency, 7

Function Settings dialog box, 261

Functions menu

Audio File editor Edit menu, 260–262

commands, 149

Event list, 294–295

Folder submenu, 150–151

Piano Roll editor, 283–284

Region Alias submenu, 150

Score editor, 315–317

Step editor, 300

Tracks area, 148–151


gain, 251–252

gain reduction meters, 385–386

General Preferences window, 31–32

Getting Great Sounds: The Microphone Book (Lubin), 375

global events

arrangement, 83–84

copying, 82–83

creating, 82

deleting, 82–83

global track, 82–83

inserting in tempo track, 82

key signature, 92–93

moving, 82

selecting, 82

signature, 92–93

time signature, 92–93

global menus

Edit menu, 76–77

File menu, 73–76

Help menu, 80

Logic Pro X menu, 70–73

Mix menu, 78

Navigate menu, 78

Record menu, 78

Screenshot menu, 80

Track menu, 77

View menu, 78

Window menu, 78–79

Global tab (Score Project Settings window), 307

global tracks

arrangement tracks, 83–85

beta mapping tracks, 96–100

common features of, 82–83

configuration, 81

marker tracks, 85–92

movie tracks, 100–101

rearranging, 81

resizing, 81

showing/hiding, 80–81

signature tracks, 92–94

tempo tracks, 95–96

toggling, 81

transposition tracks, 94

types, 80

Global Tracks Configuration sliding window, 81

GM device

Multi Instrument window, 44–45

parameters, 42–44

GM Device Inspector, 42–44

GM drum notes, 304

Go To Position dialog box, 156

Go To submenu, 156, 258–259

Going Pro with Logic Pro 9 (Asher), 314

grid, Tracks area, 180

Group Settings window, 184, 397–398


assigning channel strips to, 184–185

Mixer, 396–398

Project Audio Browser, 243

temporary, 398

Guerin, Robert

MIDI Power! Second Edition: The Comprehensive Guide, 5

guitar tracks, 39

Guitars file group, 243


Hand tool, 254–255

hard drives, 10–11


audio buffer adjustment, 60–62

audio device setup, 59–60

audio interfaces, 12

computer minimum requirements, 10

control surface setup, 63–66

surround material, 62–63

hardware monitoring, 122

HDD (hard drive), 10

Help menu, 80

help tags, 250

Hertz, Henry, 7


control bar, 159

global tracks, 80–81

tracks, 170–171

Transport, 116

horizontal zoom, 53

hotspots, 251

Hz (Hertz), 7


icons, track, 170

Import Project Settings dialog box, 427


audio from QuickTime movie, 455

files, 423–427

projects, 422–427

ReCycle files, 275–276

track settings from other projects, 425–427

input channel strips

description, 227

Mixer layer, 367

input, surround, 63


advanced region parameters, 163–164

channel strips, 166

description, 132–133

Logic Pro main window, 162–166

Piano Roll editor, 288–290

region playback parameters, 163

Score editor, 321–323

Smart Controls, 213–216

installing non-Logic software instruments, 340

Instrument Editor tab (Chord Grid Library), 324–325

instrument slot buttons, 339

instruments, ReWire 2, 349–351. See also software instruments


audio, 9–10, 12

hardware setup, 58

MIDI, 6, 9–12

interfaces and drivers, 58

I/O Assignments tab (Audio Preferences window), 63–64

I/O Buffer Size

setting, 60–61

and software monitoring, 123

I/O Labels window, 370

iTunes, sharing to, 431



Drummer regions, 218

notes, 254


key commands

assigning to control surfaces, 57–58

assigning to Duplicate Screenset command, 55–56

Auto Track Zoom, 180

cheatsheet, 57

defining, 54–57

features, 30

recording using, 120

Tool menu, 153

Transport functions, 104

Key Commands window

automation-related commands, 359

defining key commands, 54–57

description, 30

key signature, 92–93


Musical Typing, 224–225

Step Input, 291

Keyboards file group, 243

Kick & Snare slider, 221

Klopfgeist, 107

knocking ghost,107


Lane Inspector, 301

lane sets, 18, 303

Lanes menu, 299

Latch automation mode, 356

latency, 61

Low Latency mode, 122–123

recording, 121–122


basic description, 27–28

Environment, 27–28

Layout menu, 305–309, 311–315

Layout tab (Score Project Settings window), 312


display modes, 108–110

load meters, 113–114

Locators display, 111

MIDI Activity display, 113

Positions display, 110–111

Signature/Division display, 112–113

Tempo/Project End display, 112

Verispeed display and button, 116

LCRS surround format, 63

Learn Assignment command, 66


description of, 22–23, 134

loading and saving patches, 209

loading instruments and settings, 339–340

Linear EQ, 385

Lists area, 136

load meters, 113


channel strip settings, 390–391

patches, 210

software instruments, 339–340

local menus

Edit menu, 140–148

Functions menu, 148–149, 151

Tracks area Tool menu, 151–153

View menu, 151

Location and Name of New Movie dialog box, 456

locators, Audio File editor region display, 264

Locators display, 111


regions, 239

screensets, 54


history of, 2–3

terminology, 13–14

Logic 6 release, 3

Logic Audio Gold, 3

Logic Audio Platinum, 2–3

Logic Audio Silver, 3

Logic effects, 384–385

Logic Express, 3

Logic Express 8 release, 3

Logic Express 9 release, 3

Logic Notation Guide (Prischl), 330

Logic Pro 5.5, 3–4

Logic Pro 7 release, 3

Logic Pro 9 release, 3

Logic Pro features, 1

Logic Pro main window

accessing, 14

Browsers area, 137

control bar, 132, 159–161

Editor area, 139

features, 15, 131

in full-screen mode, 14

Inspector pane, 132–133, 162–164

Library, 134

Lists area, 136

Loops Browser, 138

Navigate menu, 155–156

Note Pad area, 135

Track menu, 153–154

Tracks area, 132

transient-related functions, 203–206

View menu, 157–158

Logic Pro X features, 4

Logic Pro X menu

commands and submenus, 70–71

Control Surfaces submenu, 73

Preferences submenu, 72–73

Logic Studio, 3

Loop Browser, 271–272, 283

adding ACID loops to, 275

description, 21–22

Loop tool, 174–176

looping. See also Apple Loops

Drummer regions, 218

regions, 174–176

loops. See also Apple Loops

Loops Browser, 138

Low Latency mode, 122–123

Lubin, Tom

Getting Great Sounds: The Microphone Book, 375


M4A: AAC bounce destination parameters, 403–404

Mac OS X directories, 24

main window. See also Logic Pro main window

adding auxiliary tracks to, 48–49

track setup, 50–53

zoom and automation configuration, 53

Marker list

buttons, 88

description, 24–25

displaying, 85

Edit menu, 86

Marker Set menu, 88

Options menu, 87

View menu, 87–88

Marker Set menu, 88

Marker Text area, 91

marker track, 80, 85


arrangement, 84–85

color, 91

copying, 90

creating, 90

deleting, 90

Flex, 194–196

importing from other projects, 92

moving, 90

resizing, 90

uses for, 91

Marquee tool

Click Zones checkbox, 179

Fade Tool Click Zones checkbox, 179

Flex marker creation, 195

marquee borders by transient, 179–180

region-based edit commands, 183

ruler, 178

selections with, 177–179

splitting and resizing regions, 183

master channel strips, 228

Master Level slider, 114

master tracks, 158

Matrix editor (Notator), 2

measures, cutting in signature track, 94

Media Browser

description of, 22–23

sharing to, 431–432


comps, 187

patches, 211–212

Metronome mode button (Transport), 105–106

metronome settings, 106–107

Metronome Settings window, 106–107

MicroLogic, 3

microphone, 375


channels, 14

connections and signal flow, 5–7

control messages, 303

data, 5

feedback loop, 6

hardware setup, 62

interface, 6, 9–12

messages, 296–297


editing, 303–304

entering, 291–292

overview, 3–4

port, 62

regions, 13–14, 277

takes, 127–128

tracks, 405

view filter templates, 18

MIDI Activity display, 113

MIDI device, 65–66

MIDI Draw, 224, 285, 298, 353

MIDI editors, 277

MIDI FX feature, 347–349

MIDI IN, 5–6

MIDI Meaning tab (Score Project Settings window), 312


MIDI Power! Second Edition: The Comprehensive Guide (Guerin), 5

MIDI protocol, 5

MIDI recording, 173

MIDI Step Input, 290–291


MIDI Transform submenu, 284

transform conditions, 332–333

transform modes, 332

transform operations, 334–335

MIDI Transform window

buttons, 335–336

description, 29–30, 330–331

transform sets, 336

Mix menu, 78


buttons, 372

configuration, 366

description of, 15–16, 365

Edit menu, 368–369

groups, 396–398

input channel strips, adding, 367

Options menu, 369

recording audio from, 373

View menu, 370–372

Mixer layer, 28–29, 366–368


Binaural Planner, 375–377

bouncing, 398–404

busing tracks, 377–382

with control surfaces, 412–413

Direction Mixer plug-in, 375

Down Mixer plug-in, 411

muting channels, 393

panning, 374–375

surround, 405–411

volume summing, 373–374

mode buttons

Audio File editor, 263–264

Drag menu, 189–190

Transport, 105–107

Monophonic mode, 198

mouse preferences, 30–33

Move submenu, 145–146

movie track

description, 80

Open Movie dialog box options, 100–101

QuickTime movie, 100


exporting audio from, 455–456

importing audio from, 455

Movie Options menu, 452–453

Movie Preferences window, 455

Movie Project Settings dialog box, 454

opening, 451–452

QuickTime, 455–456

scene markers, 453–454


arrangement markers, 84–85

automation data between parameters, 360

automation with regions, 360–361

events in Score editor, 329

Flex markers, 196

global events, 82

markers, 90

notes, 254–255

notes in Piano Roll editor, 292

regions, 183

signatures, 93

tempo changes, 95–96

transportation events, 94

MP3 bounce destination parameters, 402–403

Multi Instrument window, 44–45

multichannel Ultrabeat, 345

multi-output software instruments, 343–346

multitimbral software instruments, 347

Musical Typing, 224–225

muting channels, 393



screensets, 54

tracks, 51–52

Navigate menu

Auto Set Locators submenu, 156

commands, 155–156

description, 78

Go To Position dialog box, 156

Go To submenu, 156

Logic Pro main window, 155–156

marker commands, 88–90

New command, 415–416

New Tracks dialog box

Audio button, 37

Drummer button, 46

External MIDI button, 41–42

Guitar or Bass button, 39

Software Instruments button, 39–40

Normalize feature, 260

normalize options, bounce, 400–401

Notator program, 2

Note Pad area, 135


deleting in Piano Roll editor, 290, 292

Flex Pitch, 249–251

gain, 251–252

inserting in Piano Roll editor, 290

joining, 254

moving, 254–255

pitch, 252–254

resizing, 254–255

splitting, 254

timing, 255

Notes Attributes submenu, 316

Numbers & Names tab (Score Project Settings window), 308


objects, 14

offset, recording, 121–122

Open Giant Beats display mode (LCD), 109–110

Open Giant Time display mode (LCD), 109–110

Open Movie dialog box, 100–101, 451–452


movies, 451–452

projects, 422–423

option-drag Zoom tool, 179

Options menu

Marker list, 87

Mixer, 369

Project Audio Browser, 238

organizational change, 69

output channel strips

description, 228

mixing, 381–382

output, multi-output software instruments, 343–346

overlapping, 189

Overlapping Recordings window, 127


panning, 374–375

Parameter Mapping window, 213–214

Parameter White setting, 356


advance region, 163–164

Audio Region Inspector, 164–165

Flex mode, 198–199

Lane Inspector, 302

Multi Instrument window, 44–45

Pattern Variation Details, 222

Recording Settings window, 119

region playback, 163

software instrument track, 41

part box, Score editor, 323


creating, 209

deleting, 212

loading, 210

merging, 211–212

reverting, 212

saving, 209–210

Pattern Variation controls, Drummer, 221–222

PCM bounce destination parameters, 401–402

Pencil tool

creating global events, 82

entering MIDI notes with, 291–292

Piano Roll editor

buttons, 288

deleting notes in, 292

description of, 18–19

Edit menu, 279–283

editing multiple regions in, 292

entering MIDI notes, 291–292

Functions menu, 283–284

inserting and deleting notes in, 290

Inspector, 288–290

marker track, 85

MIDI Step Input, 290–291

moving notes in, 292

resizing notes in, 292

Tool menu, 286–288

View menu, 284–286


events, 329

Flex Pitch editing, 252–254

Play button

shortcut menu, 128

Transport, 104

Playback Action menu, 327

Playback button, 238

playback, region playback parameters, 163

playhead, 111

plug-in delay compensation, 392

plug-in window

buttons, 341–342

extended parameters, 342

Settings field, 342

Side Chain menu, 342

View menu, 342

Pointer tool, 179

automation data manipulation, 358

selecting regions, 177

Polyphonic mode, 199

Positions display

format preferences, 110–111

to move playhead, 111

Pre Fader freeze mode, 172


Positions display format, 110–111

right-mouse button, 30–33

Preferences submenu

Advanced Tools, 72–73

commands, 71–72

prelisten channel strip, 239–240

Prelisten mode, 263–264

presets, Drummer, 219–220, 222–223

Prischl, Johannes

Logic Notation Guide, 330

Process Buffer Range setting, 61–62

Project Audio Browser

adding audio files to, 240

Audio File menu, 233–235

buttons, 238

cursor modes, 238–239

cycling in, 242

description of, 17, 231

Edit menu, 236

exporting audio from, 240

groups, 243

Options menu, 238

protecting regions in, 239

View menu, 237–238

Project Chooser, 35–36, 416

Project Management menu

Clean Up Project: Options, 420–421

Consolidate Project: Options dialog box, 421–422

Rename Project dialog box, 422

Show in Finder command, 422

Project Settings menu, 422

Project Settings submenu, 75–76

Project Settings window

Audio tab, 63

changing project assets, 418–419

projects. See also template project

assets, 13, 418–419

audio tracks, 37–39

auxiliary tracks, 48–49

creating new, 415–416

description of, 13

Drummer tracks, 46–47

external MIDI tracks, 41–42, 44–46

hardware setup, 58–66

importing, 422–427

key commands, defining, 54–58

main window setup, 50–53

opening, 36, 422–423

screensets setup, 53–54

software instrument tracks, 39–41

surround format, 63

templates, 35–36, 415

Protect MIDI option, 100

protocol, MIDI, 5

punch-in recording, 118


Quadraphonic surround format, 63

Quantization submenu, 316

Quick Access, automation, 363

Quick Swipe Comping button, 185

QuickTime movie, 100, 455–456


Randomize Tempo settings, 444–445

Read automation mode, 355

rearranging global tracks, 81

Record button

shortcut menu, 117

Transport, 104

Record menu, 78

recording. See also Transport

combining Cycle mode with, 173

hardware monitoring versus software monitoring, 122

latency, 121–122

Low Latency mode, 122–123

from Mixer, 373

offset, 121–122

punch-in, 118

and software monitoring, 121

takes, 7, 12, 123–126, 128

tempo changes, 436

using key commands, 120

Recording Delay parameter, 122

Recording menu, 120

Recording Settings window, 119, 127

ReCycle File Import dialog box, 275

Recycle files

converting to Apple Loops, 276

importing, 275–276

Region Alias submenu, 150

Region as Audio File dialog box, 428

Region Inspector, 162

advanced region parameters, 163–164

Audio Region Inspector, 164–165

region playback parameters, 163

Score editor Inspector, 321–322

region parameters, advanced, 163–164

region playback parameters, 163

region-based automation, 224, 353

region-based edit commands, 183


bouncing, 202–203

converting to sampler tracks, 205–206

copying, 183

creating, 176

Drummer, 216–217

editing multiple, 184–185

locking, 239

looping, 174–176

moving, 183

moving automation with, 360–361

resizing, 181–183

selecting, 177–180

splitting, 181, 183

takes as, 186–187

Rename Project dialog box, 422


arrangement markers, 84

saved comps, 187

Replace mode button (Transport), 105

Resize cursor, 238


arrangement markers, 84–85

Drummer regions, 218

global tracks, 81

markers, 90

notes, 254–255

notes in Piano Roll editor, 292

regions, 182–183

signatures, 93

track headers, 170

Transport, 117

reverb effect, 383

reverting patches, 212

Rewind button (Transport), 103

ReWire 2 instruments, 349–351

Rhythmic mode, 198

right mouse button preferences, 30–33

ruler, Marquee tool, 178


Sample Rate or Punch Locators display, 115–116

sampling rate, 8–9

Sasso, Len

Emagic Logic Tips and Tricks, 158, 176

Save AAF File As dialog box, 430

Save Channel Strip Setting As dialog box, 390–391

Save dialog box, 416–418


backup of projects, 419

channel strip settings, 390–391

comps, 187

patches, 209–210

projects, 416–418

template project, 66

Scale Existing Tempo Changes function, 442

Scale Quantize controls, 253, 289

Scaling window, 214–215

scene markers, 453–454

Scissors tool, 181

Score editor

buttons, 320

Chord Grid Library, 324–328

description of, 20–21, 305–306

Edit menu, 315

Functions menu, 315–317

inserting and deleting events in, 328–329

Inspector, 321–323

Layout menu, 305–309, 311–315

methodology, 330

moving and adjusting events in, 329

part box, 323

staff styles, 323–324

text styles, 324

Tool menu, 319–320

View menu, 317–318

Score Project Settings window

Chords & Grids tab, 310

Clefs & Signatures tab, 311

Colors tab, 313

Global tab, 307

Layout tab, 312

MIDI Meaning tab, 312

Numbers & Names tab, 308

Tablature tab, 309

Screenset menu, 80


deleting, 54

description, 33

duplicating, 54

locking, 54

naming, 54

reverting to saved, 54

setting up, 53–54

SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 11

Select submenu

Piano Roll editor Edit menu, 282–283

Tracks area Edit menu, 144–145

selecting global events, 82


with Marquee tool, 177–179

with Pointer tool, 177

using commands, 177

send effects, 392

sends, 380

serial protocol, 5

Set submenu, 259–260

Settings field, plug-in window, 342

Settings menu, 390–391

Share submenu, 430


to iTunes, 431

to Media Browser, 431–432

to SoundCloud, 432–433

shortcut menu

Play button, 128

Record button, 117

Stop button, 129

Show in Finder command (Project Management menu), 422

Show/Hide Automation button, 354

showing global tracks, 80–81

shuffle modes, 190

Side Chain menu, 342

side chains, effects, 386–387

signal flow, MIDI, 5–7

Signature list, 24–25, 93

signature track

cutting measures in, 94

description, 80

global events, 92–93

importing from other projects, 94

time and key signature, 92

Signature/Division display, 112–113

signatures, 93

sine wave, 8

Skip Cycle mode, 174

Slice at Comp Selection Borders command, 187

Slice at Transient Markers commands, 206

Slicing mode, 198

Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI), 11

Smart Controls

accessing, 212

description, 24–25

editing, 213

parameter settings, 213

Smart Controls Inspector options, 213–216

SmartLoop, 182

SMF (Standard MIDI File), 200

SMPTE, 110

Snap menu, 188–189

snapping automation, 361–362

Snip/Insert Time commands, 171

software instrument channel strips, 227

software instrument tracks

adding to project, 39–41

description, 158

parameters, 41

software instruments

Apple Loops, 270

description of, 13

and Environment, 343

installing, 340

instrument slot buttons, 339

loading, 339–340

Logic and, 337–338

MIDI FX feature, 347–349

MIDI synth connection, 341

multi-output, 343–346

multitimbral, 347

non-Logic, 340

plug-in window controls, 341

ReWire 2 instruments, 349–351

software monitoring

versus hardware monitoring, 122

and I/O Buffer Size, 123

and recording, 121

solid-state drives (SSDs), 10–11

Solo mode button (Transport), 105–106

Solo Safe mode, 396

soloing channels, 393–396

sound wave, 7–8

SoundCloud, sharing to, 432–433

Source Only freeze mode, 172


Drummer regions, 218

notes, 254

regions, 181, 183

SSDs (solid-state drives), 10–11

staff styles, 323–324

Standard MIDI File (SMF), 200

Startup Action menu, 419–420

Step editor

buttons, 301

description of, 18, 20

as Drum editor, 303–304

Edit menu, 300

editing MIDI control messages, 303

editing MIDI notes (drums), 303–304

Functions menu, 300

Lane Inspector, 301

lane sets, 303

Lanes menu, 299

versus MIDI Draw, 298

as MIDI drum or controller editor, 298

Tool menu, 301

View menu, 301

step input, MIDI, 290–291

Stop button, 129

Stop button (Transport), 104

storage drives, 10

Stretch Existing Tempo Curve function, 442

stretching audio regions, 192

Strip Silence function, 240–242

Summing Stacks, 26, 206, 208

summing volume, 373–374

Supertrack program, 2


formats, 63

input, 63

project surround format, 63

surround mixing

audio strips as surround object, 405–406

surround channels, assigning to audio outputs, 407–408

Surround Compressor, 411

surround effects, 408–411

Surround Panner window, 406–407

Sync button (Customize Control Bar and Display menu), 114–115

synthesizer, 340

System Performance window, 113


TA (track-based automation), 223, 353

Automation Parameter menu, 355

Automation Parameter versus Parameter White, 356

Latch mode, 356

Read mode, 355

in real time, 356

Show/Hide Automation button, 354

Touch mode, 355

viewing multiple animation lanes, 357

Write mode, 356

Tablature tab (Score Project Settings window), 309

Take Folder menu, 125–126


exporting, 188

recording, 123

audio take folders, 124

audio take folders, behaviors, 126

audio takes, 124

auto-colorizing takes, 128

MIDI, 127–128

Take Folder menu commands, 125–126

treating as regions, 186–187

unpacking, 188

Tap Tempo, 436

template project

audio tracks, 37–39

auxiliary tracks, 48–49

choosing templates, 36

Drummer tracks, 46–47

external MIDI tracks, 41–46

new project creation, 415

opening, 35–36

ReWire tracks, 47–48

saving, 66

software instrument tracks, 39–41

workspace visualization, 36

templates, MIDI view filter, 18


audio file information, 450

Beat Detection to adjust, 447–448

Create Constant Tempo function, 441–442

Create Tempo Curve function, 440–441

curve, 440–441

detecting, 449

fader, 438

matching to audio region, 445–446

programming changes on tempo track, 436

Randomize Tempo settings, 444–445

recording changes, 436

Scale Existing Tempo Changes function, 442

Stretch Existing Tempo Curve function, 442

Tap Tempo, 436

Tempo Interpreter, 436–437

Thin Out Existing Tempo Changes function, 443–444

Tempo display, 435

Tempo Interpreter, 436–437

Tempo list, 24–25

Tempo List editor, 438–439

Tempo Operations window, 439–440

tempo sets, 96

tempo track

advanced tempo functions, 96

description, 80

importing from other projects, 96

tempo changes, 95–96

Tempophone mode, 199

Tempo/Project End display, 112

temporary groups, 398


marker, 91

styles, 324

Text Attributes submenu, 317

Thin Out Existing Tempo Changes function, 443–444

Time and Pitch machine, 266–267

Time display mode (LCD), 109

Time Quantize controls, 254–255, 289

time signature, 92–93

Time Stretching Algorithm submenu, 147–148

timing, note, 255

Toggle Loop command, 174

Tool menu

Audio File editor, 262–263

Audio Track editor, 247–248

key commands, 153

Piano Roll editor, 286–288

Score editor, 319–320

Step editor, 301

Tracks area, 151–153


accessing, 160

commands, 161

configuration, 161

control bar, 160–161

customization, 161

Touch automation mode, 355

Track Header Configuration dialog box, 51–52, 167

track headers

configuration, 167–170

resizing, 170

Track Import view, 425–426

Track Inspector, 38–39, 162

Track list, 161

Track menu

commands, 153–154

description, 77

Logic Pro main window, 153–154

Track Stacks

creating, 207–208

description, 24, 26

flattening, 208

types, 26, 206

track-based automation (TA), 223, 353

Automation Parameter menu, 355

Automation Parameter versus Parameter White, 356

Latch mode, 356

Read mode, 355

in real time, 356

Show/Hide Automation button, 354

Touch mode, 355

viewing multiple animation lanes, 357

Write mode, 356


adding to Track list, 161

audio, 158

bouncing, 200–201, 203

color, 52

description of, 13

Drummer, 158

external MIDI, 158

folder, 158

freezing, 171–172

hiding, 170–171

icons, 170

master, 158

metronome, 159

naming, 51–52

no output, 159

reassigning to auxiliary track, 49

setting up, 50–53

software instrument, 158

types, 158

Tracks area

adding audio to, 243–244

adding files to, 200

description, 132

Edit menu, 140–148

editing in, 176–190

Functions menu, 148–151

global tracks, 80

grid, 180

looping regions in, 174–176

Tool menu, 151–153

Tracks Area Tool menu, 151–153

View menu, 151

zooming in, 180

Transform window

buttons, 335–336

description, 29–30, 330–331

transform sets, 336

transformations, 330–335

Transient Editing mode, 263

Transient Editing tool, 266

transient markers

editing, 265–266

versus Flex markers, 194

slicing audio regions at, 206

transient-related functions, 203–206


adjusting marquee borders by, 179–180

creating Flex markers from, 195

Transport. See also recording

buttons, 103–104

Count In mode button, 106

customization, 114–116

Customize Control Bar and Display menu, 114–115

hiding, 116

key commands, 104

LCD menu, 108–114

Master Level slider, 114

Metronome mode button, 106

mode buttons, 105–107

opening, 116

resizing, 117

Rewind commands, 104

Solo mode button, 105–106

Varispeed, 129–130

transposition track

description, 80

editing events in, 94

entering values, 94

Trim submenu

Piano Roll editor Edit menu, 280–281

Tracks area Edit menu, 146–147

Tuner mode button (Transport), 105


Ultrabeat, 345

Undo History window, 141

undo preferences, 267–268

unpacking takes and comps, 188

Using Logic Pro Synthesizers (Anker), 206


Velocity slider, 289

Verispeed display and button, 116, 129–130

vertical zoom, 53

Vibrato tool, 251

video. See movie track; movies

View menu

Audio File editor, 262

Audio Track editor, 246–247

commands, 157–158

description, 78

Event list, 295

Logic Pro main window, 157–158

Marker list, 87–88

Mixer, 370–372

Piano Roll editor, 284–286

plug-in window, 342

Project Audio Browser, 237–238

Score editor, 317–318

Step editor, 301

Tracks area, 151

Vintage Clav soft synth, 338

Volume slider, 264

volume summing, 373–374


waveform, 7–8, 264–265

Window menu, 78–79

Windows XP, 4–5

workspace, 36

Write animation mode, 356


XY pad, Drummer, 220


Zebra2 synthesizer, 340


Audio Track editor controls, 248

automatic, 53

option-drag Zoom tool, 179

in Tracks area, 180

vertical and horizontal, 53

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