
Book Description

This comprehensive, daily-operations guide provides the hands-on information you need to install, configure, and manage Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.

Table of Contents

  1. Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 Administrator’s Companion
  2. A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Introduction
    1. Overview of Contents
      1. Part I: Introduction
      2. Part II: Planning
      3. Part III: Deployment
      4. Part IV: Upgrading and Migrating
      5. Part V: Clients
      6. Part VI: Functionality
      7. Part VII: Security
      8. Part VIII: Maintenance
    2. Overview of Conventions
    3. Talk to Us
  5. I. Introduction
    1. 1. Introducing Exchange Server 2003
      1. What Is Exchange Server?
      2. Versions of Exchange Server 2003
        1. Exchange Server 2003 Standard
        2. Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise
      3. Basic Concepts
        1. Messaging Systems
          1. Shared-File Systems
          2. Client/Server Systems
        2. The Organization of an Exchange Environment
          1. Administrative Groups
          2. Routing Groups
          3. Policies
          4. Servers
          5. Recipients
            1. Mailboxes
            2. Distribution Groups
            3. Contacts
          6. Address Lists
          7. Connectors
        3. Exchange Server Storage
          1. Mailbox Store
          2. Public Folder Store
        4. Exchange Server Services
          1. Information Store
          2. Routing Engine
          3. System Attendant
      4. New Features in Exchange Server 2003
        1. Deployment Tools
        2. Active Directory Connector Tools
        3. Security
        4. Cross-Forest Authentication
        5. Outlook 2003
        6. Outlook Web Access
        7. Wireless Access
        8. Mailbox Recovery Center
        9. New Mail-Enabled Objects
        10. Volume Shadow Copy Backup
        11. Recovery Storage Group
        12. Internet Mail Wizard
      5. Summary
    2. 2. Understanding Exchange Server Storage Architecture
      1. Storage Design Goals in Exchange Server 2003
      2. Database File Structure
        1. Rich Text File
          1. On-Demand Content Conversion
        2. Native Content File
          1. How Streaming Works
        3. Single-Instance Message Store
        4. Storage Groups and Multiple Databases
      3. Data Recovery and Transaction Logs
        1. The Extensible Storage Engine
          1. How ESE Works
            1. How Data Is Stored
            2. Database Files
            3. ESE and Memory Management
            4. Transaction Log Files
            5. How Log Files Are Replayed During Recovery
            6. Checkpoint File
            7. How Log Entries Are Written to the Database
      4. Installable File System
        1. The Web Folder Client
      5. Public Folders
        1. Multiple Public Folder Trees
      6. Client Access to Exchange 2003 Stores
      7. Indexing
        1. The Indexing Process
        2. Updating the Index
        3. Search Architecture
        4. Gather Files
        5. Moving the Index When It Gets Too Big
      8. Front-End/Back-End Servers
      9. Summary
    3. 3. Understanding Exchange Server Routing Architecture
      1. Routing Groups
      2. Routing Groups and Public Folders
      3. Overview of the Transport Architecture
        1. Message Routing Within the Same Server
        2. Message Routing Within the Same Routing Group
        3. Message Routing to Other Routing Groups
        4. Message Routing to Foreign E-Mail Systems
      4. Routing Group Topologies
      5. Link State Information
        1. Link State Algorithm
        2. Link State Concepts
        3. How Link State Information Works
          1. Failure of a Single Link
          2. Failure of Multiple Links
          3. Unchanging Link State
          4. Oscillating Link State Information
          5. Failure of a Routing Group Master
      6. Summary
    4. 4. Understanding Windows Server 2003 Integration
      1. Brief Overview of Active Directory
        1. Directory Structure in Active Directory
        2. Logical Structure of Active Directory
          1. Domains
            1. Schema Master
            2. Domain Naming Master
            3. Relative Identifier Master
            4. PDC Emulator
            5. Infrastructure Master
          2. Organizational Units
          3. Trees and Forests
          4. Groups
            1. Global Groups
            2. Domain Local Groups
            3. Universal Groups
      2. Other Active Directory Components
        1. Naming Partitions
        2. Sites
        3. Location Service Providers
        4. Global Catalog Servers
        5. Client Authentication
        6. Active Directory Names
        7. Distinguished Name
        8. Relative Distinguished Name
        9. User Principal Name
        10. Globally Unique Identifier
      3. Exchange Server 2003 and Active Directory
        1. Storing Exchange 2003 Data in Active Directory
          1. Domain Naming Partition
            1. Designing a Group Implementation Strategy
          2. Configuration Naming Partition
          3. Schema Naming Partition
        2. Generating E-Mail Addresses
        3. Exchange Server 2003 and Forest Boundaries
        4. Integration with Global Catalog Servers
          1. DSProxy
          2. DSAccess
        5. Configuration Partition and Directory Data
        6. Address Book Views
      4. Integration with Internet Information Services 6.0
        1. Simple Mail Transport Protocol
      5. DNS Configuration
      6. Summary
  6. II. Planning
    1. 5. Assessing Needs
      1. Defining User Needs
        1. Messaging
        2. Public Folders
        3. Connections to Other Systems
        4. Remote Access
        5. Custom Applications
        6. Training and Support Services
      2. Assessing Current Resources
        1. Defining Your Geographic Profile
        2. Defining Your Software Environment
        3. Defining Your Network Topology
        4. Defining Your Active Directory Model
        5. Putting the Diagrams Together
      3. Defining Administrative Needs
      4. Summary
    2. 6. Planning for Development
      1. Planning the Organization
        1. Establishing a Naming Convention
          1. Organization Names
          2. Routing Group Names
          3. Server Names
          4. Recipient Names
        2. Defining Routing Groups
          1. Geographic Considerations
          2. Network Considerations
        3. Planning Routing Group Connectors
          1. Routing Group Connector
          2. SMTP Connector
          3. X.400 Connector
          4. Multiple Messaging Connectors
      2. Planning Routing Groups
        1. Designing Your Routing Groups
        2. Planning Public Folders
        3. Planning Gateways
      3. Planning Servers
        1. Disk Considerations
        2. Processor Considerations
        3. Memory Considerations
        4. Network Considerations
        5. Ways to Add Fault Tolerance
      4. Summary
  7. III. Deployment
    1. 7. Installing Exchange Server 2003
      1. Preparing for the Installation
        1. Gathering Information
        2. Verifying Hardware Requirements
        3. Getting Service Packs
        4. Defining the Role of Your Server
        5. Optimizing Hardware Through Configuration
        6. Verifying System Requirements
          1. Windows
          2. Active Directory Domains
          3. TCP/IP
          4. Windows Clustering
        7. Creating the Exchange Administrator’s Account
          1. Playing It Safe
      2. Installing Exchange Server 2003
        1. Choosing Components for Installation
        2. Creating an Organization
        3. Licensing
        4. Confirming the Installation Choices
        5. Installing in an Existing Organization
      3. Verifying Your Installation
      4. Summary
    2. 8. Managing Exchange Server 2003
      1. Microsoft Management Console
        1. The MMC User Interface
          1. MMC Menu Bar
          2. MMC Toolbar
          3. Snap-in Action Bar
          4. Scope Pane
          5. Details Pane
          6. Snap-in Root Node
          7. Containers and Objects
        2. How MMC Works
          1. Snap-ins
          2. Packages
          3. Custom Tools
          4. Custom Consoles
      2. Using the Exchange System Snap-in
      3. Examining the Exchange Hierarchy
        1. Global Settings Container
        2. Recipients Container
        3. Servers Container
        4. Connectors Container
        5. Tools Container
        6. Folders Container
      4. Customizing an Exchange System Console
      5. Summary
    3. 9. Creating and Managing Recipients
      1. Understanding Recipient Types
      2. Users
        1. Mailbox-Enabled Users
          1. Creating a New Mailbox-Enabled User
          2. Configuring Mailbox Properties
          3. General Tab
          4. Organization Tab
          5. Exchange General Tab
          6. E-Mail Addresses Tab
          7. Exchange Features Tab
          8. Exchange Advanced Tab
            1. Custom Attributes Button
            2. ILS Settings Button
            3. Mailbox Rights Button
          9. Member of Tab
        2. Mail-Enabled Users
      3. Contacts
        1. Creating a Contact
        2. Configuring a Contact
      4. Groups
        1. Creating a Group
        2. Configuring a Group
          1. Members Tab
          2. Managed By Tab
          3. Exchange Advanced Tab
        3. Creating Query-Based Distribution Groups
      5. Searching for Recipients
        1. Filtering Recipients
        2. Finding Recipients
      6. Templates
      7. Recipient Policies
        1. Creating a Recipient Policy
        2. Creating an Exception to a Policy
      8. Address Lists
      9. Summary
    4. 10. Using Public Folders
      1. Understanding Public Folder Storage
      2. Using Public Folders in Microsoft Outlook 2003
        1. Creating a Public Folder in Outlook
        2. Managing Public Folders in Outlook
          1. General Tab
          2. Administration Tab
          3. Forms Tab
          4. Permissions Tab
      3. Using Public Folders in the Exchange System Snap-In
        1. Creating a Public Folder Tree
          1. Creating a New Top-Level Root Folder
          2. Creating a New Public Folder Store
          3. Connecting to the Public Folder Store
        2. Creating a Public Folder in the Exchange System Snap-In
        3. Managing Public Folders in the Exchange System Snap-In
          1. Managing Public Folders at the Public Folder Store Level
          2. Managing Public Folders at the Folder Level
      4. Replicating a Public Folder
        1. Creating a Replica
        2. Configuring Replication at the Public Folder Store
        3. Public Folder Referrals
        4. Synchronizing Public Folder Replicas
          1. Message Creation
          2. Message Deletion
          3. Message Expiration
          4. Message Modification
      5. Summary
    5. 11. Using Storage Groups
      1. Review of Exchange 2003 Storage Architecture
      2. Benefits of Using Storage Groups
        1. Increased User Support
        2. Individual Backup and Restore
        3. Hosting of Multiple Businesses
        4. Support for Special Mailboxes
        5. Circular Logging for a Single Storage Group
      3. Planning Storage Groups
        1. Planning for Disk Space
          1. Calculating Disk Space for E-Mails and Attachments
          2. Calculating Disk Space for Public Folders
        2. Planning for Multiple Storage Groups
        3. Planning for Backup Throughput
      4. Creating Storage Groups
      5. Creating Stores
        1. Creating a Mailbox Store
      6. Moving Transaction Log Files and Database Files
      7. Deleting Stores or Storage Groups
        1. Deleting a Mailbox Store
        2. Deleting a Public Folder Store
        3. Deleting a Storage Group
      8. Creating a Full-Text Index
      9. Summary
    6. 12. Using Administrative and Routing Groups
      1. Administrative Group Concepts
        1. Choosing an Administrative Model
          1. Centralized Administrative Model
          2. Decentralized Administrative Model
          3. Mixed Administrative Model
      2. Administrative Groups and Permissions
      3. Creating an Administrative Group
        1. Creating a New Container
        2. Server Objects and Administrative Groups
      4. Exchange 2003 Policies
        1. Creating a System Policy
          1. Creating a Server Policy
          2. Creating a Public Store Policy
          3. Creating a Mailbox Store Policy
        2. Managing Policy Conflicts
      5. Creating and Managing Routing Groups
        1. Creating a Routing Group
        2. Managing a Routing Group
      6. Summary
    7. 13. Connecting Routing Groups
      1. Routing Group Connector
        1. Creating a Routing Group Connector
          1. Remote Bridgehead Tab
          2. Delivery Restrictions Tab
          3. Delivery Options Tab
          4. Content Restrictions Tab
      2. SMTP Connector
        1. Creating an SMTP Connector
          1. Delivery Options Tab
          2. Advanced Tab
          3. Address Space Tab
          4. Connected Routing Groups Tab
      3. Link State Administration
        1. Scenario 1: First Link Is Unavailable
          1. Managing Messages in Outbound Queues
          2. Resuming Normal Operation
        2. Scenario 2: Destination Link Is Unavailable
        3. Scenario 3: Alternate, Higher-Cost Route Is Available
        4. Scenario 4: Message Has Multiple Destinations
      4. Summary
  8. IV. Upgrading and Migrating
    1. 14. Planning a Migration to Exchange Server 2003
      1. Differentiating Between Migration and Upgrade
      2. Planning the Migration Strategy
      3. Taking a Current Snapshot
      4. Choosing Network Migration Tools
        1. Move Server Wizard
        2. Exmerge
        3. Exchange Migration Wizard
        4. Active Directory Migration Tool
      5. Creating the Migration Team
      6. Deciding When to Move Users
        1. Maintaining Connections During Coexistence
          1. Connectors Between Platforms
          2. Maintaining External Addresses
          3. Naming Conventions
            1. Directory Names
            2. Display Names
          4. Managing Migrated Messages
          5. Migrating Distribution Lists
      7. Creating a Deployment Plan
      8. Sample Migration Plan Outline
      9. Summary
    2. 15. Migrating to Exchange Server 2003
      1. The Example Scenario
      2. Understanding the Big Picture
      3. Migrating Windows NT Accounts to Active Directory
      4. Migrating Exchange Account Information
      5. Managing Duplicate Accounts
      6. Finishing the Account Migration from Exchange 5.5
      7. Installing Exchange 2003 into the Exchange 5.5 Site
      8. Using Exmerge
      9. Migrating Public Folders
      10. Finishing the Migration
        1. Connector Upgrades
        2. Internet Mail Connector Upgrade
        3. Upgrading Foreign Connectors
        4. GWART and LST
      11. Decommissioning and Removing the Last Exchange 5.5 Server and Site
      12. Considering a Rollback
      13. Summary
    3. 16. Coexisting with Previous Versions of Exchange
      1. Coexisting with the Exchange 5.x Directory
        1. Site Replication Service
        2. Site Consistency Checker
        3. SRS Database
        4. Active Directory Connector
          1. Planning Connection Agreements in Active Directory Connector Service
          2. Installing the ADC Service
          3. Configuring the Active Directory Connector Service
            1. Connections Tab
            2. Schedule Tab
            3. From Exchange and From Windows Tabs
            4. Deletion Tab
            5. Advanced Tab
          4. Setting the Default Policy for the ADC Service
      2. Working with Sites, Administrative Groups, and Routing Groups
      3. Handling Other Coexistence Issues
        1. Proxy Address
        2. Foreign E-Mail Connection
        3. Messages
        4. User Data
      4. Summary
  9. V. Clients
    1. 17. Overview of Exchange Clients
      1. Microsoft Outlook
        1. Outlook Today
      2. Microsoft Outlook Express
        1. Messaging
        2. News Reading
        3. Performing Directory Service Lookups
      3. Outlook Web Access
      4. Exchange Client
      5. Schedule+
      6. Standard Internet E-Mail Clients
        1. Non-Windows Platforms
          1. UNIX Clients
          2. Macintosh Clients
      7. Choosing a Client for Exchange Server
      8. Summary
    2. 18. Deploying Outlook 2003
      1. Installing Outlook 2003
        1. Standard Outlook Installation
        2. Customizing Outlook Installation
          1. Using Command-Line Switches
          2. Using a Setup Information File
          3. Using the Office Custom Installation Wizard
        3. Systems Management Server
      2. Supporting Outlook 2003
        1. Using Cached Exchange Mode
          1. Configuring Cached Exchange Mode
            1. Changing Cached Exchange Mode Connection Settings
            2. Disabling Cached Exchange Mode
          2. Synchronizing a Mailbox
          3. Synchronizing Public Folders
          4. Shaping Synchronization
          5. Deciding Whether to Copy or Synchronize Public Folders
        2. Enabling Multiple Users in Outlook 2003
          1. Understanding Outlook Profiles, Exchange Mailboxes, and User Accounts
          2. Creating Multiple Profiles with Outlook 2003
          3. Providing Access to Different Exchange Mailboxes
          4. Using Outlook to Delegate Mailbox Access
          5. Setting Up Roving Users
        3. HTTP Access from Outlook
      3. Summary
    3. 19. Supporting Outlook Web Access
      1. Features of OWA
        1. Logon/Logoff Improvements
        2. Securing Outlook Web Access Client Traffic
      2. Managing OWA
        1. Exchange System Manager
        2. Internet Information Services
      3. Deploying OWA
        1. Single-Server Scenario
        2. Front-End/Back-End Scenario
        3. Configuring an OWA FE Server
        4. Firewalls and FE Servers
          1. Placing an FE Server Inside a Single Firewall
          2. Place the FE Server Outside Your Firewall
          3. Placing the FE Server Between Two Firewalls
      4. OWA User Features
        1. OWA Segmentation
      5. Summary
    4. 20. Supporting Internet Protocols and SMTP
      1. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
        1. 7-Bit ASCII Character Set
        2. Extended ASCII Character Set
        3. MIME Format
        4. SMTP Service Extensions
        5. Exchange Server 2003 and the SMTP Service
        6. SMTP Virtual Servers
          1. Configuring and Administering a Virtual Server
            1. Enabling message filtering
          2. Connection Filtering
          3. Recipient Filtering
          4. Sender Filtering
            1. Configuring access properties
            2. Configuring messaging limits and badmail behavior
            3. Configuring delivery information
        7. Troubleshooting SMTP
      2. Post Office Protocol 3
      3. Internet Messaging Access Protocol 4
        1. Administering IMAP4
      4. Network News Transfer Protocol
        1. NNTP Architecture
        2. NNTP Commands
        3. Administering NNTP
          1. Configuring an NNTP Virtual Server
          2. NNTP Server Objects
      5. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
      6. Summary
  10. VI. Functionality
    1. 21. Connecting to Other Messaging Systems with X.400
      1. Overview of X.400
      2. Creating an MTA Service Transport Stack
        1. General Tab
        2. Connectors Tab
      3. Creating an X.400 Connector
        1. General Tab
        2. Schedule Tab
        3. Stack Tab
        4. Override Tab
        5. Address Space Tab
        6. Connected Routing Groups Tab
        7. Delivery Restrictions Tab
        8. Advanced Tab
        9. Content Restrictions Tab
      4. Summary
    2. 22. Mobile Services in Exchange Server 2003
      1. Exchange ActiveSync
        1. Setting Up Exchange Server 2003 for Exchange ActiveSync
        2. Setting Up a Mobile Device for Exchange ActiveSync
      2. Outlook Mobile Access
        1. Configuring Outlook Mobile Access in Exchange Server 2003
        2. Enabling Unsupported Devices in OMA
      3. Summary
  11. VII. Security
    1. 23. Security Policies and Exchange Server 2003
      1. Why Are Information Security Policies Important?
      2. Information Security Policies and Electronic Policies
      3. Information Security Policies for Exchange Server 2003
        1. Password Policies
        2. Logon Policies
        3. Acceptable Use Policies
        4. Computer Viruses, Trojans, and Worms
        5. Schema Extensions by Exchange Server 2003
        6. Data Security
        7. Legal Exposure to Unwanted E-Mail Content
        8. Backing Up and Archiving Exchange Databases
        9. E-Mail Integrity
        10. Miscellaneous Elements to Consider
      4. Summary
    2. 24. Exchange Server Security
      1. The Scope of Security
      2. Motivations of an Attacker
      3. How Hackers Work
      4. Physical Security
      5. Administrative Security
      6. SMTP Security
      7. Computer Viruses
        1. What Is a Virus?
        2. Trojans
        3. Worms
      8. Junk E-Mail
      9. Summary
    3. 25. Securing Exchange Server 2003 Messages
      1. Windows Server 2003 Security Protocols
      2. Understanding the Public-Key Infrastructure in Windows Server 2003
        1. Encryption and Keys
        2. Encryption Schemes
        3. Certificate Services in Windows Server 2003
          1. Digital Certificates and the X.509 Standard
          2. Certificate Authority
          3. Certificate Services Architecture in Windows Server 2003
          4. Entry Module
          5. Policy Module
          6. Certificate Templates
          7. Certificate Database
          8. Exit Modules
      3. Managing the Public-Key Infrastructure
        1. Installing and Configuring Certificate Services
        2. Installing Web Enrollment Support
        3. Using the Web Enrollment Pages
          1. Making an Advanced Request
        4. Viewing Information About Certificates
      4. Securing Messaging in Outlook 2003
        1. Initially Trusting a Certificate
        2. Encryption and Outlook 2003
        3. Digital Signatures and Outlook 2003
        4. S/MIME and Outlook 2003
        5. Configuring Outlook 2003 for Secure Messaging
      5. Installing Exchange Certificate Templates
      6. Working with the Local Certificate Store
      7. Understanding How Exchange Server 2003 Integrates with Windows Server 2003 Security
        1. Active Directory
        2. Kerberos Authentication
        3. Access Control Model
        4. IP Security
      8. Cross-Forest Authentication
      9. Summary
  12. VIII. Maintenance
    1. 26. Monitoring Exchange Server 2003
      1. Using Event Viewer
      2. Using Diagnostics Logging
      3. Using Exchange Monitors
        1. Using Server Monitors
          1. Windows Services
          2. SMTP and X.400 Queue Growth
          3. CPU Utilization
          4. Free Disk Space
          5. Available Virtual Memory
        2. Using Link Monitors
        3. Using Notifications
          1. Setting Up an E-Mail Notification
          2. Setting Up a Script Notification
      4. Tracking Messages
        1. Enabling Message Tracking for a Server
        2. Using the Message Tracking Center
      5. Using System Monitor
      6. Using SNMP and the MADMAN MIB
        1. How SNMP Works
        2. Exchange Server 2003 and the MADMAN MIB
      7. Summary
    2. 27. Disaster Recovery of an Exchange Server 2003 Database
      1. Backup and Restore Strategy
        1. Database GUID
        2. Mailbox GUID
        3. Log File Signature
        4. Circular Logging
        5. Checksum
        6. Single Database Backup
        7. Domain and Configuration Partitions
        8. Types of Backups
        9. Backup Strategies
        10. The Backup Process
        11. Restore Process Overview
        12. Restoring the Binary Files
        13. Considerations of Different Restore Scenarios
          1. Restoring Online Backups
          2. Restoring Offline Backups
          3. Restoring a Single Mailbox
          4. Restoring a Single Database
          5. Restoring Databases to a Different Server
          6. Single Mailbox
      2. Recovery Scenarios
        1. Recovering an Exchange Server 2003 Member Server
      3. Best Practices
      4. Shadow Copies and Exchange Server 2003
      5. Summary
    3. 28. Troubleshooting Exchange Server 2003
      1. Using Troubleshooting Tools
        1. Inbox Repair Tool
        2. RPing Utility
          1. RPing Server
          2. RPing Client
        3. Eseutil.exe Offline Tool
      2. Other Useful Utilities
      3. Finding Help
        1. Product Documentation
        2. Microsoft TechNet
        3. Internet Newsgroups
      4. Summary
    4. 29. Tuning Exchange Server 2003 Performance
      1. Understanding How the Performance Snap-in Works
        1. Performance Monitoring Concepts
          1. Throughput
          2. Queue
          3. Response Time
          4. Bottleneck
        2. Collecting Data with the Performance Snap-in
        3. Viewing Collected Data
      2. Evaluating the Four Main Subsystems in Windows
        1. Evaluating Memory Usage
        2. Evaluating Processor Usage
        3. Evaluating Disk Usage
        4. Evaluating Network Usage
      3. Using the Performance Snap-in to Tune Exchange Server 2003
        1. SMTP System Monitor Counters
        2. Content Indexing System Monitor Counters
        3. Outlook Web Access
      4. Summary
  13. IX. Appendixes
    1. A. Default Directory Structure for Exchange Server 2003
    2. B. Delivery Status Notification Codes
    3. C. Log File Locations
    4. Glossary
    5. D.
    6. E. System Requirements
      1. Additional Software Required to Use Specific Features in Exchange 2003 Enterprise Edition
  14. Index
  15. About the Authors
  16. Copyright