
Book Description

Authors Imran Rashid and Soren Kenner have sparked an international debate by revealing the “mind hacks” Facebook, Apple, Google, and Instagram use to get you and your children hooked on their products.

In Offline, they deliver an eye-opening research-based journey into the world of tech giants, smartphones, social engineering, and subconscious manipulation. This provocative work shows you how digital devices change individuals and communities for better and worse.

A must-read if you or your kids use smartphones or tablets and spend time browsing social networks, playing online games or even just browsing sites with news and entertainment.  

Learn how to recognize ‘mind hacks’ and avoid the potentially disastrous side-effects of digital pollution. Unplug from the matrix. Learn digital habits that work for you.

Table of Contents

  1. COVER
  3. Introduction: Offline
    1. Are You Being Digitally Manipulated?
    2. Access to Your Attention Has Become a Commodity
    3. Technology Is Good. But Use it Carefully!
    4. How This Book Is Structured
    5. Notes
  4. Chapter One
    1. A Tsunami of Technological Transformation
    2. Imperceptible Change
    3. Because Your Eyeballs Are Worth It
    4. Social Media: The Global Village
    5. Tackling the Onslaught of Information
    6. Notes
  5. Chapter Two
    1. A Fire Upon the Deep
    2. Developing Bigger Brains Was an Evolutionary Gamble
    3. The Three Layers of Your Brain
    4. Prefiltering and Neuroplasticity: Your Adaptable Brain
    5. Is Your Consciousness Time-Shifted?
    6. To Be or Not to Be Conscious
    7. Out of Control
    8. Is Consciousness a Question of Being in the Spotlight?
    9. Models Are Not Reality
    10. The Hard Question of Consciousness
    11. The Social Brain
    12. Notes
  6. Chapter Three
    1. The Billion Dollar Question
    2. Dopamine: Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll?
    3. Oxytocin: Humans Need Humans
    4. Does Your Family Suffer from Technoference?
    5. Being Able to Defer Gratification Is Crucial
    6. What We Actually Do Know about Impulse Control—And About Losing It! Know about Impulse Control—And About Losing It!
    7. Do Smartphones Affect Human Self-Control?
    8. Notes
  7. Chapter Four
    1. The Human Information Factory
    2. The Limited Working Memory
    3. The Sorting Task
    4. Information Processing
    5. Would You Dare to Be a Passenger in a Car Driven by a Distracted You?
    6. Excuse Me, Do You Have a Minute?
    7. Smartphones and Feelings
    8. A Quick Pit-Stop Before Heading into the Land of Dragons
    9. Notes
  8. Chapter Five
    1. One Great Big Online Market
    2. B.J. Fogg and the Stanford Persuasion Lab
    3. Let's Take a Look at B.J. Fogg's Model as It Is Being Used Today…
    4. Your Phone Is a Slot Machine!
    5. What Do the Companies Targeting You See?
    6. Your Personality Can Be Predicted with Great Accuracy
    7. The Cambridge Analytica Scandal
    8. How You Are Captured and Converted
    9. Multivariate Testing—Helping Consumers Capture Themselves
    10. The Strange World of Tracking Pixels, Cookies and Remarketing
    11. All Aboard the Consumer Journey Train
    12. The Horrible Dark Patterns
    13. How Google Skews Your Search Results
    14. Notes
  9. Chapter Six
    1. Stress, Low Self-Esteem, Anxiety and Sleep Disturbances
    2. Smartphones and Social Media Can Lead to ADHD in Adolescents
    3. Can Use of Social Media Be Addictive?
    4. When Addictive Design and Basic Human Social Traits Clash
    5. The Effects Are Not Just Physiological or Psychological
    6. Echo Chambers and Confirmation Bias
    7. When Confirmation Bias Leads to Cognitive Dissonance
    8. The Sharp Decline in Empathy
    9. The Changing World of Youngsters
    10. Cyberbullying
    11. In Conclusion: The Road Ahead Is All About the Choices You Make!
    12. Notes
  10. Chapter Seven
    1. Making Changes Is Not Easy!
    2. Change Means Doing Things Differently
    3. Step 1: Life Stories
    4. Step 2: Mapping out Your Habits and How You Spend Your Time
    5. Step 3: Identify Triggers & Cues
    6. Step 4: Plan Your Countermove and Start Acting
    7. Troubleshoot Failure
    8. In Summary: It's Not Rocket Science, but It's Not All That Easy Either
    9. Teaching Your Children Sensible and Healthy Digital Habits
    10. The Underlying Psychological Principles
    11. Entering the Zone—Learning to Focus
    12. Deliberate Practice
    13. In Conclusion: It's Simple, but It's Not Easy
    14. Notes
    1. Notes
  12. INDEX