
Book Description

The Perl Pocket Reference is an invaluable reference for those who find themselves frequently searching for a quick answer to a question or reminder of a syntax rule. This handy, well-organized quick reference condenses stacks of Perl documentation down to the most essential at-your-fingertips facts. For ease-of-use, convenience, and price, this little reference is the first place Perl programmers look when they need an answer quickly.The Perl Pocket Referenc provides a complete overview of the Perl programming language, all packed into a convenient, carry-around booklet. It is updated for Perl 5.8, and covers a summary of Perl syntax rules, a complete list of operators, built-in functions, and standard library modules, all with brief descriptions. Also included are the newest Perl features, such as enhanced regular expressions, multithreading, the Perl compiler, and Unicode support.The Perl Pocket Reference, 4th Edition, is the perfect companion to the authoritative books on Perl published by O'Reilly & Associates: Programming Perl, Learning Perl, and the Perl Cookbook. This pocket reference will never make it to the bookshelf--dog-eared and well worn, it will remain within arms reach of the keyboard or tucked in a back pocket, where it will be referred to on a daily basis.

Table of Contents

  1. Perl Pocket Reference
  2. 1. Conventions
  3. 2. Command-Line Options
  4. 3. Syntax
  5. 4. Embedded Documentation
  6. 5. Data Types
  7. 6. Quotes and Interpolation
  8. 7. Literal Values
    1. Scalar Values
    2. List Values
    3. Hash Values
    4. Filehandles
  9. 8. Variables
  10. 9. Context
  11. 10. Operators and Precedence
  12. 11. Statements
  13. 12. Subroutines
    1. Special Subroutines
  14. 13. Packages and Modules
  15. 14. Pragmatic Modules
  16. 15. Object-Oriented Programming
  17. 16. Special Classes
  18. 17. Arithmetic Functions
  19. 18. Conversion Functions
  20. 19. Structure Conversion
  21. 20. String Functions
  22. 21. Array and Hash Functions
  23. 22. Regular Expressions
  24. 23. Search and Replace Functions
  25. 24. File Test Operators
  26. 25. File Operations
  27. 26. Input and Output
    1. Open Modes
    2. Common constants
    3. Standard I/O Layers
  28. 27. Formatted Printing
  29. 28. Formats
  30. 29. Tying Variables
  31. 30. Directory Reading Routines
  32. 31. System Interaction
  33. 32. Networking
  34. 33. System V IPC
  35. 34. Miscellaneous
  36. 35. Information from System Databases
    1. Information About Users
    2. Information About Groups
    3. Information About Networks
    4. Information About Network Hosts
    5. Information About Network Services
    6. Information About Network Protocols
  37. 36. Special Variables
  38. 37. Special Arrays
  39. 38. Special Hashes
  40. 39. Environment Variables
  41. 40. Threads
  42. 41. Compiler Backends
  43. 42. The Perl Debugger
  44. A. Standard Modules
  45. B. Perl Links
  46. C. Perl O’REILLY®
    1. Perl Pocket Reference
  47. Index
  48. About the Author
  49. Copyright