
Book Description

Leadership, corporate responsibility and management ethics underline the human centered paradigm in the complex world of today. One major issue in management is impact on people. This book relates to the outcomes of human interaction within and beyond the borders of an organization. It discusses what motivates moral behavior at the individual and the collective levels, how morality is engrained in markets and how it is deployed in business processes and stakeholder relations. The book shows that human centered management is built and consolidated in four complementary dimensions: ethical, social, economic and institutional. It emphasizes that moral managers and moral markets are essential for business sustainability.

Rethinking Leadership covers ethics development from its origin to help managers understand and confront the 21st century's increasing challenges and disruptions. Its clear narrative and cogent examples bridge scholars and practitioners, with distinctive examples on how to implement human centered management and how to teach the subject to executives.

The author has 30 years of business experience in developed and developing countries and 20 years in academia in the US and in Europe, which provides solid background to effectively and affectively discuss the topic from the multiple angles.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. Foreword
  6. Preface
  7. Introduction
  8. 1 The four perspectives of human centered management: a systemic interrelation
    1. 1.1 The four perspectives
    2. 1.2 Interrelating the four perspectives through multi-stakeholder dialogues
  9. 2 The ethical perspective
    1. 2.1 Introduction: morality, ethics and principles
    2. 2.2 The prerequisites: setting an adequate philosophical agenda
    3. 2.3 Enablers of human centered management
    4. 2.4 The effects
  10. 3 The social perspective
    1. 3.1 Corporate social responsibility
    2. 3.2 Equitability and social justice
    3. 3.3 Inclusiveness
    4. 3.4 Social business and the role of social entrepreneurs
    5. 3.5 Impacts of culture
  11. 4 The economic perspective
    1. 4.1 Market-based approaches to business ethics
    2. 4.2 Impacting the wider environment of markets and society
  12. 5 The institutional perspective
    1. 5.1 Policy agendas
    2. 5.2 Ethics in government and public office
  13. 6 Implementing human centered management
    1. 6.1 Arriving at a consensus on values
    2. 6.2 Ethics codes
    3. 6.3 Ethical obligations and the law
    4. 6.4 Fighting corruption and free riding
  14. 7 Conducting stakeholder relations responsibly
    1. 7.1 The employer–employee relationship
    2. 7.2 Relations with customers and consumers
    3. 7.3 Relations with suppliers and competitors
    4. 7.4 Relations with investors
    5. 7.5 Community relations
    6. 7.6 The natural environment: a multifaceted stakeholder relationship
  15. 8 Moral person, moral leader, moral organization
  16. 9 Recommendations for teaching human centered management
    1. 9.1 A principles-based education on business ethics
    2. 9.2 Two sets of exemplary business ethics curricula
    3. 9.3 Six teaching blocks
  17. Outlook
  18. References
  19. Index